Thursday, September 5, 2024

One Down...


So, does this lady age?? She reminds me of Jane Seymour-- she doesn't age either! I wish they'd move OUT of this 'Cell' bunker though. 


Liz and TJ try to figure out Isaiah's medical status. Not quite coma but he's not awake. TJ leaves. Some guy tries to sneak in but Liz is there.  He ends up leaving. 

Jordan tells Dante that Laura and Kevin made it to Nairobi. She vows to find out who the guy is.

Ric comes in after being at the Gallery and wants to know how Molly really is. TJ says she's obsessing about the hotel fall and wants justice.  Ric then talks to Liz and says: Um, Cates was shot and killed last night and we saw someone THROW A GUN OFF THE BRIDGE!! 

Nina got Ric to take Ava's case. Ric and Ava are like: DOH! I know you, don't like you. Ric represented Julian in Connie's murder (who Ava actually murdered. ) She's like: Well, I'll take you. Ric says not on your life. Nina reminds him he owes her a favor for trying to steal her money when they were married (briefly). He says no because Ava pushed Kristina and killed his grand daughter so conflict of interest. 

Diane goes to Alexis' house and tells her about Jason and Ava. Says Kristina is off the hook, Ava recanted. Alexis is afraid she's up for another murder charge. Diane leaves. Kristina comes down. Alexis tells her the FBI case will be dropped. Agent Cates was killed. Krissy says: Oh I heard. One down, one to Go. Alexis asks if she killed him. Kristina says no, why would you think that. Alexis says: Um, the gun. She thought Kristina was going to hurt herself. 

Tracey, Olivia, Lois, Brook, Ned and Gio are all in the Q living room. Tracey's all upset her bed was messed up. Lois says: I think guests did it. Tracey almost chokes on her juice LOL It's pretty funny. Olivia is going to burn the sheets. The dialect coach comes in (lady from SNL). She pins Olivia's address to a "T" just on her accent. Tracey hired Robin (coach) ahahaha. Lots of fun Q banter. I like it. The coach finally says it could empower Lois to give her different speech patterns to use for different situations. 

Carly and Sonny wake up. Carly's cranky he used her as an alibi. She wants to go home. Sonny wants her to stick around. She says they are done. He says what's the harm playing out the alibi? She says when their family finds out you were with Agent Cates! Diane comes in and sees Carly and is like: OH NOOOOOOOOO. She says no one is going to believe they slept together on the ONE night Jagger is killed. Sonny says no one can prove other wise. Diane says it can't be just "ONE TIME" they have to act like it's an affair. Carly says HELL NO. Diane then tells Sonny Ava recanted her testimony. 

Joss and Trina are in their apartment. Joss tells Tri that Dex graduated into the PCPD. Trina tells her about Jagger's murder.  Gio comes in and tells them Tracey freaked out when she learned 2 guests slept in her bed last night. WHO? Asks Trina "My Uncle Sonny and YOUR MOM" he says to JOSS ahahahaha  She leaves and goes to the Qs and Olivia tells her it's true. Joss then goes BACK To the apartment. Trina tells Gio to leave and tries to make Joss feel better. Joss is mad at her mother . 

Joss confronts her mother outside of Sonny's apartment

Kristina tells Alexis the gun was Sonny's and Alexis tells her she threw it off the bridge

Sonny calls Jason to tell him the gun is missing

Goonie guy gets orders to kill Isaiah

Ric tells Liz they have to tell the police about Alexi tossing the gun from the bridge


  1. Of all the actors they could have given a job to they choose Sara Sherman, the most annoying person from SNL. With her mutton hair cut. Why?
    Ric has morals? Who knew.
    "Mind your own damn business" Joss.
    Lots of close up feet shots today.

    1. "zazu says, Ric has morals? Who knew."

      ROFL! Well he did say he has changed. We will see how long that will last. ROFL!

    2. I really like her!! It's weird tho, NBC--ABC.

  2. The Q mansion:

    NedLia, Lois, Brooky, Tracy, and Gio: This was hysterical! So many funny one liners, but none of them won in this scene. Tracy thinking Carly and Sonny had zex in her bed BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Yes burn those sheets! Hahahahaha!

    Nedlia, Lois, Brooky, Tracy, and voice coach: Tracy did NOT call that coach voice lady! Lois is the one who called to get the voice coach lady. Did the writers forget?! That voice coach lady has a very bad wig! ROFL! She is also rude. I thought that Olivia wanted to give her the finger hahahaha!

    Joss and Trina's Q garage apartment:

    Joss, Trina, and Gio:

    Gio wins the line of the day.

    Gio: Probably the usual way.


    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Diane: Why is Alexis so calm? Why didn't she tell Diane about the gun and her throwing it in the water? The writers are forgetting again.

    Alexis and Krissy: Ohhhhh Alexis is worried about Krissy killing herself. Okay that makes more sense than her thinking Krissy used the gun to kill someone. Now that everything has calmed down, Alexis, call Molly!

    Sonny's home:

    Carly and Sonny: I still think it's a dumb plan. The green beans thinks so too cus it's giving Sonny the side eye.

    Carly, Sonny, and Diane: I'm glad Diane didn't believe their story. Oh! A better story! Hahaha oh Diane. :) Well, she is right.

    Liz, TJ, and Isaiah: Come on!!!! Wake up Isaiah! I can't even spell his name right. ROFL! I'll have to think up a nickname for him or something.

    Liz, Isaiah and strange guy: Hmmmmmm. :)

    Strange guy on the phone: Ohhh Isaiah's last name is Cannon? Is he related to Nick Cannon? ROFL!

    Jordan and TJ: This is going to be annoying having everyone near this Isaiah guy's room. Although that stranger who went into the room was fun. :)

    Jordan and Dante: OH! YAY! Laura and Doc made it! Good!!!! Was a new carpet bag with her? :)

    Dante and Ric: Hmmm that head nod was rude. Come on Dante! Hug him! He is your uncle! :)

    Ric and Liz: Oooooo! They can bond over the seeing Alexis throwing the gun in the water! :)

    Ric and TJ: Great scene! Poor Molly. :(

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Nina: Are they friends again? I hope! Yes Nina you are right. Ava deserves a second chance! :)

    Ava, Nina, and Ric: Love the history talk Nina! :) Yeahhhh Ric shouldn't be Ava's lawyer. Not a good idea.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to July 6th 2006* Anna and Robert. :)

    1. Oops forgot one thing.

      "Karen says, The dialect coach comes in (lady from SNL)."

      She is from SNL? Oh!

  3. I enjoyed today's show. The scenes with Ric and Liz, Sonny and Carly, Alexis and Kristina, and Ava and Nina were all good. Glad we finally get to see Ned and Olivia again. Also, we got a decent explanation about why Alexis immediately pitched the gun -- bail violation.

    The only thing I had mixed feelings about were the scenes with Lois. Not sure why they are doing this with her accent.

    1. I don't think that Rena Sofer wants to fake the accent anymore (even though she is really good at it). Just like John J. York came on "faking" the Australian accent, and they eventually phased it out. Accents are great for actors in short-term rolls, movies and sitcoms, but soaps go on daily for years and it's hard for "long-term" characters to sustain them. Meh....Just a guess that it is the actress's choice and they are writing it into the storyline to explain it.

    2. Ahh. I could see that happening. If true, that's understandable. (John J. York's Aussie accent was pretty bad. LOL)

    3. So Chris explained on IG that it's a homage to HIS dialect coach that helped him get rid of his WNY "Twang". Now I'm from here so...WHAT??!! LOL but yes, we are very flat and nasal. I think it's a cute, different story. I complain about boring and not fun so this seems to be ok. Yesterday's Q stuff was vintage banter!

    4. "Kevin says, (John J. York's Aussie accent was pretty bad. LOL)"

      Hahaha. Yes! Very bad! :)

      "kdmask says, So Chris explained on IG that it's a homage to HIS dialect coach that helped him get rid of his WNY "Twang". Now I'm from here so...WHAT??!! LOL"

      I know!!!! WHAT?! ROFL!

      "but yes, we are very flat and nasal."

      I was going to say, I'm not nasally! ROFL! But then I had to look up what a nasal sounding voice sounds like. OH! We ARE nasally! Hahaha! Here is the video.

      "Yesterday's Q stuff was vintage banter!"

      It was!!!!! :D


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...