Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Poker Face


I haven't recovered from yesterday's show!! My fingers hurt. 

Ok, so this show seems to be in the middle of the night...same night Jagger was killed. 

Drew and Curtis are in Drew's office talking about the congress guy dying. Drew tells Curtis that he and Willow kissed. Curtis says it's just the emotions. Drew says nah, it's an attraction. It's getting stronger. 

Michael and Willow are at the Gatehouse.  He says Hell of a Night-- and asks Willow if he can get her anything. Willow looks guilty. She tries to tell him about Drew/kiss but Kristina calls and tells Michael she's missing a gun and needs him. 

Willow stands in the bedroom, looks at their wedding photo and sobs. 

Kristina comes down and yells for her mom. (She's not there). Sees that her gun is gone from her purse. Panics. Michael comes over, tries to calm her.  He asks where she got the gun and why. "Dad's and I wanted revenge" He tells her Jagger is dead. She says she didn't do it but is glad. 

Alexis is on the bridge freaking out about the gun. She tries to call Diane but Diane is at the PCPD. She's panicking. Throws gun into the water. Ric and Liz are eating ice cream, walking in the middle of the night and see her do it.  Alexis tells them it was her phone. When she leaves both Ric and Liz know it was a gun.  

Mac goes in to see Robert and says Jagger got shot at the Q mansion and the whole town is suspect but there's one that stands out (Sonny). They talk about calling Robin to tell her Jagger is dead. Mac is going to do it. They both say Jagger "lost his way".  Then they talk about Cody being Mac's kid. Then they talk about Holly. 

Jordan invited Brick to go to the surf-shop diner to ask him a favor. She wants him to find out who the John Doe is in GH. (Isaiah) 

Diane is at the PCPD and goes into the visiting room to find Ava and Jason. "We need your help" says Jason. Diane tells Ava to call Scotty. Ava says he's not around. They tell her about the agent trying to kill Ava. Diane is like: Dont' care. Jason asks her to help. They talk to Anna about everything. Diane is like: Don't ask me to help Ava ever again. Anna comes back in and tells them Agent Jagger is dead.  Ava's happy. Anna also says the "agent" wasn't FBI and they can verify what they said about that night. She lets Ava go. She wants to talk to Jason alone. He says ok. She's proud he called the police. Wants to know what he knows about Jagger's murder. He says it wasn't him. Anna knows that but thinks it's Sonny. 

Carly and Sonny try to get their story straight before the cops get there (they are at Sonny's PH) She's mad he made everyone think they slept together.  He even messed up Tracey's bed LOL . Sonny says they could get married again so she didn't have to testify against him. Carly's like: NO FREAKING WAY. Carly comes up with a story about how they ended up in bed together. 

Lucky and Bald guy with a giant poker table in the cell. Lucky says if he wins he goes free but bald guy says if he wins, he lives.  Bald guy starts talking about a poker playing lady in Monte Carlo that's gorgeous (has to be Holly). Lucky flashes back to Elizabeth. Bald guy says that they'll play until he wins and Lucky dies. 


Holly walks into the cell room "Is this poker? I love poker"! Lucky hears her voice. Freezes. Then she sees him and is like: WTF!! 

Sonny finds his gun missing

Alexis goes to Robert's office and finds out Cates has been murdered. This is out of order. Alexis has on her blazer not the trench coat when she was on the bridge. 

NOTE: Alexis had no idea that Jagger was murdered when she tossed that gun. WHY would she do that? I mean, yeah, Krissy violated her parole but --? She could have hid it or asked her? 


  1. -----writers and editing totally screwed up: middle of the night yet some are working and some are not------Alexis' clothing - she KNOWS the gun hadn't been shot and she threw it away-------she didn't even know about Cates although I think she thinks Kristina was gonna shoot Ava.....
    ------Drew is disgusting - never mentions NINA-----and so today I thought he can't last much longer.....that opponent that they keep talking about it is clearly gonna find out about Drew and Willow and expose them....
    -------I LIKED Carly and Sonny (like old times) - it's just great chemistry and natural
    ------fake agent I guess is in jail? Anna is STILL hypocritical in her mannerisms etc.....she let VALENTIN go free!
    -----where are Sonny's bodyguards and CAMERAS? would he NOT see that Kristina had a key and went into his apartment and stole a gun????? I am gonna be so mad if they disregard cameras...
    ------shouldn't Laura and Kevin be there by now? Messed up that Isaiah is at PC and Laura and Kevin are somewhere (by the way read People interview with Emma - fascinating how GH accommodated her physical limitations this time.) Wow Tristan looks frail.
    -----Jordan is WAY too invested in a hit-and-run so we ALL know she is gonna fall for Isaiah.
    -----Does Ava get a new lawyer for custody or are they gonna drop that? Seems like it - I thought she was gonna show up at the penthouse to see Avery....
    -----Ric can be Alexis's lawyer cause I think she will confess thinking Kristina shot Cates -
    -----Lucky and Liz flashbacks from teenage years - I dunno how I feel about that.

  2. Alexis' reactions are all wrong. She is not a senseless, non thinking idiot. The first thing she would have done was smell that gun and then waited, or woke up Kristina to ask her. Throwing that thing away was so stupid.
    Yes to Sonny and Carly! They belong together.
    Drew is a disgusting pig.
    Love Ava au natural.
    I do not like Holly and hope her stay is short however I read somewhere, maybe true maybe not, that she is still taping. Where the heck is Laura already?
    What I would really like is for Anna to find out that JohnJagger was not on active duty as an agent and was doing this on his own. But probably not.

    1. oh wow - that Jagger thing would be perfection!!

    2. I think Alexis was acting that way being this was regarding her distraught daughter. Hello Neurotic Alexis Davis

    3. Yeah - I think the editing / writing on this stuff needs work, but I agree that Alexis' motivation for tossing the gun could be explained as that she was afraid Kristina might use it on herself.

  3. CAMERAS! I agree with Mufasa!! You can't tell me that Sonny doesn't have cameras. The Q mansion has to have cameras! I live in a suburb and I have 5 exterior cameras around my small, 1100 sq. foot house. GH has used cameras recently as when Jason came back! They shouldn't forget them now! At the very least show Michael ERASING the footage at the Q's.

    1. Or just a line about how the storm knocked them offline. Something to acknowledge they would exist. It's not that hard.

  4. There were some funny one liners today.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Curtis: Yeah Curtis before you know it, Drillow are going to have zex! :)


    Mildew: Oh of course the phone rings just as Willow is going to spill the kiss news! :) Always happens that way. Then when Drillow have sex, Michael can walk in on them and Willow can say I tried to tell you Michael! ROFL! Too bad the dinner was cancelled. James will have to keep that secret for awhile.

    Willow asleep: Oh now she is having dreams of Drew aka Ryan Lavery. :) She can't get him out of her mind! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Krissy and Michael: WOW! Krissy you wanted to kill JohnJag too? Be careful people! Don't piss Krissy off. She has murder on her mind now.

    Police station:

    Ava, Jason, Diane, and Anna: I love Ava's hair that way!!!! :)

    Diane: May I have a moment alone with my client and his plus 1?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Diane would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. See Ava? Telling the truth is always a smart thing to do!

    Jason and Anna:

    Anna: I'm proud of you.

    Huh? She is? Okay.

    Sonny's home:

    Carly and Sonny:

    Sonny: Well I guess that's settled.

    ROFL! Carly and Sonny's alibi is so stupid.

    Port Chuckles surf lodge:

    Brick and Jordan: I'm glad Brick is helping Jordan and I love how they are getting to know each other.. Oh she wants to go on a date with him.. Good. :D

    Foot bridge:

    Alexis with the gun: Damn Alexis calm the hell down! You are a lawyer! You would know that the gun was used or not! Also don't you recognize Sonny's gun?!!??! Also why aren't you wearing gloves? You didn't even wipe down your fingerprints! This is so stupid!

    *Alexis throws the gun in the water*

    The gun: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...


    Alexis, Liz, and Ric: Ric wins the line of the day.

    RIc: Tried factory reset?


    Liz and Ric: I'm glad they knew it was a gun!!!!!!!! :)

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Mac: SCORPIO BROTHERS! YAY! :D

    Robert on the phone leaving Holly a message: Uh. What was that? Are they dating or something?

    Robert and Alexis:

    Karen says, This is out of order. Alexis has on her blazer not the trench coat when she was on the bridge.

    You are right! I didn't even notice. It IS out of order!

    Monte Carlo gambling room: Or wherever this place is.

    Bald guy and Lucky: This was boring until the bald guy said we keep playing until you lose and when you lose you die. :) L&L2 flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want more!!!! :)

    Bald guy, Lucky, and Holly: HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    "NOTE: Alexis had no idea that Jagger was murdered when she tossed that gun. WHY would she do that? I mean, yeah, Krissy violated her parole but --? She could have hid it or asked her?"

    Well like you said Karen, it's out of order. Otherwise it would make no sense.

    1. I could watch Liz & Lucky scenes all day long. Beautiful love story and done so well.

    2. "Linda says, I could watch Liz & Lucky scenes all day long."

      Me too!!!! :)

      "Beautiful love story and done so well."

      Yes I agree!!!! :D So very well done!

    3. Yesterday was great! Factory reset, hahahahah! That Ric! I always liked him with Liz and I'm trying to forget the whole panic room thing. But her and Lucky are my end game.
      I remember neurotic Alexis (hyperventilate much!) so I didn't mind her tossing the gun. But she was kind of nuts yesterday.
      Ava looked great, another beautiful woman that doesn't need makeup and her hair done. She's a great plus one! :)
      I may be in the minority but I was thrilled to see Holly and the Scorpio brothers together. And as a side note Drew is a PIG!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...