Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday: I lasted about 12 minutes


Everyone is getting tested for Lulu. OH!!! BTW!! Holly contacted Ethan and he's not a match LOL!! OK, then. OFF camera. Ava runs into Lucas and says "you're seeing family and I'm family"!!! She finds out he's working at GH. 

Cody comes in to be tested too. 

Dex sees Dante at work. Dante is cleaning things up before he takes a leave of absence. Dex tells him he's getting tested and about the gun that was brought to the station.

Anna takes evidence to Robert showing that the gun Alexis dropped didn't shoot Cates.

Marty visits Alexis again and says she should be out by the end of the day. 

Sonny, Michael and Krissy are all at Sonny's. He tells them he's going to turn himself in. 

Ok, I'm bailing. There was a scene with Carly, Ava and Lucas and I just can't finish today. I'm tired of whatever they think they are proving by having Carly be the fking savior in everything and every other character bearing the brunt. That Ava Lucas scene could have been tense but they made it unwatchable. 


  1. Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Michael, and Krissy: Sonny just wuvs his 12 year old daughter and he isn't mad at her. Awwwwww! Sonny says he is turning himself in, and the green beans gasp.

    Robert's office:

    RnA: YAY! A scene with them! Tristan Rogers sounds like he is losing his voice.

    The hospital:

    Michael and Krissy: Krissy wins the line of the day.

    Krissy: Don't you have a real job?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Made Michael smile. :)

    Dante and Cowboy Cody: I really love their banter hahahaha. I'm glad Cowboy Cody got tested too!

    Dante and Krissy: Krissy! I know you are 12, but listen to Dante!!!!

    Brad and Cowboy Cody: Awww a hug. :) DAMN PORTIA SHUT UP!

    Brad and Portia: Leave him the hell alone! If he wants to hug people he will! There is no law against it! ARGH!

    Liz and evidence lady: Oh hello yellow envelope! Nice to meet you! :) Oh boy! Here we go! :)

    Liz and Brad: OH! Brad has got the yellow envelope!!!!! :D

    Liz and Portia: Portia is all nervous. Brad will get to the bottom of this! :)

    Lucas and Carly: Ethan was tested?!!?!!?! When?! Where?!!?!

    Lucas, Carly, and Ava: When Lucas called her aunt Ava, I'm like huh? Then Ava brought up Julian, and I remember hahaha. Lucas just HAD to blame Ava for outing Kraze right? STOP IT LUCAS SHUT UP! That's all you are thinking about? Not even thinking about Natalia?!!?! UGH! I hate this! The whole scene was ruined because of his blaming Ava!

    Lucas and Ava: Parts of their scenes were good, but when he got mad at her and was about to leave, I hated it! Stop it writers!

    Brad in an office: Is he in Portia's office? Well anyway he is figuring things out with the Heather's test results! Hahaha!

    Airport waiting area:

    Alexis and Marty: Did you see the way Marty moved and smiled at her when he first showed up?! Hahahaha. That's Tad!!!! :D

    Alexis and Sonny: My Sexis. :) Hmmmm there was some black spot on her face, and then the next time they show her, it's gone! :)

    Alexis and Krissy: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Police station:

    Dante and Dex: Awww Dex! Thank you for being tested! :)

    Anna and Carly: Blah blah blah! Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 10th 2015* Samtrick and Emma! Does anybody remember this? Samtrick are telling Emma they are over. Poor Emma!!!! :(

  2. Hopefully Dante outs Anna witholding the evidence and Alexis goes home.

    Stop dragging everything out. I want Brad to out Portia NOW!! Not just try to blackmail her. Let her see what it's like.

    And PLEASE can I see Sam die now.?

  3. I 100% agree with you, Karen. My mute and fast forward works fabulous moving through the Carly scenes.

    I am not looking forward to Sam passing. I am not 100% fond of the actress's work but I'm sad they are killing the character. They rarely do that to a long standing family member on a show. Thumbs down.

    1. I used to love Sam, but not so much anymore. It does kind of feel like when Tony Jones died for no reason, and it is wrong.

    2. Yes lindie, I agree. Killing off legacy characters for "storyline" reasons (Tony, Alan, Emily, Georgie, A.J (twice) Sam) never makes the viewers happy. Even if we don't particularly care for the character, there is a piece of history of the show that is lost.

    3. Linda and lindie I agree with both of you.

  4. They really need to give Carly a rest. Stop shoving her down our throats all the time.

    1. She's one of the stars of the show.

    2. But, they treat her like she is THE ONLY star of the show. I agree with Kevin. Much less Carly, please!

    3. Sadly I forward through most of her scenes, I find her unwatchable whether she is one of the stars or not.

    4. Never had a problem with Carly - it's the writers - if Amelia (remember her ?) stubbed her toe - somehow Carly would be involved

    5. "JohnD says, if Amelia (remember her ?) stubbed her toe - somehow Carly would be involved"

      Who is Amelia?

    6. isn't she Mildew's daughter ? - or am I stupid ? _ both can be true

    7. "JohnD says, isn't she Mildew's daughter ? - or am I stupid ? _ both can be true"

      OH! Amelia! I forgot her name hahaha. I always call her Ohsaka walnut. :) Yes yes Mildew's daughter. Oh and you are not stupid. :)

  5. It was worth watching to see Brad find out it was Portia who tampered!

    1. Yes! Loved that part. We got a flash of the old Brad.


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