Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Friends and Foes

 Liz and Willow talk about the schedule. Willow is nursing again. Liz wants her on Lulu's floor--Lulu isn't doing well. Liz also says Lucky has been gone about 12 years but he'll come back to help his family. Later, Willow goes in and tends to Lulu. She talks to her about her life and Drew and Michael. Liz pops in "Hello"?? DID she HEAR ALL THAT?! No she didn't. They talk about Lucky some more and Liz says Aidan and he email and face time. She hopes he doesn't just come home and save Lulu and leave again. 

Trina and Ava hug. Trina heard about what happened to her and she is so happy Ava is ok. She says that Ava is brave to say she was lying because it could affect her custody case for Avery. Ava says she doesn't have a lawyer yet. Ava asks how things are with Josslyn. Trina says they agree to disagree about Ava. Ava thanks Trina for standing by her and helping with the Gallery. Trina says the Davis family needs someone to blame. They chose Ava. 

Nina's at the Metro talking to Ric again about taking Ava's case. They talk about their brief marriage where he tried to bamboozle her. She says Ric knows how it's like to be hated in that town and he should help her. Ric says he loves Molly too much to do that to her, she's the best thing in his life.  Nina goes to see Ava and they are glad they are friends again but Ric won't help her. 

Molly comes in after seeing Alexis and says she knows more. Ric tells her Ava recanted her statement. He's not sure Krissy would kill Cates. He says maybe it was just a terrible accident. Molly says someone has to pay. 

Anna doesn't think Isaiah has told her everything. HE tells her everything that happened over again. She wants to know why Sidwell would hire HIM out of all the doctors out there. HE says he's the best. She's like, um... you sure? Why would you leave your practice in Chicago. He talks some more. She mentions Jordan saving him. He says "I want to meet that guy and thank him" and JORDY walks in. They talk and banter. 

Brennan is getting info but has to wait. Wants Carly to wait and have a whiskey. He says "Oh Cates was murdered and I bet you're not too sad about that". She says Sonny is a person of interest. Brennan says he was surprised Sonny and Carly 'reconnected". She says it was a one time thing. Anna walks in on a look LOL. Anna asks Brennan if he knows Sidwell. He's like NOPE! Anna says Oh, I don't believe that. Then they call and tell Brennan that the Sidwell camp was found but it's abandoned. Anna says she'll find Lucky herself since Brennan won't help more. Carly tells him she'll pay. He's like MEH

Alexis is at the PCPD. Molly comes in. ALexis says Diane is taking care of it. She also tells Molly it was RIC that turned her in. Molly says she knows Alexis didn't shoot Cates but says it's all Kristina's fault this happened, not her dad's. They argue. Alexis says she's not saying anything. PERIOD. Molly tells her not to protect Kristina all the time. Molly says if she doesn't tell them, she could be charged with capital murder.  She goes to see Ric (see above)

Diane lays into Alexis. She got her out now but she's in deep trouble. The gun, no alibi, yelling at Cates in the PCPD. Alexis says she found the gun and panicked. Diane hopes they find it in the river. She says Kristina HAS TO COME IN and tell them about the gun. Alexis says no way, she's not in her right mind and would say the wrong things. Diane is spicy: You are SUSPECT NUMBER ONE! 


Molly goes in and makes a statement to the police about her sister not having an alibi and maybe killed Cates! 

Ric decides he has to take Ava's case for his daughter who's not getting closure. He has to find out exactly what happeneed. 

No one knows how to find Brennan now OR How to get him out of that area when they do find him. 


  1. No one knows how to find Lucky now, not Brennan. And did you notice that at one point when Brennan was talking about finding Lucky he said there was no sign of Spencer.

    1. I thought he meant "Lucky Spencer"

    2. Could be. Never thought of that. Thanks. It just seemed odd at the time.

  2. FIller day but I STILL like Carly and Brennan and Jordan and Isaiah.
    -----I know I am repeating myself, but Anna is a pious hypocrite - and it wasn't until TODAY that I am so dumb that I realized this is about CHARLOTTE and Valentin - she isn't protecting Port Charles - "I WILL FIND LUCKY ON MY OWN" - you have never solved ONE case ANNA!
    ------Alexis is just stupid.
    ------How is no one mentioning Kevin and Laura - did they get there or where are they? FOR SURE Carly is gonna send JASON in to get Lukcy.....
    -------Willow talking to comatose Lulu about Drew was ridiculous too
    -----filler day..
    oooooooooooooo when IS THE GRAND OPENING OF THAT ARTIST that started in JUNE?

    1. "Willow talking to comatose Lulu about Drew was ridiculous too"

      Yeah and then when Lulu wakes up, she will talk to Willow about it. UGH!

    2. At least put her BFF Maxie in there

    3. "Linda says, At least put her BFF Maxie in there"

      Oh sure! Recast Lulu can gossip to Maxie about Willow having feelings for Drew aka Ryan Lavery! ROFL!

  3. Police station:

    Alexis and Molly: Yeah Molly! You tell her!!! This is insane!

    Alexis and Diane: Alexis you dug yourself into a huge hole and you just got your law license back!!! Yeah Alexis you gotta tell the truth!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ric and Nina: I love that Nina is defending Ava, but go find another lawyer! He said no! I love the Sonny history talk. :) Why is Nina all flirty? ROFL!

    Ric: My daughter means the world to me. Molly is the best thing in my life. The only thing that I'm proud of.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Ric and Molly: I LOVE their scene. :D I want more!!! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Trina: I love their hug! Awwwwwwww! :) Love that Trina is by her side. This is more like it.

    Ava and Nina: I really love that they are friends again! :) Besties!!!! :) I'm glad Ava has Nina too on her side.

    Ava, Nina, and Ric: Ooooo. Great scene! :)

    Police station:

    Molly and Dex: Oh boy! OO

    WSB offices:

    Carly and Brennan: Cute scene! All bantry and flirty! Unless Anna barges in geez!

    Carly, Brennan, and Anna: What is with Anna lately? All serious and acting like a general! I need scenes with Anna and Robert together. He relaxes around her.

    The hospital:

    Liz and Willow: Oy! I forgot that Willow is a nurse again. Ah ha! See?! Lucky DOES contact his son!!!! :)

    Willow and Lulu:

    Willow: I'm your nurse Willow.

    Hahaha. That made me laugh. Sounded really funny. Wait I don't remember if Willow and Lulu met before. Hmmmm.

    Anna and Gannon: Damn Anna stop it. Leave the poor guy alone! Gannon wins the line of the day.

    Gannon: There's great, and then there's me.


    Jordan and Gannon: Oooo love their scenes! Love the banter! #Ganford! :D

    1. Oh forgot to mention that now Lucky is gone?! UGH! Where did he go? Did he go off to play another round of cards somewhere else?

    2. If he did, I hope the new people have chips. Poker chips, that is. Of course some Sour Cream and Onion would be nice too!

    3. remember the mines are empty so Sidwell killed the guy - guess that means that Holly went too

    4. "Ginger Ma says, If he did, I hope the new people have chips. Poker chips, that is. Of course some Sour Cream and Onion would be nice too!"

      Hahaha. Sour cream and onion chips yummmmm! :)

      "mufasa says, remember the mines are empty so Sidwell killed the guy"

      Hmmm did Sidwell (Mr. Cookies) take the dead guy too? :) Or is he still buried somewhere? Hmmm.

      "guess that means that Holly went too"

      "So it's Sidwell, (Mr. Cookies) Holly and Lucky! OH! And let's not forget the chips!! Sour cream and onion. ROFL! I'm sure they will find a poker table somewhere.

    5. Lulu and Willow did know each other before she went in the coma. Willow was Charlottes teacher when she was bullying Aiden.

    6. "Tracy Anne says, Lulu and Willow did know each other before she went in the coma. Willow was Charlottes teacher when she was bullying Aiden."

      OH! I forgot about that! Well then Willow should of said it's me Willow!

  4. Replies
    1. PFFFFFFFT ! She reminded me of Alexis when she's frantic

    2. Haha. Nah she don't need a Xanax. She needs a paper bag. :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...