Wednesday, September 18, 2024



COURT: Alexis asks to be in minimum security not Pentonville. Judge is like: NOPE. Kristina jumps up and says: NOOOOOOOOOO. Judge tells Alexis to get her under control. Sam reigns her in. Alexis is off to jail.

Alexis gets mug shotted, fingerprinted, searched and given her clothes to wear. 

Natalia LaRue goes to Sonny's to "celebrate".  She made some 10 million deal for Deception. She says not to worry about Alexis, they'll find the real killer. They giggle a bit then Sonny gets a phone call. It's Krissy telling him about court and that Sam took her to GH to get professional help. Sam thinks she has PTSD. Sonny says that's a good place to start and Kristina should do that. He'll help get Alexis out of jail. Marty Gray comes in and Sonny wants him to represent Alexis. 

Kristina meets with Felicia who talks about losing a child. Which KW HAS just lost one and I'm not happy about this. Stella should be in this scene. I can't watch. Too much. 

Sam and Dante hug in the hall while she waits for Krissy to get done. They talk about Molly and Kristina and Sam is terrified for her family. 

Portia is happy to go out to dinner with Trina. Liz says she misses her boys. Portia says: well, you do have Aidan!

Ric goes to visit Heather in Pentonville and tells her he's sorry but she's probably never getting out.  Her labs show the cobalt levels are the same pre-post surgery. (Portia did that I bet). She can't believe it. She feels better!! She knows she's better and different. Ric says he's sorry but there's no way forward. Heather cries. Ric leaves. 

Ric goes to GH to confirm those lab tests. Runs into Liz. Banter. He says he's staying for awhile especially since Alexis is going into Pentonville. WHAT? Says Elizabeth. 

Martin Gray now has no beard and apparently no accent anymore. He's taking the case. 

Heather is Alexis' roomie

Ric finds out the blood test done outside of GH is way different than the one done IN GH 

Sam is going to go diving to look for the gun in the river. Ummm, wonder how she 'dies' or goes missing. LOL 


  1. hmmm Maybe we'll lose Sam in the river and she'll end up in Nixon Falls for a while too. lol

    Portia was in a real good mood today. Best we've seen in quite a while. Must be because she knows that Heather's results will keep in her jail.

    1. "Di says, hmmm Maybe we'll lose Sam in the river and she'll end up in Nixon Falls for a while too. lol"

      Hahahahahaha! Good one! :D

    2. Nooooooo, no Nixon Falls, lol!

  2. Airport waiting area:

    Ric and Heather:

    Heather: Hi! How is my ridiculously handsome attorney doing today?

    Yes Heather! Ric is ridiculously handsome! :) Whoa! Did you see that guard push Heather? There was no reason for that!!!!!

    Heather: It's not like I've been sucking on colbalt lollypops!

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. DAMMIT PORTIA! I want Heather out!!!!! Brad better not be accused or I'll be so pissed off!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and giggle mouse: Her reason to celebrate is so dumb. The green beans are rolling their eyes again.

    Sonny and Marty: Yeah when the credits started they showed Marty! And here he is in a scene! YAY! :D Nice haircut Marty! Oh wait his accent is gone! What is with writers and accents? Why are they getting rid of all the accents?! I actually liked Marty's accent. It was funny. I got used to it.

    Courthouse: Oh man! Krissy shut up! Don't get yourself in trouble!

    The hospital:

    Ric and Liz: Ric wins the line of the day.

    Ric: We were all blindsided.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No you weren't!!!! Hahahaha. *dead* 2 different tests! YAY! :D

    Portia and Liz: At least Liz has Aidan?! Where IS Aidan?

    Sam and Krissy: I'm glad Krissy is getting help! No shame in that Krissy! :)

    Sante: Oh so Sam is going to try to look for the gun and drown?

    Krissy and Felicia: Oh this is awful. :( Why is Felicia there? It should be with someone else, like Stella. Poor Kristina Wagner. :(

    Alexis being processed: Oh come on! Not again!!! *Facepalm*


    Alexis and Heather: Awwwww roomies!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    1. You got me at the Airport Waiting Area. I'm like what??? HAHAHAHA!
      For shame Portia, for shame. I need her to go down. And I need Liz to do it like someone suggested. And I'm with you, I'm going to be so pissed if Brad is somehow blamed. Argh!
      Totally agree about Kristina Wagner's scenes but she was good. Like Kevin said below, maybe it was therapeutic. Still tough to watch.
      I love that you call Mama LaRue Giggle Mouse. LOL! :)

    2. "Julie H says, You got me at the Airport Waiting Area. I'm like what??? HAHAHAHA!"

      Hahahahaha. Doesn't it look like that to you?! :D

      "For shame Portia, for shame. I need her to go down. And I need Liz to do it like someone suggested. And I'm with you, I'm going to be so pissed if Brad is somehow blamed. Argh!"

      Yes!!! All that!!! Portia needs to get caught and yes Liz needs to find out the truth! Call her out! And if Brad is blamed, Liz needs to learn the truth about that too!

      "Totally agree about Kristina Wagner's scenes but she was good. Like Kevin said below, maybe it was therapeutic. Still tough to watch."

      Yeah it probably was therapeutic. Very tough to watch. :(

      "I love that you call Mama LaRue Giggle Mouse. LOL! :)"

      *Snicker* Every time she is with Sonny she giggles!

  3. Sonya, the results that were different were the ones sent away and Brad wasn't there for any of them.

    1. I know, but if he is accused of it, poor Brad! :(

  4. Ya'll I really am trying but GH is so confusing - exciting and then dull and then 'what??" moments so for me today
    -----WHAT writer said 'Let's have Kristina Wagner utter the lines 'it's hard to lose a child'....are you kidding me?
    -----we all know now that Sam dies trying to find the gun so I guess no body will be found.....but will the gun?????
    -----Marty has ZERO accent and I am 'what?" and I am glad he's back but he is Cyrus' brother and Sonny chose HIM ---- what does he know about him cause we have never seen Marty really be unethical right?
    -----no way Kristina is going to meetings so what was the point of those scenes?
    ----SURELY Liz will remember Portia ordering her to leave so SHE could take the blood from Heather - which a confrontation between those two would be good -----I kept thinking Brad would be blamed but my gosh if Liz and Ric can turn in Alexis, then she can absolutely tell him about Portia ----- fireworks a'plenty
    -----I just want Portia gone ------and yes her happiness today was overdone.
    ----wonder if Alexis will help Heather in some way -
    -----WHY did we have to see Natalia with Sonny? Ugh....

  5. I really enjoyed the scenes between Kristina and Sam.

    They do not send someone to a prison while they are awaiting trial. They typically would stay in a county jail until tried and convicted. That said, seeing Alexis interact with Heather might be fun.

    Looks like they are throwing a bone to Sam fans. If she disappears during her dive, KM (or some actor) could always return one day in the future.

    I liked seeing Martin Gray again and like the idea of him working for Sonny. But what will Cyrus think about that?

    Tomorrow we will see Jason in a tux. Hell hath frozen over.

    1. Oops, I meant Kristina and Felicia, not Kristina and Sam. (My bad.)

  6. Don't do that to Kristina Wagner writers; that is just cruel

    1. Maybe this is therapeutic for Kristina Wagner? Perhaps she is basing this on whatever counseling she received after her real-life incident?

  7. Strangely I missed Martin Gray's accent.
    This Sam is so much better. LH is doing a good job. At least she is emoting. If she does die/disappear it eliminates any Dante/Lulu/Sam story. Maybe she won't.
    The writers really want Natalia LaRue.
    I never cared for Ric but this time around he seems like the perfect scoundrel trying to be better. Or not.

    1. I really like this Sam too.

    2. I missed Marty's accent, too. But dang, he looked good. Almost as good as Ric!
      I've always liked Temp Sam. She's doing a great job.

  8. Haven't watched but chain of custody, Sam "finding" a gun that didn't kill jagger doesn't clear Alexis lol. Also can't wait for Portia to ne held accountable, she's unbearable...

    1. Alexis was arrested because she was seen disposing of a gun. If they find it was not the gun that killed Jagger then they have no legitimate reason to hold her.

    2. But there cld be multiple guns at the bottom of the lake. The suspects daughter finding one that isn't a murder weapon doesn't prove anything. Can't prove the gun sam finds is one Alexis dropped. Sam could easily plant a random gun to find to clear her mother.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...