Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Excuse Me, AZ...But I Have To Go Wee....


Maxie and you have NO CLUE how I can't stand it when they put people in jail across from each other and they can totally see each other PEE! You can't do that! LOL..come on. And Male/Female? I know it's a ratty holding cell but still. Good Lord. 
The exchange was great between them though-- "someone close to you killed her"...hmmm. Pat or Matt?  Probably stupid Lisa  just fell over on her own and no one really murdered her at all.
Jen Lilley looks like she's really distraught...Loved AZ just yelling at the top of his lungs. Of course we have no idea what he said to her, dang it. Typical Cartini fun!

Spinelli and Matt--hee hee...too cute. Spinelli did a McBain nostril gasp then jumped on Matt!!! LMAO!! Alexis and Mac just stood there shaking their heads. ahahaah
Matt: "He came at me like a flying squirrel"!!

Luke reading the paper and Tracy walks in. Yeah! Jane and Tony--so great together.  "I'm flying solo these days"!! ...Luke told Tracy about The Floating Rib---Tracy says "Did Coleman go retro"?? ahhhaa. 
Anna walks right in! Niceeee. 
Tracy says: "That was fast for you, old Geezer" Oh she was jealous! 
Luke and Anna living together! awesome!

JaSam with the long lost Jason baby photos. I hope they show flashbacks to his birth with Susan Moore/Alan--or show stuff from around that time. I would also like it if they'd wear something besides black. I know, they aren't in the tropics-- Sam DID wear lace today, maybe the peach flesh peaking through was our 'pop' of color. heh. 
Jason GETS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when people are tying to talk to him!! Sam had to spell it out: IF SONNY GOES TO JAIL WE'D BE FREE--YOU'D BE FREE. Jason's face? Blink DUH. Jason do you hear me?
Jason do you hear me?

Oh GET out with the McBAM!! there they are again at the airport!! You just can't keep 2 sexy voices apart!!!! They are so toying with this pairing aren't they?! 

PHOTO OF NATALIE! Oh Natalump, you were on GH!!! xxoo!
Heck we got some extras in the background with Starr and John at the airport! Starr says: "Everything I ever wanted was in that car"... sniff. She goes to see Michael who I see is living at Abby's? I guess so-- I didn't realize it but whatever.

**PS Sean is off filming Star Trek 2 so that's why he's not been on the show. (FV tweeted it)

BIG PIANO BOOMS TODAY!! Did you hear them? Bong....bong...bong... that's OLD SCHOOL KIDS!

I don't think Ron or Frank read my littl' ol' blog..but in case they do: I LOVE YOU!! SWAK!! Today's show was just simple, basic soap 101 with great dialog, stories moving along and a little fun/fighting thrown in!! IF GH gets saved, you guys had a lot to do with it-- and also the OLTL crossovers really shot some life into the dang show.


  1. Is there any news on Kirsten Storms?? Does JLiL have her contract?I mean I mean JLiL is doing a good enough job but I really just miss KS..She has better chemistry IMO, and this girls voice is just too much sometimes... Also, doesn't it seem like Anthony is trying to protect Maxie? He seems like he likes her for some reason and by making her go crazy she isn't fit to stand trial so she won't go to prison..Just a thought..

    I do think the writing has been much better with the new team..

    I also am a fan of Liz/Ewan..Its about time Liz gets her a hot sexy man that can take care of her! Eat your heart out Lucky and Jason

  2. Jasam home: Sam doesn't want Jason to clean up Sonny's messes? HUH?!!?! First it's Carly and now Sonny. What is with Sam? Is she changing because of the baby? Or is it just her hormones? Sonny shows up! They talk about McBain. Jason has a file on him. Sonny wants to know McBain's weakness! Jason showed him a picture of Natalie and John and her's baby! Yes Karen Natalie was on GH! :)

    Airport: McBain is on the phone with Blair because she can't find Starr. Oh look there is Starr! Damn I feel like I'm watching OLTL. :) Anyway McBain and Sam see each other again! :) Please writers let them have a fling!!! :)

    Michael's home: Daddy visits Mikey and they talk about Starr. Daddy don't want Mikey anywhere near Starr and wants him to take her info out of his phone! Oh look after daddy leaves, Mikey does it!! Oh someone is at the door! It's Starr! :) How did she find how where he lives? :)

    Luke's home: Tracy visits! She is acting so jealous about him and Anna! ROFL! Oh there is Anna! Oops wrong room Anna! Oh but Luke offers for her to stay with him ROFL! Tracy is sooooooooooo jealous! :)

    Police station: Matt and Spinny fight!!!! ROFL ROFL! I love their bromance! :) I'll call them SpinMatt. :) Great scenes!!!! Meanwhile Papa Z and Maxie have scenes together! Love it!!! He tells her he doesn't want to be part of her spilling the beans about Lisa. And man the cold stare he was giving her when she left her cell! *SHIVER* :) Hey Maxie accident or not, (which was an accident) you didn't kill Robin!!!! She is still alive! :)

  3. Funny stuff at the PCPD today with Matt and Spinelli fighting over who knows Maxie best! Loved when Spin jumped on Matt and they start fighting on a police desk! LOL! Matt saying to Mac about Spin, "He came at me like a flying squirrel!!" hahaha! Mac scenes are always good scenes for me. So happy to be seeing more of him..and with Alexis too :)

    Loving McBam! It's nice to see Kelly Monaco being able to smile and be flirty as Sam.

    I like that Sam is finally understanding the seriousness of Jason's line of work...NOW that she is pregnant.

    Not really liking Starr. Not a fan of her acting but maybe I can look past that if the storyline keeps me intrigued. Do like that she showed up on Michael's (Abby's - lol) doorstep!

    Anna and Luke bunking together - this should be fun! Loved the scenes w/them and Tracy!

    Stephanie - I'm with you, I'm all for Liz getting a hot sexy man! It's been too long! :)

  4. I feel so vindicated now. Sam , the ride or die chick, who supposedly can accept Jason's life is basically hoping that Sonny is guilty so jasoncan be free of the business. I bet she is willing to throw Sonny under the bus to get Jason away from sonny. The character of liz received flack because she wanted a different life for Jason and now we see Sam is NO DIFFERENT!HA! That would definitely destroy Jasam if she betrayed sonny to Mcbain. Jason would never forgive Sam , just as he never forgave Courtney ( sonny's sister ). Given the choice , and how desperate Sam is, if written true to her character, she would throw sonny under the bus to get jason away from him. Sam is not done trying to control Jason's life and he is a fool not to see it. Love that Jason , true to his selfish nature , said , "You always knew what I did for a living!" In other words, Sam , suck it up because you know he is a criminal.
    Tracy /Luke were fun today.
    Matt punching the laptop when spinelli used it as a sheild was cute.

  5. OMG!! I KNEW the Lisaon fans would have a field day with Sam today lol... I thought: Uts OHhhhhh, they are writing Sam eons different with THIS request. heh.
    I still loved Jason's reaction: DOH. like a deer in the headlights.

    Matchbox, I'm taking a tweetbreak, btw, thought you should know

  6. Did anybody catch during the SpinMatt fight, when Spin grabbed a book and held it in front of him. Matt threw a punch and hit it instead. And Spin apologizing before he three himself at Matt. LOL

    Sam, the danger is different now that a kid is on the way. Can't say I'm surprised. Things always look different once becoming a parent is a reality.

    I adored the scenes with Luke/Anna/Tracy. Luke was playing Tracy like a violin. Luke and Anna as roomies should be good.

    I wanna know WHO HAS ROBIN???!?!!!!!

  7. MAYBE no one knows, not even Ron the writer--maybe they are keeping it for later, figuring it out as it goes along lol

  8. Sonya said...'Airport: McBain is on the phone with Blair because she can't find Starr. Oh look there is Starr! Damn I feel like I'm watching OLTL. :) Anyway McBain and Sam see each other again! :) Please writers let them have a fling!!! :)'
    Did McNostrils happen to mention what he was doing at the airport???
    Because stuff like that makes me want to stick to primetime soaps.

    Tracey/Luke/Anna scenes..ADORABLE

  9. One more thing.....Jen Lily is a fantastic actress.
    Like her character or not, she is one of the few talented younger actors on the show.

    Grow her up and keep her. Would lovee to see her in a mature storyline. She is a winner.

  10. I agree love2chat- I've always been more of a liason fan, but didn't mind Jasam. They were just um, boring. But if Sam turned on him, it would be some soapy goodness!!!! I still think Jarly would be hot!

    Liz needs some sexxy loving. The last thing with Nikkolas was just not right. And maybe not have a baby with her next lover.

    I love love Tracy and Luke and now with Anna in the mix! Eeeek!

    GH is bringing me back and I like it. I even like the whole Kate/Connie thing. And Mcbain in everyone's bizniss!

    The Dante/Lulu/Delores/Delores Husband is boring. I was intrigued at firsth, but eh, I am glad it looks like they are tying it up.

  11. Jason is just like the other mob guys. When Sonny asks about John's weaknesses, Jason lets him know that he has a woman and a child. Which means Jason just put a little child in danger of psycho Sonny!

  12. Add me to the list of Liason fans who was yelling at Sam "Bitch Please!" I know their not gonna break them up but I am enjoying how Mrs. Ride or Die is being written for the time being. I had to rub it in to some of my friends on FB who are Sam friends. A lot of them was saying that this isn't the real Sam and that they don't like how she is being written which I quickly responded by say "Now you know how us Elizabeth fans felt!!!" lol

    I have to admit that I ducked out of the room during the Maxie/Az stuff and most of the PCPD scenes so I can't comment on any of thse scenes.

  13. Karen, I had the same thought about who is holding Robin. They are still sorting through all the possibilities. Does anybody know how long Finola is signed up for? If she's only short-term then I think the choices of villain are different than if she's staying.

    I agree with matchbox Ginny - Starr seems to me the weakest of the actors they've brought over. Maybe she was better on OLTL?

  14. Ewan is sexy but boring. I prefer Latte. Looks like I'm not getting what I want. :(

  15. My2Cents2 said...
    Did McNostrils happen to mention what he was doing at the airport???
    Because stuff like that makes me want to stick to primetime soaps.

    He told Sam he was there to meet someone.....I took it to be Starr

    Brender said...
    Jason is just like the other mob guys. When Sonny asks about John's weaknesses, Jason lets him know that he has a woman and a child. Which means Jason just put a little child in danger of psycho Sonny!
    I agree. I was thinking so much for Sonny never hurting a child. Hypocrite

  16. Batgary, Blair had called him about Starr who was at the airport coming to PC I thought he went there looking for her?

  17. Jen Lily is very pretty without all that extra make up.. I like her natural look..

    Just saw the Matt/Spin fight...THAT was soo good!! It is so good to see some of the actors we aren't used to seeing
    .. Matt was WAY under used - and the Matt/Spixie triangle is fun.

  18. lol Spin and Matt had a SPATT. That was the highlight of the show for me. I loved the flying squirrel comment.

    Tracy, Luke and Anna were great too. I really think the ladies were having fun there.

    As for were Papa Z and Maxie. They were great!He really did put the fear of God into her. I think he gave her some info about the purser's "suicide" that might make them believe she did it.

    I confess to FFing through the Starr scenes. I'm not really liking her either. But I'll put up with her if they get things back on track.

    I agree with love2chat about Jasam. I've never really been a fan as I've never forgiven her for all the business with baby Jake. I think she wants what she wants and would throw anyone under the bus to get it. If she turns on Sonny then Jason will never forgive her.

    I also like the faster pace of the show these days.

  19. That was me above. I forgot I was signed into another account. ( I hate this system)

  20. I enjoyed the hijinks with Maxie, Spin and Matt at the PCPD ('re a surgeon, and you need to watch those hands!) and also Luke, Tracy and Anna. Needed a bit of fun amongst all the heaviness with Robin. I was so shocked we saw Robin again Tuesday. I thought the writers would toss out the bombshell that she was alive and well and would leave us in suspense for a bit. Looking forward to finding out who has her...besides the big scary Big Alice lookalike nursey!

    I am starting to expect Sam and McBain to start conversations with, "We've gotta stop meeting like this!" I at least sort of like Sam in those scenes. I was up late last night and saw an old GH in which baby Jake was kidnapped and it reminded me what Sam did and made me angrier with her now! Poor Jake had an eventful four years! I don't know what's going on with Sam. They get a woman married on this show and she suddenly gets weird or boring thereafter. I am still trying to figure out why anyone would give Lulu a job at the PCPD? How and when did she get qualifications to work there? Besides, I love my hubby dearly, but geeze, I would not also want to work with him!

    Not sure if Starr is a gun toter, but I half expected her to come back to PC and shoot the people she feels are responsible for the death of her loved ones. Her delivery is a bit over the top, but then maybe that's just Starr. I did not watch her on OLTL.

    I like the faster pace of the show as well...nice to see things moving along!

  21. Batgary said...Did anybody catch during the SpinMatt fight, when Spin grabbed a book and held it in front of him. Matt threw a punch and hit it instead. And Spin apologizing before he three himself at Matt. LOL
    That wasn't a book. That was a laptop! :) I want more SpinMatt! :)

  22. More Luke/Anna screen time = fun! Reminds me of the days when Robert and Luke roomed above Kelly's. Good stuff!


  23. I still think (pray) that Faison has Robin.

  24. I actually really like Michael & Starr together. I am a sucker for a tragic romance though. I think that kid who plays Michael is so cute. He could read the phone book and I'd watch as long as he smiled once in a while. :)

  25. Since when do pregnancy hormones make women so stupid??? Sam thinks if Sonny were in jail, that Jason would be "free" of the business. But, um, honey child, if Sonny were in jail, Jason would be RUNNING the business. Just sayin'.

    PS: JPink-- I'm with you there. Chad's adorable, esp when he smiles.

  26. I am ashammed to say I have been a viewer of GH since I was in HS.
    I am 54 now.....Being a straight man, I am in the minority with being a viewer. (fan)

    I enjoy some of the comments on here. Don't usually post, but some of the posts on here are priceless, especially when you all don't agree.

    My question concerns the character of Liz. I have watched her since she came to town. An ANGEL she is not. Why the obsession with her??
    And why every other women on this show gets attacked?? (Except Tracey & Monica)
    If memory serves me correct, Liz is no better than Carly. Or Maxie.
    The only difference is Carly owns up to her mishaps. Maxie is a little dense, so she can't hide what mishaps she causes.
    You all hate Sam. Is it because she won the guy?? Jason never loved Liz like he did other women.
    I could care less about Sonny, Jason, Sam, Carly other than the fact that when give proper storylines they know how to deliver.
    Kate is gorgeous, and old Kate could not pull off what this Kate is doing right now.
    Delores, Maggie all are put down.
    Why with Liz's history, is she worshipped so much?? What am I missing?
    As a man, who has been in a relationship for 20 years with the same women, even if I were single, I wouldn't touch Liz with a 50 foot pole.. She is disgusting.

    I am only posting this, because I see how unfairly some of you behave on here to those who don' agree with you. Well I just wanted you to hear from a hetersexual man's opinion.

    And play nice on here! Some of you are wicked to those who don't agree with you. Behave like ladies!

  27. These new writers sure do a good job with McBain, which shows how experienced they are with the character. Maxies does look so much better without all that makeup. I really think Liz has more chemistry with Matt - Ewen is cute but dull. The fight was so funny and I loved the Luke/Anna/Tracy scenes. They are crazy if they don't give Fin a contract. I still can't stand Starr and I'm really surprised that they would bring her over rather than Blair. The actress is so unattractive and can't act, IMHO. Surely they could find a better match for Michael.

  28. PS

    Don't bash me back. Show me how grown up you are. Prove me wrong.
    I don't agree with you on something. Respect that I took the time to share my feelings, and don't counter-attack. This post was not meant to be an attack on anyone other than fellow bloggers.
    You see Liz in one scene and this entire blog is consumed that day with worshipping her. Why?
    I don't want to hear that she is 'unfairly' treated, she brings her problems on herself. Her alone.

    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

  29. Melodybluez, I was wondering if anyone else thought that nurse looked like a Big Alice clone. lol

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. David said...

    If memory serves me correct, Liz is no better than Carly. Or Maxie.
    The only difference is Carly owns up to her mishaps. Maxie is a little dense, so she can't hide what mishaps she causes.
    You all hate Sam. Is it because she won the guy?? Jason never loved Liz like he did other women.
    I could care less about Sonny, Jason, Sam, Carly other than the fact that when give proper storylines they know how to deliver.
    Kate is gorgeous, and old Kate could not pull off what this Kate is doing right now.
    Delores, Maggie all are put down.
    Why with Liz's history, is she worshipped so much?? What am I missing?
    As a man, who has been in a relationship for 20 years with the same women, even if I were single, I wouldn't touch Liz with a 50 foot pole.. She is disgusting.

    I am only posting this, because I see how unfairly some of you behave on here to those who don' agree with you. Well I just wanted you to hear from a hetersexual man's opinion.

    And play nice on here! Some of you are wicked to those who don't agree with you. Behave like ladies!
    March 29, 2012 9:29 AM


    David, from one hetero male to another (and I'm 47, and watched since '79), let me answer.

    Monica and Tracy are exempt from crit because they are OLD. The show and its viewers generally don't care of older folks. I've been rewatching some of the older stories online and I miss Gail and Ruby, Alice Grant and Steve Hardy. I want to see mature, real issues. To have Luke get prostate cancer rather than the sill Cassadine shit; to have Robert Scorpio deal with the onset of Alzheimer's, or Sonny to deal with low testosterone would be cool. But GH does not care for in depth, real stories and real characters.

    Carly is a nasty immature character, and Sarah Brown made her tolerable, all the faux Carlys since have not done well. LW is the best since but the gap between her and SB is as wide as between the GV and JJ Luckys. Carly is no diff than when she shot Tony Jones. Liz makes mistakes, byt learns from them, and she is a GOOD mother. Jake's death was an accident. Michael's shooting was because Carly endangers her kids by sleeping w bad boys- from Sonny to Alcazar to Johnny. Carly lies and schemes, while Liz lies and gets caught. It's basically intent. And Carly NEVER owns up to her mishaps, lest she wd NEVER have protected Sonny all the times she has. Jason is a killer- worse than Grant Putnam or Ryan Chamberlain or Cesar Faison, yet she worships him. Liz, at least, tried to keep her son from him, wisely.

  32. Sam is a liar and cheat and manipulator who turned and tried to hurt children when she lost Jason. Liz never did that. Also, Liz's portrayer, Rebecca Herbst, is a much better actress than Laura Wright or Kelly Monaco. Those 2 act in one zone, RH has several. The newer Kate and Maxi are WAY better than the older versions- much better actresses, but many female viewers get attached to the older versions and cannot let go, despite the obvious improvements. Megan Ward could play bitch, but not street. KS was a one note. Yes, she was better than Robyn Richards but she elicited zero sympathy, and allowed the writers to turn Maxi into a loser. Hopefully Jen Lilley can resuscitate the character.

    Dolores and Maggie are filler characters, andthey detract from improving the show more than the OLTL imports. I'm shocked how much hatred Starr Manning gets, but we live in a culture where Hunger Games is seen as a serious statement on the world.

    How do you expect folk unweaned from that will be able to detect good acting from bad?

    I like Liz's character more than others, because she has a grounding in reality. Sam and Carly are caricatures, like Sonny and Jason- DOES ANYONE SERIOUSLY BELIEVE SONNY IS NOT PC'S BIGGEST DRUG DEALER? My bane is Sonny. MB can act great when given material, but Sonny needs a White Heat storyline- show that Deke was a good cop who was killed cuz he tried to save Sonny, who was obsessed with his mother.The Ric Lansing tale showed that Sonny was not a good child, like he claimed. Make Sonny into the total monster he is when offstage.

    So, in sum, Liz's character is young and beautiful enough to be of interest, and grounded in reality enough to relate to. She is not Mob fodder, nor is she on high adventures. She has bad taste in who warms her bed- which means she's in tune w 99.99% of women, eh? Plus, RH can act rings around Carly and Sam, the Big Two of GH femaledom.

    This is why the ladies here like the character.

    If I was shot into the fictive world of PC, I would surely like to cuddle up with the sexy artist wannabe and earth mother Liz over the skanky Sam and Carly. Yeah, five minutes in an alley with those 2, but let me go home to Liz.

  33. Cosmo...while I agree Sam is a liar, cheap & manipulator, so is Liz. The difference is Liz learns from what she does. Sam doesn't care. And will continue her ways.
    Agree?? Liz will lie until she can't anymore. Carly owns up.

    Clearly Liz is not the best actress. LW won the best actress and I think finally they got that right with complimenting her with those honors. Liz doesn't hold a candle to Carly. Carly is a strong bytch. Emmy worthy. The majority must agree! She won!!
    Nobody is saying Liz isn't beautiful. She is. So is Kate. So is Delores. Liz doesn't stand out.
    She is a sneak in the worse ways. All other women you expect their behavior. Lucky said it right when he 'called her out'. He said to her exactly what she was. And that is how she is written. So where is the attraction??

    I vote Carly the worse mother. However, Liz dragging her 2 boys out in the middle of winter at 2am so she could go have sex with Nick was not 'mother of the year material'. I certainly wouldn't chose her 'mother earth'. YOUR FUNNY!!!
    You say she isn't a mob fodder. What ever that is. Wrong. She would take Jason in a split second. He dumped her. So its not by choice she isn't a mob fodder.
    Still, I don't see the fasination with this young women. She doesn't posess all that much talent, she isn't the prettiest on the show, and her characte is unworthy!
    Though, the last 2 weeks she has been written better. Let's see if she goes after Patrick now....old Liz would have.

    What does Sonny ship??? I mean, I know its not don't make you that rich!

  34. I liked Liz from the beginning! I have no problem with the things that she has done because tptb wrote her that way so that the golden couple could look better. As far as comparing her to other females and sayng that at least they own up to it I've always hated that saying. In my opinion that's a cop out. So because the other women admit that their bad girls it's ok? No

    If you noticed whenever Liz does something wrong she is dragged out into the town square and stoned. While everyone else gets a pass. Hell when Sam watched Jake get kidnapped and then turned around and had armed men threaten Liz and her kids what did Jason do? He threaten to kill Sam and we see how well that held up. Then they wrote Jake to get kidnapped and then have Sam save him to redeam her. Maxie fed Lucky pills for months(Liz stood by him as long as she could) and slept with him faked a pregnancy and miscarriage and what happend to her.....nothing!

    It was really clear that they wanted the character Liz destroyed by the way the wrote her. Liz and Nik have never been nothing more than friends yet they have them sleep together. Then they fired RH not expecting the backlash from fans they decide to rehire her but killed Jake to make sure there was no connection left to Jason.

    Look don't get me wrong I think Sam and Jason belong together especially after he forgave her for what she did to Jake I say they deserve each other. As far as Lucky he has no ground to stand on in my opinion all the cheating he has done. He's a deadbeat who leaves his kids at the drop of a dime to go find himself...whatever!

    I also don't see how Liz could be the slut when she has only slept with 5 men which is the same as Sam. Hell 3 of the 5 are the same Jason,Lucky and Ric. While Liz had Zander and Nicholas and Sam had Sonny and Jax. Everyone has their favorites and Liz is mine I don't expect everyone to like her but I do. Hell I stiil don't see how Luke and Laura could be a fan favorite after he raped her but it's a soap and it is what it is!

    As far as you not touching Liz well that's your personal taste and everyone has a right to that. I know plenty of men who would want Liz, Sam, Carly and Maxie even with all of their baggage. I have no problem with Liz being called out for the things that she has done. But for her it seems like they were writting it where she can't move on and be happy they just wrote it where the bus kept running over her while everyone else is allowed to move on!

    I just want fair and equal writting which for now it seems like we're getting. Also I love LW and RH both women are wonderful,talented and Emmy winners!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...