Thursday, March 29, 2012

Little Miss Late!! SORRY!!

PLEASE tell me how the show was today. Work is a mad house. I have 2 more kids!! Tomorrow is the end of the month so I'll get out then too. Sunday Surgery should be interesting. LOL... I think I missed HEATHER TODAY of all dang days!

Thanks for the support. I will have a week off in April to spend my every waking moment with you. Don't despair!!


  1. No Heather today. AZ set up Maxi and Maxi dug her own grave by pretending to hire a writing forger. Mac Mirandized her.

  2. Carly and Johnny: HOT HOT HOT!!!!!! They made love. :) Carly is jealous cus she thinks Johnny and Kate are having sex. :) She says that would be gross ROFL! Oh Kate calls Johnny pretending to be Connie cus she wants to see him to talk about their plan.

    Kate's office: Oh brother!!! Kate pretends to be Connie!!! Zzzzz. I want to see the REAL Connie!!! Kate pretending to be Connie isn't working!!!

    Jasam home: Oh look Carly comes in and yells at Sonny hahahahaha!

    McBain: He is on the phone with Natalie! UGH! I'm gonna puke! Oh but then he talks to his 1 year old son awww! :)

    Michael's home: Michael asks Starr how did she find out where he lives? THAT is MY question! She says it wasn't hard to find out. That's not an answer! ROFL! McBain shows up and Starr hides! McBain is looking for Starr and Michael says he hasn't seen her since court. McBain says he is a terrible liar ROFL! McBain just keeps going at Michael and Starr comes out of hiding! :)

    Police station: The line of the day goes to Matt when Matt says to Maxie sarcastically,

    Matt: You are a murderer/wedding planner/stripper beater.

    ROFL! Maxie didn't say she was a stripper beater, but the stripper beater was brought up, so Matt sarcastically says and you did that too? ROFL! Oh Mac has the "confession" of Briggs but it really wasn't hers!! This guy shows up and says he wrote it!!!! :) Mac has no choice but to read Maxie her rights! He said her full name too!!! Moriah Maximilana Jones!!!

    Sidenote: Kate says in the spoiler section,


    'It seems very pretty,' she said when she had finished it, 'but it's rather hard to understand!' (You see she didn't like to confess, even to herself, that she couldn't make it out at all.) 'Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don't exactly know what they are!
    However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate.
    Karen, what the hell? ROFL!

  3. Sonya says 'McBain: He is on the phone with Natalie! UGH! I'm gonna puke!'
    LMAO!!McNostrils to you girl!

    Though I was fustrated Carly didn't go straight home to her daughter and decided to stop at Jason's smelling of sex, you have to admit she has quite the 'come-back' for Sonny. Funny!

    Nice job again today Maxie. Doing well with no makeup, crying and the same red dress for 2 weeks.

    The previews of Heather, what is she 90 years old now?

    Kate has me confused who she is. I didn't know if she was Connie or Kate today!

    ICK Jaawwnn McNostrils. ICK Starr.

  4. Ratings are out. AWFUL.
    Worse than AWFUL.

  5. Love me some Carly and Johnny! Fun stuff. Looking forward to seeing Johnny around Joss.

    Kate pretending to be Connie was absolutely ridiculous. And Dr. Abs not knowing of a way to treat Kate/Connie??? What a mess this story is. Not my fave.

    Really liked the PCPD antics again today. Mac reading Maxie her rights was sad.

    Absolutely loving McBain. He's in everyone's business and Sonny wants him GONE.

    Kirsten Storms was back on Twitter today after a month long absence. No tweets about GH just told everyone "Yes, I am alive :)"

  6. Ratings for March 19-23- Robin's funeral and aftermath were horrible. Best day was March 20th when Anna and Patrick argued. Mon-FRi 1.6-1.8.
    Better step it up and bring intrigue as well as romance or it's dead in the water. Perhaps they have already cancelled it but nostatement is released in order not to lose any more viewers for Katie's show.

  7. Kate pretending to be Connie--or Connie pretending to be Kate--it's all soooo confusing!! And, how does Kate know how to "pretend" to be Connie, to do that thing w/her hair--it makes no sense And that accent--someone PLEASE get that girl an accent coach!! Or just have her cawl me, I can do Brooklyn real good!

  8. I missed a bit of the show at the very beginning, but I didn't think Heather came in yet...glad I didn't miss her. Robin Mattson is about 56 years old. Her first run on GH as Heather started around 1980, so she does go back a long way!

    Today was just OK...I'm losing it with Kate, Connie or whomever she is! I wondered how Starr located Michael's place. Maybe she looked in the PC yellow pages under Mob Prince? PCPD stuff was ok...time to get it moving and get Maxie out of that red dress! I cannot get into Johnny and Carly being pushed as a real couple after a few boinks and now he's meeting little Joss...and for the love of all that's holy, please let's not have to endure Carly running around town screaming "Johnny didn't do it!" every time Sonny wants to blame Johnny for something. Lulu did that about four or five years ago and it got annoying fast! Isn't Carly technically married to Jax yet? Not that it's ever stopped her before!

    Not good news to read about the ratings!

  9. Michael's home: Michael asks Starr how did she find out where he lives? THAT is MY question! She says it wasn't hard to find out. That's not an answer!


    B4 she left for Llanview, Michael gave her his Number- using an online reverse # lookup will find 99.9% of addresses. It really isn't hard.

  10. No wonder the ratings are bad - too much screeching and repetetive Maxie. Can't stand seeing that red dress anymore either. I am so ready for Kirsten to come back. And the Kate/Connie storyline isn't exactly engrossing either. That accent is horrendous. Starr needs to go - it's obvious no one likes her and for a show that is trying to stay afloat this is not good. I like Johnny more and more all the time and he and Carly are a good match.

  11. Cosmoetica said...B4 she left for Llanview, Michael gave her his Number- using an online reverse # lookup will find 99.9% of addresses. It really isn't hard.
    Ah yes that's true! I wish Starr would have said that! That would have felt so real! :)

  12. McNostrils was talking to his one year old like he was 3 or 4. I actually laughed.

    And Carly "I want to keep my daughter safe from mobsters" is now going to introduce her to the other mob family in town! Where is Jax!! She's also officially a cougar now. ( I wonder what she'd think of Kate sleeping with Michael? Johnny not supposed to be much older than him.)

    I also like Maxie with less makeup. She really is digging herself a grave too. maybe they should just out her in the orange prison scrubs. She'd definitely have a change of heart then.

  13. Cosmoetica said...B4 she left for Llanview, Michael gave her his Number- using an online reverse # lookup will find 99.9% of addresses. It really isn't hard.

    I am a college educated person and yet I do admit to missing things on this show when they aren't pointed out clearly or if I forget a detail. I am human. I thank you for the clarification, but the rude tone was not necessary. This kind of behavior may not be intended by the poster, but it is what causes negativity on this blog, which is unfortunate. Enough said.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...