Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Kleenex Please


Vanna are in Paris. They found Victor's stronghold but don't know if Lucy is there or how to get in LOL  French kid comes in and says his dad brought home an American woman who won't stop talking. They figure out it's Lucy. They are going to go get her by going into the Catacombs. 

Esme is going to court. Victor comes in to her hospital room "Call me Uncle Victah". She doesn't know who he is. He looks at her, not quite believing it. Martin comes in and Victor says he'd better get bail for Esme. They go in the hall to talk. Marty says it's really hard for him to think about all of this with Lucy still missing. 

Sasha and Chase go to visit Willow at GH 

Michael sees Willow she says she doesn't want to be induced early, even if it's to save her life. She's an idiot. He goes to find the OBGYN, runs into Sasha and CHase. He and Chase go for a walk and Sasha goes in to talk to Willow.  Willow tells her Nina is her mother. She even says she was better off with Harmony! LOL...who sold her into a sex cult but OK.

Nina's anxious to find out if she's a match for Willow. They did a swab and it's a pre-test. They don't even have that done LOL . She's angry at Carly for not telling her for almost a year. She cries. A LOT. Then they talk about her mother and his life and yada yada. 

Ryan and Heather. She says she hasn't been able to hook anyone yet because her go to guard got fired for stealing LOL. Ryan tells Heather to go stab anyone just so Esme can get out of trouble LOL.  She says she's going to bust out to help her. It's a funny exchange.  Heather has a knife. She's going to escape and get Esme and go on the run. She'll send Ryan a postcard. 

I HAD TO LEAVE 5 min early!! 


  1. spoiler alert - Esme is at Springridge - Heather sees her - I am so confused - I thought Esme was NOT a suspect in the hooks and WHY would she be at Springridge?
    LOVE Martin talking to Victor----so good
    Valentin and Anna in a 5 star hotel is funny that Victor can't find them.
    I can't even with Nina but I still think she isn't going to be a final match - that is too easy

    1. I think because of the revenge porn crime? Although they didn't explain it well.

    2. "Mufasa says, but I still think she isn't going to be a final match - that is too easy"

      Yeah way too easy and not very soapy.

    3. February sweeps are coming... maybe Nell is too.

    4. "Linda says, February sweeps are coming... maybe Nell is too."

      Ooooo maybe! :)

    5. I was super confused when Esme ended up in Springridge, what the what was that?

      And I do NOT want to see Nell ever again, bite your tongue Linda, lol! You and Sonya putting things out in the universe, hahahahah!

    6. Yes. We don't need nell returning from the dead. just supposedly dead Lucy will be fine thankyou.

  2. Catacombs! I miss the PC catacombs!

    1. YES!!!! I want to see them again!!!! Bring the catacombs back writers!!! :)

    2. Isn't that where we lost Jason?

    3. "Di says, Isn't that where we lost Jason?"

      Oh I don't remember!!! :O

    4. Victor said he was going to get someone ho knew the caves.Maybe he'll find an amnesiac who knows his way out. 😁

    5. I think we lost Jason in the Cassadine Island catacombs. Who knew that there were so many catacombs everywhere?! :)

  3. Ryan and Heather are perfect. I don't get why Esme would be at Springridge either. Writer's convenience? What happened to court with Martin? Esme's baby bump is the total opposite of Willow's. Way down low.

    1. Yeah is way down low mean a girl? I think high means a boy? I forgot.

  4. Heather is a hoot! The anti Nina bent is over the top. Harmony, Carly, give me a break.

  5. Some funny one liners today! :)


    Vanna: Come on you two!!! You have to find Lucy!! Okay a little make out session won't hurt. :) Anna feels all the guilt feels. Well, Anna I hope you learned your lesson and stop bullying.

    Vanna and French boy: TA!!!! LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Thank you little French boy! Well now Vanna GO FIND LUCY!!!! :D

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Guard and Vampira: Vampira that's a great idea to wait for your lawyer to show up before putting on the handcuffs.. Very good. I like that idea. :)

    Victor and Vampira: Poor Vampira is so confused! Hahahaha. When will that poison Holly gave Ms Wu affect Victor?

    Marty and Victor: Great scene!!!! :) If they both turned their back on me I don't think I would have figured out who's who! :)

    Sasha and Willow: Fake daughter and the REAL daughter. Very ironic.. Oh even Sasha sees the irony! :) You are better off with Harmony.com Willow? Oy! I can't believe she said that.

    Chase and Michael: Bonding moment between the two besties. Maybe they can both give each other a gift of a plant. :) They should talk to Curtis about which plant is the best.

    Mildew: Michael is so scared but later on, I'm glad Willow isn't dumb anymore..

    Sonny's home:

    Nison and the green beans: Nina has to wait for the results! You see? It don't matter if Nina told Willow she is her daughter first, or if she went to get tests first. Either way they had to wait. Great scenes with Nison today! Bravo to Cynthia Watros! And Sonny with the self awareness! Yes both had a horrible parent which makes them both overcompensate!! And the green beans feels bad for Nina and wants to hug Nina! Oh look the results are in. Oh look she is a potential match. How disappointing. Nina not being a match is more soapy drama! Oh well.

    Spa jail:

    Heavan: HYSTERICAL!!!!!! Ryan wins the lines of the day!

    Ryan: No you didn't! We can't just stab and run!


    Heather alone: Oh she is ready!! OH MY! Heather yes that is your daughter. :) Perfect time to stay and chat with her and get to know her. :) Oh and I forgot to mention yesterday, that I liked that Vampira coughed away from Laura. :)

    1. Didn't Heather say she'd go out and stab Joss? She really wants to kill that girl.

    2. "Di says, Didn't Heather say she'd go out and stab Joss?"

      Yes she did!!!!!

      "She really wants to kill that girl."

      ROFL! She sure does. :)

    3. She did! Joss is really on her list! :)
      Ryan's stab and run line...I was dead, too!
      Seriously Willow should be a bigger mess than she is. Nina, Carly, Harmony, they were/are all awful! Not a decent soul among that bunch. But then we wouldn't have all this soapy drama. I'm loving and hating everybody, lol!

    4. Yes. We need our hateful souls too. And I love and hate them equally too.

  6. I was hoping Sasha would have mentioned to Willow that even she fooled Nina into thinking she had a daughter. That's how long this whole "does Nina have a child story" has gone on. Of course tomorrow Willow will tell Carly she forgives her and understands. Eyeroll.

    1. "Linda says, Of course tomorrow Willow will tell Carly she forgives her and understands."

      Oh I hope not! UGH!

    2. Looks like Heather and Esme will have a nice little tête-à-tête tomorrow.

    3. "Di says, Looks like Heather and Esme will have a nice little tête-à-tête tomorrow."

      ROFL! Awww she gets to meet her mama. :) How sweet! :)

    4. Carly needs to be shunned by the good people of Port Charles for a while.

  7. I'm hoping that eventually Willow and Nina can build a relationship. Sam hated Alexis when she found out that she was her mother and Dante hated Sonny and now they are both close.

  8. The actor who played the little French boy today is real life brother of the actress who plays Violet.

    1. Well that's a nice little tidbit, thanks for that! He was so charming and spoke zee French quite well! :)

  9. Violet was on Will Trent last night

    1. I saw her too. I was just going to let people know. Glad she's getting lots of work.

    2. I recorded the show - will watch tonight. She is such a little star!

  10. Violet's brother was adorable! Bravo to Cynthia for not wearing any makeup. I kind of like the new Esme.

    1. I like her too. I'm rather hoping it's permanent.



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