Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Runnin' and Gunnin'


Up and down week for me when it came to enjoyment. It seemed like things were shuffled up wrong in the editing room and it made me scratch my head (nothing new there!!) Friday's show had multiple soapy things happening in the pouring rain. I just feel like sometimes too much is going on to really be able to savor and enjoy them enough. 

ANYWAY!  Time to get into it. Please remember that trying to cram all these stories together and make sense out of them takes a toll on my thought process. LOL. The timeline is really all over the place but I'll do my best. 

ARE WE LUCKY? To have Lucky back?? I'm going to say it: I am TIRED of these "men held hostage somewhere and have to escape" when they are back from the dead or presumed missing or just not on canvas for awhile.  It would have been so refreshing for Laura to have called Ireland and had Lucky fly to Port Charles. I don't like the "drama" of him with some guy we don't know and then playing cards with the bald-baddie.  We know he's eventually going to escape and yada yada. There's no THERE-there. 

Laura going to see Nikolas in jail was soapy, especially when he turned out not to be a liver match for Lulu. What's a mother to do? I KNOW!! She and her husband are going to Somalia to find Lucky. Not some trained spy person. And yes, Laura has gone on adventures before but damn. She's my age and not exactly Anna at this point. PLUS they just adopted Ace!! LOL.. Hand him over to Tracey!! OK!! Why not!? I realize it's time for Genie's break but -- wow.  I guess the whole Lulu needs a Liver shouldn't have been at the same juncture? 

HEATHER'S HIP just got a whole lot more interesting for me because Ric is taking on her case! Scott called him and BOOM!! Do I think the whole hip-redemption is foolish? Yep... BUT I love Ric to do his dirty-lawyer work and now Portia is doing something wonky with Heather's blood. Is that why Brad is coming back on board? Why did they just drop that? Couldn't we have found out he got the job this week? That's one thing about this show. Insert and ...drop. 

OLD ENEMIES... this trio met up in the hallway at GH. I loved it. Long ago, Ric chained up Carly in a panic room and held her hostage to steal her baby and give it to Liz. It was a crazy time, people. 

THIS BISH!  Ok, I'll give her the fact that she fell out of a window and lost the baby she was carrying. It WAS her DNA in there as well which is why surrogates don't usually use their own eggs. BUT!! That's old news. Now Kristina is hell bent on revenge. She wants both Jagger and Ava to "PAY".  Jagger arrests her again on a manslaughter charge and hauls her to the station. Alexis freaks out. Kristina is mouthy, then sobs, then pops up with threats. It was like watching a yo-yo. Some people are speculating that Krissy might have DID (multiple personalities). MAYBE she just hit her head on that pool surface real hard and she's going through some brain stuff. I don't know. At the end of the show Friday, she goes to Sonny's and steals a gun. 

SPEAKING OF GUNS:  Sonny decides he'll meet with Cates. Where do they meet? Why in the middle of the storm at the Q Boathouse!! Sure!! Bring in a giant mobster in the dead of night with no back up and no Kevlar vest. Anyway, what happened next is usually reserved for streaming shows. Sonny shoots Jagger point blank in the upper chest then walks over and puts one in his head. Kill shot. I have to admit I was surprised. I thought Krissy was going to walk out and shoot him instead. NOPE. Sonny just offed an FBI agent. Jagger was clearly going insane but still... Sonny KILLED a Federal Agent. Not that it will matter but it sure was stunning to see. Here's hoping it wasn't a fantasy sequence in Sonny's head!! If that happens I will be LIVID.

PS. Totally stole that pic from SoapHub because it's awesome 

THE AVA FACTOR: So, Ava's been taken by Jagger to some safe house. Linda, the FBI Lady is watching her. Ava slowly figures out that Sonny was right; she's going to be killed. They drive out to the route for The Pine Barrens (AKA "Belize" for BB fans) and along the rainy road out pops--ISAIAH !! Lucky's "doctor" friend from Somalia flew into Port Charles and.. is on Rt. 41 just running around. Ava grabs the wheel and welp...he's hit. Previews show Jason finding him and I think Sonny had sent Jason to follow Ava. So... will he save Ava too? 

THE ONE TO WATCH: Dante had an interesting week. He had a fantastic talk with Tracey where she read him up and down about leaving Lulu when he had PTSD.  He's also getting a nice edge when he discusses anything Lulu. A little protective and a lot defensive. The MOST interesting thing? He really laid into Carly for paying Brook Lyn to sleep with him back in the day (they did least not on camera). Brook came in and Carly apologized. It was a weird thing to bring up until...Dante and Brook gave each other a look like "We've Got a Secret".  Now THAT made me sit right up. OHHH...what could it be? Speculation is that Gio is their baby. It would take huge amounts of mental gymnastics to have this happen but?? He was raised by Aunts and Sonny's been giving him money--did they lie to the kid about who his mother really was? The other thing that pushes this theory is that Brook was asked about babies by Violet and also said something about her past to Chase. Like she'd done some awful things. STAY TUNED!! 

HALLMARK CHANNEL love affair. Whey do I say that? Their dialog is SO CHEESY. Every dang time. Willow's all over Drew for "inspiring her" and being her "hero".  Drew is all "WOW you REALLY LIKE ME"!  This woman couldn't deal with a nursing job because she missed her kids so much. Then she couldn't deal with her charity job because she was too horny around Drew. So she quit to go back to nursing and ends up making out in the same office her mother slept with him in. Now, I don't find these two remotely 'sexy' or 'hot'. It's weird. It's creepy. Is it soapy? Maybe?? Will she get pregnant by him? Will they be photographed and he loses that congressman thing? Will Michael go cry somewhere? Not even sure I care. Nina COULD beat the crap out of Drew--that might be interesting. 


Lulu still needs a Liver as Nikolas isn't a match

Lucky's friend Isaiah escapes to PC but Lucky is still stuck in some camp somewhere

Laura and Kevin decide to go find Lucky and leave Ace with Tracey

Willow and Drew give into their Hallmark Temptation and do it in the office

Brook and Dante seem to have a secret they've kept for quite awhile 

Heather finds out that Ric Lansing is taking over her case

Kristina is arrested again for manslaughter of Irene, gets out for the night

Kristina steals Sonny's gun 

Sonny comes out of the boathouse and kills Agent Jagger Cates

Ava is taken in  car by some FBI lady who's going to kill her

Their car strikes Isaiah, who's wandering out on a highway

NEWS AND NOTES:  I have to include the news of Kelly Monaco being let go from the show and the leak that her character, Sam McCall will be killed off. WHY? It's causing an uproar all over social media and fans are scrambling to save her job. A similar thing happened with Genie and most recently, Becky Herbst. Becky was saved 100% by fan outcry. Can it work again? Not knowing the reason she was let go is a key factor. Speculation is out there that it's money or 'creative differences'. Neither the show or Kelly herself have spoken on the matter so I am not saying anything for certain. What IS certain is that this story hit the main stream press as well. The Studio has been dark for 2 weeks and I'm wondering what will happen when everyone is back to work. I'd love to be a fly on that wall. 

NEXT WEEK:  Jason finds Isiah on the road and I think he'll save Ava. Kristina is shown weeping at Irene's grave with the gun. 

Our Holly is back next week, September 4th. I THINK as part of the Lucky storyline. 

So, that's a wrap. I have to say NLG really outdid herself again this week. She is alive in EVERY damn scene she plays. I have to give it to the writers because Sonny killing Jagger, a father of an autistic adult that is in a group home AND a federal agent is bold. I watch a ton of gritty crime shows with mob bad guys and I tell you what, I'd rather have Sonny just BE RUTHLESS than dancing between good/fair/bad. Kristina is a mess... lol. Lulu's liver story is the guessing game of "Who's Liver is it"? The Dante/Brook secret is going to give me life for awhile. But the Drew and Willow thing? They are just not "IT" for a steamy side-couple. 

HOPE YOU had a good week!! It's SEPTEMBER!! What the heck!! No show on Monday because of Labor Day. Next week is also when my therapy-school year begins. I'll try to be here as often as possible. Thank you for reading. 


  1. Why is Emma Samms in the Lucky storyline? Is she involved in every crime plot on the continent? lol Maybe Laura goes to ask Ethan about Lucky and Holly is there? The show still makes no sense. If they are killing off Kelly Monaco to pay for Steve Burton and Jonathan Jackson and THAT is the reason; I cry sexism. sorry

    1. PS Thank you so much Karen. Don't watch the show anymore :( I do love your blog so much though

    2. I don't know she IS in the Lucky story but I'm guessing. Why else come back? Just to visit? Maybe...but GH doesn't usually do that sort of thing.

  2. I 100% agree that I am tired of the "man being held captive" when they bring characters back. Drew, Jason and now Lucky. Give it a rest already.

    I wonder if Ava and Isaiah are going to become a romantic pair, or at least confidentes?

    The best thing on the show recently, for me, are the scenes with Kristina and Molly. Those two actors are doing terrific work. Nancy Lee Grahn is also bringing it.

    Argh, I feel stupid. I didn't even connect the dots about Dante and Brook Lynn being Gio's parents. I actually think that could be fun and lead to some good stories.

    At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I am wondering if the whole deal with Kelly Monaco is a publicity ploy to spark more interest in the show at a low point. It's certainly gotten a lot of mainstream press. I will absolutely think it's a set-up if Kelly is suddenly "saved" at the end of all this.

    1. My cynical self was day dreaming the same thoughts about a publicity ploy but unless Kelly was in on from the get go, the tactic/ plan is really, really demeaning. Maybe she was in on it and she forced the issue from her side. Maybe she didn't want to come to contract terms. Maybe all the pub this has generated will allow her a soft landing by generating new employment opportunities.

  3. My favorite part this week is Tracy's face when Laura asked her to watch Ace.

  4. Thank you for all the daily and SS's. You do have a way of making most of GH sound good.
    However...NOT my Holly. I am not a fan.
    The "man held captive" thing is way tired. As is that jail cell.
    KM hasn't had a story in such a long time. She is certainly more than capable of being front and center so who knows.
    Yes, insert and drop...GH does that too well and too often.
    Last we saw of Scot was the dropped bag of snacks for the pharmacist. Since then we have heard a few different excuses/reasons why he disappeared. That is just messy.
    Sonny shooting Fed man is too simple. But a good Friday ending.

  5. ---I think Holly will be a part of Lucky's story but I don't like all..
    ----I got a different feeling - I don't think Drew and Willow had sex - in previews they are fully clothed - I think SHE stops......HATE them - no chemistry at all
    ----beyond stupid LAURA and KEVIN go to this remote area ------and Lucky told Isaiah to get help to gt him out too so I guess he went to Port Charles????? THAT is bizarre too -
    -----I think Jason saves Ava - I REALLY wanted Kristina to hit Ava's car and Ava save her life......but I don't think Sonny knew where Ava was???
    ------finally - I just cannot believe like everyone that Sonny shot Jagger in the rain on the Q grounds ----twice so is it a dream????? Could be......I wanted fake agent to shoot him....or we all thought Kristina was gonna shoot him and Sonny take the blame,......but she is at the gravesite. it was so soapy good but BIZARRE so there obviously something we don't know...
    ------don't care for KM/Sam - don't want her to die but don't care if she leaves.....I just have a feeling that KM has been a problem....
    ----Brad = he's gonna have something to do with Heather/Portia.....
    ------still wondering where is Selina, Marty, Cyrus, is the Savoy still open???????

  6. I watch GH off and on, but always keep up with this blog to stay clued in on the show. Never posted though...but this Drew/Willow nonsense has inspired me :) I know that there are age differences all the time in soaps, but for some reason this one jumps out as gross and predatory to me. Maybe it’s because they have zero chemistry. Maybe it’s because both characters are duds. But it doesn’t work. Michael being a dud doesn’t help either.

    What should happen: Drew and Willow sleep together. Their tryst is uncovered by an Aurora photographer who takes the evidence to Michael. Michael, enraged, decides to go scorched earth. He and the photographer secretly work together to catch Drew in a bribe - promising favorable votes in Congress in exchange for the damning affair evidence. Drew falls prey to their trap and Aurora runs an expose on the bribery and the affair. Michael hands Willow divorce papers, wrapped in a copy of the story, that sues for full custody of Wiley and Amelia. A nasty custody fight ensues.

    Drew, disgraced from the bribe and the scandal, quits the race for Congress and resigns from Aurora. He decides to leave town with Scout (assuming Sam is killed) to start over and wants Willow to come with him, but she is reluctant to leave her children behind. Michael, not thinking rationally and not wanting Willow around anymore proposes a deal - relinquish all rights to Wiley and leave town and she can take Amelia with her. To further hurt Willow and push her out of town, Michael sets up a drunken one night stand with Nina and ensures it happens when Willow will catch them in the act.

    Willow beaten down from Michael’s cruelty agrees to his demands, and she and Drew are never heard from again. Nina follows them, hoping to make amends with Willow and start fresh away from Port Charles.

    Michael, angry and feeling he has nothing to lose, drowns his sorrows at a bar where he picks up with a blonde woman “new” in town. This turns out to be Serena Baldwin who is now a doctor and starting at GH. Serena specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation and works with Lulu as she works to regain her strength after coming out of her coma.

    Why this works: It shrinks the cast while bringing back a legacy character, is soapy, and makes Michael interesting. Serena as a “newbie” makes sense given her ties to Scott, Lucy, and Cody. It also sets the stage for an aged up Amelia returning years from now with resentment for Michael.

    Why it won’t happen: Cameron Mathison isn’t going anywhere :)

    1. The Sam / Lulu / Dante story has a lot of potential regardless of what happens with Kelly Monaco.

      What should happen: Sam is a match to donate part of her liver to Lulu, which she is happy to do. The surgery and transplant is a success, but Lulu doesn’t wake up right away. Sam returns home to recover, everything seemingly fine, but Dante returns home one day to find her collapsed. She developed an infection/complication from the surgery and lives just long enough at the hospital for her loved ones to come say goodbye. As Sam passes, Lulu wakes up. Kristina suffers a mental break, with Alexis grieving Sam, Molly steps up to nurse them both back to health - repairing the rift in their family.

      Why this works: I know people love Kelly/Sam and it does seem cruel to kill her character off, but this material is great for the other actors involved and is very soapy - indirectly Julian is responsible for his own daughter’s death since all of this goes back to the bomb he set. The scenes we would get from / with Nancy and Genie? Chef’s kiss. It also serves to help heal the rift between Kristina and Molly. And it provides some drama between Dante and Lulu, which seems to be a pairing the writers will again go for so lets make it a little interesting/complicated. This would also give Olivia something more to do as she supports Dante and Rocco.

    2. Some other storyline ideas...

      Lois is given something to do besides worry about her accent - the only purpose for which would be if Rena is tired of doing it and wants to phase it out. Rena is too good to be wasted like this.

      Unless Dante is also in on the secret of Gio being him and Brooklynn’s son, which could be good, he is not their son and is just wiped from the canvas as though he never existed.

      Could it be possible that Heather is Dex’s mother? Or Natalia? If it is someone already on the canvas or some legacy character, that could be interesting, but otherwise get rid of him or let him stay in the background as a minor character/Joss’ boyfriend.

      Please get rid of Jack. Sasha can go too. Make Cody a foil for Brooklynn/Chase or eventually Dante/Lulu.

      In disposing of Jagger’s body, Sonny and Jason run into Ava’s accident. Her driver lady is dead. She helps them stage a scene or get rid of Jagger’s body in return for the slate being clean amongst them. No one else cares that Jagger is missing/dead and this story ends.

      Reeling from Sam’s death, Jason leans on the Q’s for help raising Danny. He and Ava hook up in a no strings attached situation much to Carly’s horror.

      Ric stays on the canvas. He and Alexis have an angry / grief hook up that continues to develop. Ric and Ava could also be a fun choice.

      Jonathan Jackson is my favorite GH actor ever. Please get him out of that room and in scenes with Genie and Rebecca stat. Lucky being resented by the sons he abandoned and working to reconciling with them should be solid material. Lucky can also be Anna’s orbit somehow as her deputy or replacing the WSB chief.

      Cameron returns home after a devastating knee injury sidelines his soccer career. Unbeknownst to anyone, he’s developed an opioid addiction from pain killers prescribed by a doctor for the injury. He continues to rehab under the care of Serena Baldwin (see prior post) who uncovers his habit. Elizabeth, Lucky, Joss, and Trina help him kick his addiction. This would be a very timely storyline and could be great material for Rebecca especially and could bring Lucky and Elizabeth back together.

      With Drew scandalized (see prior post), Jordan steps in to run and wins. She champions fighting the fentanyl crisis as a result of seeing Cameron’s struggle. The actress can be on less with the excuse of being in DC, but when she is on it can be with a meaningful, issue based story to spread awareness.

      Curtis quits Aurora, unable to stomach working for Michael (based on prior post). But he has a taste for the business side of things and joins Deception as CEO. Having him around the women there all the time will provide for some levity. And since he and Portia are boring beyond belief, their busy schedules and time apart will draw him closer to Lois, allowing for a hook up.

      Natalia embezzles from Deception with Curtis eventually putting the pieces together. It’s revealed over time that she is a con woman working to swindle companies and rich people, which is why she’s after Sonny. Really I would just get rid of this character, but it’s Eva La Rue so that’s not happening.

      Isaiah (Lucky’s partner) joins the staff of GH and is actually the youngest son of Bradly and Isobel Ward (or the son of Faith Ward…whatever makes the most sense timeline wise). Let’s just pretend he always existed and is not another “long lost” character. Portia finds herself attracted to Isaiah.

      Molly and TJ become the anchor couple of the show. They don’t cheat or break up, but instead get interesting career stories, become foster parents and adopt, etc.

    3. Curtis and Lois as a couple is interesting.

  7. Love NLG! What an actress! So glad that Sonny is back on his correct med dose. I don't like what they did with Jagger. Drew and Willow are GROSS!!!

  8. MollyMcG12 you are on fire and I need it. Direct TV and ABC are in the midst of ANOTHER contract dispute. I need this blog to keep informed.

  9. If Genie is going on vaca that tells us we could have not weeks but possibly months before scenes with Genie & JJ. No bueno.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...