Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Aftermath


Another fun week with me exhausted from typing  during the live show. Holy HECK!! So many scenes, characters and dialog flying around. So fast paced, I think they passed out in the editing room a few times. (you'll see later what I'm talking about!!) 

I'm off to Ithaca later, land of GORGES and really nice waterfalls. It's pouring out so not sure how much we will see. Hope you have some coffee or bev or choice and let's do this! 

After typing this up, I realized it was only a four day week!! EEK! SO MUCH GOING ON! 

SINGIN' IN THE RAIN! Let's catch up, shall we? Michael stumbles across Agent Cates laying in his own pool of blood and knows his Dad pulled the trigger. Instead of being a good mob son and calling say...Brick to come and get the body, he calls the police. (Laughter ensues) What will Sonny do NOW? 

REFLUX:  Well, why not  stage a scene where Carly and he appear to come from Tracey's bed after having sex?  Yes, Tracey is appalled. Olivia offers to burn the sheets. Gio goes over to the girl's  apartment  with some juicy gossip that sets Joss OFF on a hunt to yell at her mother. 

ON POINT:  You go girl. Yes, she's Carly's daughter but she's so right about Carly. She's finally free from what Joss calls a toxic, abusive relationship she is again. Covering for a man that couldn't care less about her maybe going to prison. Which is ironic given his past "I'll do anything for my kid's mothers!!  Josslyn was so right in this moment, I wish I could have bottled it. Carly should have turned heel and said: NOPE, you're on your own. BUT!! "LOYALTY". :eyeroll:  

GRAVESIDE SOBBING:  Kristina had stolen Sonny's gun and went straight to Adela/Irene's grave. We all thought SHE would shoot Jagger and Sonny would cover but NO-- she's just crying her face off in the rain.  Meanwhile....

THE GUN MESS:  First of all focus on NLG's hands. Manicure...giant rings (on her right hand but I think those are her real rings)..and looking like a magazine cover!! Ok, so, Alexis finds the gun Krissy stole and freaks out. She tries to call Diane about it and Diane is actually with Jason and Ava at the PCPD. This is Sonny's registered, legal gun. What does she do? Welp, she tosses it off the bridge. Bad move. Why? Well, that gun would clear Sonny and ....then there's: 

ICE CREAM TWINS:  LiRic!!!  They see Alexis and the gun and try to figure out why. Later, Ric goes to Elizabeth saying they have to go to the PCPD about what they saw. "An FBI Agent was killed"!! In some of the best dialog Becky's had in years, she argues against it. LOVED their scenes. In the end, she reluctantly goes with him and they give Chase a statement. After Liz leaves Ric reminds him that Alexis has killed before. Squee! Devious ol' RIC! 

THE AVA FACTOR:  LOOK! She got a PCPD sweatshirt!! This whole part played out like a movie, imo. She's in the car with the fake FBI agent and they hit Isaiah. Then she's taken to the Pine Barrens to be shot. Who shows up? Jason. Why? Sonny wanted Ava tailed because he knew Jagger was going to kill her. So, Jason ends up saving Ava. Ava is almost going to shoot Linda but can't do. Jason then.... CALLS THE POLICE. That's right. Hold on to your damn hats, folks!! He calls THE POLICE. :THUD: This is huge. HUGE!! They are questioned and believed. Ava recants her story about Kristina, saying that Cates made her say those things. Kristina's charges will be dropped.

NINA COMES IN!!  Ava of course, has a few charges hanging over her head but we know which lawyer won't represent her---Ric Lansing. He said No Way Jose. Will Tad have to come back? Why do I even care? BECAUSE NINA set this all up!! Nina and Ava appear to be pals again!! Thank you soapy gods!! 

OVER IN NAIROBI:  Holly shows up in Lucky's crappy cell because she's working her mark, "Sidwell" who's got him captive. Of all the places in ALL THE WORLD!! They have a good conversation about how much Lucky is like Luke and she scolds him for being away from home for so long. Meanwhile, Lucky is literally playing for his life because supposedly he'll get killed if he loses. We all know that's not happening. I'm happy to see Emma but as I said last week, this isn't my favorite return story. 

GROSSEST WITH THE MOSTEST: Lord help me but at LEAST they didn't make the wub on the same floor her mother did! What is this? Why it's Willow dreaming about ZEXY Drew. Then she takes up her wedding photo and sobs. Yeah, I'd cry too girl. Oh, by the way, Drew decides to confide in Curtis about the kiss. Curtis is all "She thinks you're a hero man"! Drew says something like, "No real feelings are there".  Like I said, Gross. 

WAIT, DID I SAY 'GROSSEST"??  Sorry, missed this one. Jordan calls a VERY slim Brick to help her find out who Isaiah is. She's a bit obsessed with that. Of course, Brick just couldn't be nice and say "Sure". Nah, he has to make her promise she'll go out with him. At least that's how I heard his skeevy conversation. 

COMIC RELIEF: Okay, weird placement for this to be happening but I adored it. Tracey hires a dialect coach to 'help' with Lois' accent. The coach explains everything and Olivia is livid. When Lois starts speaking in her newly found tone, Olivia yells "GIVE ME MY BEST FRIEND BACK" !! LOL. Banter ensues. Ned is there.  Lois had her red clown pants on. I was happy. 

THE MISTAKE:  I'm calling out a giant one this week. Alexis goes in to see Robert after she let the gun drop. I'm thinking this happened earlier in the 'day' (note no trench coat and flying in like she was doing at the PCPD) and she knew Cates was dead. That's ONE reason she freaked out over the gun. She tells Krissy that it was due to a parole violation and she was afraid she was going to hurt herself. I don't see why this scene was inserted the way it was (it was the middle of the night). So, I'm saying they got the editing timeline wrong. 

FUN MOMENT:  Trina throws Gio out of the apartment!! LOL Watch on Twitter  !! "BYE"! 


Carly and Sonny try to get their stories straight because the whole town is going to laugh their asses off 

Sonny gives Jason the real gun and casings he used to kill Jagger and tells him to get rid of it

Anna searches Sonny's and finds his 9mm gun missing 

The same gun Kristina stole and Alexis threw off the bridge 

The same gun Liz and Ric saw and then went to the PCPD to report

Joss finds out her mother 'slept' with Sonny but it really was just to alibi him. Not cool 

Jason saves Ava from Linda and they go to the PCPD to tell their story; Ava recants about Kristina 

Ric declines to help Ava with her case 

Nina and Ava appear to be friends again! YAY! 

Tracey can't finish breakfast after hearing about Sonny and Carly in her bed 

Jordan is a bit obsessed with finding out who "John Doe" is, she and Dante work on it. 

Dante finds Isaiah's phone, it was bought in the same place Kevlar went to find Lucky

Some guy is trying to kill off Isaiah 

Lucky finds out Holly is working Sidwell as a mark, she wants the combo to his safe

Lucky has to play poker to save his life...will Holly help?

Drew and Willow feel terrible but later Willow dreams about making wub to him

Drew tells Curtis they kissed and Curtis thinks it's no biggie 

Tracey hires a dialog coach for Lois; hilarity and old-school Q fun ensues  

NEWS:  Dex passed his cadet training and is now a real member of the PCPD . He even knew where Sonny's gun case was kept! 

40 YEARS!!! I remember the day she came on AND the day she was 'exposed' as a girl not a boy!! She's been remarkable all these years as our Felicia! 

So, for the 4 days that were on I was really engaged with the show and enjoyed myself. Yes, the whole shooting of Cates is problematic (No gun? No vest?) but SO SOAPY! Sonny coming out and putting his belt on and Carly's reaction was awesome. The Q factor was a bonus. Loved how Joss read out Carly. Then there's the whole Alexis part with the gun and searching Sonny's house. PLUS Nina and Ava seem friendly now. We have the Lucky part going on and then Isaiah laying in the hospital bed. Weakest link: Drew and Willow but that's only because I don't like their characters. Michael is going to have it on all fronts now; covering up for his mob daddy and his wife lusting after an older man. WHEW!! 

Hope you enjoyed the week. See you soon!! Cheers


  1. Yay Kristina Wagner. I remember her coming on as a boy too. Frisco and Felicia were my upmost faves back then. I had a few; L&L, Anna and Robert, Frisco and Felicia.

    Thanks Karen!!!!

  2. It is ridiculous that Cates would go to arrest Sonny without a gun and vest. That said, the show was pretty good and fun this week. I enjoyed most of it.

    Michael Fairman has an interview with Adam J. Harrington (Cates) on his website. It's worth watching. Also, the actor is clean-shaven and has short hair in it. It got me thinking -- I really like Harrington. Maybe one day in the far future bring him back as a recast Jax? I think it would work.

    The sooner Lucky gets back to Port Charles, the better. I hate these "I'm trapped in a foreign country" storylines.

    1. Kevin, you are SO right - everyone should watch his interview - it's fantastic and he was even asked that question.
      What I found fascinating too was how many pages a day he did and that he said they film all the scenes for whatever set they are on - all in 1-2 days - so that validates all of us and the editing that is sooooo weird and not continuous.

    2. Yes, the workload sounds horrendous.

    3. I remember Ron C arguing with me about block taping. "that's not how it works'. UM, yah it is. It totally shows in the editing

  3. Great SS! Thank you.
    No matter what a slime Ric is it is so nice to 'see' Elizabeth again.
    At least there is a balance of gloom and humor and drama. Going in the right direction.
    Last night I saw a trailer of "Grotesquerie" with Nicholas Chavez and many other big name actors. Wow. That and "Monsters", both on Netflix and to be released this month.

  4. Great SS! I too am so grossed out by Willow and Drew. This has got to stop! Yes Willow and Michael are boring, but Willow and Drew and UNWATCHABLE! I can't believe that Alexis would through out the gun like that, and Ric is such a weasel. I did enjoy Nina being nice and the rest of the week. Just get Lucky out of Africa already!

  5. the show really was good this week...
    I DO still wonder - Ned works where? and he and Olivia have no storyline anymore...
    -----one glimpse of Cyrus and then nothing?
    ----will the opponent of Drew's be seen? He name was completely dropped after new/old writers came back
    ------James knows about Willow and Drew - is that not coming out?
    ----Valentin/Charlotte? I will be honest - Anna could leave today and I wouldn't care.
    -----Grand opening at the Gallery? and Ava is still suring for custody via what lawyer?
    -----I DO wish that Jordan had a better excuse for her obsession for Isaiah ---- cuase it is SO obvious they are gonna be paired..

    1. I think JK is filming other things and popped in to keep his character going ?? LOL I'm WONDERING ABOUT BRAD and TERRY!!!!!!

    2. I want to see more of Brad and Terry too. Love when they were on. And neither came in with a sign on their head or sat us down for a lesson. They are just great characters and fun to watch.

  6. Great SS, thank you! I loved last week and agreed with everything you liked/disliked. Drew and Willow are grossing me out big time, ugh! Holly looks wonderful and I need Lucky back in Port Chuck asap. Joss was on fire with Carly and I loved it! Same with Ric/Liz. I still love Ric, weasel qualities and all, lol!

  7. All I have to say is Jane Elliott is one of the only reasons many of us have hung in there the past few months, bravo to her!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...