Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Narrow Marrow


GH keeps rolling out the punches!! It seems like all the damns are breaking at once. I'm so glad I could make it for Friday's show and see it live. One of those 'must see TV" moments! That said, there was also a ton of filler as well. One of those "watch on Hulu" type deals. 

I'm going to have eggs because hopefully Carly has them on her face real soon!! 

MEMORY OR LACK THEREOF OF THE WEEK:  I'm torn on this one. I was FOR SURE Esme was faking it. We still haven't seen her alone to know for sure. There's been no talking to "Ace" or even sly looks. Avery is amazing because she is playing he opposite of Esme to a "T". WOW.  Loved when Spencer went in to talk to her. He's not sure either!!! I like not knowing. Keeps me guessing and looking at every frame she's in (I'm weird like that!!) 

EDITING FAIL OF THE WEEK: You know I'd find one.  We see Dante searching the the door and these faces then...nothing. Commercial and they are back downstairs and Dante is like: nothin'. "Freshly painted yada yada" Um.. maybe we could have seen Nikolas look around? I don't know.. it was such a let down. 

FREAK OUT OF THE WEEK: Um, Willow wakes up from a nightmare to find Nina talking to Wiley and loses it. Yes, Nina was stupid to go right over there after finding out about the cancer but geesh. Even WILEY was like "MOM! Take it easy"!! Maybe we can chalk it up to low blood count. But..Nope, she does it again at the hospital. I get that she has to 'hate' Nina because of the whole "mother" plot point but this was pushing it. She's forgiving Sonny and telling Michael to make up with him but...not Nina? Ummm...okay. 

FALLOUT OF THE WEEK: Carly's DNA confession led to this moment "go to hell, you selfish bitch"! Now, we can talk all day about Nina not telling Carly about Sonny in Nixon Falls and if this is a tit-for-tat but you have to admit Carly Fk'd up big time here. She even said "I didn't know Willow was sick"...meaning she'd never have told if Willow didn't have cancer LOL. This whole confrontation in the chapel was great stuff and I hope you watch it. Both actors are on-point for sure. I do think Carly believes she was 'sparing' Willow the truth so her ego won't let her be too contrite just yet. I'm honestly wondering if Michael and Willow will even find out about the whole DNA thing..or they'll just tell them Harmony said she's Nina's daughter. That would save the "truth" for another couple of months. 

NEW QUAD OF THE WEEK: So, meet the new "Michael, Willow, Shasha Chase" gang but just replace 2 with Brook and Cody. (still boring) 

PUSHING THEM TOGETHER OF THE WEEK: Soap and Life 101. You don't want your young adult person to see someone? Put them down and act angry they are seeing them. LOL 

PAIRING OF THE WEEK:  Spencer and Alexis talk about who The Hooker could be. He tells her about the nanny, Maggie and that Sam was going to track her down. This reminds me of when Spencer and Sam had their talk at Kelly's. Get Sam back in this story!! Where has she been?  Now I'm hoping Alexis will work with her to find that lady. 

MILITARY JACKET OF THE WEEK:  That's all I could think of when I saw Diane LOL! Anyway, Joss is sure not too bothered about lying by omission to the police NOW is she? Guess whatever is in Dex's pants has turned her into a mobby girlfriend. Heh. I like it because it's so cliché but...I still want a recast Dex. Sorry. 

IMPRESSIVE GROWTH OF THE WEEK: Moss just keeps getting bigger!! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: When Alexis finds out Nikolas is Esme's baby Daddy she was all kinds of shocked LOL 


Spencer visits Esme to try to figure out if she's faking it, is confused. 

The bone marrow donor they thought matched, couldn't be used due to medical complications

Sonny and Nina find out Willow has cancer

Willow sees Nina with Wiley, loses it and then passes out. Taken to GH 

Carly confesses to Drew she knows Nina and Willow are bio Mom and Daughter

Carly tells Nina the truth; Drew tells Michael the truth 

Spencer moves into Sonny's

The PCPD searches Wyndemere but Victor has cleaned up the North Tower

Nikolas tells Alexis he's the father of Esme's baby and he wants sole custody

Spencer and Alexis figure out Esme's old nanny might be a key to the hook identity

Portia is not happy Trina is seeing Spencer, even as 'just a friend'

Joss and Dex have a heart to heart then she finds out about Willow from Sonny

Joss goes to the PCPD to give a witness statement about NYE Hook Night. 

Cam has a talk with Spencer then his mom about the break up

Robert, Dante and Jordan question Joss about the night on the docks 

Brook and Chase care for Wiley when Willow is taken to GH 

Sasha and Cody get to know each other better in the Q Solarium

Cody is figuring out Gladys might be Sasha's guardian and a gambler 

Gladys goes to Sonny for money advice 

Greg thinks he might want a change of career, will he work for Alexis on the paper? 

WUBS APPROVED THIS WEEK:  I like the Alexis direction with the paper/sleuthing and talking to both Spencer and Nikolas. Greg is good but they are boring right now. Spice it up! Still think Molly should be around but I'm falling on deaf ears. Portia and Curtis are on my last nerve and I wish there was more Wu and The Savoy action with Curtis involved. I really want to see Gladys gambling at the table.  Sasha and Cody? Um..why?  Wiley kid is a good little actor. 

NEWS: There will be a full episode tribute to Sonya Eddy in March. I think it will be tied to the 60th anniversary stuff but not sure. I'm happy she'll be getting one for sure. 

RUMORS: Two contract players gone and re-hire of another.  Three long time-long ago vets are poised to make 60th anniversary cameos. 

SPOILERS:  Even though Nina is Willow's bio mom, she still has to be tested for a marrow-match. Vanna will be on next week. Spencer has a sit down with Diane. Victor can't always get what he wants--but he gets what he needs. 

That's a wrap!! I probably forgot some things. It was a bit disjointed and a lot was happening. All layers!! BTW, just finished Behind Her Eyes on Netflix. Um.. Ok, way to contrive a shock ending LOL. It was a C+ for me. Didn't watch the Golden Globes but I wanted Better Call Saul to win it all and..nope. Sad about Lisa Marie for sure. 

See you tomorrow!! 


  1. The book Behind Her Eyes was better than the movie.

  2. I kind of like Diane's military jacket; she can pull it off anyway. Liked her and Robert's "bantering" during the questioning of Joss. Wish they would show more of them. I still feel like they have chemistry.

    We know one of the vets coming back in April is Jane Elliot/ Tracy. Read that one.

    I think Esme is not faking it currently, but will get her memory back and will be faking it like her Daddy Ryan at some point.

    Like Spencer and Alexis scenes. They both need family.

    So glad the Nurse's ball is coming back. Want to see the singing again. Wonder what JPS will sing this year. That is possibly going to be the tribute for Sonya Eddy tied to the Nurse's ball???

    1. Of course, as someone already said Lucy HAS to be back for the ball because it is not the same without her antics.

  3. Thanks for another great SS!
    Agree about Esme not faking it...yet. She just would not have acknowledged recognition of Kevin if she was faking. Last we saw Heather/Ryan was on the same night as she attacked Britt which was yesterday? She grabbed her keys and ran out the door to attack someone else to prove Esme's innocence. When and who will that be?
    Watching Alexis and Gregory is like watching an old married couple, not a possible new romance. Definitely some spice is needed.
    For a very sick young woman Willow sure exerts energy for her anger towards Nina. I still think she might refuse her help when/if it is possible.

  4. I gotta say - Dex is growing on me - I think the writers have changed what he was supposed to be originally----I just feel like he is now undercover.....
    ----they kinda dropped Victor wondering about Valentin and Anna and I DID read Martin faces Victor this week----bout time--
    ----Alexis and Greg - nothing at all for me....
    -----I don't think Esme is faking - but maybe ya'll are right - she isn't faking now but will later--- Marcus C is shown through the last week of January so time's coming up and since he didn't film his last episodes, I think Laura will find a note from him that he is leaving for a while/spence hates him (which again I don't think he would leave a baby---still don't think it's NIk's...
    ----Charlotte? Hello where are you????
    ------I wish Dante and Robert would go back to Springridge to see Heather and see her hand cut----cause it's only been like 2 days, right?
    ----memorial for Britt? yes or no?
    ----Name a show with better actresses: Maura, Laura, Genie, Becky, Fiona -------nope, can't be done - they are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great week of shows
    --I think Willow forgives Carly and hates Nina------which is ironic since she wants Michael to forgive Sonny------ and I predict Nina turns in Carly for insider trading and SONNY bales her out and thus begins their break-up in 2023.

    1. Agree about the GH cast. Some really talented actors!
      Maybe Britt's memorial was before she died. That montage at her b-day party did cover her whole life.

    2. sorry - I typed too fast - I meant a funeral service for Britt.....

    3. Did they ever have one for Jason?

    4. I've been hoping Dex is undercover from the beginning. I think he was put under to discover evidence on that Pikeman group. And when Michael hired him he was in a great position to spy on Sonny and see if he agrees to work with that group. We can keep our fingers crossed, Mufasa.

      I'm hoping Martin gets one over on Victor too. Love Martin and he's easy to underestimate.

      And we have fantastic actresses on our show for sure.

  5. I love and appreciate the actors for sure. Happy to be engaged every single day again.

    PC Residents don't know for sure that Esme is the hook. I didn't notice body guards around. I am not sure what we should feel about Cody, Brookie, Sasha and Chase. I hope they energize them in some way.

    Looking for other show suggestions. Karen I always trust your suggestions.

  6. Not a lot of shows out right now. Willow is good. 1923 is good. Carnival Row is coming back in February. Gilded age is coming back end of January.

    1. I`m watching a few on Showcase here. Irreverent tonight and the Calling is starting on Monday. And some of the British shows I like have new episodes out now too.

  7. Yes, the actresses on GH are the best!!!! Including little Violet. lol

  8. maybe Nik steals the baby and leaves town????? maybe that is how Marcus C leaves?



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