I only got here in time to see the FANTASTIC "Floating Rib" name change of Jake's!! That's a NOD TO THE PAST Wubbers!! ahahhaha. OMG. Thank you.
Liason touched, I'm sure girlies all over the country fainted. LMAO
We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...
I fainted a little bit ;-)
ReplyDeleteJake's: Such a great Anna and Luke scene! Luke wants to change the name of the place. I'm thinking no!!! Don't change the name!! Headwriter Ron what are you doing? Luke gives Coleman tons of money to change the name. Coleman said welcome to Coleman's, and Luke says no he will name the place because he is the one who gave Coleman the money. At first, I thought Luke was going to name the place Robin's. But he didn't! GET THIS!!! LUKE NAMED THE PLACE THE FLOATING RIB!!!! :0 WOAH! AWESOME!!! Thank you Ron!!!! :) Luke will the name make you remember Laura? :)
ReplyDeleteSam and John McBain: Sam STILL thinks they know each other from somewhere ROFL! Looks like Sam is about ready to pop out that baby soon! ROFL!
Jason and Liz: Great scene!!! They talked about Robin, Sam, and Jake. Altho Liz, why are you defending Sam? Liz has leaves that Jake and her used to have walking and he loved throwing it in the water. So, Liz and Jason held hands and threw it in the water!!! :( Perfect scene!!!
Starr: She is in Llandview I think!!! From OLTL. :) Her boyfriend and daughter both have a plaque. She wants revenge and wants to be in Sonny's trial. Michael text messaged her to make sure she is okay.
Carly and Connie pretending to be Kate: DELICIOUS! I want a Carly and Connie catfight!!! :)
Patrick and Noah: Great scene!! Noah is there for his son. :( Noah doesn't think Anna was being fair to Patrick.
What's the history of the Floating Rib?
ReplyDeleteThe Floating Rib made me smile. Didn't Susan, Jason's bio mom, used to be the hostess?
ReplyDeleteLuke buying the name Jake's from Coleman was hilarious....renaming it the Floating Rib - love it! Blast from the past indeed, nice touch!
ReplyDeleteNoah and Patrick had such nice father/son scene. Can't wait to see Anna and Noah interacting. Should be very interesting!
Tattle-tale Carly doing her thang today. LOL! Blabbin' to Sonny about Cuckoo Connie being at Johnny's. Fireworks to come for sure.
Starr was on today saying goodbye to Hope and Cole where they are buried. She was crying and declaring revenge on Sonny. Gets text from Michael...oh you know where this is going. Looking forward to the ride.
Liked McBam today. Sam saying she's not afraid of the dark and later McBain saying they maybe met in another life...soapy goodness. Really am enjoying how Ron is playing off PC. Terrific!
Jason and Liz talking about Robin's funeral, how Emma and Patrick are doing, then the amazing remembrance of Jake...wow. So well done. It was very nice to see this Jason Morgan, the one who shares thoughts and feelings so easily. I've missed him, it was nice to have back. Absolutely love their chemistry. So easy and nice. Ron did a great job writing that scene and Steve Burton and Becky Herbst knocked it out of the park.
Sonya said it perfectly :)
Andrea said...
ReplyDeleteThe Floating Rib made me smile. Didn't Susan, Jason's bio mom, used to be the hostess?
That's right she was, I forgot about that.
Carrie, The Floating Rib was a restaurant near GH where the docs used to hang out at back in the 70s 80s. The Kellys/Jakes of the day.
I have to say I am loving GH right now. I've been able to see it live the past week and I've been so into the happenings that I'm surprised when the hour is over.
MatchboxGinny says Sonya said it perfectly :)
Oh hehe thanks. :)
According to RC's latest interview , Liz will date Ewan but there will be many more liason moments. link is on his twitter page. I'm excited for Liz's character to have some romance. Jason is still a Borg as long as he's still with Sam. If he were to divorce Sam , then maybe. I will always love liason over the years.
ReplyDeleteFAINT?? over Jason & Liz?? PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteThey shared a child who Jason denied publically. Still he was there for Liz on the baby anniversary death. Nothing to faint over imo. Nice scene. Nothing more though. Why didn't Lucky pick up a phone and call her?
LUKE: 'I killed Luckys kid'.
So heartfelt, couldn't he have said 'my grandchild' even though biologically they weren't tied??
Either way great Luke & Anna scene.
'The Floating Rib'? LOVE IT! MEMORIES!!
Carly telling Sonny about Kate & Johnny. PRICELESS.
FF thru Sam & McNostrils w/his hands in his pockets in a Church too. I can't stand Sam.
I vaguely watched Starr. Didn't want to listen to her cry. I didn't ff in the event Aunt Vicki or Aunt Dorian showed up as a SURPRISE!!!
I am LOVING Dr Sr & Dr Jr scenes.
A father crying for his son's pain.
Now Jason go home, and kick the crap out of Sam. Even if she may have been in the right, kick the crap out of her anyway!
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ReplyDeleteSonya said.....Jason and Liz: Great scene!!! They talked about Robin, Sam, and Jake. Altho Liz, why are you defending Sam? Liz has leaves that Jake and her used to have walking and he loved throwing it in the water. So, Liz and Jason held hands and threw it in the water!!! :( Perfect scene!!!)
Where was it perfect?? After all the crap Jason did to Liz & Jake, now that Jake is gone its all a perfect scene? I am missing something Sonya....HELP ME!!
As far as why Liz is defending Sam, IMO is very mature. It really isn't her business, however Jason started to talk to her about it. Liz took the 'high road'. (2 times in a week):)
Sam had her reasons, and I agree to a point with her decision. What I didn't like was Sam asking Monica, Alexis & Molly to lie to Jason.
OMG Sonya! Why are people fainting?
Yeah I know what the floating rib means but I not excited like everyone else. To me it's just another swipe of the eraser to make sure Jake isn't even thought of. Yeah we had the good moments with Jason and Liz today and as a former fan of the couple I appreciate that. But Carly/Jason didn't hook up at "the floating rib", girls night out wasn't at "the floating rib" and "the floating rib" isn't the name of the cute little blonde haired boy who was ran over like a speed bump so while the name may have been changed and it has made some people happy it will always be JAKE'S to me! Sorry Luke but changing the name won't change the facts...he's dead and you did it.
ReplyDeleteOK maybe I went a little overboard with the rant but I needed to let it out. I just think the Haunted Star could have been reopened and renamed hell it's a ship that floats so "the floating rib" would have fit it!
DeleteNot overboard at all.
Infact, I feel exactly the same way.
It actually makes me angry that they ate changing the name.
My2Cents2 said...Where was it perfect?? After all the crap Jason did to Liz & Jake, now that Jake is gone its all a perfect scene? I am missing something Sonya....HELP ME!!
Oh hon!!! :) Don't you think you are just a teeny weenie bit biased cus you hate Liz? ROFL!
OMG Sonya! Why are people fainting?
The Liason fans (who I am one) are fainting! I'm fainting because of the floating rib!!! :) *passes out*
I have stayed away from this blog for the last number of weeks for one reason. It is also the reason I have now created an account just so I can post. The reason is the poster known as MY2CENTS2.
ReplyDeleteSomeone says they fainted a little over the Jason and Liz scene and you get all dismissive. It is your continuous ignorant rudeness and apparent belief that only your opinion matters that turned me off from this site to start with.
Then you suggest Jason go home and "kick the crap" out of his pregnant wife. Are you for real?
Paging Dr. Ewan, My2cents2 desperately needs your help.
Karen, I love your site but can not continue to visit it as long as My2cents2 continues to be on here poisoning this site for others.
Oh Frisco you said it perfectly!
ReplyDeleteCome on people let's try to get along! Let's all talk about the floating rib!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSonya, how can we all get along when my2cents2 is always lurking, ready to pounce and insult if she does not agree with something she says. It seems like you and her are friends, please try to make her understand this blog is not hers and she is ruining it for others.
ReplyDeleteboo-hoo someone didn't take their meds today and can't take critism.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't referring to post 1, but the majority of posts. C'mon, there is no chemistry, nothing to faint over in the least. Where does this come from??
Don't like to hear the truth??Then you shouldn't be blogging.
Sorry to see you leave, buh-bye!!
NO not sorry to see you leave!
Sonya..I think I was very complimentary to Liz today. I defended her for defending Sam. I thought she took the 'high road' with what she said to Jason. The old Liz would have taken the opportunity and thrown Sam under the bus.
And you allknow it.
As far as sexually chemistry, BLAH!
Love2chat..NOT sure if you posted yet or not, but I even paid Liz a compliment when she approached Maxie last week.
I like seeing this new Liz emerge.
However, in the past, she is no saint. No better than Carly, Sam, Maxie, etc...
But G-D forbid someone should not go along with this blog and worship her. If you can't respect my feelings, skip my posts or don't blog.
We are all entitled and most of you do BASH someone you don't like on this show.
So Frisco...Go take your MEDS
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ReplyDeleteFrisco, My2 has just proven to be true everything that you said. Her rantings remind me of a woman I worked with who ended up in a psychiatric facility. She needs help but cannot see how sick she is.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteMy2cents2. You just proved my point. You are a negative person who knows how to do nothing other then attack people whose views are not the same as yours. You are poisoning this site and I make no apologies for pointing it out.
ReplyDeleteWe can all ignore your posts? First it is hard to do when you post so obsessively that you hijack the blog. Second, will you ignore our posts or continue to attack our views?
I like the connection of "the Floating Rib" which i didn't watch the show during this time, but to rename a bar that I have known as Jake's? I don't like it one bit. RC has said that he has watched GH WAAAAYY back in the day and I love/hope he integrates old school GH with new school. But, some of this stuff is old school to me. Like LaTanya said. There were a lot of things that happened in Jakes. Jason lived there, came to Liz' rescue there, women's night out, karaoke, Kate and Coleman (which should have been drawn out more IMO)...
ReplyDeleteI loved Liz and Jason together. So heartfelt. But 2Cents is right, to an extent. Jason did give up Jake. He didn't try to fight for him. When Jake died, the show was all about Jason and how he saved Joss. I do think he has a right to be there for Liz on anniversaries like this. Especially if Lucky won't.
Your a walking idiot Frisco.
ReplyDeleteWho started with the negativity here??
'friscogh said...
I have stayed away from this blog for the last number of weeks for one reason. It is also the reason I have now created an account just so I can post. The reason is the poster known as MY2CENTS2.
Someone says they fainted a little over the Jason and Liz scene and you get all dismissive. It is your continuous ignorant rudeness and apparent belief that only your opinion matters that turned me off from this site to start with.
Then you suggest Jason go home and "kick the crap" out of his pregnant wife. Are you for real?
Paging Dr. Ewan, My2cents2 desperately needs your help.
Karen, I love your site but can not continue to visit it as long as My2cents2 continues to be on here poisoning this site for others.
Where are threats of leaving to the owner of this blog NORMAL?
Or words being used IGNORANT RUDE Calling DR Ewan normal??
Take a good look in the mirrow.
Frisco I couldn't agree with you more!!! That person always has snarky posts esp. if they don't agree with your view. I thought I was the only one that noticed.
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, I know they are trying to respect history and all but I wish they wouldn't change the name of Jakes - I haven't been watching as long as most of you (which im sure will be pointed out) but to me Jakes is the name of that bar and the writers should respect the new viewers as well as the old ones.
Brender said.....I loved Liz and Jason together. So heartfelt. But 2Cents is right, to an extent. Jason did give up Jake. He didn't try to fight for him. When Jake died, the show was all about Jason and how he saved Joss. I do think he has a right to be there for Liz on anniversaries like this. Especially if Lucky won't.
Becareful Brender, if you don't agree with Liason fans from wayyyyyyyyyyy back when, who still think they are reuniting, insults will be thrown at you too.
But thank you. These comments about 2 old friends together on the anniversay of the death of their child was beautiful & nice.
I didn't see anything worthy of fainting, nor do I see these 2 reconsiling in the least.
Frisco started the negativity because most of are sick of the snarkiness and bad bad attitude, cents. That being said, the negativity was started by you. Wake up, because atleast 2 of us have posted our support to Frisco's original comment.
ReplyDeleteSay what you will, I ain't going anywhere.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you reading my posts??
Because there GOOD & INTERESTING!!
Thank you
Saying that I had and will again stop visiting this site because of the poison known as my2cents2 was not a threat but a statement of regret. I regret that my2cents2 continues to ruin this site for others like myself.
ReplyDeleteKaren, thanks for all you do but I simply can not tolerate my2cents2 tyranics any further.
To AntJoan, Dar, Sonya, Carrie and the other regulars I have enjoyed reading for years ... best of luck!
Oh dear!!! friscogh, 2cents is just passionate about things! And well of course when you attack her, she will defend herself.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment Stephanie.
ReplyDeleteSonya said...Oh dear!!! friscogh, 2cents is just passionate about things! And well of course when you attack her, she will defend herself.
Your sweet. I will email you on FB trying to fix something on my computer right now.
Does this person think the world is going to STOP because she isn't coming to this blog anymore??
Obviously she reads my posts!!
(NOT easy being so popular)
I have to get off and fix this computer...
Frisco says.......To AntJoan, Dar, Sonya, Carrie and the other regulars I have enjoyed reading for years ... best of luck!
BYE!!!!! You will be lurking all night and I have to fix my computer or I would continue to BASH you. Which is very easy to do. BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!
Not only is she rude here, but she's also having a meltdown on the Wubs fb page...really, you need to develop a life outside of sitting in front of a computer and fighting with people...
ReplyDeletePost 1 is still fainting a little. :-D
ReplyDeleteI can't ban people, it won't work, they'll just change their screen name or log in as someone else. Don't you get it??
can't people ignore those that bug the shit out of them? I know I do.
sigh..I am deleting some posts about now.
I'm sure My2cents2 posts will still remain after you're down deleting...