Wednesday, January 4, 2023



Laura visits Ava to talk about helping Nikolas. She says that he's scared of Victor and what he has on him. She wants to know. Ava thinks it's the first time Esme went over the parapet... and she says Nikolas doesn't tell her everything.  Good scenes with OG actors .

Spencer asks Nikolas if he's the father of Esme's baby. Nik just stands there.  Then the doctors go into Esme's room. 

Esme acts like her memory is gone. Yep, Dante calls her Miss Prince and she's like: WHO??? TJ examines her. Asks about the baby. She's like: I'M PREGNANT!???????AHAHAHAHA She doesn't know who she is.. OR DOES SHE? I think she's faking. Anyway, Nikolas calls Ava to get to GH. Then Liz tells him that Esme has no memory--of ANYTHING!!  She thinks she's telling the truth because her best defense would be to tell the whole story and everyone would know she's not the hooker. 
Laura walks UP!! 

Scotty goes to see Cam at Kelly's...asks where Joss is. Cam says he had a catering thing. Scott orders a giant brownie and waits for Dr O . Cam says that he and Joss have just been super busy lately. 

Joss is in Dex's arms. Says their sex was "an 11 out of 10" LOL  Cam Texts "Let's have a NYE redo"!! She says it's not fair to Cameron not to talk to him. She's going to Kelly's. Dex is going too because the killer is still out there. 

Joss gets to Kelly's...she says they have to talk. OMG they are such good scenes. EDEN AND WILLIAM ARE SO GOOD! watch it!! 

Britt is on the floor. Tells her mother she must have drank too much. She knows it's poison but I think she's choosing this way out. Dr. O makes a toast to her not knowing and then Britt coughs up blood. She says she was coming back to PC to be with everyone..for more time. Then she tells her mother about the hook and she's poisoned. Dr O calls GH but the ambulance is 10 min out..Britt asks her to hold her until the end. Britt is gone. 

Dr O is in GH and Scott consoles her. 


AVA finds out Esme is pregnant ...knows it's Nik's....Laura finds out too! OHHHHHH

Dr O says goodbye to Britta

Scott calls Nina to tell her and I think Nina will tell Brad and Maxie tomorrow 


  1. MUST watch goal is to find out if Kelly T wanted her character killed----because I can't think of ONE other good reason to kill this character....
    Joss and Cam were spot on and realistic in the break-up----------I think Dark Cam happens now....
    ---Maura West - I mean come on - she is perfection..........
    ---I think Esme is faking; sorry Liz, she has an agenda...
    ----so when will Brad find out about Britt? when Joss finds out Britt died because of HER I think she will confess and and and will Dex tell Sonny?
    -----all acting today was amazing--------from Dante's eye rolls to Laura's face when Nik said the baby is here....
    WHEN will Nik want a paternity test??????? If Esme lies all the time - why wouldn't he ask for one?

    1. Loved Laura's reaction! So funny! Essie is so faking!! So ok, wasn't Joss stabbed just a little but? Or not at all? I could swear she was, she had no reaction to the poison and we've got people dying....

  2. Today was a really good show. Too much heartbreak but good.
    Esme is her father's daughter and most likely faking her amnesia.
    The only good reason to kill off Britt is that KT wanted it that way. IMO, with all the character changing in the past few years Britt is the only one who changed for the better. I'd give the writers big kudos if it hadn't come to this.

    1. Does an actor have that much power to dictate what happens to her character? After a little time, the could have recast if KT REALLY wasn't coming back.


    Dex's apartment:

    Jex: Dex is the 2nd man that Joss slept with. :) Oh, well, I'm glad Cam texted Joss, because she finally remembered him! I'm glad Joss finally realized that it's wrong to do this to Cam and that she needs to talk to him. YES YOU DO!!!


    Cam and Scotty:

    Cam: I should work for you.

    YES! Cam SHOULD work for Scotty! :) Cam could be a lawyer!!! He would be great as one! Why didn't I think of that before?! :) In fact, Joss should become a lawyer! We need more lawyers! Not doctors!

    Jam: Heartbreaking scene!! Poor Cam!!! Come on Cam you are not confused. You know exactly what is going on you are just in denial. Cam crying is making me cry! I want to hug him!!! No Cam you can't be friends with her right now, and that's okay! You will be okay! You two can be friends someday, and maybe get back together years from now. :)

    Cam alone: Awwwwwwwwww! :'( *BEARHUGS CAM* I've been there Cam. It's going to suck for awhile!! :(

    Haunted Star:

    Britch and mudder: Oh this is so stupid!!! Tell your mudder what is going on and let her take you to the hospital!!!! No it's not to late! STOP IT! This reminds me too much of when back in the day Duke got shot in the cabin and walked miles to Anna's home and died in her arms! It was traumatizing!!! Anna wanted to take him to the hospital and fake Duke said it's too late.. OF COURSE IT'S TOO LATE YOU WALKED MILES TO BE WITH HER YOU IDIOT! Then of course we find out years later that he was fake Duke! I don't like to be reminded of that Duke scene! GAH!

    Ava's home:

    Ava and Laura: Awww a bonding moment. :)

    The hospital:

    Spider monkey, TJ, and Dante: Spider Monkey wins the line of the day.

    Spider Monkey: I'm pregnant?!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was wondering if she is lying or she really has amnesia! :)

    Sprina: Okay stop talking and kiss already!

    Spencer and Nik: Oooooo! So Spencer's mind WAS working!! Very good. :) Yes Spencer, Nik is the papa of Spider Monkey's baybay! And his name is Ace! :)

    Liz and Nik: Well, Liz has a very good point. So now I'm thinking Spider Monkey isn't lying about having amnesia.

    Ava and Trina: Haha! Great way for Ava to find out that Spider monkey got the preggers! :) Overhears it! Soapy goodness. :)

    Sprina, Laura, Liz, Nik, and Dante: I love that Ava confronted Nik about the baybay in front of everyone! I love Laura's facial reaction!!! :D

    Balbrecht: She is gone?! Where did you stash her Dr. O?

    Dr. O and dead Britch: Reunited? Where are you going to be reunited? She isn't really dead right Dr. O? You are going to keep her somewhere safe until you can revive her? I'm in denial haha. Nahhhhhhhhh not in denial! I just have been watching GH for way too long! Monica pretended AJ was dead. Helena pretended Stavros was dead. She even unfroze him! So if they can do it, Dr. O can too! What did she whisper to her about Nathan in her ear? It wasn't about Nathan at all is it? It's about how she will revive her!

    1. Wait! what did Dr. O whisper that makes you think she will revive Britta?

    2. Good grief I wept like a child. What a great episode.
      I'm taking to the streets...Dr. O's Britta is dead. Bah! The music they played was outstanding. Violins, cellos, etc., it sounded so mournful and German. Made me cry.
      Cam also made me cry. The actors were great. Glad that Joss told the truth but poor Cam didn't have a clue.
      Esme having amnesia, hahahahahahha! So soapy, so funny. I hate to say it but I love it! And Laura's face when she found out Nik was the papa?? Again, hahahahahah! She and Ava are just the best!

      And from yesterday, Hallmark Hank = Drew. Long tall blond = Carly. Those 2 put me to sleep quicker than an Ambien. Have mercy, they just suck the life right out of the show.

      I'm really hoping Neener isn't the one telling Maxie and Brad about Britt, but the previews don't look good. She has the sensitivity of a hyena and I'm sure it will be all about her. Gah!

    3. "Chatty says, Wait! what did Dr. O whisper that makes you think she will revive Britta?"

      I have no idea what she whispered. She said it was for Nathan.. If she has a message for Nathan, how come we couldn't hear it?! Why the secrecy since Britch is dead? Just all very suspicious.

  4. hope Joss isn't preggers and not know the father - WAY TOO YOUNG

    1. Oh dear lord Mufasa!!! Bite your tongue. Don't put that out in the universe, the writers will hear you!! Lol!

  5. I am excited to watch but I strongly dislike when they have a parent lose more than 1 child. Esp when both characters are likable. Nathan now Britt. Poor Monica lost 3.

    1. I think that Scotty has lost three also.

    2. Scotty maybe has lost four: Karen, Logan, Franco and his baby with Dominique?

    3. "Zak says, Scotty maybe has lost four: Karen, Logan, Franco and his baby with Dominique?"

      His baby with Dominique is Serena! I think Scotty lost 3 kids.

  6. I would have liked if Britt just went away. great character. now she can't come back.

    1. Yes she can come back!!! :) Anybody can come back. Robin was blown up and she came back! :)

    2. Bet there's not a fan out there who wanted to see Britt die. She was a very well liked character. I do hope that someday KT can come back as anyone she pleases to be. Britt and Brad were always a ray of light on GH.

    3. I REALLY liked Britt this time around. Not fair they killed her off.

    4. I agree that they should not have killed her off. Just send her to a clinic. KT might say she doesn't plan to come back, but , hey, never say never. If at some point she decides to come back we might get a long lost twin (eyeroll) or back from the dead (double eyeroll).

  7. Kathleen Gaiti was AMAZING today! I'm very upset they killed off Britt. Completely unnecessary and underscores how dark GH has become over the years.

    1. Kathleen Gaiti rates right up there with Ava and Laura. She truly was amazing!

  8. So disappointed they killed Britt off! They just couldn't let her leave and come back at a later time? So sad. Glad Ava knows Es is preggers, wonder if she'll put two and two together and realize Liz was never pregnant. 🤣

  9. AND AND why go through all Huntington's if the writers just decided to kill her off?

  10. I really hate that they killed Britt. But Kathleen and Kelly killed it. Now, onto Joss/Cam. Great scenes but when will Cam find out she slept with Dex prior to breaking up with him and then have Joss have to defend herself. It was a Carly like move and makes me wonder if she will see that for herself after everything she has put Sonny through for sleeping with Nina while still married to her mom.

  11. What a great episode! Phenomenal performances by KG and KT, but I wish they hadn't killed off Britt - we really grew so attached to her. Loved the slap! Cam and Joss were heartbreaking, too. Kind of disappointed that Heather is the hook. Was hoping for more of a surprise and just how did she get out to do all the hooking?



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