Monday, March 26, 2012

Fool Me Once...

Or A Million times--even when you know it's a good possibility it's still a shocker. There she was, laid out all pristine in a hospital bed.  Deja Vu of Dixie on AMC-- 
Why did I think she was really dead this time?
Well, Kim McCollough wanted to leave...and she did some damn fine and sad exit interviews with her co-stars. Hell, JT cried a river! Ergo, either they were acting all over again, or she wasn't sure she was staying. Either way, those clips helped convince me it was over.
Next? She died by an accident-- Maxie in her stupidity turned on a gas valve. Who could PLAN for that to happen? I guess unless the explosion was supposed to go off anyway and that was just a coincidence. She didn't die a mobular death, or weird virus from a  monkey so maybe..just maybe...
I had a doubt when they gave Patrick her ring--so similar to Lucky's subway token. Still I thought...nah.

Then the writing/acting came. Brilliant all around.  Surely they wouldn't try to cheapen it with the old SHE'S ALIVE trick, would they?
They did.
And here we are. 
Rumors were true and now we'll start the adventure to "find Robin". 
I shall not believe a soap death ever even if they serve the body up on toast and people consume them before my very eyes!
 Who has her? Fiason? Hells? Dr. Hayward (married to Anna on AMC?) -- Crazy Lisa?
Does teach us to watch GH now with Cartini on board. Who's next? Alan?


  1. lmao I totally knew she wasn't dead as soon as the Faison rumblings began. I love the swerve!! Now if we are voting on who returns from the dead you know #1 on the list is ZOMBIE CLAUDIA!!! And while I know it would be a major stretch for all the dead characters to be alive I totally vote for them all to be living together happily on the Island Of Misfit Toys! :D

  2. WooHoo!!
    Now this IS soap writting!!!
    I GASPED at the end of todays show.
    Nope, didnt see that coming at all!!

  3. I read spoilers. :) But I didn't know we would know so soon that she is alive. :) Lori!! Island of Misfit toys! ROFL!

  4. Absolutely agree. Given the timing of Ron/Frank coming aboard, storylines at that time that were truly horrible, the episodes he consulted on to try to make things right before he took over the this? Wow. I knew she'd be alive for the finale. It's just how soaps roll especially with Ron penning things but I agree Karen, there were so many variables to this one that are just not explainable.

    Seriously, it would have been easier and more believable to explain baby Jake still being alive given how crazy Franco was at the time. LOL!

    Something to think we found out the news of GH's cancellation will be announced before April 8. Today was when they decided to show the clip of Robin being alive. Obviously that clip was shot prior with intention to use later when they needed to. Very smart planning on Ron's behalf because he's been there done that with OLTL.

    Let's hope this is not the beginning of the end for GH because I for one am loving the current story telling.

  5. I actually gasped out loud at the end. I don't care who has her, I'm just so happy she's not dead.

    And I want Jake back next!!! Franco's mom has him.

  6. Barbara Darlin: I prefer to think they are righting the wrongs of two failed writing regimes. I think the "death by HIV" got so panned they switched to the explosion because KM was set on leaving. Once the OLTL team came on they changed the story and KM may or may not stay on. They achieved their goal by showing her still alive. She could come back to many possibilities, including not even staying.

  7. I prefer to think they are righting the wrongs of two failed writing regimes. I think the "death by HIV" got so panned they switched to the explosion because KM was set on leaving. Once the OLTL team came on they changed the story and KM may or may not stay on. They achieved their goal by showing her still alive. She could come back to many possibilities, including not even staying.

  8. I really think we won't see Robin again until, and hopefully it won't happen, GH gets canceled. This way she, Patrick & Emma will go off into the sunset together. @MatchboxGinny where did you see that April 8th date?

  9. I really think we won't see Robin again until, and hopefully it won't happen, GH gets canceled. This way she, Patrick & Emma will go off into the sunset together. @MatchboxGinny where did you see that April 8th date?

  10. I agree. Soon as Fiason name started floating, along with the fact that Kim was still on set 2 weeks ago filming, you knew she wasn't dead. However, I agree, I think this was a teaser and she will come back and leave the show when the show is over, OR I read awhile back that Patricks contract was up in April.

    Look at the people Ron brought back to OLTL at the end! If he can do that, and we believed it, he can bring anyone back.
    And YES I would LOVE to see Jake return. Maybe if the show is re-signed they will??


    Maria states on her blog the date the announcement will be made about GH.

  12. Okay, off topic but...
    I was watching Harry's Law on NBC and what is this???
    A comerical for a daytime soap during prime time?!!!
    You mean not all stations ignore their soaps and soap viewers!
    What a great idea to get new viewers, actually play commercials during heavily watched viewing hours.
    I'm not sure but I don't believe I have seen a comerical for GH in years upon years upon years.
    Maybe more people would tune in if ABC would do something to help promote it, instead of trying so hard to push it out the door.


  13. Bravo new GH writers! Bravo!!

  14. A couple of things:
    - KM posted another farewell interview on 3/19, this one with Tristan. Check here to see it:

    - My thoughts on the ending today. Someone else mentioned this but I am thinking she is off the show until the end (when and if that happens), whereupon they can bring her back to reunite with Patrick. This brief clip just helps keep the door open for her departure. As for KM herself, I really get the impression that she is moving on professionally, but would be willing to come back for an endgame, if GH ends up being cancelled.

    And here's something you know to be true: today's scene would have been an ALL TIME GH GREAT (think Scotty showing up at L and L's wedding; Luke seeing Laura alive from the Mayor's balcony, etc. GREAT) if they had gotten Faison and Grant Putnam (with his Doberman, Satan the 3rd) to step into the room at the end, high 5, and start laughing manically. FACT! :)

  15. I'm STOKED! I want a resurrection parade. Bring it!

  16. Oh, I haven't seen the end yet, but I stopped to check the blog. I thought the lead would be McNostrils' amazing line: It's much better if you stick it in, and then you jiggle. Does no one else think that is the line of the year? For the first time, I now see McN as being somewhat hot. . .

    Kate was hypnotized in, like, one second, some sort of record time. Also, she needs to schedule a session and pay for it, doctors don't treat patients for free (except for Dr. Eeeeewen, who doles out advice left and right, free of charge).

    I guess whatever happens at the end today overshadows all else, but, "It's much better if you stick it in, and then you jiggle," c'mon, ladies, did someone else find this hot?

  17. Oh, one more comment, maybe all the lost souls from GH can be on the Lost island, Jax can fuel up his private jet and go there and rescue them all: Alan, Jake, Emily, AJ, Georgie, etc., etc.

  18. I WAS NOT expecting that!! SOOO glad she isn't dead!! Did she really leave the show or what?? Are they just setting up so she can come back if the show is over or is she going to be back like normal??

  19. Karen or anybody else, do you remember how long it was until the viewing audience found out Lucky was alive after he was "burned" in a fire? I don't remember. With Robin they showed her really soon!!! Wow!

    OldSchoolGHfan says And here's something you know to be true: today's scene would have been an ALL TIME GH GREAT (think Scotty showing up at L and L's wedding; Luke seeing Laura alive from the Mayor's balcony, etc. GREAT) if they had gotten Faison and Grant Putnam (with his Doberman, Satan the 3rd) to step into the room at the end, high 5, and start laughing manically. FACT! :)
    Fact baby fact! Yeah that would be GREAT!! WOOT WOOT!!!! :)

    AntJoan says I guess whatever happens at the end today overshadows all else, but, "It's much better if you stick it in, and then you jiggle," c'mon, ladies, did someone else find this hot?
    Hell yeah it was hot!!! Line of the day!!! :)


    However, this afternoon there was an update from Valentini on his Twitter page when he tweeted, “Crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s, the casting news will have to wait for now… keep your fingers crossed!”

    IMO that means signing GH on another year, before casting is announced. JMO.

  21. Sonya said......Karen or anybody else, do you remember how long it was until the viewing audience found out Lucky was alive after he was "burned" in a fire? I don't remember. With Robin they showed her really soon!!! Wow!

    I want to say that Lucky was shown soon after the fire. Not exactly sure about that.

    My jaw dropped at that last scene. My husband, not a soap fan, said "isn't that the chick who was just buried?"

    I thought it interesting that the cast didn't know about Robin. LauraW was asking folks on twitter not to let her know what happened so she could see it live on the West Coast and Nancy twitted that she almost fell off the treadmill when she saw it.

    Dying to know what the bit casting secret is.

  22. Lucky died and then within I think 2 weeks, we saw him on Helena's boat

  23. I thought they showed Lucky alive the Friday after his funeral. He was in Faison's bunker, trying to jimmy the door open. I remember how happy I was to see him alive!!!

  24. They showed Lucky on the Friday afternoon cliffhanger just after his funeral, which was about 2 weeks after the fire. Damn they got me soooooo good back then. I cried for WEEKS when he died, and then another week when he was alive and held captive by Faison for Helena. He was on for 2-3 weeks in that cell before JJ officially left.

    So, I wasn't at all surprised that Robin was alive. The plot was the same....a fire; a body burned beyond recognition, yet a piece of perfectly intact jewelry; a grieving parent viewing the body; awesome amazing acting all-around; a funeral (!), and a montage. I remember YELLING on the phone to my mom (also a GH fan) when Lucky "died" that "They had a montage!! He must really be dead because they had a montage!!!"""" ;-(

    So, I knew ANYTHING was possible and Robin was most likely still alive.

    Oh and I'm sure Faison rigged the gas handle so the slightest jiggle or tap would break it off and cause the leak.

  25. I'm up in the air about Robin alive. Yes, I am VERY happy this is the case, but like Karen said. This was very good acting by all and, to me, it kinda lessens it when this happens. But, to have KM back, I will just be happy! Like I was when Lucky was still alive, even though they had him come back as a dick.
    Becky Herbst just renewed her contract, so why would they have actors/acresses do that if the show was on its way out? Wouldn't they have to pay her, even if GH goes off the air?

    I agree about having a bunch of people still alive, all being held captive by Fiason's hand. Bring me my Jake!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Brender, from what I understand about all soap contracts is there is a 13-week out clause. Meaning every 13 weeks the contract can be terminated by the company or the employee. This helps if you sign a 3-year contract and the character is a flop (hello, calling LIW), a storyline is dropped, or the actor needs to leave (why there was so much time between Kirsten Storms leaving and JL getting a contract). Contracts guarantee a certain # of episodes per week/month and a certain pay. So, I think if BH signed a 3-year, and the show is cancelled, ABC would still be required to pay her a 13-week (or prorated) amount, and that would be all. Make sense?

  28. Wait .. wait..

    Is Kirsten really gone for good?? Jen has her contract now?? I think Jen is doing a great job but I just can't get into her Maxie...


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...