Monday, September 9, 2024

Hip Money

Curtis tries to get Portia to see the new Aurora center but she's waiting for the Heather Webber labs to come back. They talk about Heather's disease and Curtis thinks she might be a victim of medical malpractice. Portia doesn't want to HEAR THAT! He says they can't take matters into their own hands anyway and leaves. Portia is thinking...plotting.

At the Wellness Center, Ric and TJ are working out and TJ's mad at Kristina. HE says she's a spoiled princess that was trying to take their daughter from them. He will NEVER FORGIVE her but thinks Molly might because she's a good person and they are sisters. Ric (who hates Alexis) is saying TJ has to help Molly and basically keep her away from Kristina and especially Alexis who will pressure her to forgive her sister. Curtis comes in and Ric tells him thank you for helping Molly and how much he likes TJ. Curtis is like WHY YOU HELPING HEATHER WEBBER THEN? Ric basically says he's doing the malpractice stuff and not the criminal things. He won't do that. (He wants the money). Also a lot more people are joining into a class action suit. 

Molly is at Alexis' house and Kristina comes out. Molly says: I wouldn't have come here if I knew SHE was here. ALexis says they have to talk. Molly says no. Alexis yells at her to SHUT THE DOOR AND GET BACK for just 5 min.  Molly goes off and rips into Kristina. Thinks she wanted the baby all along. She never thought about TJ and hasn't asked how he's doing "he may never recover from this".  They keep  yelling and Krissy calls the baby Adela and Molly screams: DON'T CALL HER THAT! Everyone sobs. Alexis says what a bad move this was. KNOCK KNOCK. Michael walks in and is like: Ummmmmmmm bad time?? LOL He takes Kristina to get her out of there. Then Molly and Alexis have a blow up and Molly says she basically has to take care of Kristina like always and she's done. She's going to TJ and can stand on her own 2 feet. 

At the PCPD Chase and Dex talk about the gun Alexis threw and Dex says Alexis was threatening Jagger the other day at the police Dept. Chase and Dex are off to go visit Alexis about the gun.

 Anna's still searching Sonny's. Diane comes over.  She argues about searching the house. Cops find nothing. Anna wants Jason to come to the PCPD with her. (he has the gun remember). Anna tells Sonny she knows something is up but Jason won't go with Anna. Diane says he doesn't have to. Michael and Kristina show up. Anna wants to know if they took the gun. Both are like: NOPE. She tells them not to leave town. Even if Jagger was a jerk, he didn't deserve to be murdered. She leaves. Diane leaves and tells Sonny to keep his mouth shut. Sonny tells Jason to get rid of the gun. When he goes back in, Kristina tells him she took his gun. Sonny freaks out. WHERE IS IT? She says Alexis found it and put it someone it will never be found. 

The goonie guy is trying to inject Isaiah in the hospital. Jordan walks in "what are you doing"? He walks towards her mean-like. She wants his badge. He pushes her down and runs. She catches him in the stairwell, fights and beats him. "Son of a bitch" she says. He's taken into custody. 

Lucky is still playing cards with Sidwell guy. YAWN. HE wins again. YAWN. The guard and Sidwell leave and cuff Lucky back up.  Holly comes in later, Lucky wants her to let him go. She hears that Sidwell might be getting diamonds. I don't think she'll let him go LOL NO! She wants to stay and get the goods and will give him 1/2. Lucky is like:  I'm gonna die!!  Holly tells him no, just keep playing cards and entertaining Jenz (that's his first name) so she can get the loot. 

Chase tell Alexis she has to come to the station about the gun and Molly hears it

Jason takes the gun used to kill Jagger and dissolves it in a vat of acid

Portia is messing with Heather's file 


  1. ---I do NOT want BRAD to be blamed for whatever Portia is about to do....I want her arrested and go away -
    -----my weekly/daily I hate Anna.....hypocritical/pious......and she is a big talker ---now remember the BIG storm was gonna take ALL of PCPD personnel but not even electricity went off anywhere - TODAY she declares 'the PCPD will not rest until Cates' killer is arrested.....SHE has not solved ONE FREAKIN crime....and she let Valentin go.
    ------NLG is doing amazing but team Molly - Alexis is SO over the top with protecting stupid Kristina.
    ------I am again screaming - HOW IS NO ONE ASKING SONNY ABOUT CAMERAS AND BODYGUARDS??? AND YET she has the airport security cameras????? Sonny would have cameras everywhere.
    -----Jason IS the man - so smart..
    -----spoilers say Brennan helps Carly and Sonny and thus Jason has to help him so I think Brennan is gonna find a fall guy/dead or almost dead----who shot Cates...
    -----I said it long ago - Holly is selfish and I didn't want her back - today she validated why I feel this way.

  2. Not in Port Chuckles:

    Bad guy and Lucky: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Lucky and Holly: It's really good to see them, but zzzzzzzzz.

    Port Chuckles:

    Police station:

    Chase and Dex: They should be taking their shirts off. :) Wait are they partners? Chase and Dante are not partners anymore?

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Krissy, and Molly: If I were Molly I would just walk out of the house. Great scene! GO MOLLY! :D Speak truth bombs! Alexis wanted them to talk, but she don't like what they are saying. Well too bad Alexis!

    Alexis and Molly: Molly is right Alexis! Don't be in denial! It's time to admit the truth!

    Alexis, Molly, Chase, and Dex: DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Jason, Anna, the 2 cops, and Diane: Zzzzzzzzzzz. I'm really distracted by the David Driscoll book! I have no idea who that is! :)

    Sonny, Jason, Anna, the 2 cops, Diane, Michael, and Krissy: Damn Anna! Calm the hell down. You should not be drinking red bull. You didn't even ask the green beans if they have the gun! Krissy couldn't even look at Anna in the eyes!!! Tisk tisk Krissy.

    The hospital:

    Purtis: Zzzzzzzzzz. Curtis take your shirt off. :)

    Portia on her computer: Oh oh she is going to do something! She better not drag Brad into it! Grrrrrrrrr!

    TJ and Ric: TJ is all sweaty. :D Poor TJ I just want to hug him! :( Great scene!

    Curtis and Ric: Great scene! Take your shirts off you two. :)

    Jordan and the bad guy: That was fantastic! She can kick ass! Jordan wins the line of the day.

    Jordan: You son of a bitch!


    Liz and Gannon guy: OH! Glad you finally woke up!!! Yes! Glad he said Lucky. :)

    Vat of acid: Ooooooo great scene!!!! :)


    Acid: Nom nom nom! *Burp*

    Poor gun. :(

    1. haahahahahaha It was a great scene.

    2. "Di says, haahahahahaha It was a great scene."

      ROFL! Yes It was!!!! :)

    3. Sonya, you didn't want the Gannon guy to take his shirt off? I wanted him to take his shirt off and being in a hospital bed is a good excuse. 😊

    4. "Gary says, Sonya, you didn't want the Gannon guy to take his shirt off?"

      Hahaha. Not when he is out, but now that he is awake he can take his shirt off. :)

      "I wanted him to take his shirt off and being in a hospital bed is a good excuse. 😊"

      Hahahaha. Yes very good excuse. ;)

  3. Hello,
    I never comment but love to read both the Wubs posts and the comments. I just had to say something because I haven't seen anyone else say this. In the things that GH get wrong, like there not being cameras at Sonny's, I want to add that these people do not know how to play poker!

    Poker is a game of attrition of winnings of each hand, not a simple card game that you either win or lose. Poker is a study of what you think the other person has, how you think they will behave, not even really on what your hand is. Pro players can with pocket deuces when the other player can have three of a kind, because they know how to read the opponent and the pressure of the money.

    Okay, gripe is done. Thanks for letting me vent.

    1. OH! Thank you for sharing that!!! You should make comments more often! :) Nice to meet you. :)

    2. just excellent point!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. That "state of the art" Aurora gym looks suspiciously like the old yoga room. Love the new climbing wall that looks like it goes straight up the yoga mat cabinets.

    4. "Wanda Woman says, Love the new climbing wall that looks like it goes straight up the yoga mat cabinets."

      Does it? Hahahahaha! I hope they don't hit their heads. :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...