Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Baby Girl


NUNIK is on.. Adam Huss (he's been the Temp Nik before)..he and Caroline go to see Esme. They talk to her about helping with her memory loss. Caroline interviews her. Nikolas mentions hypnosis. Esme says sure. Caroline is surprised to hear that Nik is the "Grand" father of Esme's baby. She decides she can't help Nik and leaves. 

Willow is being prepped for Surgery. Austin is there and so is Liz. They talk about the procedure. The baby is born. She's perfect. GIANT and perfect. 

Curtis and Drew getting wedding suits. Drew tells Curtis about Willow being Nina's daughter. They talk about how Carly kept the truth from everyone. 

Stella and Jordan. Stella thinks she's up to something with the DNA stuff... asks if there's a "love child" in Port Charles related to her. And..she figures it out by what JORDAN didn't say LOL. OMG she thinks Curtis and Jordan are related! ahahha THEN SHE figures out Trina is Curtis' daughter.  Stella says she has to tell Curtis. 

Trina and Joss talk. OMG Joss doesn't know it's Britt's memorial. LOL.. She never told Trina about NYE and acts like it never happened? Um. Okay. They talk about the break up. Trina's so sad. Joss doesn't say anything about Dex (yet anyway). Says it was he fault but hopes Cam can get over it. LOL  Joss says she'll explain things to Trina later. 

Spencer talks to Ava about the custody thing. She says she can help him without him stepping a foot inside a court room. She says she can use the Esme confession!! She gives him a paper with the website that has the video on it. Trina sees her pass the note to Spencer. Trina asks what it is. Spencer tells her. She says it sounds sketchy. 


Trina and Spencer watch the video

They try to shock Willow back

Nikolas tells Esme he's the baby daddy 


Spencer and Trina watch the Nikolas video LOL... and the NUNikolas redid the video


  1. ---looked like Spence felt something for his dad when Nik said I did it for the people who have been hurt--
    ---Jordan is so sneaky----blame it on Stella - but she can't solve ONE crime in Port Charles but could solve Trina's paternity??? I thought Portia semi-confessed to her once.
    ----gonna be unhappy if Willow sees NINA calling her to come back - it should be Michael or Wiley-----
    -----so Joss had lots of food for all the family in the waiting room - WHERE was the room and where ARE the people? in the previews Nina and Sonny there/no Carly
    ----HOW many days (I counted 5) have we heard Britt's service is in a little while....
    -----Carolyn gonna tell Liz ----- so I guess nu-Nik here for a couple of weeks and then runs away so as not to go to jail...
    ---DNA - paternity = PLEASE Esme - someone!!!

    1. So this nuNik isn't staying? Darn...I really like him, I will miss old Nik though.

    2. I read the writers statement that Marcus C couldn't stay so the nu-Nik would be there 1-2 weeks (however long that is in soap world)

    3. Are they re-re-casting or is Marcus coming back? Cause it seemed like from his Instagram he'd been let go. I liked him and he seemed well liked so I don't know why they'd let him go.

    4. he was let go and Nik the character is gone for now

  2. Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Stella: Stella wins the lines of the day.

    Stella: Unless you think I have a secret love child. Jordan are you saying you think Portia and Curtis are related to each other?


    Spa jail:

    NuNik, Caroline, and Vampira: YAY! I was hoping Adam Huss would play Nik! WOOT WOOT! :D

    NuNik and Caroline: Caroline don't fight it. You will give in eventually and take away Vampira's memories. :)

    Fitting room:

    Drew and Curtis: Oh something did happen between Crew Curtis! :) Come on Drew! Tell your new bestie that you did the mattress dance with Carly! I bet Carly was so loud that the Tribbles heard her. AND I bet Carly was thinking about Jason the whole time. :)


    Ava and Spencer: Mmmm I don't think they should have or anybody should have nefarious chats in the chapel. They need the cafeteria back!!!!

    Sprina: Trina is not blind when it comes to Ava! Hahahahahaha!


    Joss and Trina: Geez have they not talked at all? Do they not see each other in the dorm room? I guess not. They both must be very busy. They don't even text each other or talk on the phone?

    Sprina: Ooooooo the video!!! Delicious. :)

    Operating room: Hmmmm. Pawtucket Holtster and Liz have a scene together!!! Damn she didn't act like she recognized him.. OH Baby time!!!! Awwww beautiful big huge baby! Oh oh Willow sees the light!!! And look it's Harmony.com! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that is hysterical. Harmony.com went to heaven?! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Baby room:

    Michael and Joss: Awwwwwwwwwww! Isn't that big baby adorable? What's her name?!!? Michelle? :) Wendy? Tribbles? Badger Brenda?

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.

      Pawtucket Holtster and Ava: JOLT!!! :) She looked disappointed when he had to go. :)

      Caroline and Liz: Yeah Caroline don't call her Lizzy. She isn't a lizard!

    2. Sonya, I am somewhat behind in watching the show, but isn't Trina still living at home to keep her safe from the hooker?
      As opposed to Joss, who goes everywhere alone even though she supposedly has a bodyguard. Two times people got killed when Joss was supposed to be the target, you would think she would feel horrible about this and take extra precautions when she is out and about.

    3. When Spence finds out Britt died to save Joss - it's on!!! Trina will take Spence's side too

    4. mufasa said "When Spence finds out Britt died to save Joss - it's on!!! Trina will take Spence's side too"

      Especially when it comes out that she didn't bother calling 911 to get Britt help but was more worried about getting into Dex's pants.

    5. Here we go again. While we're at it how do you think Trina is going to feel about knowing that her mother was having an affair when she was married because she was so anxious to get into Curtis' pants. Will she be called just as many names as poor joss.

    6. Yeah poor Joss - just like poor Carly and poor Nina - can't understand why people can't just disregard their actions

    7. Joss is a completely different character thanNina or Carly with a much shorter history. Using those two as reasons to attack a kid for her childish behavior is a little petty. And it doesn't change my opinion.

    8. "AntJoan says, Sonya, I am somewhat behind in watching the show, but isn't Trina still living at home to keep her safe from the hooker?"

      OH! I completely forgot!!! :) Yes she does live at home. I guess they have been so busy they haven't texted each other or called. :)

      As opposed to Joss, who goes everywhere alone even though she supposedly has a bodyguard. Two times people got killed when Joss was supposed to be the target, you would think she would feel horrible about this and take extra precautions when she is out and about.

      Well, Joss is supposed to have a body guard! ROFL!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Di - you are entitled to that opinion - just as much as everyone else is entitled to theirs

    11. Jordon, so sneaky. She knew exactly what she was doing telling/not telling Stella about DNA tests. Have at it blabber mouth Auntie and move this story along!
      Like Mufasa said, it is so on when Spencer finds out Britt saved Joss. I'm so making popcorn. HAHAHAH! And yup, that body guard needs to be stuck like glue to Miss Jax!
      Cackled like a loon when I saw Harmony calling Willow to the light. Didn't see that coming! And that baby was absolutely adorable but had to be 2 months old. :)
      I like temp Nic, too. But I didn't have a problem with Marcus, I'm just annoyed at the way the character has been destroyed.

    12. Mufasa, Gary, Julie - I'm with you guys on Spencer's reaction (as well as Trina) to the Joss/Britt situation. Her extremely selfish actions should be a huge game changer. Hopefully it won't get swept under the rug like all of Carly's lies and manipulations. If Frank and the writers want us to dislike Joss, they're doing a superb job, I must say!!

    13. Agree with u all. She is as obnoxious as Carly

  3. The biggest premature baby ever. All dressed up and ready to go.

    1. Hahaha. The baby had the slime on it's head that made it look like it was losing it's hair! ROFL! Receding hair line! :)

    2. lol that's supposed to make it look newborn, I guess. If you ever watch Call the Midwife they have that smeared on every little head.

    3. "Di says, lol that's supposed to make it look newborn, I guess."

      Oh I know.. It's just funny! :)

  4. not a joss fan, didn't like her with oscar. trina is her best friend she should be telling her everything. joss is being written to much like her mother. liked spencer and ava scene. he can keep up with the best of them. I would like to see austin and liz paired up.

    1. I wouldn't mind Austin with Terri or Ava I haven't seen him with Liz enough to get any real feelings about it. I still hope she and Finn get back together

  5. I must say this - Ava alone is worth the price of admission - paraphrasing - "Dynamite - and it will clear any obstacles" - Maura never ceases to amaze me

    1. Maura could read the phone book (yes they still exist, lol!) and I would be riveted!

  6. Thank goodness Auntie is back to inject some life into that family. It was nice to see Curtis out somewhere besides home and GH. He and BM had some good chem. Nothing with CM. Never even goes to work anymore. Those back room games could hold some good stories.

  7. I agree about the nefarious chats in the chapel. It's a place of worship and sacred to many.
    I like Adam Huss too. he has a great screen presence. It makes his emotions so believable.
    lol Karen. I read "NUNIK is on." and I was wondering who you were calling an old harp seal. PMSL Mixing up my languages again.

    I loved seeing Aunt Stella back. Loved how Jordan told her without telling her...hehe Didn't take her long to put 2 and 2 together. I can't wait to see her conversations with Portia.

    The baby was big but I doubt they could get a baby much younger than that for their scene. What parent would risk it.
    And given what Willow now knows about Harmony and her birth parents I think seeing Harmony beckning her would definitely scare her heart into beating again. We all know she isn't playing a harp up yonder. (I'm surprised she could see the smoke beneath her. lol)

    1. That should be I'm surprised she COULDN'T see smoke beneath her. lol

    2. HAHAHAHA, gotta agree there...if I saw Harmony I would jolt back to earth in a heart beat, lol!



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