Friday, September 13, 2024

Baby Babble


Carly is talking to Brennan to find out where Lucky is and Anna comes in and hangs up his phone. She says it's HER town. He's just passing through.  She says she's going herself in there all rogue like. He says Sidwell is dangerous. yada yada. She says she's going for Luke because he would go for Robin. Brennan gives her the location. She leaves. 

Carly and Jason go into Isaiah's room to get more information about Lucky. Isaiah thanks Jason for saving him. Asks if he's a cop. Jason says no "coffee importer". Tells him he's going after Lucky. Isaiah says he wats to go with him too. Not happening. He tells Jason that Sidwell does have a weakness: His girlfriend... he calls her "English". Brennan comes in to talk to Jason and Carly. He gives them the location and tells Jason Anna is going too. 

Sonny and Alexis argue about the gun and what happened the night Jagger was shot. The whole thing-- gone over again and again. Krissy stealing the gun, Alexis throwing it. Yada yada. It's just a lot of chat. She thinks he killed Jagger and he says Carly is his alibi. She laughs. 

Kristina goes to see Michael and says she's turning herself in for the gun. He's like no way. He has a plan. He wants to PAY A CRIMINAL to take the fall. "Jagger had a lot of enemies". 

Chase calls Kristina and tells her she has to go to the station. He asks her where she was the night Jagger was killed. She says she was with her mother except for 30 minutes when she visited her daughters' grave. Diane wasn't with her but Michael was-- HOW STUPID why would she say anything??? 

Then Kristina figures out who told the PCPD she was gone that night--it was Molly. 

Tracey tells Lois and Brook that "Violet lied to her". She was telling everyone that Brook and Chase are having a baby. Brook says they aren't...YET. Tracey tells her to wait 10 years. They have a VERY outdated conversation about babies and work. Chase walks in and thinks Brook is pregnant. She says no. The talk about having a baby and they want one soon. 

Felicia and Mac talk on the deck of the boathouse. They wonder why Tracey is so nice to Cody. Felicia says he's one of her only friends and she's lost a lot of people lately. Mac gets a call and the PCPD says they are ready to make an arrest in the Cates case. 

Felicia goes to see Anna and gives her some quinine pills she had when she was supposed to go to Africa. Anna tells her she's going after Lucky. Felicia wants to go too. Anna says no because if she goes, Mac will want to go. She'll find KevLar and join them. 


Mac arrests Alexis 

Kristina says she pulled into the end of the Q driveway and decided NOT To go in and kill Cates

Anna and Jason end up on the same plane to Africa


  1. -----the ONLY reason we would be subjected to Chase and Brook Lynn has gotta be she had a baby years ago - sigh------------interesting Finn is out in a month?????Liz still never mentioned him or has she visited Violet
    -------It woulda been MUCH better if Kristina had accidentally shot the gun - and they found it. THIS makes no sense - circumstantial at best - no gun residue/no gun.....
    ------so today Kristina saying she drove up to the Q's - as Karen reminded me - she was in Alexis' car so I would feel better if ANYONE in the police would have actually looked at security camers (although clearly Alexis wasn't driving or even got out of the car)
    ----ya'll listen the extent to which I HATE Jason and HORRIBLE Alexis cannot be described...WHY are the writers doing this??
    ------case in point : Ms. Never Solved a Case vowed to Sonny, "I WILL find out who killed John Cates" and not even 12 hours later, she moved to helping find Lucky _ ONLY cause Valentin will LOVE her even more......she is pathetic....
    -------Anna and Robert KNOW Luke called Holly 'English'
    ------still think Zeke should come back and be Alexis' lawyer!

    1. "Krissy says, so today Kristina saying she drove up to the Q's - as Karen reminded me - she was in Alexis' car"

      Really? She was in Alexis's car?! OH MY!

    2. "mufasa says, yep took her keys and car"

      Oh! *Facepalm*

  2. Filler Friday.
    Between quick phone calls and hang ups it's all a mishmosh to me.
    Half assed Anna and Jason going to find Lucky is so predictable. Unless they meet up with Laura and Kevin in Africa while Lucky is already in PC.
    How silly is it that the PCPD etc. do not question Sonny's alibi. Are they even looking for the gun in the river?

  3. ooooo I forgot - this is NOT about PCPD and the POLICE COMMISSIONER just leaves - so this should be her vacation.

  4. Some funny one liners today.

    Brennan's WSB office:

    Anna and Brennan: Oh Anna stop it!!!! Zzzzzzzzzz.

    The hospital:

    Jarly and Gannon: Zzzzzzzzzz. Wait English? That's what Luke used to call her!

    Jarly and Brennan: Gee Brennan you aren't going to tell Carly that Anna hung up your phone? :)

    Carly and Brennan: Oooo looks like they are getting closer! ;)

    Q boathouse:

    MacLecia: Yes Tracy is jelly and lonely. :D She probably wants some Cowboy Cody! ;)

    Michael's office:

    Krissy and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzz,

    Police station:

    Michael, Krissy, and Chase: Zzzzzzzzz. Krissy shut up and get your lawyer!!! Michael should become a lawyer!

    Michael's office:

    Krissy and Michael: Zzzzzzzzzz. She almost killed JohnJag, but she didn't, but she could have if she wanted to. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Q mansion:

    Tracy, Brooky, and Lois: Robot Lois stop it!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Tracy is right about 1 thing. Brase have a lot on their plate. Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: So you can definitely put breeding on hold for awhile.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH! Lois is back! YAY!

    Brase: Awwww a Chase baby! Who will look like him. Awwwwwwww! :D Little baby Chase Jr. :) Wait sex now?! On the couch?! Uhhhh. Someone might walk in! Go in your bedroom!!

    Alexis's home:

    Sexis: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sexis and Mac: Arresting Alexis. Now you gone and done it Alexis!! *Facepalm*

    Anna's home:

    Anna and Felicia: When Felicia said she wants to go with her, I gasped and clapped!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :D No Anna! Let Felicia go with you! :(


    Anna and Jason: I thought Felicia would show up anyway. I'm so disappointed. :( Jason and Anna going together. Why?! Is something going to happen between them?! Dammit I want Felicia to go!!!! Why have Felicia bring up that she wants to go if she isn't going. That's just teasing us and I don't like it!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 28th 2005* Yesterday it was 2004 when Lulu was little with black hair, and now it's 2005 older Lulu! ROFL! I have no idea where black hair came from! :)

  5. I'm guessing Jason didn't tell DANNY or SAM he was leaving on a dangerous mission that CARLY asked him to do ----------- for the brother of Dante's ex-wife?

    1. You're so right and NO Dante scenes was a big miss.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...