Monday, October 14, 2024

Storylines GH Should Do, But Won't

  I'm out of the office today--David and I came up with these stories to just start shaking and baking at GH. Just riffin' on some things. Have a good one and report if I should watch the show later!! 

After years of recycled storylines, it should be time to shake up GH and bring in some stories that will entice the current viewers and also bring in new/old ones. Over time, taboo issues have eventually been brought into the television mainstream. Abortion on Maude and, well, just about everything else on All in the Family. Can GH tackle strong subjects again like Robin's HIV and Michael's r*pe?  

Open Relationships between consenting adults. We need more "free love" on soaps, especially in an era where anything could go. GH is so stale with their married (and unmarried) couples, it might be refreshing to have some swingers on. It would be doubly hilarious if it was Chase/BrookLyn leading the way.  Get a little Cody-Sasha action in there. 

Cutting/Self-Harm. Statistics show that this issue primarily occurs with females in their late teens. I am sure that is just a random statistic and this happens with the same amount of guys as well. Depression is the usual culprit along with self-esteem problems. The person involved usually does the cutting (most notably in an arm) to create physical pain to alleviate the emotional one. ☝️ 

Cheating. When was the last really good love triangle on this show? It could have been with the triad knowing about each other or behind closed doors. Being this is 2024, a good triangle might involve 2 guys and a woman instead of the usual triad above. It really has been way too long since GH took liberties with relationships. Closest we have right now is Willow/Drew/Nina and Willow and Drew haven't know. 

Eating Disorders. While this is actually an older concept, GH has never really explored a true eating disorder. Perhaps Aidan develops one or Georgie. KS has talked about her struggles in the past so maybe she could help contribute to the storyline. 

What about somebody who is on onlyfans? One of the doctors or nurses can be earning extra cash on the side and then they get found out throughout the hospital. Or maybe one of the doctors is a high priced escort in their free time (for both men and women)?  OR get really racy and have a younger gen do this. Gio could have a side-line where he plays the violin in his birthday suit online. 

5 year time jump. Desperate Housewives did this and so did a few other TV shows. One of the benefits would be that the show can clean house and literally start anew. Characters (and actors) can leave the show for a variety of reasons resulting in a smaller cast. Couples can split up and new couples can emerge without the usual build-up. People can be in new careers and new sets can be built from old ones. It's a fresh start that can be needed to revive the show.

Do you like your soaps to be all angsty and dark or do you like them lighter and more cheery? The trick is a good balance between the two. GH has room for both, especially with the hospital  setting. 


  1. ---it's probably Cyrus at the door with Sasha but how funny if it was Sidwell???
    ----also just a reminder that when Sasha FIRST came on the show, we thought Cyrus might be her dad....
    -----at least Dante doesn't have to warn Sonny -------------Martin is doing that....
    -------Liz randomly sayiig 'we have a match' makes me wonder if it is Sam...

    1. THANK YOU for letting me know about Dante. I couldn't find out lol. Also, YES, I'm wondering about Sam as well?

  2. We need some steamy love scenes, some angst between couples, (the long hard stares across the room kind). I believe they may be setting up a Dex/Molly affair, but Dex would have to be interesting for me to care. A recast could help a great deal. Molly could turn up PG but that is the same ole who's your daddy storyline. Heal everyone and send Molly & TJ's baby from the surrogate needing them for medical reasons.

    Sonny/Natalia= BORING
    Micheal/Willow= zero interest
    Carly with anyone= Annoying
    Molly/TJ= Just ok
    Nina/Drew= meh
    Drew/Willow= no spark
    Cody/Sasha= See Molly/TJ
    Maxie/Spinelli= DESERVE MORE AIR TIME AS A COUPLE! They are fun and have history.
    Portia/Curtis= double meh
    Chase/Brookie= fastest downhill interest after a wedding
    Jordan/Isaiah= potential
    Felicia/Mac= more please
    Ned/Olivia= so much to do there
    Trina/Gio= replace the actor please
    Laura/Kevin= love them
    Brad/Lucas= the new actor has put some pep in Lucas, revisit writers!

    I wish Hollie would go away, but then again, it's the only time we see Robert and Diane together.

    Lure Anthony Geary out of retirement. Give Stella a story. More college fun with Joss & Trina about current events.

    1. yeah to all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. No to Anthony Geary returning. I wish he would have left 5 years before he did. I also like Gio and Dex.

    3. Yes to Tony Geary returning. Have him pop in for a visit from time to time.

    4. If AG unretired, which he won't, they would have to totally restructure Tracy and her life at the Q's right now. I don't think that is a possibility.

    5. "zazu says, If AG unretired, which he won't, they would have to totally restructure Tracy and her life at the Q's right now. I don't think that is a possibility."

      What do you mean? Luke could live at the Q mansion. He has done that before.

  3. The police department:

    Chase, Liz, and Ric: Chase wants to show them the gun and see if they recognize it. Ric wins the line of the day.

    Ric: I mean I don't know. It was pretty dark that night in the canyon. I couldn't be sure.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the looks Liz was giving him hahahahaha! Ric you want Alexis in jail don't you? ROFL! But then Ric admits that's the gun he saw. :)

    Liz and Ric: The looks she is giving him hahahahaha! Oop Curtis calls him.

    Curtis's office:

    Purtis: Portia spills the truth tea to Curtis! So now he knows what Portia did!!!

    Curtis and Ric: They talk about Heather's case! Ric says there are 3 options! Heather could get new trial which wouldn't be good for anybody, or she gets reduced sentence, or she could possibly get offered manslaughter and with time served could be granted release. I pick door number 3. :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Terry: Liz is upset with Ric, but really she isn't. She was just taking it out on him. She really is upset with the Lucky situation. Great scene.

    Terry and Brad: She wants to know if he found anything. Brad is going to keep the new info he found close to the vest for now.

    Portia and Brad: Oh great scene!!! You have to watch it to get the full feeling of it. He didn't blackmail her per se. He just wanted to know what he should do. Give everything to the higher ups or not? Portia is all nervous and says she was skeptical of him but seeing his hard work she is impressed. She suggest to give the hospital and police what they want just don't offer your opinion.. She will suggest that he get a full time job when his trial period ends. Hahahaha! Great scene. Go Brad! He lets her keep the copy. He has a digital copy! Hahahaha!

    Airport waiting area:

    Krissy and Alexis: How boring. Same conversation. Although Alexis says that Sonny is NOT a victim! Hey! :) Glad she said that.


    Molly and Dex: Molly drops her files and Dex helps her. Oh my another scene with them. :) Dex looks different for some reason. Dex says you must be pretty happy about the new evidence about her mom. Molly has no idea what he is talking about!!! DOH! He can't tell her anymore of what he learned. Molly understands that.

    Courtroom: Great scene!!!! Alexis is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! YAY! :D The Greenies were in the back of the room, and is glad Alex is free, so in the group chat he told everyone Alexis is free. Everyone cheered.

    Police station:

    Anna and Dante: Anna says you wanted to tell your father about the gun was found. Dante says he was tempted. :D

    1. Oops forgot something. Liz says we have a match for Lulu! I wonder who it is!!!!!

    2. Someone decided Dex would look good with... wait for it... HIGHLIGHTS!

    3. i would like to see Brad be the That would shake people up...or even Ava if her liver isn't picked yet. haha

    4. That should be if it isn't pickled yet. lol

  4. "Open Relationships between consenting adults. We need more "free love" on soaps, especially in an era where anything could go. GH is so stale with their married (and unmarried) couples, it might be refreshing to have some swingers on. It would be doubly hilarious if it was Chase/BrookLyn leading the way. Get a little Cody-Sasha action in there."

    What the!!?!?! ROFL! Okay who's idea is this? It can't be Karen, cus that doesn't sound like her. Dave is this your idea? :)

  5. It's not Sasha is it? The match??
    ====I don't want Dex and Molly together at all.
    ---Kristina is just -----------------ugh ugh ugh
    -----I wanted to like the scene with Dante and Anna, but all I could think of was Anna protecting Valentin....
    -----Marty was SO good today----
    -----GO BRAD!! I really thought Curtis would be mad - wonder if he will lie or something to protect Portia???

  6. Soap triangles used to be so good. Monica/Alan/Rick, Paul/Ned/Jennifer, etc etc. Just boring now.

    1. Yeah and then Alan trying to kill Monica and Rick! ROFL! Ahhh the good ol days. :)

  7. Obviously Dante and Lulu will get back together, but that will be a LONG time if Sam is the one to die, then Dante won't want to be with Lulu for a LONG time if that happens


No Accent

  Tracey, Brook and Olivia go around about Violet's suspension. It's just blah. Tracey has her lawyers looking into suing the parent...