Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Surgery: You Cant Always Get...


Well, not all weeks can be my favorite now can they?? Yes, there was plenty of drama but there was a lot of "stuff" that just felt like fluff and filler. Do I know they need filler? Yes. Am I still going to complain about it? Um...YES. LOL 

The week was uneven but did pack a punch. Let's get into it!! 

You know the only reason I chose that photo is my face looks like this frequently. In ANY situation. 

Photo thx to @ritziroo 

MARROW DRAMA ESCLATION OF THE WEEK:  Lord help m on this whole mess. Where do I even start?? First Nina goes to a shocked Willow with the news and she doesn't believe it until Michael tells her it's all true. Then she's weepy, then angry..then.. tells Nina to get out. Nina goes to get tested of course because "you're my daughter and I will save you"!! Willow hates Nina more than Carly does at this point. Willow also told Sasha that she doesn't want to give birth early (which is like 3 weeks) because she wants the baby to have a better chance. A better chance at what? Staying in your cancer riddled body? What if you die? You leave both your kids with no  mother? Um.. that's ridiculous. 

TEFLON CARLY OF THE WEEK: The ONE saving grace was that Drew wasn't around. That's all I'm saying about that!!  Carly finally told the truth and even Michael knows she had the DNA test forever AND bribed the fire-lady to lie to Drew. Sonny read her for the liar she is and we thought Michael might as well. I think that lasted 2 days? Willow forgave her right away. Michael was pissed for such a short period of time I barely blinked before they hugged. My whole reason for putting up with this giant rollout of a story was that Carly was going to be given the S*it she so deserves. DID ANYONE MENTION AJ in this entire thing? Well, HELL NO...why would you? You have a pattern my dear, a selfish narcissistic pattern that's just plain mean.  

WEEPER OF THE WEEK: This brings us to Nina. Lord that woman cried all week. She wore her orange shirt and just had a kleenex in each hand!! First at Willow's bedside, then at Sonny's and then when TJ was testing her for a match. She even stayed in the room longer to cry even more. Austin called Aunt Liesl and she came to the rescue and to watch Nina's tears fall. 

KEEPER OF THE WEEK:  This was worth the price of admission. Loved the Liesl scenes. I also really like the fact she's still trying to find Esme because no one has bothered to put out there she's not a suspect anymore. LOL 

YOU WANNA WHAT OF THE WEEK:  Um, Spencer. You want to sue for custody of your 1/2 sibling ?? Really? I don't even get the vibe he wants to really save the kid OR stick it to Nikolas. Not sure if this is the direction I'd write for this but I'll wait. I do however think that apartment looks way better on Spencer than on Sonny. 

"COUPLE" OF THE WEEK: What? Spencer and Ava teaming up? Hells yes. By the way, Ava is getting Wyndemere in the divorce settlement that Victor is making Nikolas sign. Win-Win. 

BROS OF THE WEEK: Spencer talked to Alexis, Diane, Ava, Joss and Cameron this week! He was on fire! These were pure brother-cousin scenes. Protective but didn't pull any punches. He also read Joss for the liar that she is. :Clapping: I wonder what he'll do when he finds out Cam saw Dex in the Dorm!!? 

MARSHALL MATTERS OF THE WEEK:  So, Portia and Curtis are planning their wedding and want Marshall to do a clarinet solo. Well, this leads to a whole thing about his diagnosis with schizophrenia and should he be tested again and if he's tested and the first diagnosis wasn't right did he waste his life ...yada yada. It was poignant and yet I didn't feel a lot in this moment. Not sure why. I was more interested in how BIG Jax's old house has become!! wowza 

CREEPY MOMMY OF THE WEEK: OMG even Esme was skeeved out with Heather in her face!! The fact that Esme, Heather and Ryan are all in the same facility is pure joy. They can't be a family in a real house with a picket fence so why not Spa-Jail!?? LOL!! This is priceless. Maybe Heather will have to deliver the baby too. I'm also here for the Ryan scenes. They should be EPIC. 

WAITRESS OF THE WEEK:  Cameron just up and leaves Kelly's and his mama fills in!! She knows her way around, remember??! 

SOAPY SOAP MOMENT OF 2023: When you order food but your ex shows up...!!! And.. there it is! Joss is busted with her military mobular man. What will Cameron do? I SO HOPE he turns dark and angry. Takes it out on his music and becomes some alt-rocker that lurks around PC looking like early Cure. We need an old-timey Emo =Goth-Rager guy!! 

STOP THIS ISH OF THE WEEK: Again with the MASON stuff!! I don't care who their boss is at this point. I don't care if he stitches up for the mob. I DO. NOT. CARE. Austin has turned into more of a nothing than he was before. Mason threatening Georgie? Meh. I do. not. care. 

FRENCH OF THE WEEK: If I knew anything French, I'd be all whitty but I don't. VAnna are in The City of Light to find Victor's hidey hold. Some little French boy comes in (Violette's real life brother) and tells them (in French) that Lucy is being held by his father. Then Val calls some old French Flame to help and she turns out to be working with Victor. Have a croissant and here's hoping they show some action soon. 

ENDING SHOCK OF THE WEEK: Was NOT Expecting Elizabeth's mother to walk in!! Why is she there?? Maybe to erase Esme's memory because Victor paid her to do it? (that's the only other broader reason I can think of). Hmmm... we shall have to wait and see.  Photo tx to @Here4Sprina 

STYLE OF THE WEEK:  LOVE Portia's hair. I've never seen her with anything but the curls and I love this look. Her outfit? 70's inspired dream! 


Willow might take Nina's marrow but she's not having her baby early!! Damn it! 

Michael is still angry but basically forgives Carly for her omission of truth. So does Willow. Joss was never mad at her, so that doesn't count. 

Nina gets tested to be a donor and is sure she's a match (meaning she won't be!) 

Willow pleads with Sonny to make peace with Michael 

Dr O vows to find Esme and make her pay for Britt's death

Esme is in Spa Jail with her over-joyful Mama 

Nikolas finds out Victor wants Ava to have Wyndemere and what he's willing to do if Nik doesn't sign the papers

Austin tells Mason to go to hell; Mason threatens Georgie

Portia and Curtis talk to Marshall about getting tested ; Marshall is scared to find out the truth

Taggert is dismayed to learn Trina has been seeing Spencer

Spencer and Cam have a heart to heart; Spencer lays into Josslyn

Josslyn "lays" into Dex (giggle) and an unsuspecting Cam walks right into it. 

Spencer asks Diane for advice to get custody of his unborn 1/2 sibling

Elizabeths' mother shows up unexpectedly at Kelly's 

Valentin calls on an old French friend to help but she's working with Victor

SNEEK PEEK: Real posted this on IG (I think it's down now). Curtis' wedding and relatives in attendance. Looking fine! 

That's a wrap folks!!  I hope I did this week justice. The Carly lie didn't turn out to be as riveting as I thought it would be but there ya go. I still don't think Nina's going to be a match, I think it will be Wiley and she'll balk at having him harvested. Still can't tell if Esme is lying and that's a good thing. The Victor-Anna-Valentin Ice Princess whatever the hell is happening needs to pick up some pace. I'm intrigued how they are going to write Nikolas out. Some people are speculating he takes the baby and runs. (I hope he steals the correct baby if that happens lol). 

See you tomorrow! 


  1. "Joss lays into Dex" HILARIOUS!

  2. so tired of the carly show. she needs a vacation

  3. It's always THE CARLY AND SONNY SHOW. Carly annoys me more than Sonny, and she never takes a vacation. I don't like Carly or Nina, so I guess that is kind of sad since I am not on either team.

    Joss has sure become a mini Carly. Don't like her with Dex myself.

    Guess I don't like too many people right now. Sorry.

    Thanks for your hard work Karen.

  4. It's sad to say I can take whiny Nina way more than screechy Carly

  5. Joss acts like it was no big deal that Britt died protecting her. Keeping her Dex secret is more important

    1. Britt died protecting Joss because Joss was on the pier alone. I thought that she has a bodyguard. SO MANY people on the piers at night alone, THERE IS A SERIAL KILLER ON THE LOOSE, why aren't people afraid?

    2. No one is even mentioning it on the show! Maybe with Mason back on the canvas something will happen again since Ava thinks he is so familiar. Maybe the hook is a 2 person team

    3. Agreed. No one has said anything about her being out by herself.

  6. Better SS than this week on GH! Thanks.
    First I have to disagree about something petty. Portia's blast from the past. Flat hair and geometric caftan. Just no. Plus her nagging. Maybe you didn't feel the moment because their conversations are repetitive and b-o-r-i-n-g.
    A big surprise would be if Willow dies. But that won't happen.
    Is it still New Year's day?
    Not one hook mention all week. They need to wrap it up.
    Will Nik really try to have Esme's memories erased? Just so totally ridiculous.
    Will this all drag on to Feb. sweeps? Lucy, Phyllis, Ms. Wu....MIA.

  7. "Michael is still angry but basically forgives Carly for her omission of truth. So does Willow."

    Forgiving Carly so quickly is so boring! UGH!

    "Josslyn "lays" into Dex (giggle)"


    "SNEEK PEEK: Real posted this on IG (I think it's down now). Curtis' wedding and relatives in attendance. Looking fine!"

    Oooooo they all look so handsome. :)

    "Some people are speculating he takes the baby and runs. (I hope he steals the correct baby if that happens lol)."

    ROFL! I hope he steals the correct baby too if that happens! :)

  8. ---I felt Michael forgave too quickly so I think something else happens??? I dunno...
    ----even though Marcus C is on til last week of January I read that the recast (that we liked!) is coming in a few episodes to wrap up the story----he either steals the baby and Victor kidnaps him......and I think NIK called Caroline not Victor - cause Nik told his uncle he was expecting a visitor that he had called....
    -----I can't remember who commented and told me but thanks - I couldn't figure out WHY Ryan isn't mad at Heather for hooking Ava but I was told Ryan said something about a copycat to Heather - I TOTALLY missed that - so I still say Maggie...
    ---everyone is 100 percent correct - stories drag out and then we don't care and Mason/Austin is the worst followed by Marshall, etc......but Feb sweeps SHOULD be Taggart reveal of not being Trina's fa-tha.....
    -----no way Nina is a match-----
    -----Britt GETS A MEMORIAL SERViCE in Feb - YEAH! NOW Brad is gonna be filthy-rich so what happens now?
    -----not a great week - Nina crying constantly and Carly yapping constantly and Michael never changing his expression--------------------------BO-RING.....
    ------ooooo oooooo ooooooo so at NO time Joss and Trina haven't talked since Britt died????? #sloppyeditingwriting



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...