Thursday, October 10, 2024

Phone Tracker APP

The Pacing of this show is just HORRIBLE. Days and Days of talking in Lulu's room about Lulu. Days and months of talking about the shooting. Just......days and days......... good lord. 

Laura finds out that Lucky isn't a match. She's in shock. He tells her it's his fault because he was living in zones that were bad and got the parasite. Pity Party. Laura says not his fault. He's great for helping so many people. Yada yada. She needs him now.

Marty visits Alexis in the jail suite and shows her the photo of Brennan and Carly. She says it's not enough for anything.  Then they talk some more and she says to take it to the PCPD.

Kristina goes to Anna with information on the shooting. She tells Anna she was driving Alexis' car and stopped at the Q mansion. Michael breaks in "STOP TALKING, WE ARE GOING HOME"! He gives Anna a dirty look. HOW DARE HE?  Then Chase comes in because there's a BOMB THREAT at the PCPD. YEP, A BOMB that the 'dogs found'. It was a false alarm. They are going to open the package. 

Michael takes Krissy out for a late night coffee. Oh, he found her because he put a tracker on her phone LOL. How old IS she? She agrees to keep quiet FOR NOW. 

Diane wants to talk to Jason to help with the case. She says Sonny has to confess. He says he's going to go to that but he's telling Carly first. Diane is happy because it will get Alexis off. He says Sonny CAN'T CONFESS because of what it will do to Carly. Jason says he should have killed JAGGER when he had the chance. Then he says he doesn't matter as much as Carly and Sonny. YEP he said that. She said: I don't think your sons would think that. She reads him the riot act about being stupid.

Sonny and Carly talk about the PI following her. He says he's turning himself in. She says he can't because she's his alibi and would be proven to be lying.  They are miserable. Sonny says Carly has to leave the country. She won't do it. She tells him Lucky can't donate to Lulu. She can't leave now. She tells Sonny to get his affairs in order but he has to tell Dante now..and she'll talk to Josslyn.

Sonny calls Diane and tells her to get over to Carly's.

Dante and Liz talk in Lulu's room. They talk about the liver situation. That's about it. Oh, Olivia comes in. Finds out Lucky isn't a donor. Olivia tells Nina to get a media blitz to search for a donor. 


What's in the box? It's the GUN.. to clear Alexis. 

Laura asks Lucky to hold her hand in case they have to let "Lulu go"


  1. Ric and Lucas returned by just walking through the door. They glided in to a comfortable fit. Lucky and Lulu's returns are way too long and drawn out. As the character return line forms let's hope GH takes the walking in route.
    Will it matter who sent the gun? It shouldn't.
    On a very positive Drew/Willow lately.

  2. What a boring show today!!!!

    Hospital chapel: Well okay this was a good scene.

    Laura and Lucky: Awwww! A reunion! Awwww a hug! :) Hmmm I guess Laura is used to Lucky's smell. :) Oh yes Lucky you can cut your hair, but first wash it. Wait Lucky reminds Laura of Luke because of his hair?! HUH?! ROFL! Laura you have a new grandchild! His name is Toady! Toady the parasite. :) Triple L diner flashback! YAY! :D Wait they couldn't show Luke, Laura, and Lucky?

    Lulu's room:

    Dante and Liz: Meh. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Olivia and Dante: OLIVIA! There you are!!!! Hey guess what Olivia! Steven Lars is out of jail and is coming back to Port Chuckles!!!! :D

    Airport waiting area:

    Marty and Alexis: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Alexis in jail: Night night Alexis. Have sweet dreams. :) Heather must be in bed too! Night night Heather! Have sweet BLT dreams! :)

    Anna's office:

    Krissy and Anna: Krissy confessing to Anna without a lawyer!!!! Dumb dumb!

    Krissy, Anna, and Michael: The look on Michael's face to Anna, and the shaking of his head! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Chase and Anna: A BOMB?!!?! Okay I'm not bored anymore. :) Will the bomb explode? :)

    Police precinct outside:

    Anna, Chase, and bomb squad: Oh it's not a bomb. Too bad. Got me excited. Who sent the gun? Maybe the Tribbles. :)

    Anna's office:

    Marty and Chase: Sorry Charlie, I mean Marty. You can't go into Anna's office, so, time for you to go to bed!

    Anna and Chase: Ooooooo a gun!!!!!!!!!!! :D Test that gun!!!!

    Central perk coffee place:

    Krissy and Michael: Krissy wins the line of the day.

    Krissy: Michael you can't stalk me!



    Jason and Diane: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Carly: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Sonny, Carly, and Jason aka Carsason: Zzzzzzzzzzz. We all know he really won't turn himself in.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1989* Lucas is born!!!

  3. If there's a tracker on Kristina's phone that would show she went to the Q's, stayed in front of the house, then left and the time.

    1. OH YES! YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Michael you got proof!!!!

    2. I think he put it on AFTER this all started

    3. Could be. I assumed he did it after she fell and was not in control of herself but you never go given the way they're bouncing back and forth.

    4. "kdmask says, I think he put it on AFTER this all started"

      Ah rats! :(

  4. ----HOW did Michael know where Kristina was?
    ----I knew it was gun only cause everybody started confessing and crying etc etc and Diane was whiny about Alexis (but sweet about some things)-------we KNOW Sonny ain't gonna confess.
    ------so we got two options my friends: I think it's Brennan again saving Carly.........the other out-of-the-way option - Cates is still alive and messing with people....
    ----lots of us just assumed Sam would die finding the gun (I thought so at first) but now it's changed to she MUST be the donor who dies during surgery?
    ------hated the timing and the editing, Karen - you are so right....
    ----off the subject - it's interesting Anna doesn't mention Valentin anymore but when Lulu wakes up, Laura is gonna wanna find her/of ALL the kids of Sonny and Jason------------------JAMES has more air time than any of them/is NED not even thinking about Drew? No follow-up there/ I need to see Lucky give back the 10,000 (LOL)/
    -----now that the gun is found - doesn't that mean Carly and Sonny have to pretend even more?

  5. Well, I just LOVED the scene with Genie Francis and Jonathon Jackson. Started crying with Genie when she asked Lucky to stay and hold her hand :(

  6. This random gun turning up proves nothing... even if sam had found it and brought it to the police it would prove nothing. There's no way to prove that specific gun is the one Alexis tossed, which means anyone can argue she tossed the murder weapon and it hasn't been found. This could be a gun someone else tossed or that was planted to clear Alexis. So dumb.

    1. I'm thinking; Prints...somehow survived the stupid river. BUT Kristina could have used a different gun. Right? I think Alexis will be off the hook but not Krissy or Sonny? But then again it's GH so they'll have 'no evidence"?? I don't know

    2. i have no clue - but it would prove it was the gun Sonny had/Kristina stole---although Karen is right - this would be more about Kristina than Sonny....

    3. I think that they will be able to trace it through the serail number. If they prove it was Sonny's gun that went missing ( through the serial number) and that it was not used to kill closed.

  7. It seems to me Kristina is acting more like Carly's daughter than Alexis's daughter. Doing what she wants no matter what the cost to those around her.

    So nice to see Genie and JJ on our screens.

    I hate seeing Jason put Carly before his children. I hope we will be there for Danny when Sam passes away.

  8. I checked out on the show after Roger was let go. I've been following lately through the blog. Thank you to all blog contributors for keeping me up to date. Show is starting to look decent. I don't think Sonny killed Jagger. Maybe Jagger isn't dead? I think there is an underlying plotline that has yet to be exposed concerning what happened to Jagger. I know this sounds nuts, but I really think Sonny didn't kill Jagger.

    1. Me too - it's something that is 'off' - and a twist is coming!


No Accent

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