Monday, January 23, 2023

Dorm Decisions

 Sante--oh the PH is redone. I wish they had moved to Lulu's house. They are talking about trying to find Esme's real parents. 

Spencer is looking for a house because he wants custody of the baby. Sonny's trying to talk to him about it.  Sonny thinks he's a little batty for thinking he can take care of a baby. Sonny says he has to be there for it all the time. (Sonny's learned a lot over the years). Spencer wants to save the baby from his father and being betrayed like he was. 

Laura is at Wyndemere. Spencer tells her that Ava gets Spoon Island. Laura doesn't understand why. Then Nikolas tells her he's suing for full custody of the baby. She says don't keep that baby from it's mother. Not a good idea. 

Esme is getting harrassed at Spa Jail by some lady. Heather comes by and tells Ramona to leave her alone. Esme is grateful. Heather and Esme talk about motherhood. Yada yada. 

Ava recognizes Mason from the Qs party when she was attacked. He says it wasn't him. She thinks the police should interview him. He leaves. Oh this is an Ava/Austin chem test for sure. Twitter calls them JOLT for Jerome Holt. Oh I think Olivia Jerome might be his boss and Ava is the connection! 

Cam..."Is he the reason you left me"?? Then he goes in and they all are upset. Yada yada. Dex walks out and then Cameron asks Joss if she slept with Dex before they broke up. She says yes and tells him about NYE and the Hook. 

Liz' Mom is in town for a 'consult" OMG she's going to be doing Memory erasing for Victor!! WOO HOO! They talk about the lady dying that Liz pushed down the stairs. Liz wants to know why she stayed with her dad. Mom: I LOVE HIM Liz: MORE than you LOVE ME? They talk. She's staying at the Metro. 

Dex shows up at Sonny's. Spencer tells him to leave because they are having a family discussion. Dex waits in the hall. 

Sam talks to Esme about finding her birth father/mother. She asks about Maggie Fitzgerald 

Dante asks when Heather what her info is on Ryan/Esme. She doesn't have much. 


Joss asks Cam not to tell anyone about her and Dex. 

Heather finds out that Esme had a nanny that might know who her father is. UT OH

NIKOLAS hired Caroline, Liz' mom!! MEMORY! 


  1. I think Ava and Austin IS a pairing----and yes Olivia must be Mason's boss....but Austin has been in PC long enough that he would know Ava's last name, right??? I like this storyline...
    -----Caroline IS the worst mother -she did choose a cheating husband "Your father and I love each other." No that's not love...and she STILL lies to her child.....
    ----I thought Eden/Joss was great today - she didn't lie, she gave examples of their drifting telling Cam to be quiet???? Ah, no.....
    ----Spence saying 'Errand Boy' is Taggart saying "Angry Boy" - funny ----- I think Dex is gonna tell about Britt and firing the gun, NOT about Joss but we are supposed to think he is gonna confess....
    ----Don't think Esme is faking now....ready for her to see Ryan in person because she SEMI-RECOGNIZED Kevin.......and no one said a word - stupid
    -----the whole Willow leukemia storyline is actually a Carly/Nina storyline.....not about a sick woman.....

    1. "Mufasa says she didn't lie,"

      Oh yes she did. :) She cheated on Cam twice and kept that a secret.

    2. I meant she didn't lie about the first time and she did tell the truth - she came to break up with him on NYE/then attacked/then slept with him.

    3. "Mufasa says, I meant she didn't lie about the first time and she did tell the truth - she came to break up with him on NYE/then attacked/then slept with him."

      Oh yes the truth mixed in with excuses. Well, I'm glad she didn't lie and told him the truth that she slept with Dex before Jam broke up. I'll give her that. :) I actually thought she would lie about it.

  2. Ava our queen is pure Gold with anyone.

    My problem with Joss was when she said right away in the beginning of the conversation "I don't owe you anything" ouch. They were not just a fling. Asking for his silence is just sad. I do love how Spencer treats Dex. Loyal to his pal/cousin.

    Glad not to see Carly/NIna/Michael/Willow today. Also thinking I'm ok if Willow passes, may make those around Carly more accountable. Hope the baby survives.

    1. It would make the storyline a lot more compelling if Willow died but the baby lived. Can you imagine the repercussions with Carly and Michael? Yes, please.

  3. hmmmmIf JOLT works out do they become HOME? lol

    I thought Eden/Joss was good today too. And she needs Cam to stay quiet about Dex because she's afraid of what Sonny might do to him. She knows what he's capable of.

    And I really didn't like how Spencer treated Dex but then again he was just as obnoxious when he was a kid when he felt some people were beneath him.

    1. He treats him that way because he senses something is up with Dex and Joss. He is just trying to be a butt head to him to let him know where his loyalty stands. Always stinks when the nice guy gets dumped.

  4. do not like joss or dex. feel sorry for cam.

  5. I know. But Life happens especially to teenagers and young people. At least Joss rebounded to someone who treats her with respect.

  6. The Joss/Cam/Dex scenes were good. It is refreshing when a bit of honesty shows up on GH.
    Spencer's behavior towards Dex wasn't loyalty but the snobby brat he once was. He is still that little boy.
    Esme was being harassed and the guard just stood there.
    I'm with Linda. Just think what it will do to Nina if Willow dies.

  7. Some funny one liners today!

    Sante home: Lovey dovey. They didn't show their Tribbles.

    Joss's dorm room:

    Jex and Cam: Cam is PISSED! This could change him! Are we going to have a dark Cam?

    Joss and Cam: Oh making excuses for herself. Oy!

    Joss: I didn't lie.

    OH YES YOU DID JOSS!!! Your nose is really growing now! Poor Cam. :(

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Spencer: Man Spencer REALLY needs to stop drinking so much coffee! The green beans on the table agree. Spencer wins the line of the day.

    Spencer: Of course I'm going to pay attention and love it.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Spencer you kill me! :)

    Sonny, Spencer, and Dex: Wow! Spencer so rude to Dex! Hahahaha. And yes Spencer's mom would have been proud of Spencer for trying to protect his sibling, but she wouldn't be proud of him for being rude to Dex! She didn't even like it when he called people townies! I'm surprised he didn't call Dex townie! ROFL! Errand boy! Hahaha!

    Sonny and Dex: Oooooo Dex not happy with Sonny! What's the matta Dex? Is Sonny your bio daddy? :)


    Mama and Liz: Yeah Caroline! Where is your self worth? You love your husband.. Sure, but does he love you? I doubt it. You weren't enough for him obviously!

    Spa jail:

    Creepy Romona woman and Vampira: ACK! YIIIIIIIIKES! Who the hell is this creepy woman?! *Runs away*

    Creepy Romona woman, Vampira, and Heather: Romona is afraid of Heather hahahaha. Is she afraid of Ryan too? BAHAHAHAHA!

    Heather and Vampira: Awww great scene! Friendship bracelet awwwww. :)

    Sam and Vampira: Oooooo great scene! Working together I like it. :)

    Dante and Heather: Threats of Darkum! Hahahahaha. Oh shoot I forgot the nickname for Darkum is.

    The hospital:

    Ava and Pawtucket Holtster: Oh yes! They are definitely doing chem testing. They are getting to know each other! Yeah I just found out the other day about the name Jolt! I love it!! :) Hmmm Pawtucket Holtster looks like he is working out. :) YUM! :)

    Ava, Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Hmmm. I know on twitter Karen said NO, but are there 2 hook killers? Mason Jar and a woman? The DA perhaps? :)


    Nik and Laura: Yes listen to Laura! Don't take baby Ace away from Vampira! It really looks like she has changed and has no memory.. Hmmmm.

    Caroline and Nik: OH OH! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!

  8. This week's promo!

  9. Welp.....Joss is trash just like her Momma. The apple doesn't fall far..... LOL! Poor Cam, he deserved so much better from her.

    1. IMO That young girl is definitely not trash. Even Cam didn't react with language like that.

    2. its a tv show, these are characters. don't take the comments serious

    3. It's a soap Di. She's her trashy Momma's trashy daughter now. Let's hope Frank let's his writers lead her on a road to redemption!

  10. I wonder if somehow Cam and Esme will now get together?

    1. Heaven forbid. I think Emma will be home soon to consol him.



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