Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Surgery: The Fine Line

Which one are you?  Which one am I? 

There's a fine line in soaps: Asking viewers to suspend disbelief for the sake of a broader more fantasitcal story and .. asking them to swallow something far more simple that was just executed poorly.  

So apparent this week that Billy's exit rocked the story line department. Was it THAT sudden? I can't imagine management didn't relay the situation to the writing team but stupider things have been known to happen. As a producer one would think you'd want to have a seamless departure of a well loved star, especially on the heels of a hectic and sudden recast. But what do I know about running a soap?
I only watch them. 

Sit back because this blog may be more of a 'think piece' this week than my usual snark. GH's ratings are on the brink and there's no where to go but up. Well, there is, but I don't want to think about that.  This is long as hell so get pot of coffee ready. 


I realize running a show 300+ days a year is a formidable task and I certainly don't begin to imagine how one would accomplish such a feat.  I do know that in recent years, GH has lost a good amount of talent to other projects and has seemed to wax and wane on certain stories. This could be due in part, to  backstage antics that are pretty evident if you follow social media. I feel  like GH is focusing on the wrong stories and characters so much lately and has been for awhile. The choppy editing and segmented  stories just mess with the flow of the show. I find myself trying to cheer it on when I live Tweet because god knows they need the help. Hard to do when things seem to be falling apart before your very eyes. 


THE MIND TRAP: So many ways to start on this. Many people believe that Drew's memories should have been given back to "Drew" long ago. Question is: Why weren't they? I can't imagine that the writers didn't want to go in that direction. The entire Oscar and Kim arc would have been the perfect vehicle. Fans of Billy Miller would say that they favor other actors over him--yet... why would they pass on a great opportunity with an award winning actor to favor others that don't work as well in the content? Ah, I may never know the inner workings of a daytime drama. But believe me, I think there was some drama there. 


I do know this: HUGE Shift came when Burton got back. Now, I for one, loved that return story line because it was written very tightly, had a ton of drama and for the most part all the players brought it. Kelly Monaco was my actor of the year that year. Seemed like the canvas was alive with all the characters participating.
Then, it all went south.  


Actors seemed moody... that whole Drew/Sam/Jason triangle never really surfaced and things stalled for months while Sam moped around. I'm going to say it: Neither Miller nor Monaco were happy. You could tell in the social media posts and you could tell in performances.  Maybe someday they'll grace us with the whole story. I'd love to hear it. 
**PS don't say to me they 'deserved to be angry because of X Y Z-- that may be true but professionals don't let it show on canvas. 


GOOD THINGS TO COME OUT OF THIS STORY: Getting more characters in the mix. Scotty for one. As Franco's Dad he's going a bit nutty over things. Curtis, Hayden, Liz and Drew talking the situation out in the living room. Nice. Let's not forget Hayden is now living with Liz due to this.  Dragging Shiloh, Peter and even Nelle into the fray. Kevin, Kim, Monica and Ava should be jumping in soon so I do get that this is a nice 'umbrella' moment. That is not lost on me. The actors are doing a fine job and if written right, the shake up could be a good one. I say that with the "glass half full" attitude. 

We've  lost Vinessa Antoine, who was very successful playing Jordan. Why? Well, the girl didn't have a contract. So, while the family of Curtis and she were being built up it was again, choppy and barely there.  The actor playing TJ left.  Now Vernee Wilson has gone.  See a trend? I mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that investment in that was so thin, even the actors ran. 


Popular actor Dom Z also walked.  Big loss. The one bright light was that his exit story involved Robert which eventually lead to Tristan's return.  Brytni Sarpy also left; just when there was potential for a Krissy/Val story. *sigh*.  Don't forget Ryan Paevy- he's on to Hallmark. 

 Photo credit: @LanteQuotz


Michelle left for YR... leaving a Nina hole. Not for anything (and I'm not a huge Valentin/Nina fan) but she brought something to Nina that was playful and interesting. Nothing against Cynthia Watros but Nina's just bland now. I don't care about her anymore. I never really cared about Valentin because he's been vacillating  between "evil" ..."Bad"..and "Good" for years now. He has no teeth. He tells stupid secrets to try and keep Nina and we wait until he's found out. *Sigh*. Not a whole lot of drama there. Charlotte was interesting for a hot minute when she was a bratty, sassy Cassadine but even she got watered down because god forbid we have a kid that's a bully on the show. Everyone has to learn a lesson in these times. 


Speaking of White-Washing..enter Franco. A once wonderfully demented character -he got SO domesticated they actually gave him other memories and persona to spice things up. The decision to make Roger Franco was probably one of the worst moves ever, I will grant you that. But making him Old-Drew now is baffling. It struck me when Drew and he were talking. Drew Present was actually talking to Drew Past. Now, Drew Present is leaving and that gives us Drew from brith to 2012. And he erasure of Franco. Which, yes, some people love but there's also a big contingent out there that bought the whole Franco is changed and are huge Friz fans. Do I want to see Elizabeth fight to get her man back when he's implanted with flashdrive memories of being in high school and in the war? 
Not my thing. Maybe it will be interesting... I have no idea.  


Things I'm tired of: Characters eating and talking in the Metro Court ALL. THE. TIME. I get it, it saves money. It also dulls the senses. Having Molly and TJ on once a month or less just to tease us into thinking something might happen. Remember when Molly was going to write about the whole DOD thing? Molly who was screaming about her sister being brainwashed? yeah.. think about how many times she showed up post-Kristina out of the cult. Don't think hard because it was minimal at best. I'm also tired of stories like Cassandra-- gaining steam and then shelved for weeks. Baby story getting good with Nelle and Harmony--then nothing.  Mac not being around more. Yes, the actor isn't on contract. We get that but for crying out loud, he's running the PCPD now. Hire the man for more than a few token appearances. I'm tired of Alexis in therapy. Yep, I really thought I'd love it but it's boring and now she and Neal are in some kind of weird limbo.


I'm tired of Sonny yelling at Ava, even when she's just sitting there, not bothering anyone, trying to have a cocktail. I so wish she would have said Fuck You Sonny (even if they had to beep it out) and stomped on his foot. I want her to fight for Avery and beat the Corinthos Clan. Get her angry.. the weepy "I need validation from my dead daughter" is over. SO over. 


THE LITTLE THINGS:  Julian's restaurant being empty ALL. THE. TIME.  Lulu not taking notes at the wine fest even though she's writing a story. No extras at said "wine tasting in the park".  Lulu and Maxie at Crimson--or anyone at Crimson and you never hear a phone ring or any dull 'buzz'. Magazines are hectic places, aren't they? 


Carly not being shown in a scene with Bobbie about her baby yet.  The teens being snooze worthy ..even tho they are teens with all that teendom can bring.  Kevin and Laura back together but not shown together at home. And the kids. Oy the kids. It's one thing to not 'see''s another to act like they don't exist (Maxie, Sam). Did they all of a sudden cut the child actor budget to zero? Summer is usually the time we see them all. I don't get it. 


Last but not least I feel like  to talk about the exit of Billy Miller. Anyone else reminded of another character that was shoved into an elevator and left? Why yes, that's Ric Lansing. Lame then, lame now. Don't give me the "it was too soon to write a good exit". If you can spend 3 days on Drew talking to Curtis about Franco's mind, you could have had 3 days of other things. The car and the money? Drew 'had a feeling about" that used car? From his old Army buddy TEX (that' I'm assuming was TEXAN)? Welp. Okay then. Godspeed. Just don't get pissed when his fans follow. A thoughtful write-off of an important character and actor is so crucial. Unless you're going to kill them off shock-style, give it some care.  
Photo credit: @soapsass 



Hayden helped Elizabeth on the domestic front 
Franco was let out with an ankle monitor and word to stay in Port Charles
Kim gave Monica her resignation and Monica begged her to stay 
Shiloh is blackmailing Peter about his past part in the Drew capture to get him free
Ava talked to "Kiki" 
Lesil and Jax had lunch 
The Teens Don't want to go to school...except for Trina who thinks they lost their damn minds
Franco tries to reach Kim through Oscar-talk
Drew gets into an elevator and is off to Afghanistan to 'distribute money'
Lulu's divorce went through and she went to a wine tasting
Hayden talked to her daughter (I'm assuming it's a girl) on the phone 
Peter makes a phone call to stop Drew from finding Dr. Maddox
Shasha's illness isn't getting better
Jax actually thinks Lesil is interesting! 
Maxie and Peter said "I love yous" 
Olivia bought Charlie's and got her pizza oven
Nelle overheard Shiloh and Peter, let Shiloh know she's connected to the Qs


THIS WEEK'S BRIGHT SPOT: Lesil and Jax have lunch. Find some fun common ground. Then idiot Carly has to interfere.  Will we ever get another scene with them? I can only pray to the soap gods. 


RUNNER UP/LINE OF THE WEEK: Monica to Finn "you look like a damn vampire"!!  I screamed!!  Photo tx @theWSB 


THANK YOU SOAP GODS FOR THE WEEK: Empress Cassadine--looking fabulous and putting her touch on this back story. Loved 


FACE OF THE WEEK: "WOW you're getting married for the 88th time"??!! Sam's reaction to the CarSon vow renewals. I totally saw this as a trolling moment. Sorry, call 'em like I see 'em. 


WEAK PERFORMANCE OF THE WEEK: Ok, I've given the kid that plays Dev plenty of time. WOW-- but.. WOW. Um.. nope.  Photo Credit: Mindy on twitter 


PROP OF THE WEEK:  Finn's sandwich which he crammed in his mouth, then made Robert pay for. Easton and Rogers are just gold together.  


GHOST OF THE WEEK:  Kiki-- who basically represented Ava's psyche (see Kevin Collins and Chelsea) and boy, does Ava hate herself.  I guess I would too if everyone, even the dead bitched at me 24-7.


MISSED OPPORTUNITY OF THE WEEK: I've been bitching about Carly not telling Bobbie about the baby (and since the wedding is Monday I'm not sure we'll get a 'tell all scene) but THIS could have been so wonderful. Carly opening up to Jax, especially after all they went through medically with Josslyn? They were IN THE ROOM-- things were clicking and you just-- DON'T GO THERE? WHY????? 
PS Carly is wearing some house dresses from the 1940s lately! 


I've been trying to enjoy the show and remain energized all summer, I really have. I show up daily, tweet and try to engage other viewers to dish about things.  Quite a few of the people I interact with on Twitter don't even watch anymore. Sad. GH has such great actors and great seeds of stories -- I just don't know what to say anymore.  I want longer scenes with more characters in them. I want a beginning, middle and end of a story. I want to feel like I'm having fun and being surprised now and then when I watch. 


JaSam's Picnic faces--lol this is epic..and not in a good way!! 

Again, much better to watch the show on Hulu the next day if you can. The constant commercial interruptions are a pain and stretch the show out so much. I'm really hoping that things come together for ratings and soon. Why they left the baby story languish, I can only imagine. I also wonder if Kelly's contract is up in the fall? If so- will she stay? You know how I feel about that. :side-eye:  

Looking forward to: Michael Knight coming and also when DrewCo sees Aiden. THAT should be a great RoHo moment. Will Aiden's little cherub face shake him in any way?? Hmmm....

What's working for you? What's not working? Are you watching as much as you once did? Who do you think Michael E Knight will play? 

Have a great one. Thanks for the Bday wishes. 


  1. Spot on Wubsie! Thank you for your candor. It's crystal clear Frank & Company need to get their act together because this ship is sinking fast. Why they don't see this and keep doubling down on things that are clearly not working is beyond comprehension. One might say it's almost as if they are doing it on purpose......

  2. I turn off GH as soon as jaspam or carson come on just can't watch them anymore. I did like kiki and griffin. but that is over

  3. Kelly and Billy were dating in real life did that end?Is maybe why he left?Is Carly pregnant in real life?

    1. no, and Laura Wright is almost 50! I had no idea. Not that you can't be PG at 50 but ... it's unusual

    2. Dang really....almost 50?!?! Me too!

    3. I'm 51. And I can assure you I am not pregnant.

  4. Thanks a lot kd. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    And add Peter and Maxie to that, witch. He's such a bland character and the constant talks with Maxie are so repetitious and boring. And they put him on contract for that? Oh, no, they put him on contract to keep LW happy because she is the Queen. *bleep* To me he has added nothing to the show except more monotony. And trying to now make him a bad boy is not going to work with that actor. He and "Sam" can crawl off together somewhere so that actors we want to see can be put on contract and bring some life back to the show.

  5. Karen, Happy Birthday!

    Is Carly maybe wearing long dresses because she injured herself? I thought she was supposed to be wearing a cast. but haven't seen one. . .

    You say that Jax found Lesil interesting. Well, aside from her myriad crimes, she is a mature doctor, who also sings and was raised in Europe. Much more interesting than Carly! I NEVER have liked the character of Carly, she was some piece of trailer trash from FLA with Borderline Personality Disorder, never has had an education or a professional career--why she managed to snag the most eligible men in PC always has been a mystery to me . . .

    1. and the character of carly still has not grown at all.still the same trash

  6. It seems like this group of writers doesn't know how to end stories. The Sasha/Nina, Wiley, and Shiloh stories have gone on for so long. I also fast forward with JaSam. I think Jason would be fine with another partner. He still has a twinkle in his eye. He and Sam just don't have chemistry anymore. The Fritz family worked. I hope that Franco begins to regain his memories. Kim is another very boring character. Putting her with angry Drew just doesn't work. Jax and Liesel were so funny. He adds so much to the show. And yes, Maxie and Peter is so boring. She has lost her charm and spark. So like seeing Scott, Robert, Kevin, and Finn. Hope Anna comes back soon. I also agree that Sonny going at Ava is ridiculous. Let her heal and move on. Cam and Trina are wonderful. I also agree the character of Dev isn't working. Hope this week gets better.

    1. Totally forgot to say I love Trina...she's a pistol lol!!

  7. I still watch everyday. Annoyed or not I will...
    Was disappointed in Drew's exit but wasn't everyone.
    I've been binging Port Charles Tainted Love (with the vampires) on YouTube for days now. KeMo was annoying even back then. Michael sexy as ever.

  8. Excellent SS, and with the ratings tanking TPTB should be concerned about what the viewers are saying. Maybe having Peter turn bad again will hopefully lead to his exit. Ava does need to snap out of it and get Avery back. She seems to care more about Kiki. Love Robert squabbling with Finn, but Anna needs to come back. KM would probably love to leave but I don’t think Hallmark even would hire her. So sick of Shiloh. Love Trina and Cam! I’m back fast forwarding again-mainly Sam/Jason and Sonny/Carly.. Lesil and Jax were so entertaining and Scott is always. Just not enough cohesiveness or interesting stuff to make any day must see.

    1. Hallmark would never hire her. She seems to have a dark cloud hanging over her head and she talks way too slow.

  9. There are soooo many interesting characters, mostly the older ones. . . They all should be on more, and the boring/annoying ones, less. This is common sense, no?

    Also, PLEASE get rid of Turkey boy, and also Hiney. I love Maxie, no matter what she does, she is a legacy character, and certainly more interesting than Michael. . . Michael, at least, is a legacy character, can't say the same for Hiney . . .

    1. They need to get mMxie away from Peter.

    2. Sadly, I agree with all you wrote, WUBS - tho I would add - I can't stomach Shiloh anymore. He started off as an interesting, even fun villain, but after he became a rapist of young women (and women in general), he's become stomach churning and I FF thru all his scenes.
      He is no longer entertaining. Everything about him non is just sick.

  10. you MUST go look at the wedding pic from Monday - Carly and Sonny's wedding - look at Sam (KM) face - people it says VOLUMES about how she's time for her to leave...I feel bad that SB has to work with her.

  11. I sooo do NOT want to see their millioninth wedding--actually it is a renewal of vows, not a wedding, I think. I NEVER ff ANYTHING on GH, so I will watch it, but I think it will be gag-worthy. . .

    1. i meant reneweal - I DO think it's an odd storyline ---- go look at the wedding pic of KM

  12. Happy Birthday Karen and thank you for the gift of today's SS. You pretty much said what most of us have been thinking. Even though we are only a handful of viewers our opinions should matter. I truly believe that if you can you should somehow get this to the office of TPTB at GH.
    IMO it does seem like the writers write their scripts and hand them in to someone. From there they are handed out and 'put together' like a jigsaw puzzle. Eventually going to air without fitting those pieces together.
    Honestly, this blog makes watching GH easier...and lots more fun!
    Thanks again and have a joyous day.

  13. Tristan Rogers is great in every scene. So is Finola Hughes and Genie Francis. My favorites

  14. Great SS. I don't comment often but GH needs a total reset. I'm talking a natural disaster or something huge to kill off the dead weight (Dev, Nina, Peter, Sasha) I would put Valentin in there too but if Nick comes back it could be ok. Carly should lose her baby and get close to Jax again. Sonny and Carly have been done for years. I think at this point it's time for Michael to go as well unless they revamp the character and make him a Sonny hater again.
    And put him with Maxie!

    Jason and Sam are done and those characters need a reset as well. As far as Dranco I have no idea on this one. I would like to see it play out but knowing these writers it won't be good. Maybe this will finally spice up Kim though. Tams can bring it we know that but her character does her no favors.
    As far as M.Knight goes, if he's not Jeff Webber or someone with history I don't care. I'm so sick of new characters with no ties. The only bright spot right now are the Webber sisters and that hasn't been enough for me to watch.

  15. That was a very good analysis. If it wasn't for Roger, Michael, Rebecca and the kids I'd would be done watching. Also, Finola and Tristan. This show seems to have run out of ideas. They've abandoned the Quartermaine Family. To me that is the backbone of the show. The business dealings that lead to intrigue. That lead to Cassadine interference. Can you reboot a soap? Because if you could, this soap would be first in line. The hospital itself needs a new modern look. ABC doesn't seem to want to make the investment.

  16. Let's be honest here. The problem with GH is Mo. For some reason the network caters to him--and he no longer has the fan clout to warrant it. Yet they do. The man is horrible in most of his scenes--but that's not the worst of it. He exerts BTS power and it ruins the show.

    Dante would likely have been recast if not for Mo.
    The endless Morgan whining would be a thing of the past.
    Whatever didn't happen with Margaux & Drew was because of Mo--and Billy woke up in scenes with her most of the time
    The Carly is pregnant story is ridiculous. Dev is ridiculous. It's all in the name of making sure Mo gets his screen time.
    I'm convinced the writers were headed to a Jason/Ava combo--otherwise why was she involved in the rescue? but Mo wouldn't allow it
    I also think this quick vow renewal is to placate him cause of the Friz wedding reception--of which he was no part

    As for Franco--as a proud Frizzie, I'm here for it--we all know he will become Franco again.

    And Peter needs to die. He has no chem with anyone & again LW is no longer the fan draw, so we don't need to hire her boyfriend.

    1. I agree about Mo. I've bee sick and tired with his family boring plot lines. Maybe except the alzheimer story. The Corinthos pull on this show is disease in itself.

  17. I took this show off of the DVR last week. I deleted about ten episodes that I hadn't seen yet. Just not interested anymore in tha Carly/Sonny sci-fi nonsense show.

  18. PS--KeMo should be told to cut the crap or be fired. She too has lost her fan clout. And she needs help. She posted an Insta that should never have seen the light of day and then get defensive about it

  19. I disagree about MB, who I assume is who you Lucy D, is calling Mo. I really like him and Carly, although she can be annoying. It is not his, or any of the actors fault as to what is happening here. They do a darn good job with what they are given. I do agree about KeMo. She clearly has no interest as does her savior, SB.
    It is apparent that TPTB are not interested in fan opinions. I have watched GH off and on since the beginning and it is a whole other thing now. At least we have this blog to chat about it and agree or disagree.

  20. Yes, I really liked that Michael and Maxie scene at the Lamaze class. Give them more scenes together and chem test them some more

  21. Full disclosure, OldSchoolGHfan has been watching the Bold and the Beautiful lately. Yeah, it's not Shakespeare, but it's only 1/2 hour of time each day and the storylines move pretty quickly. Friday's show has a dude that had lied about a baby's death being cartwheeled off a ledge by the baby's grandmother. LOL I'll be watching Monday as well.
    I do tune into Tristian and Genie's scenes on GH and will do so Finola as well, but other than that GH is stupid and ridiculous these days and is quickly becoming a place that is sucking the life out of good actors and actresses.

  22. I watch B & B, too, and it is pretty good right now, except for certain characters being totally missing forever. It was funny that they used two different babies to play one part, and they didn't really look that much alike. And they have the most adorable, talented little boy on the show. I've actually looked forward to the show each day, unlike GH.

  23. Mainly just wanted to wish you a belated Happy Birthday Karen!! Hope your day was blessed and the coming yr.too! Great Sunday surgery as always! I especially agree about Bobbie and Carly baby talk,love Cam & Trina and Ava seriously needs to dope slap Sonny and all the things you suggested even if it's bleeped!! Would be great! I too hope things go up rather quickly before it's too late!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...