Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Wubs Works It


So, I did a mid-week rant you can find : HERE ON THE BLOG. Hit the link if you want to see what I had to say about Sam's rescue and a bunch of other things. I saw the ratings for the past few weeks and man o' man.. FRANK needs to wake up. That's all I'm saying on that subject. 

This is a "working" blog as I'm giving you what I think works and what I think doesn't. You may agree--you may not.  We can all agree that it's been a hit or miss summer when it comes to the drama. 

Nachos today. 

Here, in no particular order are my humble opinions: 



DR. OBRECT: Bright spot in my dull days!! She's witty, charming and just plain fun. We need that on this show.  Her scene with Brad? Priceless. 


HAYDEN:  I like RB and she's got great chem with Ingo. I'm intrigued with their 'caper'-- I do wish it wasn't involved with "Cassandra"--but I AM hoping it's Nikolas related. I wish they knew Nikolas was alive and decided to make Valentin insane with 'sightings' of him and eventually drive him from Wyndemere. I also am on the edge about Finn's apparent baby. Is there one? If so, where IS it? 
Added Bonus: Liz has a sister in town. 


ALEXIS AND NEAL: Do I want to see them back and forth constantly about therapy? Nope. I am however, interested in his backstory and her eventual move to a more stable guy. They need to have a dinner date with Laura and Kevin since those two docs know each other. I'd say "play bridge' but it's not the 60's. 


CHILLOW:  Literally the one younger couple I can cheer for. Yeah, they are pretty vanilla but he's got an edge and she's going to find out about Wiley at some point so I'll hang in there. 


TJ AND MOLLY: But what's wrong with this picture? THEY ARE NEVER ON. Molly got an internship with Peter so-- lets get going. Keep it up and give them airtime. Move in with Alexis due to money problems-- or Aunt Stella. Get more characters in the same orbit.  Thanks. 


ROBERT: Every scene he's in--works. He's got everyone's number AND he's in a suit most of the time. Thank you soap-goddesses. Now get Mac Daddy on more! 


CARLY'S BABY:  Now, no, I'm not celebrating the fact CarSon are having more kids to add to the brood and I'm certainly not grateful they are on MORE Days--BUT ... having a story about a mom that has had several (relatively)  healthy kids face the fact the newest one might be disabled is interesting. I also work with children who have needs and know the struggles parents can go through. I think Laura Wright has done a good job with the emotions of this and it feels real. I also liked her talking to Kim in the park-- Kim the OBGYN and who also just lost a kid. There could me so many facets to this story. 



Ok, now... I've gotten you out of the freezer...
Yes, thank you! I was so scared!! 
I got you out of the light house.... 
Yes, thank you! I was so scared! 
Do you need anything else? 
Can you carry me around the hospital a bit?? 


Oh my god!! Squeee!!! 

JASAM RESCUES:  Holy cripes, we GET it. Ok? We GET IT.  Jason is going to rescue Sam. :eyeroll:  


MEMORY CHIP :  Franco will now either be a Franco-Drew hybred (DrewCo) OR old Franco OR Drew 2012.  I usually love GH's over the top finale-type things to stories. This left me...just..meh. I think the script was clunky and the warehouse scenes chopped up. Thank goodness for William and Roger, they did save the day with the self-sacrifice stuff. 

Let's talk about the fact that Shiloh moved from rapey-DOD Cult leader to running around trying to get his money back from Afghanistan. Wouldn't that have been a good first introduction to his story? Now he's in a corner as the rapey-DOD Cult leader who (if they choose to keep him) we will have to watch be white-washed like so many other characters.  I'm assuming he's going to go to jail?  Never say ever on GH tho. 
Think about it: Shiloh has been involved in: The DOD and taking of Krissy, Sam's back story as that con's son... Knew Drew in Afghanistan,  the Memory Chip AND he thinks he's Wiley's father!! Geesh-- next up he'll be the one related to Stella by DNA lol .


THE BABY SWITCH:   You had some momentum with Nelle and Harmony but--of course, that was dropped or postponed. Having weeks of choppy story-telling is making this story so weak. Should have been front and center all summer. And I mean FRONT. AND. CENTER. Showing way more domestic scenes with Brucas would help too-- we rarely see their house or them just hanging with Wiley. This could BE a compelling tale--just get to it! This story could have been buried for a few years but it wasn't-- there was all sorts of movement so, don't get me on that front. 


PAXIE: What is even going on with this?? Have they even slept together yet? (not that I want to see it, thank you).  Peter is a flop. You need to either make him Faison-Evil or cut bait.  IDEA: If you make PETER the head of whatever the synthetic opioid plant that Cassandra runs?? AND he's had Nikolas Cassadine this whole time?? I just might forgive you. 


CASSANDRA:  For the love of.... ??? WHY just why. You know I love Jessica Tuck but that story was a dud the first time around. Revisiting it? Nope.  Unless it gets Nikolas back and again, I may forgive you. I also want Tyler Christopher as Nik-- and that's that. 


THE TEENS: SNOOZE. They should be on almost daily in the summer with some good old fashioned stuff going on. Why they didn't make Cam the daredevil we know he could be is beyond me. Neither Joss nor Trina are Vixens. We need a Liza Colby stat. 



Alexis and Neal call it quits on the therapy
The injection of Sasha by Cassandra leaves her with a mystery virus 
Lulu decides not to divorce Dante but freaks Willow out with cop-wife talk 
Jax and Greenlee (giggle) didn't get what they were looking for in Wyndemere
Sam got herself trapped in a freezer. 
Shiloh tried to implant Drew's memories into Cameron but settled for Franco instead

Kim decides to leave Port Charles and Julian wants to go with her. 


PERFORMANCE OF THE WEEK: William Lipton as Cam did a damn fine job of playing terror, angst, fear and letting go during the whole memory switch. It wasn't over the top--or wooden, it really felt like the kid was experiencing the moment. Reminded me of a young JJ.


KAREN'S JOY OF THE WEEK: Jason was NOT in the episode where Cam and Franco were rescued! I mean---not on the entire DAY!  I guess he was tired after getting Sam out of the freezer. So happy Drew and Curtis rescued Cam and Franco with back up from Chase and Liz. 


FACE OF THE WEEK: Laura taking a compliment from Scotty. 


NON-AGING OF THE WEEK: I just need to take a moment and bow down to Becky Herbst who is 42 right now and looks like this. Flawless. 


FUNNIEST FLOP: was a bit..erm... flippy=floppy lol 

Hope this blog wasn't too much of a slog to get through.  I really wish things would  turn around rating wise. This show has such good talent and creative juices we just need things to be tied up more and whomever it is to STOP CHOPPING UP SCENES. Also, as per usual, too much going on. Stella's DNA thing gets a mention, then it will be whenever when that's back to life. AND CARLY STILL HASN'T HAD A CONVO WITH BOBBIE ON CAMERA YET! Ugh. SO frustrating.
One more thing: If I could, I'd blow up that Metro Court dining room. SO sick of it. For some reason, people meeting in Kelly's or the Rib doesn't bother me like that place does. Who eats in a top floor of a hotel on the daily? 

OK.. that's it! Hope you had a good week and this one will be even better. 

Photos thx to: @TrekBecky @soapcentral @SoapJenn @SID


  1. I think Tyler Christopher was getting a little tired and bored toward the end of his run on GH last time, but if Nicholas is to come back he is the only actor I would want. Kind of like Jonathan Jackson is the only Lucky, Julie Marie Burman the only Lulu and Kimberly McCullough the only Robin. IMO. Some of those vets just can't be replaced. My opinion I am sure.

    Thanks Karen. The weather here has been gorgeous!!!!!!!

    1. Kimberly obviously is the only Robin but some are replaceable. I didn't think Steve B could be replaced and I ended up loving Billy. It can happen. Over at OLTL Kris Alderson played Starr, she couldn't be replaced. But some can....

    2. I agree Lindie!!! Some people just can't be replaced!

      "Michelle P says I didn't think Steve B could be replaced and I ended up loving Billy. It can happen."

      Yeah. I remember on OLTL, Clint Buchanan's Clint Richie was replaced by Jerry Ver Dorn, and I did NOT want to like him!!! I ended up loving him as Clint. I fought it at first! :)

  2. Since Peter assigned Molly to write about the Cassadines I'm hoping that it will bring some back from the dead.

    1. I just hope they SHOW her doing the story!

    2. So do I it would make the storyline so much better in my opinion than Molly just showing up one day with the finished article.

  3. rebecca herbst is gorgeous. don't know how she remains ageless.

  4. Becky never goes in the sun! She looks amazing! Great SS- agree with all the comments. The show is kind of a mess once again. Peter and Maxie are just not working to the point where it is painful to watch. Billy M is really shining in his final days and the kid playing Cameron is a real find. I think we don’t need Hayden though.

    1. "LSV422 Becky never goes in the sun! She looks amazing!"

      She can go in the sun if she wants to, and protect her face. That's what I do. :)

  5. Way too many concurrent story lines — the Stella having a baby in PC, for example. And some other big “misses” — Once again, Samantha on the brink of death because she prioritizes her hard on for Shank above the fact that she’s a mother to two small kiddos. That leads me to why wasn’t Alexis told about Sam’s near-death experience (the latest one) ... oh no, the writers felt it was more important to show Alexis exploring her feelings for her ex-therapist. Whelp, at least we can all see why Sam prioritizes motherhood and her kids BELOW her attempts at a wannabe Wonder Woman! Like mother like daughter.

  6. Wow, Roger and William took one of the worst storylines in recent memory and turned it into a gripping fantastic scene. William was completely into the part and played it to perfection. And he and Roger were so good together!! Unfortunately the guy who plays Shank stool there looking like the cluck he is.

  7. in the corporal world, evalutations would be done and Frank would be out........COME ON - YOU CAN DO BETTER

    things to keep:
    Franco, Scotty, Alexis, Diane, Jax with Nina, Robert, Mac, Laura, Kevin, Stella, Curtis, Joss, Cam and Trinia, Elizebeth

    things that go 'bye bye'
    Sasha, Hayden, Jordan, Drew, Kim, Lulu, Peter,Maxie, sorry but I am tired of Ava

    things to KILL-SHILOH with a huge who dun it
    and wrap up the stupid baby storyline!!!!!

    1. Drew is already leaving, don't add salt to the wound. Haha! Yeh Lulu and Maxie aren't going anywhere.
      I do agree on Shiloh. Time to kill him already!

  8. I usually love Maxie but not lately and NOT with Peter. Think she and Michael could have been fun. I like Michael, but sometimes he can be dull

    1. I used to like Maxie but agree she's been annoying lately. I could have seen her with Michael a long time ago, but not now. I like Chase and Willow but if they ever broke up I'd like to see her with Michael. Especially after he eventually gets Jonah back.

  9. Yes. A really good "who dun it?" with Shiloh is needed. Don't think these writers can do it though. So sad are they.

  10. Another great SS. I just got to watch Friday's episode and came right here to see what you all thought. One thing we all agree on is William Lipton. What an outstanding actor that young man is. Can't you just see him and RoHo with their own primetime show as father and son. white wash please. He has got to go. Maybe a good actor but so what. That is the one consistent thing about GH. The quality of their actors.
    Lulu was not obnoxious at all on Friday. But Maxie. I do like your idea of Hiney being the head of an illicit organization. Spice him up.
    I hope Franco is a little of each. No matter. I'll take Mr. Howarth in any role he plays.
    Enjoy this beautiful Sunday! And thanks again Karen.

    1. I'm so nervous (LOL) to see who he's gonna be. Glad I get to watch live tomorrow and Tues then back to work Weds.

    2. I'm hoping that Franco has gotten Drew's earlier memories of childhood and erased his awful past life. I don't want him to forget who he is now though.Maybe since they were drew's memories up to 2012, Franco will still have his memories of those years from 2012 t0 2019 at least.

    3. Totally agree about William Lipton, he was so believable!

  11. I forgot to mention the one thing that just made me angry----
    so so so a WOMAN police officer was taking Shiloh to jail? ONE person and a woman?? I truly thought he would sweet talk her and escape--------and Cameron attacks him and Robert and Curtis did nothing???? THAT was the stupidest thing ever........ Shiloh is a psycho and he left like a jay-walker with one woman police officer??????????

    1. You are right! That is another thing that is consistent with attention to details. On a daily basis.

    2. Yes, I noticed that too! He is a major criminal, he can overpower one police officer.

  12. "So, I did a mid-week rant you can find : HERE ON THE BLOG."

    The only thing that shows on the blog, is a Hiney and Maxie picture. :)

    "I also am on the edge about Finn's apparent baby. Is there one? If so, where IS it?"

    YES! Where is Finchy Jr?!?!!?!?!

    "ALEXIS AND NEAL: Do I want to see them back and forth constantly about therapy? Nope."

    Me neither!!!

    "I am however, interested in his backstory and her eventual move to a more stable guy."

    YES! AGREE!! :)

    "They need to have a dinner date with Laura and Kevin since those two docs know each other."

    Would LOVE that double date! :)

    "I'd say "play bridge' but it's not the 60's."

    ROFL! They are also not 80! :)

    "Can you carry me around the hospital a bit??"

    "Oh my god!! Squeee!!!"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical! :)

    "PERFORMANCE OF THE WEEK: William Lipton as Cam did a damn fine job of playing terror, angst, fear and letting go during the whole memory switch. It wasn't over the top--or wooden, it really felt like the kid was experiencing the moment. Reminded me of a young JJ."

    YES!!!! All 3 men did a fantastic job, but William Lipton! Bravo!!! *Standing O* He better win an emmy!!! Yes young JJ!!!! AGREE!

    "NON-AGING OF THE WEEK: I just need to take a moment and bow down to Becky Herbst who is 42 right now and looks like this. Flawless."

    She does not look 42! She looks 30!! :)

    "FUNNIEST FLOP: was a bit..erm... flippy=floppy lol"

    ROFL! She went down too hard! OUCH!!

  13. I should say this more often Karen - but your insight - as well as snarkiness and humor - are invaluable and what keeps me coming back here. You are definitely not just going through the motions of writing this blog. I'm sure it gets tedious doing this day after day - but you bring it. Going through today's talking points - I'm like point 1 - agree - point 2 - agree and so on and so on. Don't agree with you every time but damn you should at least be advising these writers if not becoming one yourself. Thank you for all you do and don't ever think you are not appreciated - you definitely are - and probably not speaking just for myself but probably most, if not all that visit here. Thanks

    1. Yes! Everything you just said JohnD!

    2. Also, you have brought together a nice community of GH fanatics! Everyone seems to be a genuinely nice person, and we are respectful of, and civil to each other. Every time I have participated in any online community, I managed to get attacked by SOMEONE. It HAS happened to me here, but those folks have left, it seems that only the good ones stay.

    3. JohnD HEAR HEAR! :) I agree! :)

    4. AntJoan I'm sorry you were attacked by an online community and at times here. :(

    5. Yesss! Karen is the queen and I love it here!! I know what you mean Antjoan,I've visited other soap blogs but never signed up because it was just too much and some people were mean! This blog is so different especially with Karen at the helm! Thank you Karen!

  14. I love Robert in suit but I can't get used to Curtis in one. I've always loved Maxie but never with Peter.

  15. I think Curtis looks SO FINE in a suit! (Of course, he looks fine in anything. . .) Peter, I think, would not be good with anyone.

    1. "AntJoan I think Curtis looks SO FINE in a suit! (Of course, he looks fine in anything. . .) Peter, I think, would not be good with anyone."

      He is only good with Lulu!!!! That is the only person he is good with.

    2. I don't think I have ever seen the ratings so low before. It is amazing that FV still has a job when he is responsible for all that goes on.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...