Thursday, January 19, 2023

Dex Is Wandering


Portia has straight hair! wow.. They are talking about their marriage. Marshal comes in. They want him to play a solo at the wedding. He hesitates. He says his anxiety is triggered playing solo especially for a wedding.  Portia talks to him later and says he should be retested and he refuses. 

Sonny and Carly in the chapel. They argue about Carly not telling Willow-Nina. OMG they just freaking argue. Sonny calls out Carly. Carly calls out Sonny. She leaves. It was just the same ol same ol. 

Nina is waiting for test results. Austin comes in because he thought the room was empty. She tells Austin she's Willow's mama. He leaves and Calls Liesl to come be with Nina. Nina tells Liesl she's Willow's mother. Liesl is so happy. Also tells her to focus on Willow, not Carly. 

Kelly's. Spencer and Cam are talking. Cam says he wishes he could go a day without thinking of Joss. And Joss walks in. She is getting pie for Willow. Cam is angry, he stalks off. Spencer says she's sure could have gone somewhere else.  Spencer wants to know why Joss broke up with Cam.  She leaves. Spencer tells Cam he doesn't think Joss is being straight with him. Cam says "Why would she lie"? Pffffffffft. 

Dex is at GH to talk to Michael. He is looking for Sonny. They don't say much. Then Dex finds Sonny and Sonny says "I have to find Nina...later dude"

Liesl is going to try to find Esme and hurt her :) 



  1. ----I can't stress this enough----everyone should be following Wubs on Twitter and reading her live much entertainment ------ so many details...
    ----Michael hates both parents - childish but has he been this way for a long time and I don't remember? I hated when he got custody of Avery......but he is STILL going after Dex???
    ------each day I change my mind - today I think Liesel might be a match cause of the long awaited 'when will the tests come back"-----loved her talking down Nina..............and then saying she is going after Esme.....
    -----Spence so mean to Joss is odd but I get it now - he put in Cam's mind that Joss was lying.......Cam and Joss were not together much for MONTHS so he can't be that surprised....
    -----Sonya for ME the line of the day was MICHAEL saying, "Mom had no right to make decisions about telling Willow that Nina was her birth mother." #hypocrite

    1. "Mufasa says, I can't stress this enough----everyone should be following Wubs on Twitter and reading her live much entertainment ------ so many details..."

      YES!!! I agree!! Her live recaps are awesome and very entertaining! :)

      "Sonya for ME the line of the day was MICHAEL saying, "Mom had no right to make decisions about telling Willow that Nina was her birth mother." #hypocrite"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah that was a good line too. :)

  2. I think that hat man tells Portia tomorrow he is not Curtis father

  3. Sadly I don't think I care. The storyline is not interesting. I was in on the Trina who is her daddy story, but like LIz's possible DID, its teased one week and not mentioned for the next 2.

    1. Agreed their storyline is very boring

    2. think the reveal is Feb sweeps during the wedding------

  4. It was pretty dull today. I really like Curtis and family but they need to move this story along.

  5. Why is it that most conversations between Curtis/Portia/Marshal always sound the same. Blahblahblah. No story there.
    Now it looks like Dex called Michael. His obsession with bringing Sonny down is so stupid. Now he can add Carly to his list. Michael really is Grumpy Cat.

  6. I actually liked the CarSon argument today. JOSS IS PISSING ME OFF ;-)

  7. i liked the scenes too. Sonny you used to support my BS! I am sure we will get a "Jason I wish you were here" scene from the bridge.

    1. Hahah! I think Carly needs her own box of pain, and put all the years of DNA results in it!

  8. Kelly's:

    Cam and Spencer: Yeah Cam it's avoidance!!! Spencer is smart! :)

    Cam, Spencer, and Joss: Oh Joss!!! You could go somewhere else to get food at another restaurant!

    Spencer and Joss: I love how Spencer is protecting his BFF/cousin!!! What a great friend he is. I would love a friend like that. :) Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: I don't have the bandwidth to deal with you Spencer.


    Spencer and Cam: Listen to him Cam!!! There IS something that Joss isn't telling you!!!! Like she has feelings for Dex and they have slept together! Twice!!!

    Purtis's home:

    Purtis and Mr. Hat man: Wow Portia with straight hair. I'm so used to her curly hair. I'll have to get used to her straight hair now. Mr. Hat man get retested!!! He is skeered.

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Nina: He is so nice to her. :) He needs a love interest!! Who could it be?

    Pawtucket Holtster and Dr. O: Awwww I'm glad he called her. Can they be friends now?

    Dr. O and Nina: Great scene!!!! Although there is a wet spot on Nina's shirt. Is she lactating? It's so distracting. :) She finds out Willow is her daughter and now she is lactating.

    Carly and Sonny: Carly is justifying things and her nose is growing. Hey did anybody notice that when Maurice Bernard lit the candles that his hand was shaking? I hope he is okay.

    Joss and Michael: Oh of course Joss will defend her mama! Oy! Michael you feel how you want to feel. I'm glad Joss said that!

    Michael and Dex: Please let Dex be an FBI agent!! Or some agent!!! PLEEEEEEEEASE!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1991* Bill threatens Nancy. I love her hair!

    1. Line of the day was excellent, loved it!
      I also loved the conversations between Joss/Michael and Carly/Sonny. Lots of good stuff there!
      Dr O was excellent, and that wet spot on Neener's shirt...hahahahahhaa! I think it was tears. It was mysteriously gone from their last scenes, Quick drying shirt!
      And just remember Joss, cheaters never prosper! :)

    2. "Julie says, Line of the day was excellent, loved it!"

      Yeah!!! :)

      "I also loved the conversations between Joss/Michael and Carly/Sonny. Lots of good stuff there!"

      Yeah some good points from Joss and Sonny.

      "that wet spot on Neener's shirt...hahahahahhaa! I think it was tears."

      Hahaha yeah I know. :)

      "It was mysteriously gone from their last scenes, Quick drying shirt!"

      It was? Hahahahaha.

      "And just remember Joss, cheaters never prosper! :)"

      TRUTH! :)

  9. SOOOOOOOOOOOO Nik flies CAROLYN back to get her to erase Esme's memories?????Does he not care AT ALL about Liz? TRULY this character needs to go for sure.

    1. This is not soapy. It is stupid. The original concept regarding Elizabeth was stupid. Now they are repeating it? Do I see a shark jumping?

  10. can carly please apologize for keeping nelle and willow a secret from nina. tired of the fighting.

  11. I know carly has a history of keeping secrets from the biological parent she kept michael from aj, and helped jax keep spencer from nik



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