Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Steven Lars is Back!


I think they are going through the "old character catalog" and getting out their thinking caps!! That's right, Scott Reeves is back as Steven Lars. Read about it on TVLINE.  The character of Steven Lars Webber has been off canvas for 11 years. It's a short-term stint from what I've seen. PS. I think he went to prison for organ traffic. Um... LULU? lol 


Alexis visits with Kristina. It's night. But hey. Alexis tells her she has a plan but she can't tell her about it. Krissy is worried. Krissy is upset. You know.

Joss is pissed that Lucky trashed the family diner. They yell at each other. Then Lucky leaves and the police come in. They got a call a crazy person was breaking up the joint. She won't press charges and says it's a family thing. Later, Dex comes back to help her clean up.

Sonny and Natalia talk about business (Deception) which I thought he was a silent partner in?? Anyway, she wants to keep it professional...but likes him. :eyeroll: She talks about him being a mobster and dangerous. They almost kiss but Sonny's lawyer calls. Kristina comes in. Nat tells her that Blaze is doing really well on tour. Natalia leaves. Sonny's still talking to someone. Natalia leaves. Kristina tells Sonny they have to get Alexis out of jail. Sonny says it's all JAGGER'S FAULT anyway. (eyeroll)

Carly's all dressed up and goes into Brennan's suite for dinner. Lady with the Doggie snaps a photo. Felicia tries to call her but she turns her phone off. Banter Banter. Then the Doggy lady tries to get into the room, Carly hides. Lady says she got her room mixed up. Felicia is peeking around the corner. Carly finds out that the lady is a PI, Brennan guessed it. Now they have to get her out of the hotel not seen. He snags the lady and Felicia helps Carly leave. 

Anna goes to see Jason. Tells him to forget about the kiss. Don't join the WSB. Leaves. Then Lucky comes in and wants to go to Africa. Needs a passport because Sidwell took his. Jason realizes he's not a donor. Jason tells him Laura will be home soon and not to run away. Tells him to say goodbye. Lucky is like: NOPE. Lucky says he was destroying Liz before he left and he needed to get away from everyone. Like his Dad used to. Jason gives him 10K but says he should stay. Lucky takes the money and leaves.

Molly goes into Anna's office and says to reopen the case and look at the real killer: Sonny Corinthos. Molly yells and talks about Anna wanting justice. Anna says it's the FBI case now. Molly yells. Leaves. 


Kristina goes to Anna with "information"

Laura walks into the chapel where Lucky is praying


  1. - I think Steven Lars must see Heather while she is having a court appearance? Cause he says it's a short stint.....just odd/outta nowhere/will he see Olivia
    -------I hate Molly but Kristina is unbearable. will Jason take over the business if Sonny goes to jail? Cause Danny gotta live somewhere if he doesn't go to boarding school.
    ------IS IT the next day that Marty sees Alexis? (course cameras are in the halls of Metro Court) I guess PI lady gave him a report and I guess Diane knew about Natalia seeing Sonny?
    ------3 weeks is a trial + November sweeps = Sam leaving....
    ------Jason has 10,000 in case just in the desk and yet has the phone from the 80's/70's/60's like you see on TV shows? Lucky is just not doing it for me.
    ------Molly and Dex = at a theatre near you soon
    ------the previews are so odd-------------where is Chase? and the quote 'they knew exactly what they were doing' --------------is that the drum where Jason got rid of the gun?

    1. Lucky's return has been meh for me too, but I am hoping all that changes when his eyes meet Laura's/Genie's tomorrow.

      I am team Molly, but it has been nice to not see them for a bit.

  2. It's nice they're bringing Scott Reeves back, but I hope their going to do the story justice considering how important the character of Steven Lars once was, going way, way back. Heather was always a bit screwy, but it was when she made that fateful decision to sell her baby on the black market when she didn't think Jeff loved her is the plot point where Heather spiraled out of control in her desperate attempt to get her baby back.

  3. Steven Lars! YAY! I'm glad he is out of jail and coming back to Port Chuckles. Loved him on the show! Now we get more shirtless men! :D

    Airport waiting area:

    Alexis and Krissy: Meh. Same ol same ol. Zzzzzzzzzzz.


    Lucky and Joss: GO JOSS GO! :D Well, I'm glad Lucky recognizes Joss. :)

    Jex and another cop: Dex wins the line of the day.

    Dex: We got some calls about some crazy guy busted up Bobbie's.


    25 minutes later:

    Jex: Geez Joss. 1 minute you were yelling at Lucky, and then next minute you are defending him like it's no big deal. ROFL!

    Jason's office:

    Jason and Anna: Nope nope nope. What kiss? There was no kiss. I don't know what you are talking about Anna.

    Jason and Lucky: Lucky talking about his poor little parasite. I looked up what we could call his parasite and it gave me this. leech, sponge, sycophant, and toady. TOADY?! HAHAHAHAHHAAHA! Yeah I'm calling it Toady! :)

    Lucky's parasite Toady: I'm hungry!

    Yeah Lucky should take Toady out to eat for dinner! :)

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and serious giggle mouse: Blah blah blah! Zzzzzzzzzz. Please don't kiss!!!! Oh good whew.

    Krissy and serious giggle mouse: Well, I'm glad Blaze is doing well! Now it's Natalia's turn to leave!

    Krissy and Sonny: Oh yes blame the dead guy sureeeeeeeeee!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Brennan: Oooo a date! :D I love Jackly! :) Now kiss! Come on! :)

    Brennan and the lady with the doggie: That doogie's tongue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHH! We need to keep this dog!

    Felicia and Carly: Uh Felicia you are right outside the door!!! Why didn't you tell her?

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Molly: Molly do you need a paper bag? You remind me of your mother. ROFL!


    Carly and Felicia: Felicia could have told Carly I'm right outside the door! We could go to Bobbie's together! So stupid.

    The hospital chapel: LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Wait how did Laura know Lucky was in the chapel?

    1. "How did Laura know that Lucky was in the chapel?"
      She smelled his wretched scent since he hasn't showered or washed his hair in three weeks. She knows her son's wretched scent.

    2. Zak, I almost spewed coffee all over my keyboard. 😂 A mother k ow her son's wretched scent.

    3. "Zak says, She smelled his wretched scent since he hasn't showered or washed his hair in three weeks. She knows her son's wretched scent."


  4. When Brick tells Sonny that MARTY hired the PI to follow Carly - Sonny gonna explode.

  5. Bleh. Never cared for Scott Reeves as Steven Lars. And, how are they affording to bring back all of these (old) new people (Holly, Steven Lars, Lucas, Brad, LuLu, Lois, Lucky) AND new characters (Natalia, Gio, Brennan) without trimming the (already) bloated cast (except for Sam)? It's strange.

    1. Fire Kelly Monaco. Maybe others coming soon?

  6. I like Jonathan Jackson and like Lucky, but thought the scene of him trashing Bobbie's was a bit much. Glad that Joss chewed him out.

    Note to producers: Fewer scenes between Lucky and Jason, and more (much more) scenes between Lucky and his family, including Elizabeth.


No Accent

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