Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Summer's Over?

I think the day after Labor Day is the saddest day of the year. Just saying, especially as an August baby. My birthday would come at the end of August and BOOM!! One week later-_SCHOOL!! I start tomorrow with my speech kids. 

TODAY'S SHOW IS A DOOZY...and I messed up and lost 1/2 of the blog, it didn't save. So WATCH ON HULU TONIGHT! 

Willow and Drew: They kiss and draw apart. She says it was a mistake, she loves Michael. He says he wishes he would have met her first. They drive together to the Qs

Ok, so we see Sonny shoot Jagger again. Michael sees him when he's walking to the gatehouse. Sonny says "he was coming after your sister" Michael yells: I DON'T WANNA KNOW! Then he tells Sonny he'll get rid of the body and Sonny has to get Carly to say he was with her the whole time. 
Sonny goes into the Qs and grabs Carly and tells her she has to help him. 

Tracey comes down and Ace threw food on her. She's not happy. Makes Brook go up and tend to him. Asks Nina why she's still there. THEN Carly and Sonny come down and people assumed they slept together upstairs because Sonny's putting his belt on. 

Sam goes to Alexis' house and they are trying to figure out where Krissy would have gone. 

Kristina is sobbing at the grave of Adela/Irene. Says that Molly was wrong that she never would have gone to the hotel if she knew what was going to happen. "You're there and I'm here" she says. She keeps crying and laying on the grave for a LONG TIME. She leaves a Mickey there and leaves. 

Kristina goes back to Sam and Alexis. She's cold and wet. 

Jason finds a knocked-out Isaiah on the road. He calls 911. Isaiah is taken to GH. Portia checks on him. Wants Jordan to find out who he is. Jordan listens to the call and realizes it was Jason calling it in. 

Ava is trying to talk Linda the FBI fake lady out of shooting her.  Jason finally shows up and puts the gun on Linda's back. Linda drops the gun and Ava picks it up and points it at her. Can't do it. Tells Jason to do it. He says no. 

AT GH, Ric brings Liz flowers which she says she'll give to the other patients on the floor. He says he misses her. Asks about Heather. They banter/flirt. She says she'll meet him after her shift. They go out for ice cream. 

OMG I lost SO MUCH OF MY BLOG! IT just disappeared!

You need to know that: 

Jason saved Ava, called the police to come and get Linda

Alexis finds the gun Kristina had

Police are at the Q's questioning everyone  


  1. ----great show today - so many characters and useless characters
    -----I thought Sonny told Carly WHY he needed her help but he didn't......Carly's face when Sonny was tucking in his shirt was priceless
    -----Alexis is gonna think Kristina killed Cates but makes NO SENSE that a lawyer would know the gun had not been fired/Kristina is in NO shape to shoot and kill and pick up all casings...
    ------I like Michael lying! Makes him interesting
    ------Love that Jason calls the police, tells the truth and still wants to eliminate all evidence but I am very confused as to will fake agent be arrested???? and Cates is dead so she can lie her way out of it?
    -----SO glad that Jason said Brick tracked Ava and Jason followed Ava - good explanation
    -----I don't want Ric and Liz together - she needs a GOOD GUY - maybe new doctor? and she has yet to visit Violet or mention Finn
    -----TOTALLY thought Jordan was gonna recognize Isaiah.
    ----Kristina is a big SICK OF HER -
    ------everything that has been said about Willow and Drew still stands - it is THE WORST PAIRING

    1. I agree that Liz needs a good guy this time, somebody like Patrick maybe, but she has always had a thing for bad boys. And I did like her and Ric together until he screwed it up with the whole chaining Carly to a wall in the panic room. One little mistake. 😊

  2. I think the Cates story has potential because they're clearly setting up Kristina as the likely suspect - she has motive, no alibi, and Alexis was calling/texting people like crazy looking for her. In the real world, her cell phone being at the gravesite would probably save her, but this is GH :)

    Where this show gets clumsy is on the little things and consistency. So Sonny what, planned to turn himself in and changed his mind / killed Cates spontaneously? Because if he planned to kill Cates all along then he just had no plan for clean up? If it was an in-the-moment decision, the scene prior to the shooting needed to feature more goading from Cates or something.

    And the Q's have a whole estate and no cameras? At least have a throw away line about how they were knocked out by the storm. Carl does not appear to know Sonny killed Cates (which I get him not telling her) but she also seemed surprised people think they slept together so it's weird she and Sonny didn't have a story.

    1. right - he TOLD Diane to be on standby ALL NIGHT-----and Cates not having a gun is odd PLUS I missed WHERE did Sonny put the gun???????

  3. I agree with Mufasa, no to Liric please.. Elizabeth has grown please show this growth. Drew and Willow= no chemistry.

    Where is Sonny's gun? Doing this at the Q's right where his son and his grandchildren live? Very strange location to meet at and to commit murder.

    I think if TJ was at the grave site with Kristina is could have been powerful and it could have pushed Molly from TJ.

    Happy to see Ava survived.

    1. driving me nuts wondering where is the gun????????

  4. "Karen says, OMG I lost SO MUCH OF MY BLOG! IT just disappeared!"

    Karen it's been happening to my posts too! Something is wrong with the blog!!!!

    The grave: Well, the only good thing here is the acting. Molly should be the one who is at the grave crying not Krissy.

    *Comet gallops and finds Krissy. Comet texts everyone to tell them what Krissy is doing. They are all so confused.*

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Sam: Of course Alexis is worried! She is a mother and Krissy didn't contact her back!

    Alexis, Sam, and Krissy:

    Krissy: I have to make sure Ava pays for what she has done.

    Oh I see why she has a gun! She wants to kill Ava.. Will Sam get in the way and Krissy accidentally shoots Sam?

    Alexis and Krissy's purse: Alexis's face when she sees the gun!!!!

    Gun: Hello. :) MUAHAHAHAHA!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Ric: Awww he is pursuing her. :) My LiRic heart! :)

    Ric: I've been managing to stay out of trouble all at the same time. It's been a long time people can change. I'm on the road to self improvement.

    OH! Great to hear that Ric!!!! :D

    Portia and Jordan: Portia! Jordan already told you all she knows about Ric! Damn.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Oh come on you two! Go past kissing! :) Have some zex! :) And uh Willow you ARE a cheater.

    Q boat house:

    Sonny and JohnJag: I'm glad they didn't show Sonny shoot JohnJag in the head. That would be too much.

    Sonny, JohnJag, and Michael: Whoa I did not expect Michael to show up.

    Michael: Mom's still at the house. She will give you an alibi.

    WHAT?!?!?!! :0

    Michael: I'll take care of it.

    WHAT?! I did not expect Michael to help his father. WOW! But he didn't take care of the body! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Mildew: Wow! Drew aka Ryan Lavery's eyes bulged! He has the Ryan Lavery facial expression! Hahahaha! Oh wow Michael is such a great actor. :) Acting all panicky. He is also lying. I wonder if Michael will tell Willow the truth.

    Q mansion:

    Sonny and Carly: Of course Carly would protect Sonny! She has nothing else better to do.

    Brase, Tracy, and Nina: Ace spit up? ROFL! Tracy wins the lines of the day.

    Tracy: I would like you to arrest him for disturbing my peace. Did you drug him? That is clearly not the same baby.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Didn't you ever stop to think that Ace has been moved from his home and it will be hard on him? That's why he is crying.

    Brase, Tracy, Nina, Sonny, and Carly: That's hysterical that people think Carly and Sonny slept together. The look on Carly's face when she sees Sonny belting himself up! Hahahaha!

    The road:

    Jason and Isaiah: Poor Isaiah!!!! His first night in Port Chuckles and he gets hit by a car. Where the heck was he going?

    Ava and bad lady: I'm glad Ava isn't wearing white in the rain! ROFL!

    Ava, bad lady, and Jason:

    Jason: We're in this together now.

    Awwwwwwwww Jason and Ava are going to bond. :)

    1. I wish I could raise one eyebrow the way Carly did. lol

    2. "Di says, I wish I could raise one eyebrow the way Carly did. lol"

      HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah no kidding. :)

  5. A brief thunderstorm brings lots of chaos to PC.
    Goodbye JohnJagger Cates.
    Wouldn't a Jason/Ava pairing be interesting.
    Since the day that Elizabeth walked out on Finn, who was in need, she has not mentioned his name. It's a soap but details tie things together so easily with just a few words. Ric is ick.

  6. I loved Carly's reaction when she turned around and saw Sonny doing his belt. But let's be clear -- no Q would allow Sonny into the mansion after he killed AJ. Never.

    I wonder if Maurice Bernard is planning on retiring in a year or two? Could this ultimately be Sonny's exit storyline?

    1. I don't think so - on his SOM he says often that he is now having the best time of his life acting -------------that as he has gotten older, he doesn't care what people think and he has calmed down a great deal - he used to throw things, throw fits, etc.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...