Sam and Krissy. Eating at the Metro. Just blabbing about Shiloh. Kristina says he cant' use the secret against her because she told her mother.
Ava and Julian..At the bar. Ava got a letter from Ryan. It's gushing about their 'visit'. Julian's like why did you even open it?
Felicia, Mac and GIANT JAMES--OMG like GIANT! Mac is going to tell Flea he's working at the PCPD as chief of detectives. She's like, yes! Take it!! She loves running the Rib and has made menu changes and has micro brewries come in and whiskey tastings. She thinks it's a great idea.
Peter and Maxie in bed at his place at the Metro. He says he has to tell her the truth. She interrupts and he finally tells her to shut it. Explains he's responsible for "all of it" when it comes to the memory thing. He tells her that he was in from the beginning and helped Helena plan it all and abduct Drew. She won't believe it. He keeps telling her.. She says she loved him and let her into her life. He begs, pleads, over acts and JASON WALKS IN AND SHOOTS HIM--because it was all A STUPID DREAM.
OMG. I'm so pissed off. DAMN IT. You know, sometimes dream sequences are ok, but others--PISS ME OFF.
DrewCo and Jason at Oscar's grave. Franco says he wants to stay Drew and Jason's like too many people I care about care about you. LOL!! JASON being "nice" to FRANCO?? He wants him to talk to Monica. Franco wants to leave where 'no one knows him"... Um, he's a DANG famous artist.
PCPD. Shiloh talking to Chase when Alexis walks in looking for a different Client but Shiloh wants to talk to her. Says that Kristina taught him "the most interesting things" (meaning the secret)
Kim/Liz..Kim is bridging her patients with the new doc. "As soon as we sell the bar, we are gone" (um, didn't they sell it to Olivia??) Kim tells Liz Franco knows about Oscar. "I see Franco but I hear Drew" ..Liz doesn't like that! LOL
Liz goes home and Scotty drops by-- she says Franco visited and wants to leave town. Scott says he can't because of the ankle monitor. Liz says that won't last. They'll have to stop Franco by Force if necessary. "We can't put him in a cage" says Scotty. LOL-- ironic, no? Liz says legally she can have Franco declared mentally incapable and be his power of attorney and commit him to SHadybrook and make him get the procedure.
Kim goes to Oscar's meadow and 'Runs into" Franco. They talk about Drew and meeting and yada yada. "Juilan was the first guy I fell for since Drew"
Alexis meets KENDRA in Charlie's FFS-- and she's going to be her personal trainer. Um... She's SUCH a Valley GIRL in speech. Ava wants to know if she can get Ryan to stop writing to her. Alexis tells Ava to just not read them, send them back.
Peter goes to visit Shank, Chase leaves and he waltzes through the back door to the interrogation room. They talk about Peter getting him off but Chase comes back.
END: SCOTTY will help Liz commit Franco to Shadybrook. Maxie tells FleaMac she and Peter are deeply in love.
THIS IS A FRIDAY? good lord.