Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Surgery: No Liver River


Welp, it took long enough but Laura finally found Lucky!! That's the biggest news of the week along with a gun turning up. As you know by Friday I had had enough and tuned out. So it GOES with me and GH!! 

Sorry it's late today---I saw Steven Page and Billy Brag last night!! 

Grab your Triple L Diner coffee and let's GO GO 

I'M COMIN' OUT:  Aiden and Lucky have a moment where Aiden tells him he's gay. Lucy pauses a moment and lets his son know he loves him unconditionally. Nice scene. I can see why they got a more seasoned older actor to play Aiden but...dang. He does look mature, doesn't he? Good crying by JJ as usual. Liz was also around so yeah. Like to see her at GH as head nurse and family ship captain. 

POOCHIE PRIVATE EYE: I applaud the idea of having a snoopy lady around The Metro ala Murders in the Building style and who can resist the adorable dog? BUT-- as we know, Elaine was introduced rather abruptly and it just fell a bit flat. I'm hoping she'll pop up now and again just to gossip in the lobby. 

CARSON ANGST:  Carly is so sad she can't be seen with another man because of her alibi. Well, and the fact that if Sonny confesses she'll go to jail as well. Alexis? Meh.. she can stay there. Sonny tries the old "I'll take the fall" to "save Alexis". No, taking the "fall" is when someone else does it and you confess to help them. NOT WHEN YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. This entire scene was so self-indulgent and shows just how awful these characters have become. 'JAGGER DID THIS TO HIMSELF".  Ok. Yeah, nice try. 

LUCKY AND ST. JAYSUS ANGST: Two Dads who decided to leave GH for greener pastures and then wanted back in years later discuss why their characters would do such a thing. I kind of have to laugh at the lengths of Lucky's martyr talk and Jason's "you must do the right thing and stay". Why? Jason turns around in the next scene and tells Diane HE'S NOT WORTH as much as Carly and Sonny. THE FK? WHAT?? As Diane said: You have two sons that don't think so. This was just one of the worst 'come to Jaysus' moments I think there ever has been. Just...terrible. 

KRISTINA IDIOCY: OMG OH. MY. GAWD!! PLEASE!! She's a 30 something woman who is being tracked by her brother because no one knows what she's going to do next. Too bad they can't throw her in Shadybrook because if she really IS as incapable as everyone is saying, she can't be trusted to grocery shop by herself. She's tried to tell both Chase and Anna what's what and both times she's been saved from opening her big mouth. :eyeroll:  

LUCKY OUT OF CONTROL: Lucky is mad he got some parasite while he was off in the jungle drinking nasty water and decides to trash Bobbie's Diner. Why? I guess the Spencer rage?? Who knows. He cries a lot and blames himself for being gone and asks Jason for money and a passport to get out of town. Again. 

WE'VE GOT A BOX UP IN HERE:  Up in here, Up in here! So, there was a package delivered to PCPD that everyone thought was a bomb. It ended up being the missing gun Alexis threw off the bridge. That gun would clear her as being the one that used that specific gun that shot Jagger. It's also registered to Sonny. The REAL gun was dissolved in acid by St. Jaysus of Breaking Bad and is gone forever. ERGO, when Sonny goes to confess, he doesn't know he doesn't need to because Alexis will probably get off anyway. Enter Dante to save his father. Family or Job? Hmmm... I bet it's family because Sonny can't pay for anything. 

REUNION: Thursday we finally get to see Laura and Lucky together. It was mid August when Lulu was brought back to Port Charles and lord knows how, but she's still hanging on by the thread. Of course, Genie and JJ delivered their scenes beautifully. We even got a Triple L Diner flashback. What we DIDN'T get was any follow up. The next day, Laura and Lucky were no where to be scene. Call me crazy but ---WHAT? Seriously, why wouldn't you have them at Lulu's bedside and Laura trying to drum up donors? Or Laura seeing the people that have been worried about her? This is why I get so frustrated. Spoilers for next week have Laura on FRIDAY with Tracey. I sure hope she's on before that because...if not? Fail. 

LUCAS, AVA AND CARLY CRAP:  The reason I snapped Friday. There was going to be a scene with Lucas and his Auntie Ava. Great!! There's hulking CARLY taking up air and inserting herself into things. For some reason the writers HAD to have Ava be the one that didn't keep in touch with Lucas all these years. Why? WHO THE FK KNOWS.  Who sent him photos of Avery? CARLY.  Carly had to throw out there that Ava's brother put Lucas into a coma. (um, GIRL, he's Lucas' father too but okay). Ava was appalled at Julian for doing that, remember? Also, Carly's the lynchpin of the entire Spencer Universe now so god forbid Ava gets a decent scene with a family member. Lucas then was angry at Ava for "outting Kristina". He'll probably fawn all over Natalia when he meets her. You know GH... :eyeroll: This was a great talk they had and I HOPE fences are mended and Carly stays the hell out of it! 

BRIGHT LIGHT BRAD:  My ONE Good thing--my one joy is Brad. Portia is busy being all "HOW is Brad working here" and weaving a web to turn the tables on him but he's discovered Portia faked the tests. What will happen? Blackmail to save his job? Will he turn her in? OR will Portia somehow successfully blame Brad for all of this? The other reason Brad is joyful --- its' the Lucas factor. Here's hoping Brucas comes full circle!! 

A bunch of other things: Molly and Dex had a little moment at Bobbie's diner bar. Marty, Molly AND Kristina all went to the Prison and visited Alexis who must have unlimited privileges at this point. Mac and Robert bantered over Holly vs. Diane. Brennan/Carly chem test, Natalia LaRue/Sonny chem test. Yada yada. Diane seems to be growing her hair out or her wigs are getting more 70s inspired. OH!! The BIGGEST? Ethan was tested!! Yes, according to Carly, Holly contacted him and he was tested and not a match. So, there's that. 

THAT'S A WRAP!! One of the reasons I just gave up on Friday is that I'm finding myself bitching about the show way more than praising it or enjoying things. I feel like the Lulu saga has gone on SO long she should be dead by now. There is very little exciting momentum building. Just slogging through the same dialog day after day. Same with the gun and Jagger murder. SO MUCH discussion when the package containing the missing not-gun should have shown up about 2 weeks ago. You know how I feel about the Carly Show. They couldn't even give Ava some grace by having her reunion with Lucas be a bit tense but nice in the end. Nope. I'll never forgive the dialog person that decided Carly sent Lucas photos of Avery over the years. UGH. 
Pacing is driving me crazy too and if Laura doesn't show up again until next Friday, you know I'll be howling at the moon. I also have a feeling it will be at least another week until Lulu gets any kind of liver going. *yawn*. 


Have a great Sunday! I saw Billy Bragg last night and had a blast. 


  1. "Welp, it took long enough but Laura finally found Lucky!!" --Sooooo long.

    "Good crying by JJ as usual." I hope he doesn't cry again until sometime in 2025. Too much.

    "Taking the 'fall' is when someone else does it and you confess to help them. NOT WHEN YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. This entire scene was so self-indulgent and shows just how awful these characters have become." Amen! Are we supposed to root for Sonny? I don't care what Cates did, it does not justify him being shot and killed in cold blood. How much you bet they ret-con this and say the actual bullets came from another gun? Doesn't matter -- Sonny tried to kill him.

    "Jason turns around in the next scene and tells Diane HE'S NOT WORTH as much as Carly and Sonny." This was SUPER-weird. Maybe Jason should visit Kevin Collins, lay on his couch and sort out his obvious issues. Also, I do NOT want to see Jason as a WSB agent.

    "Enter Dante to save his father. Family or Job?" I am disappointed in Dante. He needs to find another profession.

    " It was mid August when Lulu was brought back to Port Charles and lord knows how, but she's still hanging on by the thread." Wake her up already! "GH" drags everything out and I think that is a major reason its ratings are in the toilet.

    "There was going to be a scene with Lucas and his Auntie Ava. Great!! There's hulking CARLY taking up air and inserting herself into things." Ugh. Agree. Laura Wright needs to take a vacation.

    "Ethan was tested!!" I am glad they did that. Now have Valerie and Charlotte tested.

    "One of the reasons I just gave up on Friday is that I'm finding myself bitching about the show way more than praising it or enjoying things." Also agree. When I get like that, I usually cut down to 2 or 3 episodes a week.

    Seriously, at the beginning of the year, ABC/Disney made a big deal about winning back the trust of longtime fans. So far, I give them a grade of "C."

    1. IF they had Ava shoot him when he was going to shoot her OR the fake FBI lady shoot him when she was supposed to shoot Ava, that would have been awesome.

  2. Thanks for another great SS! It can't be easy.
    If they continue to tape out of sequence and keep adding on to the cast GH will never live up to our expectations.
    Alexis' constant visitations are ridiculous. Have some funny Heather scenes while they are roomies.
    "Bright light Brad"...yes. Right now he is it.
    This Lulu eternal resurrection is way past it's expiration date. Another constipated character return.
    What a beautiful autumn we are having in New England! Enjoy your Sunday.

  3. ----I like reading spoilers so lemme bring up something - WHAT is Sasha's life-changing thing coming up?????Is she leaving? I don't think there is a new storyline for her except Cody????
    ------course still waiting on WHO KILLED AUSTIN LOL
    -----if Brad doesn't blackmail Portia and Portia WINS-----I am gonna be so mad. It's time Portia is taken down....
    ------still not sure WHO runs Savoy ----- Lucky?
    -----Marty and Alexis, anyone? I dunno - I kinda like Marty and Natalia (but maybe cause of All My Children)
    ----Karen is so right - Lulu shoulda died by now Just being honest - I don't care for Sam/KM but I don't understand killing her BUT BUT there are so many storylines: she saves Lulu and Dante is torn/Lulu is torn, Alexis drinking again/Danny lives with who or boarding school/Molly and Kristina bond again/Lucas is back for it, etc etc.
    -----I love Diane/Carolyn H but not her hair that way.
    -----Brennan had the gun ---------------- still thinking a twist to Cates that gets Sonny off.
    ----I like nu-Lucas but they are trying too hard - he was EVERYWHERE and had SO much air time.......

    1. I would like to find out 1) who killed Austin and 2) who was the mole in Sonny's organization?

  4. They must not have wanted to pay the actors for their flashbacks and hence we only got the mini explosion :(


No Accent

  Tracey, Brook and Olivia go around about Violet's suspension. It's just blah. Tracey has her lawyers looking into suing the parent...