Tuesday, October 29, 2024



WELP! Cody punching Drew made my day yesterday!! I hope we see more today! 


YEP!! We get to see the fight and the Dog Detective Lady is filming it!! The police show up, escort Cody out. Drew says no charges. He has no clue the lady filmed all that. He buys a round of drinks for the bar. 

Cody goes to the PCPD. Mac comes in to talk to him. They end up talking about Sasha. Cody wants to leave PC. 

Tracey and Ned are at the Qs, talking about Drew and Lulu's operation. The press is hounding them. OMG Then NED GETS THE VIDEO from the dog lady!! ahahaah. Tracey LOVES IT! They are trying to figure out how to use the footage. Ned thinks that they need to see if he wins the election and if he does, he'll have a congressman in his pocket. Then Drew walks in! Tracey and Ned show him the video. He says so what? No one will believe Cody. Ned says: Welp, James heard you too! Drew says no. Ned says you're going to start to vote with us and it's happening tomorrow. I'm going to be CEO. Then Michael walks in. 

Temp Michael is on with Wiley and Willow. Wiley is Sherlock Holmes for Halloween. Michael is going to be Watson. Nina comes running in and wants to talk to Willow. Michael and Wiley go up to the Q house. Nina tells Willow she has to tell Michael ASAP about Drew. Willow says no, it would just hurt him. Nina tells her about Cody saying what he did in the bar. Willow figures out that Sasha had to have told Cody. 

Aidan is at the hospital with Laura. Lucky comes out of the elevator. Liz and Aiden go home. Lucky shows his mother his emergency passport. Laura says it's how he grew with her and Luke. They were fugitives for the first 11 years of his life. He flees when things get messy. Dr. Gannon comes out about Lulu's operation.

Dante is talking with Sam who just woke up. He proposes. Giant ring. She says why now? He says she's beautiful and wants to spend his life with her. She says its' ok if he still loves Lulu.

Holly is telling Sasha she needs her. Sasha blows up and says that she needed her when her baby died and Brando died. She needed her when her mother in law stole all her money and she was in the mental hospital. Great acting by Sofia M. Holly says she's pulled a job that will set Sasha up for life.  Sasha says no. Leaves. 


Drew tells Michael just as Willow is coming into the Q living room. Michael storms out

Sasha goes to drink at the bar

Lulu is out of surgery and doing better than expected

Sam says yes to Dante


  1. Sasha needs to take that money and buy Serenity.

  2. The brown dog bar: OH! Love that they reshown the hit! :) Love the hit. Love that the dog lady was recording it on her phone!!! That military guy is going to vote for Drew aka Ryan Lavery because he bought him a beer? Well Norm from Cheers would LOVE Drew aka Ryan Lavery! ROFL! Hey where is the dog lady's dog?

    Mildew home:

    Millow and Wiley: Hmmm I wonder why Michael was temp recast. Well I like this actor and when he is around I don't call them Mildew. :) Wiley is adorable in his Sherlock Holmes costume and I'm thinking I hope he wears it on Halloween! Oh hi Nina! OH! So Wiley WILL wear his Sherlock Holmes costume on Halloween okay good. :)

    Willow and Nina: Oh sure Nina tell Willow only half the story! Don't tell her ANYTHING about you and Drew aka Ryan Lavery.. (Sarcasm)

    Q mansion:

    Ned and Tracy: Love that they were watching the video! I was clapping.. It was brilliant! Great scene! Tracy don't like Drew aka Ryan Lavery hahahahaha!

    Ned, Tracy, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Blackmail time!!!! :) LOVE IT! Let's go let's go!!! :)

    Ned, Tracy, Drew aka Ryan Lavery, Nina, and Millow: Uh. Well that was anticlimactic. How disappointing. I wanted more blackmail. :( I thought Michael was going to hit him!!! Too bad he didn't. Michael should be told the kiss happened twice and it DID mean something. They have feelings or each other!!!


    Cowboy Cody and Papa Mac: Great scene!!! Papa Mac wins the line of the day.

    Cowboy Cody: So I'm not grounded?

    Papa Mac: We will talk about that in the morning.

    ROFL! Oh! So in the morning he WILL be grounded? ROFL!

    Cowboy Cody's house home:

    Sasha and Holly: Stupid storyline, but great acting!!! Bravo Sophia!!!!! She should win the Emmy award!!!

    The hospital:

    Laura and Lucky: Hmmm looks like Lucky had a shower. He changed his clothes. Lucky looks good. His parasite must be sleeping. :)

    Aidan and Laura: Aidan when Lulu comes out are you going to bake cookies for her? Do you still bake?

    Sante: Awww a proposal. :) Wait Dante you forgot to tell Sam why you want to marry her. :)

  3. Drew and Jason just being absentee fathers while in town is so lazy. All the kids are at the Qs and not being taken care of by their father while their mother is in surgery, why? I get Drew lives there, but he is at a bar with Nina while Scout is where?

    They really should have had Lulu wake up before needing a transplant. It would have made the stakes higher. The pacing on this story has been so off / bad. I was expecting better hospital / family scenes while they waited - not people floating in and out or not there at all (Kevin?).

    I don't understand where they are going with Sasha and Cody, but this weird turn has made both characters more interesting so that's something.

    Ned thinking he had some smoking gun in that video seems a little silly....since so many other people witnessed it, it's not like Ned could keep it quiet even if Drew agreed. They really couldn't wait to film these scenes with Chad? We're doing them with a temp Michael?

  4. ----I'm kinda torn cause I HATE HATE that the writers are always doing horrible things to Sasha.......it's like they don't like her----------yet these kind of scenes show what a brilliant actress she is!!
    ----hate Holly.....the end.
    ----I don't like Laura treating Lucky like he is fragile and 'oooo if I make him mad, he will leave'
    ---I KNEW the men wouldn't be recording that fight LOL -
    ----I am surprised it all came out before the election - now we KNOW that Drew NEEDS to be with Scout after Sam dies, so does he lose and stay in PC? and previews? I HOPE it's not Michael.....
    -----so Nina knew they kissed but I had forgotten Willow has NO clue her mother slept with Drew so that should be really good.....(as good as anything Willow can be)

    1. Maybe Sasha and Michael will console each other and he'll go back to her.

    2. "Di says Maybe Sasha and Michael will console each other and he'll go back to her."

      No!!!! I hope they don't get back together. They are so boring as a couple!! It was awful the first time.

  5. I hope Sasha is in bed with Michael. The Qs are at their best when they're messy.

    1. Ditto! Since willow/drew was such a creeptastic cringey bore I'm hoping for something better than Micheal's self righteous anger to make this story worthwhile. But since we don't get decent stories sasha prob hooked up w lucky. RME

    2. "Flutterby says, But since we don't get decent stories sasha prob hooked up w lucky. RME"

      Lucky?!!?!? ROFL! Why would Lucky be at a bar getting drunk? :) Lulu's surgery went well! :) There is no reason for him to be depressed. Unless that parasite inside him is making him act funky! :)

  6. I wonder if Wiley dressed up as Sherlock Holmes, is foreshadowing Sam's exit? Sam is found dead at GH. It's intially believed she died from complications from her surgery. But her autopsy shows she was poisoned by an unknown assailant.

    I wonder if Monica (offscreen) will order the eviction of Drew & Willow after their affair. She also kicks out Ned and Tracy, after she learns about their attempted blackmail of Drew.

    If GH really wants to make waves, have Sasha and Cody stay together despite being first cousins. In New York, it's legal to marry your cousin!

    1. Stay together, buy Serenity and live your lives. Don't have to have natural children if you want kids. Where did you read autopsy results?

  7. If she is poisoned I don't want it to be Cyrus but they THINK it is and thus begins some kind of mystery--------------------


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...