Thursday, August 15, 2019

Is that YOU or ME?


I have to enjoy this because who knows what the fall will bring. I've changed my job slightly where I'm actually in the preschool where I work instead of driving around. That's good, but part of the kids come in the afternoon 12:30-3:00 WHAT!!? ME working PAST 1:30!! ?? I work part time so don't think I'm a slacker lol Plus paperwork takes an age. I JUST HOPE

Franco kisses Kim..she pushes him off. He tells her memories of them meeting and a bunch of stuff. He won't believe his memory has been switched. He leaves (like they'd let him just walk around :eyeroll:)
Kim wants to know what the hell is going on. They tell her..She can't believe it. 


JaSam starts out with the Franco information from Robert. Franco has no memories to "fix" -- Dr. Cabot never took a baseline. Drew could have been "fixed" because Dr. Maddox had HIS memories on the flashdrive. Good lord CONFUSING. Robert leaves. Jason tells Sam he remembers being in Russia and how awful it was someone drugging you. She said she wouldn't "wish it on her worst enemy".  They talk about Franco's sins but that he saved Cam. Sam wonders if he can tell Drew all his old memories. 

Julian and Lucas still blabbin'... Brad comes in. OMG Charlie's has NO customers ever lol.  Brad is mad Jules is moving... Lucas leaves.  Brad says "what if Wiley's biological parents come to claim him". OH Is he going to tell him about Nelle and Michael?? NOPE..he just says "his biological parents". Damn it.. Julian tells Brad that Shiloh is in jail and he'll be gone so no one else knows. Brad flashes back to Dr. O. 
Brad then goes to GH and tampers with Wiley and Shiloh's medical records. Lucas catches him!! BRAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??  He sees Shiloh's folder up and thinks Brad is checking it out without him. He says it's weird that Shiloh doesn't have the heart condition. 

Finn tells Valentin he can't tell him how Sasha is because he's not family. Val then wants to know how the search for Casssssssandra Pierce is going. Finn says: I don't know. Well, that was a throwaway scene. Robert overhears them. He tells Val that she's in "Newfoundland" which is a total lie. Valentin leaves. Robert tells Finn it might help Val show his hand as to why he wants Cassandra so badly. 

Jax picked up the tab for everyone at the Rib. Maxie talking to Peter because that's all they do. Jax texts Hayden that Dr. O is in Wyndmere. 

Franco walks into the Rib..orders a drink. Maxie and Peter look at him like: What's up? They go over to him and say "Hey Franco"..he says "don't call me that again"...and she does and he throws his shot glass against the wall "That's not my name".  Peter realizes that Franco got the memory transfer. Maxie tells the bartender that it's ok if Franco stays. Peter tells her about the memory switch. 

Dr. O catches Hayden in the trophy room. She threatens to call the police. She doesn't buy Hayden's explanation that she's there on Nina's says-so to look for something she lost the night of the dinner party. Dr. O grabs her phone--she sees Jax texted her. Dr. O then texts Jax and says everything is ok. She wants to "Save" Jax from that lowlife thief Hayden! Then she said she's calling the police, starts to dial. Hayden says I have an offer for you! OMG it's DINNER with JAX!! ahahahaa. 

Kim goes to tell Julian what's happening. He's looking at apartments in NYC.  Julian is like "There's no chance he's putting you on"??  He says all the reason to leave soon. Kim doesn't look convinced. 

END: Jason walks into the bar. Franco says "Jason Quartermaine, a rich kid with my face"... 
I guess I didn't remember that that Drew knew Jason?? Hmmm.. 

ANYWAY.. confusing to blog--sorry if it doesn't make sense.  Good show today, I just need to get timelines correct when it comes to DREW ~~ OY~


  1. That ending was interesting. When was the car accident with Jason 1996? Last time we saw Jason Quartermaine?

  2. None of it makes sense. The story was so convoluted from the beginning. This is sci-fi not soap. I was watching and saying out loud "this is so ridiculous". No doctors were tending to Franco/Drew and they let him leave the hospital with a memory stuck in 2012, never mind being a different person. No one even told him what was going on. This is beyond ridiculous. And probably will be for a long time to come. It gives me a headache.

  3. Drew didn't know he had a twin until he came to PC after 2012. No way would his memories previous to 2012 indicate a twin.

    1. BUT DREW'S MEMORIES when he came to Port Charles were JASON'S MEMORIES, remember?? He didn't HAVE his memories

  4. So I only caught the last 30 mins or so but I wanted to slap Sam! How dare she act concerned! She and Jason hated Franco and now she wants to act like she cares, pssshhh just go away bubbles!
    What was Brad doing now (before Lucas caught him)?

    1. It took 30 minutes for you to want to slap Sam? Gee... takes me much less than that

    2. No not that long, I had just turned the TV on after I got in from work. So immediately upon her scene with Drew and Liz. Haha!!

    3. Lol, you guys...! And yes, takes me about 30 seconds to want to slap the enamel off her teeth. Sanctimonious Mumbles, just spare me.

  5. jaspam in baseball uniforms what a joke. why are they shoved into every story? and robert going there to talk to these 2 crimminals.

  6. Drew must of found out years ago he had a twin before all the memory switching

    1. Bingo! Or maybe they were switched after the car crash in 1996 or 97?

    2. Drew and Jason were separated at birth. Drew lived with Franco till he was 4. If he remembered anyone it would be Franco. Research writers..RESEARCH!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I was never debating the obvious, like separated at birth. I was talking about if Drew knew prior to 2012 if he was a twin. That question has never been answered.

    5. No, Franco and Drew were like 3 or 4 at the time, so he wouldn't recognize himself as an adult.. and when Drew came to Port Charles he only had Jason's memories--none of his own. SO, Drew could have known about Jason somehow between being a kid and going to war. He could have found out through his parents, the internet--stumbling on an article or maybe Helena told him?

    6. I bend the knee to kdmask. Your blog is soooooo good. Do you agree if they brought back Constance Towers to do a flashback its gotta to be something big?

  7. Didn't finish watching today yet, but Hayden is SO stupid to break into the trophy room and leave the door open, which I saw her do yesterday. Wyndemere is HUGE, no one would know she was in that room if she just had shut the door. . .

  8. Wyndemere:

    Dr. O and RayRay: Maybe the thing she is looking for is in the Helena Portrait!!! Maybe it's in the eyes!!! Oh Dr. O! I guess your crush on Jax is gone now that you think he is working with RayRay? Oh nope it's still there! Dr. O is protecting him! Awwwwww. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Julian and Brucus: Don't worry Brad! Julian is not going anywhere! :)

    Julian and Brad: Oh Brad please! You don't need Julian's help! You should rally tell people the truth! Including telling Julian who the mother REALLY is!

    The hospital:

    CarlyKim and Drew Jr: They got chemistry! :) I am going to call them D&K! :) Hmmmm sounds like a store. Oh wait it is! ROFL! It's a shoe store in Rochester N.Y.! :) Yesterday, she kissed him, and today she pushed him away. So many memories he remembers of the two of them..

    CarlyKim, Liz and Drew: Poor CarlyKim is so confused! HAHAHAHAHA! Glad Liz told her what is going on.

    Brucus: Hmmm. I don't think Brad did anything to the online files for Jonah and King Mufasa... I was confused of what he was doing.

    V.C. and Jax: I can't believe yesterday that Jax said he doesn't think V.C. would go as far as murder! ROFL! Jax you have it bad for V.C.! They are totally in love!!!! :)

    The floating rib:

    Bartender and Drew Jr: Drew Jr wins the line of the day.

    Drew Jr: Well I had an ID, I had a wallet with a license and I didn't like the photographs, so I threw it away.

    ROFL! Wow he said that so straight and dry!!!! HAHAHAHA!

    Hiney, Maxie, and Drew Jr: Yikes!!! Drew Jr has anger issues!!!!!

    Maxie and Hiney: Hiney stop!!! It's not your fault!!! In the end, Drew had that flash drive and kept it in his office safe!!! Someone stole it! So quit blaming yourself!

    Sam's home:

    Jasam and Robert: Yesterday Sam rolled her eyes when Robert told them about what happened to BobTodd. Today, Sam didn't roll her eyes. I'm glad they used this scene, because rolling her eyes, was unnecessary, annoying, and stupid!

    Jasam: Oh come on!!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! You both will never forgive BobTodd for what he has done! You two have done horrible things yourselves! Sam you watched baby Jake get kidnapped and didn't tell Liz, so shut the hell up hypocrite!!! GAH!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant part 2

    Julian and CarlyKim: Yeah Julian it's very confusing of what is happening with Drew Jr! The look on her face, I don't think she wants to leave!!!

    1. Why in heaven's name would the bartender ask Drew/Frano for ID? Just so he could make a funny comeback.

    2. "Di says Why in heaven's name would the bartender ask Drew/Frano for ID?"

      I have no idea!!! I thought that was strange!!! Like he looks like he could be 18!!! ROFL!

      "Just so he could make a funny comeback."

      Probably!!!! Hahaha!

    3. The Brucus stuff confused me too, Sonya. Was Brad trying to copy Michael's heart condition info to Shiloh's file? And that's when Lucas caught him, so he didn't have time to copy it? Just like you say....gah!!! :)

    4. "Julie H says The Brucus stuff confused me too, Sonya. Was Brad trying to copy Michael's heart condition info to Shiloh's file? And that's when Lucas caught him, so he didn't have time to copy it?"

      Yeah that's probably what happened!!!! Brad did tell Lucas they will read it later when their head was clear.. And he did look nervous. Lucas said his mind IS clear! HAHAHAHAHA!

      "Just like you say....gah!!! :)"


  9. Im totally confused. And I didn't even watch today's episode yet!

  10. SO, let me get this straight. Disney has the budget to create and furnish softball uniforms for the staff. AND they have the budget to get baseball cards designed and printed up. But they DONT have any money in a budget to keep Billy Miller on staff?

    1. Damn Dave! Too bad we don't have a thumbs up button!! *Thumbs up*

    2. Yup, need a thumbs up button! Dave, another "like" from me!

  11. I totally agree with other posters who have commented that they hate that Robert "consults or fills in" The Borg and Mumbles. That makes me absolutely gag. There snotty looks, and little digs get on my last nerve. On the plus side it keeps Mr. Scorpio on our screens more. :)

  12. I agree. If mumbles doesn't like her job she should leave. Lots of people looking for a job out there who'll actually be happy to go to work and not phone it in every day.

  13. saw matt cohen hosting ET last night ,he did great.beautiful man.

    1. Yeah I've been seeing him too!!! I even mentioned it here. Love that he joined ET!!!! Great surprise. :) Yes yes beautiful man! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...