Monday, January 30, 2023



Stella is back in town. They talk about the hook and Esme being in Spa Jail. She has a surprise for Portia. Taking her to lunch. Trina says she can't go because she's going to Britt's memorial. Marshall and Curtis roll their eyes. lol Later Stella and Trina talk about Trina and her geneology test she did. Trina says she found a close relative in town but didn't move forward on it. Stella remembers Jordan asking about it and starts putting 2 and 2 together. Trina and Stella leave. Oh! Marshall tells Curtis he got the genetic testing done. Welp! 

Portia talks to Terry about the wedding while they work at GH ..Jordan walks in. Terry answers a page and leaves. Jordan gives Portia the eyeball.  Jordan says that she talked to Taggert about Curtis, Trina and Jordan. I guess OFF CAMERA? That's stupid.  Jordan said he was asking about security. Portia said they already talked about it, "Why is he asking you"?? they bicker. Jordan says maybe you need to unburden yourself. Then Jordan flashes back to helping Trina when she was arrested and also with the divorce paper thing with Stella. Jordan says if she wanted Curtis she could have said something a long time ago. Stella Hears it "Tell Curtis WHAT"? 

Willow talks to Sonny. Michael comes back in. They tell him about the baby being born, stem cells and chemo. Sonny will pray for them all. Wonders if he can see his granddaughter once she's born. 

Carly tells Drew Willow might be saved, hugs him and Nina sees them. Nina comes around the corner "well, well, aren't you two cozy'??  She says she's surprised that everyone forgives Carly so easily. Well, NOT so surprised !! Drew and Carly huff off, hoping Nina didn't get the idea they are together. 
Sonny comes over and tells Nina about Willow and the baby situation. Nina goes in to talk to Willow. 

Sasha and Maxie are getting their nails done. They talk about Britt's memorial. Sasha is sad she's lost so many people. Then Sasha mentions that Gladys wants to sell Brando's garage. 

Anna, Val and Felicia have a little whiskey in their coffee while they plot against Victor. There's not enough evidence to get him though. Anna mentions Robin, Noah and Emma. She misses them.  Laura is going to explain the whole "Dad is dead" thing to Charlotte. Felicia leaves to give Val and Anna some alone time. Then she shows back up--with Charlotte!! awwwwwww. 


Willow goes into surgery 


  1. Best scenario for Jordan - STELLA will now stop the wedding!
    LOVE Felicia-----so sweet
    ---Nina never learns - after TJ and Willow hug and thinking they were having an affair and then seeing Drew and Carly together - she is going down the same road and Carly, sorry, but Sonny IS gonna spill the beans..
    ---the whole issue with annoying Nina for me is the 'I would have never argued with Willow if I knew she was my daughter' like everything Willow did NOW is perfect -------------even going back to Charlotte in school-----------Nina and Willow's hatred of each other doesn't go away in 2 seconds because of a biological connection.............I don't think.....
    ----Valentin can say "Darlin" every -------------single------------show.....

  2. As annoying as the character is, I am 100% team Nina. You would think Carly would keep her mouth shut at least for a bit and be maybe a *little* sorry? I would prefer both of them knock it off, its childish. I was happy that Willow wasn't nasty to Nina.

    Portia came off bitchy

  3. Private cabin:

    Vanna and Felicia: Well, since Mucy are in their private room doing private things, ;) how come Vanna aren't in their private room doing private things? How many rooms are in the cabin? TRIBBLES'S COUSINS AND GREEN BEAN'S COUSINS ARE STILL HERE! YAY! :D Is Mac on his way? Oh Felicia has to go.

    Anna: She doesn't have allergies.

    BAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Vanna: Oooooo! Make out session on the couch. :) They couldn't find a private room? What if Mucy comes out of their room?

    Vanna, Felicia, and Charlie: I said out loud awwwwwwwwwww! :)

    V.C. and Charlie: Yes Charlie stay away from Victor!!!

    Felicia and Anna: Yeah Felicia knows all too well about not being with her children.

    Purtis's home:

    Stella, Curtis, Trina, and Mr. Hat man: STELLA! :D Hmmm I guess Stella doesn't have a key? :)

    Stella, Curtis and Mr. Hat man: Oooo stop giving each other looks because now Stella is suspicious. And I can't believe Curtis changing the subject worked! ROFL!

    Stella and Trina: Oooooo family tree talk time! :)

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: Mr. Hat man did all the tests?! YAY! Off screen/camera though boooooo! When Mr Hat man told Curtis that this is his business, it made me cry!! :( Great scene!

    Beauty salon:

    Maxie and Sasha: Sadness. :( They need to get their own Tribbles, Green beans, and Badger Bob so they can hug them and feel better! Wait Gladys is the one who wants to sell the garage? I thought it was Sasha who wanted to?

    The hospital:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzz. Willow still on her death bed. Maybe the Tribbles, Green beans, and Badger Bob should go visit them.

    Mildew and Terry: OH! C-section time!!! Geez Willow the baby will not be THAT premature!


    Carly: Its incredible!

    That's a tv show! :) Well, it's THAT's incredible, but still. :) 1980... With Cathy Lee Crosby and John Davidson. It was a really good show. :) Sorry I'm babbling! ROFL!

    Crew and Nina: Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! I want a Cujo and Nina brawl!

    Nison: Nina is talking about a war? YES! I WANT A MESSY WAR BRAWL WITH CUJO AND NINA!! DAMMIT!!

    Willow and Nina: Is Willow still angry at Willow? Is Willow forgiving Nina? Cus their scene was really tame.

    Michael and Sonny: Hmmmm. More tameness. Michael are you going to forgive Sonny?

    Jordan and Portia: Oh no. Not that same conversation again! Oy! Uh you ladies should really talk privately! ROFL! Oy!

    Jordan, Portia, Stella, and Trina: Stella wins the line of the day.

    Stella: Mercy me! Don't tell me you two are still married?


    Jordan and Stella: Family tree talk time! Stella is going to learn Portia's secret isn't she?! :) STOP THAT WEDDING STELLA! STOP THAT WEDDING AND SPILL THAT TEA! :)

    1. Felicia was great yesterday, I just love her.
      I agreed with Di about Valentine's line, died with smiles on their faces, hahahahah!
      Totally agree with you about needing a brawl! Into the Metro Court pool for both of them, seriously, I would watch that over and over, lol!
      I don't care for Jordan so I was not appreciating her passive aggressive needling of Portia. But what you said....Stop that wedding Auntie Stella! :)

  4. Gladys is the one who wants to sell the garage because she needs the money to pay back Ms. Wu.

    My favorite line was when Valentine was talking about Martin and Lucy and he said they probably fell asleep or died with a smile on their faces. lol

    I can't wait to see who Trina's tests matched with. Who will get to them first? dun de dun dun...

    Girl who plays Charlotte seemed much more comfy in the role today. I like her.

    And I'm with you, Linda. I would prefer both of them knock it off, its childish, and I'm getting so tired of the fighting. Would have been good to go one day without it.

  5. Throwing out this idea - is it possible they are making Nina so unbearable in order to break Nina and Sonny up when he takes Carly's side after Nina turns her in for insider trading? Or that she is so over the top that she is going to have a mental breakdown? Seriously - she is becoming unhinged and I don't see how she can quickly come back from that...Sonny saw it today I think...

    1. Good idea, and the actress does unhinged well, lol! Sonny definitely knew Neener was losing it. I couldn't stand how she kept saying my daughter, my grandaughter, it's always me, me, me. And as DeeDee said below Carly should have kept her mouth shut. That all being said, it makes for good soapy drama and I'm with Sonya, let's see a brawl! Hah!

  6. I think she has every right to be unhinged... that being said its no less annoying.

    1. Carly did not even have the decency to shut her mouth in the hospital. She is the worst

  7. Might have been some real tears in Kristina's eyes because of her son :(
    I am sure she misses him :(



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