Wednesday, January 25, 2023


 Drew and Wiley. Olivia comes over to get Wiley for a sleep over. He goes upstairs. Drew slips and Olivia wants to know what's happening with the whole Nina/Carly/Willow stuff. OMG OLIVIA says Carly was doing it for good reasons and not being selfish THE FKKKKKKKKK??? OMG. UGH NO I give up. 

Trina and Spencer go to Kelly's. Trina finds out about Joss and Cam breaking up. She's like UM WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME? Cam looks at them. Will he tell them? PROBS NOT because he's nice. Trina is mad at Josslyn for not telling her they broke up on NYE. Cam tells them Joss just broke up with him that's all. Leaves. Trina and Spencer talk about Britt's memorial tomorrow. She says she'll go with him. 

Joss calls Carly about her breakup and messing up with Cam. She cries. Carly cries. Carly tells her about Jason. Danger, man, woman. Yada yada. They talk about Dex and how Joss wants to be with him. Carly tells her she's just like her. 

Victor is on the phone with someone. Laura and Charlotte come into the Metro for dinner. Charlotte runs into him in the hall. She asks where her father is...

Marty is talking to Laura about bringing Victor down. Laura thinks if they do they will be doing Cyrus' bidding. He tells her he's going to represent Esme Prince. Laura's not happy. 

Laura leaves, gets Charlotte--they leave Victor. They have dinner with Marty. Charlotte is afraid for her father. Laura tries to reassure her. 

Lucy is found in the catacombs. She's tied to a pipe. Val and Anna try to break in. Renee wants them to use the door. They say it's guarded.  They finally pry off the fence and go to Lucy. She still thinks Anna tried to kill her. Anna says she will explain. Then Renee comes in with a gun and says no one is going anywhere. Two guards come in. They call Victor..Victor is on Speaker phone: "Enjoying the reunion"??  He says that Gavin should take Lucy and Val away and kill Anna. OH! Anna put a bomb in the catacombs and activated it and it's going to flood. She knocks Renee out and Val fights the guards. They end up swimming through the catacombs and Lucy has an oxygen thing Anna brought with them. Lucy wants to call Marty but She can't. Valentin explains that everyone needs to think they are dead. 


  1. Great show - must watch the ending---- so now I think Valentin, Lucy and Anna will show up at the Nurses Ball - and maybe Victor runs out???? although that is two MONTHS away and I don't want Robin and Robert to be hurt but not sure how long this can drap out........but HOW can Victor stay on the show after all of this??? Maybe he disappears????
    Love Carly and Joss relationship - really do...
    Wish I knew what day it was - that Trina and Joss haven't talked at all since before NYE????? I thought they were besties.....

    1. I loved the talk between Carly and Joss today. And Eden was magnificent. So real!!

    2. I think they are roommates too yes?

    3. I thought Joss lived in the dorm.

    4. She does with Trina I believe

  2. I'm still cheering that ending. Never undersestimate Anna. She got
    I'm still picturing nasty face floating away in the cave. lol I guess these three will be on vacation for a while and figuring out how to take Victor down. I can't wait for their grand entrance again...hopefully in February.

    I'm glad Cam kept his word and that Trina is accompanying Spencer to the memorial tomorrow.

    I loved the interaction between Carly and Joss today. I think it's sad that some people will watch that and only come away with "she's just like her mother" and spurting nothing but hate.

    After all that action at the end I think tomorrow will be a bit of a letdown for me.

  3. I strongly dislike Carly, but I like Joss. I didn't spew hate.. if we see Joss sleeping with Carly's future husband in a year or too, I may at that time. ☺

    1. I strongly dislike a few characters on the show, but Joss isn't one either. She's a kid, and I like the way they're showing her growth on the show.

    2. I thought the Carly/Joss conversation was well done but Joss being just like her mother is nothing to be proud of. All Carly had to do to avoid all this grief was to tell Willow she knew who her mother was and leave it up to her to decide what to do. Eden did a good job. She is really growing as an actress. Loved how Anna outsmarted the villains.

  4. Glad the search for Lucy was over quickly. That Renee woman never needs to be seen again, imo. I'm sure obstacles will appear but at least they are moving along.
    I agree about Joss. Her behavior is typical. She and Carly had a realistic conversation.
    Victor will never be gone for good. Most villains on GH aren't unless we see them very dead, and that's not even a guarantee, but I would love for Laura/Martin/Cyrus to be the ones to end this reign of terror. Could be the key for Cyrus' get out of jail card.

    1. It was very real. I think that's why I like dit so much. And you could read the feelings on Eden's face.
      I couldn't think of a better ending for that woman, and no doubts left as they left their bodies under water.

      I think Victor is one of those villians we love to hate, like Helena. I think he'll be around for a long time. And maybe this might be a good time to try to redeem Cyrus.

  5. Why are we talking about hate when people don't agree? It is TV they are not real people. It's the mean girls!

    1. Agreed DeeDee - seems some feel entitled to their own opinion yet disparage others for expressing a different one - and yes - it's TV

    2. I know exactly what you mean, Johnny.

  6. Catacombs:

    Vanna, Lucy, and Renee: Oh Renee!!! You are so thirsty that if you kill V.C. then you can't have sex with him!! Hmmm unless she likes to have sex with corpses! Hey if that is your thing Renee then you do you but ewwww.

    Vanna, Renee, Lucy, and the guards: YEAHHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S MY ANNA!! Love that she put a bomb in the catacombs! So THAT is where she was when she was missing! :) I bet Anna wanted to punch Renee out so badly ever since Renee kissed V.C.! :D

    Vanna and Lucy: Anna wins the line of the day!

    Anna: You're so romantic.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHA! Oh yes Lucy! You three have to pretend you are dead for just a little while!!! Awwww poor Renee is dead. Well, at least we don't have to watch her go thirsty for V.C. anymore.

    Port Chuckles:


    Sprina and Cam: Damn Trina! Cut down on the coffee!

    Spencer: I'd be embarrassed if I broke up with Cam.

    Hahahahaha. He would have won the line of the day.. The smile that Cam gave Spencer! Hahahaha! Awwww. :)

    Sprina: Awwww I'm glad Trina is going to Britch's funeral with Spencer! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Charlie, Laura, and Marty: I was thinking at first who is this girl? Then Laura said Charlotte!! OHHHHHHHHHHHH! Long time no see Charlie! :) Go wash up before you eat? That is so old school hahahaha!

    Laura and Marty: I loved Laura's facial expressions! Hahahahahahahahaha!

    Charlie and Victor: Ooooo Charlie has braces!!! SO REAL!!! :) And I love her sweater.

    Laura and Victor: Laura is so bad ass! She is not afraid of Victor! :)

    Joss's dorm room: Joss looks so depressed! She is acting like Cam broke up with her! ROFL!

    Joss and Carly: Yes Carly! Joss IS Carly Jr. :) When Carly talked about how nothing else matters except being your mother, it made me tear up! And I can't believe Joss told her mother she had sex with Dex, when she told Cam not to tell anybody! UGH! I can't with her. I just can't.

    Mildew's home:

    Wiley and Drew: Awwww adorable. :)

    Wiley, Drew, and Olivia: Hahahaha. Yes Wiley, Olivia is your aunt! :)

    Drew and Olivia: Oh Olivia just stop!!!! Oy!

    Sidenote: Since today is national opposite day, then I will have to say, Renee is a wonderful woman.. Joss is still in love with Cam! Drew and Olivia should be together. ROFL!

    1. lol I loved that smile that Cam gave Spencer when he said that line too. I snickered out loud.

      And I'm not surprised that Joss told her mother. She had to tell someone and Carly definitely won't be telling Sonny. She'll also support her and let her get all the feelings out.

      I blanked out Drew and Olivia. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she and Carly are supposed to be best buds now. And Olivia is a calm level headed person. hehe But it is National Opposite Day. lol

    2. "Di says, lol I loved that smile that Cam gave Spencer when he said that line too. I snickered out loud."

      Hahaha yeah that was really good. :)

      "And I'm not surprised that Joss told her mother. She had to tell someone and Carly definitely won't be telling Sonny. She'll also support her and let her get all the feelings out."

      Well I guess Joss has no choice now that Cam could tell people.. Joss didn't have to call her mother. She could have called Trina! They are besties and roommates!! :)

      "I blanked out Drew and Olivia."


      "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she and Carly are supposed to be best buds now."


      "And Olivia is a calm level headed person. hehe But it is National Opposite Day. lol"

      Hahahahahaha. Good one. :)

    3. Olivia and HH (hallmark hank!) were the worst!
      So enjoyed the half smile Cam gave Spence about breaking up. True response to your friend having your back yet making a joke.
      I really liked the scenes between Carly and Joss. Both actress were great. The characters are delusional, but it was still a great conversation, lol!
      I'm wondering now if Trina will go off on Joss and what exactly Joss will tell her. And I really want Spencer to just blurt out to everyone that Joss is sleeping with Poindexter. If he finds out he'll blab and I'm here for that! :)

      Opposite day! You 2 were killing me!

    4. And I forgot to add welcome back Lucy! I missed her more than Martin!

  7. carly said it today jr is just like her mom

    1. Have you seen those Dr. Rick commercials? You eventually become your parents. :) Hahahaha. I love those commercials! :)

    2. yes, the commercials are funny

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "I don't think you've ever been more beautiful than when you punched Renee in the mouth" "Oh, you're so romantic"
    I just love VAnna so, so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Joss is just like her mother. OBVIOUSLY. Such a shame. There was so much potential for Joss to act out because of who her vile, nasty mother is, as well as being married to the mob. But no. Frank the puppet master just wants a CarlyCopy apparently. I sincerely hope that's not the case.
    Love that Spencer, Trina, Laura are all on TeamCam as well. As they should be. Makes for great soapy drama for the fall-out!
    Ohhh and poor Olivia...what the heck has happened to her? Propping Carly for Hallmark Fake Drew by saying Carly isn't selfish? Ummm...WHAT? WHATTTT? Olivia knows exactly who Carly is. I know they are "friends" now bc we all know Carly needs to have at least ONE friend but still, don't make Olivia look like she's an idiot!! Olivia knows a con, knows a liar and calls them out on it. Completely OOC for her to say that about Carly.
    The lengths Frank and his minions go to prop his pets at another character's expense is absolutely insane.
    Ohhh and let's not forget....Hallmark Fake Drew has Jason's memories so all of this is just bonkers. They should've just made CM a new character because that's exactly how Frank is having his writers write him.
    I'm reserving my comments on Vanna. I seem to be having a love/hate with them that sometimes has actually nothing to do with them but with how the storyline is being told.

    1. Everything you said about Olivia was so true! I was not happy with her at all, and seriously Hallmark Hank does have Jason's memories and it's always ignored. I kept waiting for Wiley to be shown sitting on the stairs and hearing EVERYTHING. Now that would have been a scene instead of the drivel we watched.



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