Friday, September 6, 2024


 Q House: Lois does really well with her speech lesson. Olivia tells the teacher to turn her back into Lois NOW!! LOL Tracey is thrilled. Olivia says You stole my Best friend!! Tracey tells Robin to change Olivia's speech too. PFfffffft.  Dialect coach leaves but tells Tracey she knows she lived in NJ and Amsterdam once. 

Sonny tells Jason a gun is missing and he also needs to get rid of the one he used to kill Jagger with. He gives Jason the one he used (UNREGISTERED) and the casings. Tells Jason about Carly and Michael and the alibi. Jason tells him about saving Ava's life. They try to figure out who could know the safe combo. 

Anna says something new in the Cates Case, tells Dex to stick around. They talk about registered guns in town. Sonny has a 9mm that's registered (this is the one Krissy took and Alexis threw off the bridge). Dex says you'd better get to his place now before he gets rid of it! 

The PCPD shows up to Sonny's just as Jason is leaving. She needs to see his weapons. Jason has the gun in his coat. Not sure they can search him? Dex knows where Sonny's gun box is. Sonny tells Jason to leave. Anna says not so fast. She says well, I guess you're Sonny's right hand man now and we're not working together anymore. Sonny opens the safe. She sees one gun is missing. 

Carly makes Joss let her into the apartment. Joss asks if she slept with Sonny. Carly says yes. Joss says: NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT THEN! Joss says what would Carly do if she kept going back to a toxic, abusive man. Carly gets upset. Josslyn yells and can't believe it. THEN she totally figures out that Carly is Sonny's alibi. Joss gets really angry. Says Carly JUST got out of another situation so she didn't have to go to jail and now she's doing it again!! Great dialog. She rips into Carly for doing this again. If Sonny cared about Carly he never would put her in that position. She's angry and hurt. Carly says she's loyal. 

Jordan and Dante trying to use a tattoo to find out who Isaiah is. Dante tells her about the phone. They are having forensics go over it. They talk about not being able to control much. Dante hopes Laura will find Lucky soon. 

Goonie guy skulks around GH and calls someone, waits for room to be empty. 

Liz and Ric talk about Alexis and the gun. Liz is saying she's not even sure it was a gun and they need to mind their business. Ric can't believe it. Liz says he doesn't even know anyone anymore. He's been gone too long. Alexis wouldn't kill anyone. Ric says: Um, you don't know her like I do. Liz says You've NOT BEEN HERE! She says that he's just getting Alexis back. Becky had some great dialog and good scenes right there ! They end up going to the PCPD and tell Chase about seeing Alexis on the bridge. Liz says she wants to say on record that Alexis wouldn't kill Agent Cates. 

Holly and Lucky talk. She says she's there to steal from Sidwell. Don't blow her cover. She wants to get the safe combo. Holly asks why Lucky has been away so long. He says "someone is coming".  Sidwell comes in-- Holly says Lucky beat her at poker. She wants to have a steamy night with Sidwell. He says he has to win so he can kill Lucky. 


Sonny acts all surprised his gun is gone. Anna says they have to test it to rule it out of murder

Jordan traces the phone to Nairobi where Kevin and Laura went

Goonie thug goes in to kill ends. 


  1. ----Michael Fairman interview on youtube last night with Adam J Harrington is a must watch, lots of background he tells
    -----Ric is gonna be like Jagger - the 'twelve week arch' cause he is horrible and throwing Alexis under the bus when HE is the rogue parent!!!
    -----don't care about Lois.
    -------Anna's smugness is on my last nerve - the hypocrisy of LETTING VALENTIN go and then sanctimonous with Sonny and condescending to Jason ------I thought the gun wasn't a 9 mmm.
    -------this is me screaming at the top of my lungs --------------SONNY SHOULD HAVE CAMERAS and I blame the freakin writers ----HOW is that not ACKNOWLEDGED? No bodyguards and NOT looking at cameras????? or mentioning the cameras?
    ------I still think Joss is a spoiled brat.....and so she doesn't know Sonny was off his meds when he attacked Dex? and Carly never mentioned it?
    ------so Anna will have to now think Kristina shot Cates and Alexis covered for her or vice versa?????
    ------weekly ----where is Marty, Selina, Cyrus, Marshall, Stella, Dr O and and and is Ava still trying to get custody and when is this big grand opening that was first mentioned in June...

    1. "Ric is gonna be like Jagger - the 'twelve week arch'"

      I hope it's not twelve weeks!!!! :(

  2. Yes about cameras. Sonny and the Q's would realistically be well surrounded by them. But it's those details that make GH not as good as it could be. Like we all saw Lois call the voice coach, not Tracy. And that it totally worked in one session.
    The goonie guy did say Gannon! Ava needs a lawyer. Come on down(up) Nora!
    I like Joss but please stfu. Thank you.

    1. "zazu says, GH not as good as it could be. Like we all saw Lois call the voice coach, not Tracy."

      Yes we sure did. We are in the twilight zone!

  3. Forgot...yesterday Zak I think, mentioned that maybe RS wanted to ditch the Brooklynese. I think that might be true which means she's staying for a while. Yes.

  4. The Q mansion:

    Brooky, Tracy, and Nedlia: Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Not being debriefed after an alien abduction.


    Brooky, Tracy, Nedlia, Lois, and voice coach: Lois sounds like a robot! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Make it stop. I agree with you Olivia!

    Joss and Trina's Q garage apartment:

    Joss and Carly: Joss you shouldn't disrespect your mother, but you are right. Carly listen to her!!!

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Jason: Oh yes! Hide the guns!!! Hide the silverware! Hide the toilet paper!! The green beans is giving Sonny the side eye. Sonny has 5 guns. Why?!!?! ROFL!

    Sonny, Jason and Anna: Anna isn't stupid Sonny. Green beans agrees that Anna isn't stupid.

    The hospital:

    Dante, Jordan, and Gannon: I had to look up this guy's last name to see his full name. Oh his last name is Gannon? Not Cannon? Awww too bad. I could have joked a lot about him and Nick Cannon being brothers.. Ah well. Gannon huh okay. Dante! Jordan! I'm bored!!!

    Ric and Liz:

    Ric: I would never thought I would see the day when Elizabeth Webber refused to do the right thing.

    Hahaha. Well, you are right Ric! What happened Liz? :) Yeah Liz has changed Ric. Great scene! :)

    Strange guy and Gannon: Oh oh! A needle!!!

    Needle: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nobody can stop me! I like shooting people.

    Police station:

    Chase, Liz, and Ric: Wow! I can't believe Ric convinced Liz to go to the police station. :)

    Liz and Ric: Ric forgot his pen? That's suspicious. ROFL!

    Chase and Ric: What the?! Planting seeds in Chase's brain Ric? What are you up to? :)

    Not in Port Chuckles:

    Holly and Lucky: Man! Lucky sounds more and more like his dad!

    Sidenote: When Trina shut the door on Gia's face yesterday, it was ROFL!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 3rd 1982* Heather, Cynthia. Scotty, Edward, Dr. Katz, Randall, Monica, Susan's nanny, Lee, Gail, Anne, Noah, and Jesse. There are two parts to it. The actress who played Anne, she was pregnant in real life. They did not hide it very well. ROFL! Edward wins the line of the day.

    Edward: What the hell am I a travel agent? Will you stop seeing and get Alan!


  5. Oh forgot to mention this.

    Liz: Alexis would never kill anyone.


    Luis Alcazar

    Kiefer Bauer

  6. Wonder how I would go pairing Lucky and Liz again. Probably can't get "magic in a bottle " again like when they were teens


    1. This is a link to Jon talking about the sale on now on his new book.

  8. Still no abc on Direct TV. I did see a clip of the Liz/Rick scene. I guess I need to change my name to LizBaldwinfan. Rick is still as slimy as ever.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...