Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sam is Kelly Today


I'm going to try to last the whole show but it's been a long day already. If it's filler again or all Lucky moaning in a prison, I'm out. 


Jordan visits Isaiah and gets a phone call about some person. Not sure what's going on. Oh it's only that the headstone is ready. Jordan isn't sure she should handle it? She talks about the grief she's feeling. 

Sonny and Kristina talk about her case. She tells him she went the Qs to kill John Cates. HE says he gets it, she was going through a mental health crisis. She says she's seeing a group and a counselor and he's happy for her. They talk about killing people. He says it marks you. She asks if he's marked. 

Marty and Alexis talk about her case. He says they have to go to trial to implicate Sonny. She says no because Krissy would stop the trial, get all hysterical and confess. TERRIBLE WRITING. WOW. They go round and round. Marty says that it's dumb Kristina is that weak. Alexis is like too bad, we aren't pinning this on Sonny. 

Next thing I know, Jordan is visiting Alexis asking about Irene and Krissy wanting custody LOL WHAAAAT okay. Alexis explains what she was doing with the paperwork and she'd never choose between the two. 

Molly and Marty meet. She knows Sonny hired him. She thinks the only way to get her mom off is to get Sonny found guilty. 

Carly and Sam talk about Alexis case. Sam says she knows Carly and Sonny didn't sleep together and to tell the truth and save her mother. They go into Lulu's room to talk. Sam says she has to tell the truth and Carly's like: Nah, your mom threw that gun off the bridge, let her deal with that. She also says she's too worried about Lulu right now to do anything else. Sam says well, JASON is saving Lulu, not Carly. They argue, In the end, Carly won't change her statement. 

Anna and Jason are in the compound. New clothes on. Casual. Sid wants to know why they are REALLY THERE. Anna says she's into gold. The poker table comes out. She says she can help him move gold through Switzerland. He wants a reference. The reference checks out. He thinks it's all too neat and tidy tho. 

Lucky seems to pick the lock but doesn't leave his cell yet. Puts the knife back in his coat sleeve. Gets dinner and finds out "Fancy Guests" are there so he's going to break out and get a vehicle. He gets out but Holly comes around the corner and says "I'm here to rescue you". 

Then, Sidwell catches Holly and Lucky trying to escape. Yada yada... yelling, explain. Yada yada. 


Sidwell challenges them to a card game. 
If Jason wins, he and Anna live. If Lucky wins, he and Holly live. If Sidwell wins they ALL DIE! 


  1. ---So many entries in the 'stupidest moments of today"
    (1) Jordan and Alexis casually talking about about their kids while Alexis is in jail for murder
    (2) Sonny telling Kristina not to kill people cause it marks you
    (3) Sam and Carly convo -------- and Lindsey H is SO much better than Mumbles
    (4) Molly - the assistant DA talking to Marty - who is his mother's lawyer
    (5) Marty has not one pen/paper/briefcase did Marty have at all.

    I still don't understand if Sidwell knows Holly's real name.....and did Anna and Jason have fake passports
    The writing is so bad that I DID enjoy Holly, Anna and Lucky impromptu stories/scenarios about each other.
    ------------------------------NO ONE EVER MENTIONS LAURA and KEVIN

  2. At this point maybe Sidwell should win....
    This whole whodunnit that nobody cares about is basically a mash up with the damn surrogacy story. Oh lordy, when will it end.

    1. HAHAHAHAH! I thought the same thing. Sidwell needs to win, lol! Putting us all out of our misery.

  3. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Today was so boring!!!! *Pokes my eye with a hot poker*

    The hospital:

    Jordan and Gannon: This is a cute scene. :) When is he getting out of the hospital?!

    Carly and Sam: I thought Sam was going into the water to get the gun?! I'm so confused. Stop with this scene!!!!!!! Zzzzzzzz. I can't believe they are talking about this in Lulu's room!!!!

    Lulu's thought bubble: Can people stop coming into my room to have conversations please?!

    Airport waiting area:

    Alexis and Marty: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Alexis and Jordan: Okay I like this scene.

    Alexis: I will always love TJ. He will always be my son.

    Jordan: Molly will always be my daughter.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Krissy's home:

    Sonny and Krissy: Zzzzzzzzzz. Sonny does win the line of the day though.

    Sonny: Killing someone is never the answer.


    Restaurant: Which restaurant is this?!

    Marty and Molly: Zzzzzzzz. Hmm those are new flowers. In certain angels it looks like a grape flower. :) Have these flowers joined the cast? :)


    Bad guy with food and Lucky: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Lucky alone: Zzzzzzzzzz. He is taking the whole damn hour to break out! Oh hello Holly.

    Holly, Lucky, Anna, Jason, and Sidwell cookie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. When Sidwell cookie said if Jason wins, he and Anna live. I said here we go again. Then when he said if he wins they all die, I yelled at him to STOP IT!

    1. Oh forgot to ask, where the hell is Kevlar?!?!?!!

    2. I'm still waiting for Sam to get in the water too. When will this patchwork quilt be finished so we can get some actual continuous storylines.

    3. "Di says, I'm still waiting for Sam to get in the water too."

      Maybe she will next month. ROFL!

      "When will this patchwork quilt be finished so we can get some actual continuous storylines."

      What patchwork quilt?

    4. lol The patchwork scripts made up of all the scenes they haven't shown before and tacked together to fill in time.

    5. "GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Today was so boring!!!! *Pokes my eye with a hot poker*"


    6. I like all these new dudes. Gannon, Jack, Sidwell. But the writing....terrible.

      Someone please muzzle Kristina. I'm with Marty, why is she so hysterically, self absorbed, loose-lipped weak? Yes, she has suffered, but shut it! :)

      Agree about Sam. Go diving already. Sigh.
      I'm with Kevin (below). No.More.Poker!

    7. "Kevin says, ROFL"


      "Julie H says, Someone please muzzle Kristina. I'm with Marty, why is she so hysterically, self absorbed, loose-lipped weak? Yes, she has suffered, but shut it! :)"

      Krissy is a grown ass adult and has not changed! Geez! Oh and Krissy that baby was not your daughter! Her parents were Tolly!

      "I'm with Kevin (below). No.More.Poker!"

      Yes please no more!

  4. Good gravy I have never been so bored watching card games much less watching 100 of them

  5. There should be a ban on any more games of poker being played on "GH" for at least five years.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...