Wednesday, January 11, 2023



Putting this page up because I'm not able to be here today!! Unexpected--I know I won't be here Friday but today?? BOOOOOO

Anyway, use this space and I'll see you tomorrow! 


  1. heads up - just when you think Nina can't be more annoying - she gets worse...

  2. I know I'm in the minority but Carly and Michael deserve it

    1. my problem is Nina blaming Michael in that pious voice without knowing facts....and yep, Carly is very annoying with Drews

    2. The show has come a *bit* of a way away from the Sonny/Carly/Jason can do no wrong years. I'm sure the Michael-Nina hate will change when Nina saves her life (or even better just tries to).

    3. "DeeDee says, I know I'm in the minority but Carly and Michael deserve it"

      Oh I agree with you! :)

    4. Thanks. Some people who post get very upset if you have a different opinion. Is Nina annoying, yes but Carly and Michael are unbearable

    5. Couldn't agree with you more DeeDee - with everything you said

    6. "DeeDee says, Thanks. Some people who post get very upset if you have a different opinion."

      Well, things are not always what they seem. Maybe people are having problems in their personal life, like a family member is really sick, and seeing something negative here is too much at the moment. So all we need is a little love, understanding, and patience. :)

    7. I agree with you all. I can appreciate Laura as an actress, but the character is too much for me. No hateful comments needed, I just sometimes FF her scenes

    8. Gosh I never get mad - I like reading all opinions! I think Nina annoys me more -----and ya'll correct me if I am wrong ---- but Carly has always been annoying and Michael is a brat but haven't they made Nina more annoying than like 2 years ago? Maybe I am mis-remembering....

    9. And here I thought I was in the minority for liking Millow, lol! I never get mad, and like Mufasa enjoy everyone's thoughts, especially here. This is the only blog I comment on. Hate in the cyber world is real!

      My disgust for Neener greatly outweighs my Carly hate which I never thought I'd say, and I think (at least recently) Millow has been much better. I remember when Neener was so hateful to Willow when she was a school teacher. If someone kept barging into my house flapping her lips I'd be pretty angry and mean! :)

  3. I thought today was a horrible episode-very difficult to watch with Willow's dream----she has leukemia and yet they have made it about Nina and Carly's selfishness -----Nina blaming Michael for Willow waiting on treatment - I actually had to change the channel-- scream.....
    and I KNOW it's a soap, but people, just tell the truth!!!
    Joss was so real talking about Oscar/very moving----- and at some point when she finds out Dex is working for Michael, she gonna be mad at him!!!
    I guess they want Sasha and Cody together but I kinda liked Brook Lynn and Cody....
    Gladys was a waste today.....although I DID find it funny Sasha never asked where Gladys long can it take to get water?
    you know weird that righteous Drew was also on my last nerve....LOL

    1. They want people talking even if it's just spewing hate back and forth at each other. That dream sequence was terrible. I imagine the history of hate will be abundant today.

      I thought Joss's conversation with Dex was good and he was really supportive.
      The previews showed Cody talking to Sasha and saying I didn't know Gladys was your mother in law. I hope he tells Sasha about the gamblings. She needs to get out from under that woman fast!

      I noticed the tribute about Sonya. This must have been recorded just after she passed.

    2. REALLY liking Joss and Dex!

    3. Thanks Mufasa. Great video here too.

    4. Thank you both for the links, so excited!

  4. SONYA EDDY tribute at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Someone somewhere last week asked about a tribute to Sonya Eddy. Parry Shen explained that they were still on holiday break and wouldn't be back until this week. He said they would probably do something fast when they returned and possibly more down the road.
    Nina and Carly belong together. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
    Cody was rather likable today.

  6. This was just posted on FB by GH: Sonya may be gone, but she'll never be forgotten. Our #GH60 celebration will kick off in March with a celebration of her life and her character, the formidable Epiphany Johnson. #GeneralHospital #TCA23

    1. Oh no! They are gonna kill Piffy off aren't they?! :(

    2. I've read lots about the tribute but I haven't gotten that impression from any of them.

  7. drewfus will forgive cujo. she never gets in trouble.

    1. Drewfus! HAHAHAHAH! I was calling him Hallmark Hank but I may reconsider!

    2. Hallmark Hank is priceless! Brilliant

  8. Hospital exercise room: Oooooo shirtless Chase is so HAWT! :D

    Sasha, Gladys, and Chase: Gladys likes seeing shirtless Chase! Hahahaha. She is affected. Gladys wins the line of the day!

    Chase: Are you coming or going?

    Gladys: I'm sorry?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gladys get your mind out of the gutter! ROFL!

    Sasha and Chase: Sasha talks to Chase about how she feels with Brando's death and her baby's death and Chase is a really good listener and so sweet. Okay I can get behind them being a couple if they become one. :) Great scene.

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Joss: Joss knows now that Willow has cancer and she is crying! :( Badger Bob really wants to hug and comfort Joss. :( Oh hi Dex!

    Sonny and Gladys: Gladys really wants Sasha to sell Brando's garage!!! Gladys is desperate!!! Yeah she needs the money for her gambling debt!!! Just tell Sonny! Then he can help you!!!

    Dex's car:

    Jex: Dex is so sweet to her. Joss tells him about what she found out about Willow. She is crying! Dex tells her she has every right to her feelings. YES! TELL HER DEX! Joss tells him about Oscar and what happened to him. :(

    Carly's kitchen:

    Crew: Wow! Drew's eyes is really wide! Yesterday too. He reminds me of when he played Ryan Lavery on AMC! Bug eyed Ryan! :) Yeah Drew isn't happy with Carly. Come on Drew you knew deep down that Carly was lying about Willow's bio mother! You were just in denial! I think it's over between them. Too bad. The Tribbles aren't happy with Carly and is going to miss Drew!

    Mildew's home:

    Michael and Nina: Nina accusing Michael and is upset with him.. :) Me enjoyed it.. :) Meanwhile Willow is having a beautiful dream about bringing home their baby, which turns into a nightmare when dream Nina takes Wiley and the baby girl to be with her!!! And calls the baby girl Nelle.

    Michael, Nina, and Wiley: Awwww Wiley is happy seeing his grandmama! :) He hasn't seen her in a long time. Poor Wiley!

    Mildew, Nina, and Wiley: OH MY! Willow woke up from her dream and turned into the incredible hulk! She is all yelly and wants Wiley to be with her! She takes Wiley to go upstairs and ooops she faints.

    Q breakfast nook:

    Brooky and Cowboy Cody: They they are wearing the same type of shirt! Creepy. Brooky is working on a song that Chase and Braze are going to sing. She is fixing it. She misses Chase and calls him to tell him about the song that she rewrote and wants him to come over to sing it. Cowboy Cody is so nice and is trying to help her.

    Brooky, Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and Chase: Ooooo Sasha went with Chase! Hahaha. Brooky is jelly! Cowboy Cody is trying to help. He took Sasha away from the scene.

    Brooky and Chase: He is trying to read her song, but he can't read her handwriting and he even says to her that she can't even read her own handwriting! Hahahahaha.

    At the end of the episode, there is a little something for Sonya Eddy awwwwww! :( Thank you writers!!!!

    1. I thought it was weird that Cody and Brooklyn were wearing the same type of shirt too.

      And in the previews Cody says to Sasha "I didn't know Gladys is your mother in law." I hope he puts 2 and 2 together and tells Sasha that Gladys lost a lot of money gambling. Sasha needs to get out from under her thumb before she bankrupts her.

    2. "Di says, I thought it was weird that Cody and Brooklyn were wearing the same type of shirt too."

      Hahahaha. Does this mean that they are going to date soon?! :) I'm glad she changed her clothes to see Chase. :)

      "And in the previews Cody says to Sasha "I didn't know Gladys is your mother in law." I hope he puts 2 and 2 together and tells Sasha that Gladys lost a lot of money gambling."

      Yes!!!! I hope he tells Sasha too!

      "Sasha needs to get out from under her thumb before she bankrupts her."

      Yeah right now Gladys is in mourning and needs to stay away from money!

    3. Line of the day was great! Gladys sure was ogling Chase, can't say I blame her! :)
      Seriously I didn't notice the shirt thing. I suck!
      I would love it if Cody blabbed all to Sasha, fingers crossed. And he didn't annoy me today, he was great with BLQ.
      I also really like the scenes with Joss telling Dex about Oscar. Truth be told I had forgotten about the kid. Ooops!
      I've written enough about my disgust with Neener, but $20 says Sonny won't even ask her why she went marching over to Millow's and confronted Michael. Can't roll my eyes enough.
      I'm glad Carly spilled her guts just to move this story along. Hallmark Hank was SHOCKED I tell ya! I actually enjoyed those scenes. And yup, the Tribbles were sad and appalled! :)
      Loved the brief tribute to Piph. Looking forward to March.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. at least we know LUCY will be back by April and the Nurses Ball!!! NO WAY they would do it without her!!


  12. I know Willow had a nightmare but her screeching like that in front of Wiley was just inexcusable and horrifiying. Great mom! Nina shouldn't have been there. I hope Drew has dumped Snarly. This is the second child of Nina's she has concealed. Regardless of what Nina did, two wrongs don't make a right as they say. Little Carly is really killing it and Dex is great with her. BLQ looked very pretty. Cody is not so annoying now that he isn't chasing after Britt.



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