Thursday, January 26, 2023


Drew and Carly --you know. Do you get why I lied????????? DO YOU????????? do you forgive me????????/ do you??????? Oh and in the end he forgives her and they make out. She wants him to go home with her. 

Michael and Willow. Bzzzzzzzzzz. 

Ned and Brook run into each other at GH. They are going to go visit Willow. Brook cries to Willow about Chase. Ned and Michael make up a little bit. 

Sasha comes over to visit Nina. Sonny's trying to get her to eat. Sonya tells Nina she found out about her being Willow's mom from Willow. They talk about the bone marrow test. LAB CALLS. 

At The Savoy, Selina tells Cody good job on the poker game. Mac and Felicia walk in. He said he warned Cody away from "that woman" . Felicia wonders why he cares. He says he just does. They go to talk to Cody. Fe asks if he's going to Britt's memorial tomorrow. He says probably not. 

Selina sees Gladys. Gladys has to pay up. She's lost a lot of poker games. She owes $175,000!! Gladys offers up Brando's garage. Wu asks if she even owns it. Gladys is like: WELL...not really. Cody overhears them. He remembers that Sasha said her mother in law has guaridianship over her. 

Nikolas delivers divorce papers to Ava at The Metro Court restaurant. "You knocked a girl up that's not even old enough to drink this martini" AHAHAHA.  He tries to explain things to her. 

Spencer and Trina. He tells her he wants to raise his bro or sister. She doesn't think he's ready. (no shit!!) LOL he's like WHY, won't you like me anymore? They decide to take their 'friendship' public. 


NINA goes into Willow's room and she tells her she's not a match. She's sorry.

CREW have Zex. EW

TOMORROW: VAnna's back 


  1. ---I still think Carly was forgiven too fast so the big story will be Nina getting even with her/insider trading/jail BUT I would like to know does anyone really enjoy Crew????
    ---Wiley and Lesiel could be a match - interesting that Nina said 'a sibling would be a better match than a mother' and let me say if Nelle comes back, I'm outta here!!!! Maybe James but that seems far-fetched.....but why aren't people being tested???? like family??
    --Cody will grow on me if he helps Sasha and seems to have a purpose......
    seemed like a filler day until the end...
    ---previews - FELICIA is talking to Val and Anna? Very confused - but yeah vets!!
    ----Sprina are cute - it's odd they were drinking coffee but whatever - Spence is way too confident that he will get custody
    ----must watch Nik talking to Ava - what was that about? Did he lie on purpose???? What big thing did he do for her???? clearly MC is in his last days.

    1. Trina is under 21. They wouldn't be drinking alcohol in public.

    2. Carly was forgiven too fast. Where is the fall out.

    3. Agree about Nick. What was he talking about

    4. OMG, so agree..why isn't EVERYONE getting tested?? Doofus writers! And I may have to be outta here too if Nellie comes back. Ack!
      I may be in the minority but I'm going to miss Nik.

    5. I don't understand why everyone isn't getting tested too. At least those who are her friends and family, or Michael's family. I thought they had said a while back that there was going to be a drive at the hospital. The writers must have forgotten that.

  2. The best chance of a donor match is a sibling, and Nelle was her twin. Joss has Nell's kidney so she must be a match for Nelle, and maybe for Willow too.

    I hope Cody tells Sasha what's going on and they get a judge to drop that guardianship. Sonny could pull those strings. I'd have sympathy for Gladys if she wasn't talking about stealing the money then going back to the tables to gamble some more.

    I'm assuming by the previews that Martin gets a surprise tomorrow. I hope it's Lucy.

    1. You are right about Joss. But will the writers even remember?

  3. Some funny one liners today.


    Sprina: Spencer wins the line of the day.

    Spencer: That's literally how all first parents learn.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He has got a good point there. :) Her opinion matters to him awwwww! :) Trina got all nervous, put up a wall, and talked about their friendship! Awww Trina! Take down that wall and tell Spencer how you REALLY feel! :)

    The Savoy:

    Ms. Wu and Gladys: Did Gladys use up all her money from her stock that she had from work? BRANDO'S GARAGE? Oh oh!

    MacLecia: Did Felicia tell Mac the truth about Holly? She must have told him off camera.. Yeah has to be it, because Mac can be trusted and won't tell anybody!

    MacLecia and Cowboy Cody: Oh Cowboy Cody! Just tell papa Mac the truth!!!! When will the truth come out? February sweeps? Hmmm is Cowboy Cody drunk?

    Cowboy Cody and Ms. Wu: Awwww Cowboy Cody you nervous about Gladys? :) Go be with Mr. Ed and he will calm you down. :)

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Sasha: Great scene. Nina still needs to cut down on all that coffee..

    Nison and Sasha: THE LAB!!!! :D

    "Karen says, Sonya tells Nina she found out about her being Willow's mom from Willow."

    I don't remember saying that. I must have been drunk.

    The hospital:

    Nina and Willow: NOT A MATCH! HA! YAY! :) Very soapy. Thank you writers! Who will be a match? WILEY?! :)

    Ned and Brooky:

    Brooky: Be nice.

    Ned: I'm always nice.

    Brooky: Be nicer.


    Ned and Michael: I'm glad they are not arguing about ELQ! I mean cus poor Willow is on her death bed. What will her last words be? Take care of the Tribbles?

    Hospital parking garage:

    Nison: GREAT SCENE!!!! She made me all emotional! :(

    Mildew home:

    Crew: Oh I knew he was going to forgive her! So boring!!!! Oh oh they are making out. I was thinking are they going to have the zex there? Ewwww! Oh good she wants to take him home. :) Whew. :)

    Carly's home:

    Crew: Crew Zex! Will Carly be thinking of Jason while they are having zex? Hmmm I wonder if his real life wife, and her real life boyfriend are watching! *Snicker*

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 2013* Britch is in labor with Ben aka Rocco!! Remember? HA! :D

    1. Oops forgot one thing!

      Metrocourt restaurant:

      Ava and Nik: Nik lost everything!!! So now what is he going to do? Nik lost everything more than Carly did. Will he kidnap baby Ace? Hmmm.

  4. sonya said: "Karen says, Sonya tells Nina she found out about her being Willow's mom from Willow."

    I don't remember saying that. I must have been drunk."

    ** OMG I was laughing so much I had to stop reading. You old souse you. PMSL

    I think they want us to think it will be Wiley because he's on her bed when she gets happy news.

    1. "Di says, OMG I was laughing so much I had to stop reading."

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'll see myself out. You can come with me! ROFL!

      "You old souse you. PMSL"


      "I think they want us to think it will be Wiley because he's on her bed when she gets happy news."

      Yeah sneaky writers! Hahaha!

    2. Well like I said above The best chance of a donor match is a sibling, and Nelle was Willow's twin. Joss has Nell's kidney so she must have been a match for Nelle, and maybe for Willow too.

      I think Wiley on the bed was just a red herring.

    3. Sonya writes pretty good recaps for being a souse, lol!
      "Be nicer" was my GH line of the day. BLQ sure knows her dad!
      "Take care of the Tribbles" was my Sonya line of the day. HAHAHAHAH!
      Neener needs some downers, and I couldn't fast forward Crew fast enough. Yucko!

  5. I hope to God Joss is not Willows savior. Can't take the two of them anymore

  6. Annnd the Carly worship writing godddd will it ever stop? What an awful character. Same with this terrible recast of Drew. Hallmark Fake Drew is definitely NOT Drew, Frank definitely has the writers writing him as if he's a completely new character.

    Good Sprina stuff today. They definitely need to move this coupling forward, enough already.

    I really don't care about anything Millow bc they are so boring and it's carried on far too long. They should've killed her off so Carly could finally get some perspective on how her lies and manipulations actually impact people. Soapy101.

    Love seeing Mac and Flea but this Cody thing just doesn't work.

    LOVE Ava!

    LOVE Wu!

    1. Couldn't agree more Ginny - if Carly was the hook - she'd be tried in court - prosecutor would present the evidence - and her defense would stand and say "But it's Carly." Acquittal - just amazing

  7. Carly and Drew made me nauseous - had to ffwd. She just gets away with everything and Hallmark Drew is such a chump. Sprina were so cute. Don’t care much about Willow but I’m sure they will find her a match somehow.

  8. And Ava was divine as always!

  9. Drew and Carly have no chemistry, and this version of "Drew" is bland as dishwater. I always FF through their scenes.

  10. TODAY/Friday is Marcus C last airdate as Nicholas.

    1. I wonder if he's leaving or if they'll have a sub or the new guy in right away.

  11. I think the previous sub will be taking over for the scenes he refused to shoot.

  12. Or old Nic will just come back and stay.

  13. Drew's got limits - he's just not at the end of them yet. Also - the editing was weird today with the Sonny / Nina / Willow / Michael / Q's / Sasha scenes today.



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