Wednesday, October 16, 2024



I was OUT TO LUNCH AND LATE!! Here I am!! 

I got in at 2:!5 so... HANG ON 

CYRUS totally messed with the machine for Lulu. He said "I have a gift for Laura" . I think he was "letting her go" so Laura wouldn't worry anymore. BUT didn't know about the donor situation. I bet he thought "releasing" LULU from life would be a gift. 

Dante comes out and asks Liz why he's not being updated. Liz says she has to make a report on the respirator first. He apologizes. They talk about Lucky and Lulu. Liz gets a text the results are in from the liver screening. 

Sam says yes, test me to Terry but don't tell Dante. She doesn't want Rocco and Dante to get their hopes up again. 

Brennan says it was sloppy of Jason and Anna to leave Sidwell alive because he killed the rescue team in Africa. He thinks someone brought something back from Africa and they were looking for it in the plane. They ransacked the hangar it was in and the plane. He wonders where Holly was during the escape. They said you'd better ask Holly! 

Holly and Felicia are talking and Holly recognizes Sasha. She drinks a LOT. I think Sasha is a SCORPIO and maybe Ethan's twin?? and that's why they haven't slept together? I mean, Holly is acting NUTS LOL . She says are you sure Cody isn't scamming you all? Felicia says at first yes, he was but now, no. Holly orders a double scotch LOL 

Mac and Robert are talking about Holly and Mac says that Holly is up to something. He tells Robert not to fall for her again when he has a "Gorgeous redhead" now.  Mac leaves and Diane comes in. She wonders what Robert wanted. 

Michael says no to Sasha about investing in Cody's Serenity ranch.  He leaves. Tracey heard Sasha ask Michael. Is not happy. Sasha tells her why she asked Michael and she wanted to ask him before Cody asked Tracey. Tracey blows up and isn't happy. CODY would NEVER ASK ME FOR MONEY! Sasha says no, he knows men have used you for your money and he's your friend. 

Isaiah and Jordan go out to dinner at the Surf place. He talks about being a transplant doctor and how great it is to save a life. 


END: Sasha opens the door and it's Holly. She asks What are you doing here? "Hello daughter" says HOLLY.. and Sasha says HELLO MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so SHE KNEW!!!

Sam tells Dante she's a match for Lulu


  1. ----I will start with trivial issues: HOW does Isaiah have money/wallet/passport/drivers license when he had NO ID on him when he was hit.
    -----I appreciate that Sam said, "all this time and I was right here in PC" - RIGHT - how did those tests not be found out earlier?
    -----Felicia is the worst PI ever not to realize Holly's stupid questions out of the blue.....and by the way, Emma Sans great interview she stated that GH accommodated her by having her seated in most scenes.
    ------Tracy was insufferable today 'you are not a friend' and Portia JUST left Brad and she isn't nervous and she is pious to Isaiah. #hypocritical
    ------NOW NOW
    -----Holly is her mother???????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WRITERS do you ever think? Sasha has known forever that Holly was her mother? She lied about her grandmother? She sees Robert ALL THE TIME and feels nothing? Robert better not be her dad....HOW did Valentin find her? She had NO money? Holly NEVER even called when HER BABY died? Holly's GRANDCHILD? Sasha was in town when Holly was there before and stole the diamonds and NOTHING? Cody and that stupid necklace that HOLLY wanted and Sasha didn't say anything??????????
    -----I would rather Sidwell have been her dad - I HATE this cause it makes zero sense and I feel again that the writers are laughing at us.

  2. Random, but my earliest gh memories are early 90s. I remember mac coming in on elq boat explosion. And original Dominique. Robert and Anna all the way- I didn't know holly. My intro to Holly was her lookalike paloma. Basically, I don't remember holly or holly with Robert during this period, so either Sasha is palomas kid, or if she's Holly's she's not roberts. And lemme just say ethan shoulda been roberts not Luke's!

  3. Well that was twist. Holly is Sasha's mom.

  4. WSB Brennan office:

    Brennan, Jason, and Anna: Brennan you don't trust Holly? ROFL! She has got that beautiful diamond. What will she do with it? I have no idea. Oh yeah Sidwell cookie is coming to Port Chuckles I'm sure. :) Grab that milk and pour it on him! He will be all mushy.

    Robert's office:

    Riane: My Riane heart. :) Too bad we don't see them in bed together.

    Riane and Mac: Robert wins the line of the day.

    Mac: What happened to the open door policy between two brothers?

    Robert: It's doesn't exist.


    Robert and Mac: Great scene with the Scorpio brothers!!! Yes Holly IS keeping secrets!

    The hospital:

    Sam and Terry: Yeah it's a good idea not to tell Dante just yet. Just wait until the secondary testing is complete.

    Dante and Liz: Awwww poor Dante! :( I just want to hug him!!! :(

    Liz, Gannon, and Portia: Yeah Portia is right. Gannon is not part of the GH staff. It really is a fine line. Great scene though!

    Liz, Gannon, Portia, and Jordan: Great scene!!! :)

    Gannon and Jordan: Ooooo a date? :D I don't want Brick and Jordan together anymore. I want Gannon and Jordan together now. :)

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    Felicia and Holly: Holly was so nervous! I was thinking is this about Cowboy Cody or Sasha? Felicia is so blind! Come on Felicia you were a PI! You can't tell Holly was acting strangely?!

    Port Chuckles surf lodge:

    Gannon and Jordan: #GanFord #Isthisadate? #LoveThem!
    Q mansion:

    Sasha and Michael: Too bad Michael won't give Sasha the money for Cowboy Cody.

    Sasha and Tracy: Know your place hahahaha. Oh Tracy. :) The old you comes out now and again. :)

    Sasha and Holly: Yeah I was wondering if Holly was going to visit Sasha.

    Sasha: What are you doing here mother?

    When she called her mother, I yelled out MOTHER!!!! Then I started laughing. :) Great soapy delicious twist!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Actually Holly didn't say hello daughter. Anyway who is the father?! Don't tell me Robert! :) If Robert, then Robert has two more children. Ethan and Sasha. :)

    1. Can't argue with a thing you said. Really Flea?? You can't see Holly acting all squirrelly? Sheesh! This Holly/Sasha thing makes absolutely no sense but I was cackling anyway, lol!
      I love Gannon, but I'm not a Jordan fan at all. Was she supposed to be flirting before they got on the elevator? Awkward to me and she came across kind of bitchy, lol!
      And yes, you and me are going to give Dante a big old fat hug! I just love him. :)

    2. "Julie H says, Can't argue with a thing you said. Really Flea?? You can't see Holly acting all squirrelly? Sheesh!"

      Hahahaha. I know!!! Usually Felicia notices things. Come on Felicia did you not have your morning coffee? ROFL!

      "This Holly/Sasha thing makes absolutely no sense"

      But we haven't even heard the story yet. :) I just hope Robert isn't the father. This really should have been a Friday cliffhanger. :)

      "but I was cackling anyway, lol!"


      "And yes, you and me are going to give Dante a big old fat hug! I just love him. :)"

      Yeah me too!!! It will be alright Dante! Just don't give up hope. :(

  5. Obviously the actors don't do the writing, but this makes me dislike Hollie even more.

  6. I also think Holly is gonna give the diamonds to Sasha for safe-keeping/no one would look for them there......or maybe she is gonna tell her she can't date Cody cause he's her cousin but that makes no sense............Sasha KNOWS Cody and Mac dynamic and surely she has thought 'wonder if Robert is my dad'

  7. This Sasha and Holly thing makes no sense. Why only get into this now when Holly was here not too long ago and NOTHING. Sasha was a grifter when Valentin hired her and then goody to shoes this entire time afterward. So weird. Also, wouldn't Cody be filthy rich if Dominique Taub was his mother. She was married to wealthy Leopold Taub and wealthy Scotty. That is weird too

  8. FYI everyone, Real Andrews confirmed he has left GH

    1. I'm very happy for hi. According to him:

      Andrews further revealed he has a new gig on the horizon: “I got offered what is the biggest role in my life. It’s [with] the biggest and best network, the best director, producers, writers, in my opinion, in the industry. We’re in pre-production for it.”
      He couldn’t disclose what the project is as he shared he’s signed an NDA. However, he added: “It’s the biggest project of my life, ever. The most important one. And everything comes together, and happens for a reason, right? Everything I’ve done in my whole life was for this role.”

    2. thank you for putting this in here! I have to remember to include it in Sunday Surgery round-up

    3. You're welcome. This is the link for the article I got it from. I didn't bother posting the whole thing just the pertinent part. People seem to skip the links and that was basically what we needed to know.

    4. Di! Thank you for the link! Thank you! :)

  9. Not saying it isn't soapy but with a history like GH and all the fans that remember that history, just making this up out of nowhere is kind of stupid. Nothing will make me like Holly.
    I think a coma switch is perfectly soapy. Really killing someone is a big step for GH, not that it matters when they can come back from the dead anyway.
    Funny, the comparison between Terry and Portia as co head chiefs...Terry plays a doctor so well.

  10. I want to throw this out there, although it is late in the day and no one will read this. (this is Dave, the Filler King) Sasha is 31 years old, therefore she was born in 1993. She was therefore conceived in 1992. Where was Holly in 1992? With Bill Eckert in the San Sebastian storyline. She was on canvas.

    My money is she had sex with Robert and Bill and she things Sasha is Robert's and that's why she is afraid of Cody and Sasha getting together. But it will come out that Sasha's dad is Bill.

    Go ahead, do your worst.

    1. PS. we didn't call her Holly Slutton for nothing.

    2. I'm in with that. I love the soapy twist, but really Sasha CANNOT be Robert or Luke's kid. Just a big fat no to that!
      And I've always been with Sonya, Ethan is Robert's son. :)

    3. I like it alot - and Bill was telling WHO Holly told Sasha was her father

    4. this is why you get paid the big bucks, Dave!!!!!!

    5. Your theory really works. If so, I hope she is not Robert's daughter. I like Cody and Sasha. There is so little happiness in PC.

  11. Oooo David!!! Bill Eckert Sasha's father. Great theory. I would love that! Hmm I never heard of that nickname Holly Slutton! ROFL!



  I'm finally excited again to watch an episode! Squee. SO many guesses out there about Sasha's daddy. Robert? Luke? Bill Eckert? To...