Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Surgery: False Arrest


I have so much to do this weekend, I'll try to keep this short and sweet. It may be hard because the show really was dialog heavy and there were a lot of moving parts. Want just the bare bones? You got it! 

I have a great coffee and a little sunshine so let's GO GO 

IT'S ABOUT THE GUN, STUPID: Everyone found out about the gun Kristina stole and Alexis threw away.  Elizabeth and Ric's statements helped fuel the fire and Kristina stupidly going to the Quartermain's and waiting at the end of the driveway sealed her fate. Why? Krissy left out the detail that she parked there, thinking about killing Cates before driving off. She stole Alexis' car keys, remember? So footage from the Q house is going to show HER car there. That, coupled with her actions on the bridge got her booked. Side Note: Many people are wondering how Kristina knew Cates would be there. In a scene at the PCPD he told everyone in the room he had to leave (and Krissy could be released) because he had to go to the Quartermaines to arrest a suspect. (I found that so you didn't have to!!) 
NOTE: Would someone at least suggest a diver team go looking for that thing? 

MOLLY MELTDOWN: She's all over PC railing against Kristina. Tells the PCPD some information about her sister which actually may have led to Alexis' arrest. She had a great scene with Ric at The Metro as well. She was so angry and unhinged, he decided to take Ava's case just to give his daughter some closure. Again, Great Casting in the NuNuNuNuMolly department. 

THE GALLERY:  A lot happened at the Art Gallery and it mainly revolved around Ava finding her tribe again. Nina was in her corner and finally got Ric to agree to defend her and Trina talked about forgiveness and believing Ava's story. Hugs all around. I just want to see Ric in action. 

STUCK IN AFRICA:  Lucky spent ages playing cards, talking to Holly, playing cards and... yep; playing cards. Snoozah. Sorry. RIC is how you do a return, Lucky is how you do a slow-burn that makes my head numb. Not even sure if Holly being there takes that edge off. Who else is stuck in Somalia? Laura and Kevin! Not heard from in forever. But Genie takes her vacation now, so that's that. 

CARLY FACTOR:  I was going to leave this out and thought, nah, I have time, I'll shove it in there. (Kinda like Carly's shoved into the storyline). After an exhaustive Twitter exchange, I had to admit that yes, she and Lulu were "close" once. She did try to blow up her marriage with Dante but I guess that doesn't count now. We haven't seen Carly mention Lulu or her coma once that I know of but there she is!! Elizabeth calls HER about Lucky and Carly's off on a crusade to save her cousin. *sigh* Yes, Carly and Jack have good chem but cripes. I would think calling Dante who's a cop might have been the better option? Jason called Carly the "matriarch" of Port Charles. I guess that's where TPTB want us to be. For people accusing me of bashing Carly, she was already inserted into the Jagger story in a HUGE way by Sonny having her as his alibi. I'm just a little tired. 

SPYS ON A PLANE:  Ok, St. Jaysus isn't a spy but Anna used to be. They are off to save Lucky. Why do I feel like I've seen this about 30 times on GH?  *sigh* Not necessarily with these 2 but come on. Actually, I'm just glad it's Jason going and not Drew. We couldn't have Lulu waking up worshiping him for getting her organ donation. :shudder:  Want to see the moment they meet?? 

WHOOPIN' ASS AND TAKING NAMES: FINALLY Ms. Jordan gets going and takes a guy down at GH. Great sequence of events for sure. Not only that, she's mucho interested in organ-transplant doc "John Doe" ... Isaiah Gannon who is sure nice to look at. He was really surprised she saved him, and was a woman! By the way, with both Anna and Laura gone she might just have to be the Deputy-Mayor-Police Commish for awhile. 

DEAD BODY PICNIC:  OH! YEP, for some weird reason the whole Scorpio-Jones fam had brunch where a dead boy lay less than a week ago. WHY THERE? I kept thinking it was going to trigger James to remember his time in the boat house and then he'd spill the Willow kissing confession. BUT! It was not to be. It turned into some weird Tracey reaction to Cody being there and maybe she's jealous because he's her only friend yada yada. 

WOMB WITH A VIEW: Brook and Chase want a baby sooner rather than later. Since she already faked one, it shouldn't be that hard. TIP: If you need a surrogate, don't ask a certain Davis sister. 

NEWS AND NOTES:  New Lulu in town! She's Alexa Havens from AMC fame! She played Babe for years and is a pretty damn good actress. I wanted JMB (who turned down the role) or Emme but I'll give this a chance. 

The Kelly Monaco drama keeps ticking. Her fans hired a billboard to be parked at Prospect Studios and have a petition going to save her job. Kelly herself hasn't made a statement or taken to socials to voice any opinion either way. Glaring thing is: Sam is absent from this huge story. Other than a very brief scene with Alexis and Molly, she's basically MIA. This story is ABOUT the Davis Girls --and one is just not there. I'm not sure how this is all going to play out but it's truly baffling how things are unfolding. 

Emma Samms is reportedly on contract now. 

THAT'S A WRAP! A lot of other things happened and in the end, this is pretty much all you need to know. What's coming? Well, since NuLulu was cast, we know she's going to be saved. We also know Lucky will be rescued. No real tension there. Do I care about Holly at this point? Nah-- not really. The best thing happening right at this moment is the Rise of Jordan. :clapping:  Also: Will transplant doc Isaiah do the honors with Lulu's liver? That almost writes itself. I'm also thankful Rick Hearst came back because Ric's character makes GH watchable most days. I still have no clue why they aren't writing more for Trina, it's a damn mystery. Get her an edgy artist to discover. Gio seems to be on the backburner? Thank you? Maybe they realized it was just too much, too soon and too boring.  

PS: WTF happened to Brad and that lab job? 

CHEERS!! I have guests from Wales coming next week so I might be a bit behind, not sure. I'll post when I'm able! 


  1. Thanks a lot. Another great surgery. My coffee cup is snuggled into my hand and all is well with my Sunday world.

    i also love this Molly. She's been fantastic. She has become Molly to me now.

    I'm fine with two Davis girls. I want Sam to go out in a blaze of glory. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for another great SS!
    And thanks for the explanation of how Kristina knew that JJG was going to the Q's.
    Never cared about Ric but his return has been interesting. I'd rather see him on contract than Emma Samms.
    BLQ baby...the darn surrogacy story has morphed into a murder mystery so they have to have another baby story??? Lordy, please no.
    All this Lulu/Lucky stuff and where the heck is Dante?

    1. I actually caught that when they were at the PCPD-- LOL--and I usually miss stuff like that.

  3. two things that cannot happen:
    ----Jason and Anna AT ALL
    ----Gio being Dante and Brook Lynn's kid or ANY baby of Dante and Brook Lynn
    ---okay so we all know Sonny isn't going to jail but not sure how this plays out unless Alexis goes on trial and is found not-guilty......I dunno -
    -----repeating - where are Kevin, Laura, Marshall, Stella, Selina, Cyrus, Marty and Taggart
    and WHO runs ELQ?
    -----I don't want Holly on contract but Cates/Adam did say on his talk with MF that he signed for 12 weeks - which is contract??????
    ------I could be wrong but I kinda think JJ is sitting around thinking "I signed up for 3 weeks already and ALL I do is sit and play poker???????"
    -----I GOTTA repeat - Anna is pathetic and leaving to help Lucky via Charlotte/Valentin and leaving PC and not even caring about John Cates' death anymore.....
    -----and I will finish - IS there still a custody case going on? WHEN will Ava EVER see Avery or MENTION her?

  4. Thank you Karen I so agree about Carly. Great actress but no need to name her the Matriarch, that title should be Laura's.

    Hoping they don't redo Liric, Li deserves more.

    Please put Dante front and center and Maxie back in Lulu's room.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...