Tuesday, October 15, 2024

No Accent


Tracey, Brook and Olivia go around about Violet's suspension. It's just blah. Tracey has her lawyers looking into suing the parents of the kid that bullied Vi. Olivia defends Tracey and says she's making up for not being able to help Lulu. Then Brook talks to Willow and wants advice from a former teacher. She says get a team together. 
Tracey tells Olivia later that she can't control anything so she's going after the primary school. "Lulu is dying"...they hug.

Cody wants to buy "Serenity" the ranch he grew up on... for an animal rescue ranch. I thought the ranch was far away????? I don't know. His idea is to ask Tracey for a loan for the down payment. The ranch costs $6 million LOL. He chickens out actually asking her though. 

Drew and Willow. Willow says she has to go. Drew says let's talk and NED walks in: what's up!! ahahaha. Willow leaves. He tells Drew that they can get Valentin's shares transferred at some point. Ned also wants the kids to get equal shares and he'll vote proxy until they are of age. Plus he wants to run Drew's shares while he's in office. Drew and Michael and like; We need to think about it. Ned flips out and goes to Olivia; We are supposed to be united as a family! Then he leaves with a plan. 

Drew tells Michael HE has to take over ELQ when he wins the election. They figure out how to split power. 

Ned meets with Elaine the dog lady. Wants to hire her to find out if Drew/Willow are having an affair. 

Liz is on the phone and wants the possible donor info sent to her asap. Isaiah is out of the bed, walking around. Asks about Lucky. She says he's not able to donate and Isaiah is sad. PSA about donating organs. Then Liz looks at the computer and finds the name "I Know who can save Lulu" Smiles a bit. 

Laura is in with Lulu at her bedside. Marty comes in. He's been tested and doesn't match. She wants to know about this 'transformation' aka: shaving his beard. THEN she mentions his accent. He says he got tired about being asked about "Fried Chicken" and got a vocal coach HAHAAHA. PFFFFFFFT. Anyway, when they walk back into Lulu's room, Cyrus is there. 
Marty talks to him in the hall he says he has a gift for Laura. Just then Liz comes in and says they might have a donor. 

Sam and Dante are at the batting cage, getting ready for the soft-ball finals. Sam gets hot dogs. Forgets the mustard. He says he saw Dex and tells Sam they found the gun. He almost told Sonny and stopped his confession and ruined his career. Marty came in though and he didn't have to say anything. They talk about Rocco. TERRY CALLS SAM INTO HER OFFICE. 


Sam is a match.

Finn is getting out of rehab 


  1. Some funny one liners today!!! :)

    Q mansion:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Michael, and Ned: Well this is a better scene than it has been for the last two times. When they were in a middle of an argument and we were like HUH?! Oh Michael when you find out your uncle has been doing the tonsil hockey with your wife twice, you will NEVER be on his side again.

    Drew AKA Ryan Lavery and Michael: Yeah never again on his side Michael.

    Brooky and Tracy: Suing the parents?! Oh Tracy is going full throttle. :)

    Olivia and Brooky: Olivia is impressed with Tracy! Hahahahaha! Olivia IS right. Tracy does fight for her family.

    Nedlia: Oh come on Olivia! Have some time with Ned and let Ned vent!! I didn't like this scene.

    Brooky and Willow: OH! FINN IS GETTING OUT! Now what? What will happen next?

    Casha: Oooooo! An animal sanctuary! I love it! You gotta do it Cowboy Cody! Yes Tracy would say yes to you for help. She adores you!

    Casha and Tracy: Hey I don't blame Ace! Pudding is yummy! :) The look on Tracy's face when she was leaving! ROFL!

    Casha: Yes cowboy Cody get a presentation for Tracy!!! :D

    Tracy and Olivia: Awwww Tracy! I know you can't help Lulu. :( Great scene!

    Batting cages:

    Sante: Great scene! It's so real and so simple. Sam is trying to help Dante. Dante feels all the guilt feels! :( I want to hug Dante!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Gannon: Hey Gannon looks great! He can walk! Awww he lost a patient on the table. I want to hug him! :(

    Laura and Marty: I'm glad Laura noticed his transformation! All because of Lucy! Well, it's time to heal and then get back to the old you Marty! The new one is boring! Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: I was getting tired of being asked about fried chicken.


    Laura, Marty, and Cyrus: Awwww Cyrus is visiting Lulu how sweet. :) I'm glad Laura understood why Cyrus didn't tell her that he was visiting.

    Marty and Cyrus: I love that Cyrus mentioned Marty's transformation! :)

    Liz and Laura: A match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

    Gannon and Lulu: OH OH SHE IS CRASHING!!! Will Gannon save her? And then he will heal from the loss of his patient, and then he will get back to surgery?! :)

    Kevlar: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :D

    Terry and Sam: Hmmm. Will Sam die on the table? Will Gannon be the one doing her surgery? Then when she dies will Gannon feel guilty again and then don't want to do surgery anymore?

    Parking lot:

    Ned and doggie lady: I squealed! :) Very soapy delicious! I love it!!! GO NED! :D

  2. ----I am thinking Finn and Violet go live somewhere else----today Brook Lynn was back with 'I don't know if I will make a good mom' kinda attitude.....which is why I think the Violet storyline popped up.
    -----Cyrus MUST have something up his sleeve with that comment - I even wondered if HE had found a donor.......
    -----at LEAST they addressed no accent of Marty.........I have NO CLUE what day it is but has Laura even seen Ace???? and Isaiah JUST found out about Lucky? Where did Lucky go after he spent time with Laura?
    -------it's odd seeing KM do her Sam scenes knowing at this point she knew she was fired....Dom is going to have great Emmy award winning scenes coming up -----and wonder how long lulu will be in a coma before she wakes up??? it would be funny if Sam goes in a coma and goes away.
    ------Sasha is gonna ask Michael for the money for Cody and YES this place is NOT in PC so I don't understand why Cody wants to buy/run-----#maybethewriterschangedthattoo
    WHO is at the door? I think Cyrus
    -----I did think Sasha's face looked weird when he interrupted her and said "no, Sasha I'm not ready for that'...
    -----sidebar on JPS twitter - Maurice B commented and he wrote 'finally had 4 months off-----' etc etc so he did NOT SAY PERMANENTLY and his other show wasn't renewed so?????????????
    -------Real' Andrews on Instagram - officially done with GH and has a new project.
    -------not sure why I am mad that Ned hired the stupid PI but I am -she is unnecessary.....
    'from a realiable source' made me snicker.....
    -----did Carly ever find out what Lucky did?

    1. "Real' Andrews on Instagram - officially done with GH and has a new project."

      WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOO! :'( I want him back now! What new project?

      "not sure why I am mad that Ned hired the stupid PI but I am -she is unnecessary....."

      Well, the quicker Ned gets the pictures of the affair, (Maybe she will take pictures of both of them in bed together having zex,) the quicker Michael will find out and then be so furious that he asks for a divorce. :) Does that make you less mad? :)

    2. nope.....LOL....it's the lady and being picky - he wouldn't hire someone like her - no paper work /just handed her the money kinda thing......

    3. "mufasa says, nope.....LOL...."


      "it's the lady and being picky - he wouldn't hire someone like her - no paper work /just handed her the money kinda thing......"

      Hey someone needs to spill the truth beans!!! So if it's Ned, then so be it. I hope Drew and Willow are having zex so then the PI lady can take pictures, then the pictures can be shown to Michael! :)

  3. if there is a God in heaven, please let buying Serenity be the way they usher Cody and Sasha off the show.

  4. Parry Shen posted the name of the writers responsible for the Brad/Portia go round yesterday: Micah Steinberg/Stacey Pulwer/Anne Schoettle. They deserve the credit. Best thing on GH in a while. Clever and slick.
    Ned going to random PI about a kiss is just stupid.
    Will Finn be recast, die or disappear into the deep dark caverns of lost characters? Tune in tomorrow. Or maybe the next day. Etc....

    1. "Zazu says, Parry Shen posted the name of the writers responsible for the Brad/Portia go round yesterday: Micah Steinberg/Stacey Pulwer/Anne Schoettle. They deserve the credit."

      OH!!! Didn't see that one! Well, bravo to them and thank you Micah, Stacey, and Anne so much! :)

      "Best thing on GH in a while. Clever and slick."

      It was awesome!!!! Yes very clever and slick. :)


No Accent

  Tracey, Brook and Olivia go around about Violet's suspension. It's just blah. Tracey has her lawyers looking into suing the parent...