Friday, May 28, 2021




Jason and Britt.. so He's going back to Port Charles? Okayyyyy. "When I think about all the fries I didn't eat"!! Great line. Huntington's is such a terrible disease-- I wonder if they'll show all of it. 

Dante and Sam. Um.. okay. (no comment). Weird. 

Cyrus calls Carly and tells her to give up Gladys. Tells her he has Spinelli. 

Nikolas and Ava wanting to help Carly. LOL... Ava wants to give her self as Gladys because Gladys is in surgery.  Carly's all for it. Nikolas is not. Ava tells Nikolas she's DOING IT. 

Maxie in the woods-- SO GH ... LOL Baby born in the woods.  Maxie's had 2 kids in the dirt. ROHO!! He's a riot, and so Todd. 


Showing Peter at the bottom of the stairs and someone checking his pulse (maybe Liz?) 

Maxie's baby is born ...she's ok. Dr. Austin is going to try to get a cell signal. THE BABY IS HUGE and SO CLEAN LOL!! GEESH. Maxie doesn't want to go to the hospital but needs to get to Beecher's corners. THEN the EVIL NURSE WACKS AUSTIN ON THE HEAD with the fire poker!! LOL he's out. Then Chloe is making Maxie get up but Maxie kicks her and I think Chloe breaks her ankle?  They run though the woods. The nurse finally falls through an abandoned boarded up well. PFffffft. Maxie gets the phone, calls Brook Lynn> She's going to give her a location pin so Brook can pick her up. 

Cyrus and Portia. Cyrus is looking to get his liquor license. They hold hands. 

Liz and Finn...Finn's still looking for that damn antidote. Anna's back from Ireland. She gives Finn some papers from Sean's house. 

Willow, Michael and Chase are at the Qs. zzzzzzzzz SO Boring. Chase is dizzy. Oh he ends up passing out. They take him to GH. He's back in a hospital bed. His BP is dropping. 

Brook is in Beecher's Corners waiting for Maxie. takes her belly off. 

Jordan and Dante question Curtis about the shooting of Gladys. Based on what they told them there's an APB out on Cyrus. FINALLY a damn call comes in about gunfire on Pier 55.

Cyrus is going to shoot and JAYSUS COMES OUT!! AHAHHAA. OMG Canada IS 45 min by plane but..god, that's fast even for a soap!! Shooting, Nikolas grabs someone..shooting. Cyrus is shot in the shoulder...goons are killed. Jason chases Cyrus. Then comes back. They all stand around. Like..just chatting. LOL Ava comes running out to hug Nikolas. A goon starts waking up and reaches for his gun... and DANTE shoots him!! NICEeeeeeeee. Dante lets everyone leave but Jason. 


Jason is arrested. Again

Cyrus is in Portia's house!! He's got a gun and his hair is down!! He wants her to tend to his wound!! 


  1. I haven't really cared for Jason in quite a while but I'm loving him with Britt - and he's - dare I say - sexy? Don't mind Dante and Sam - she seems a bit more engaged but she's been so disconnected (I liked the actress who filled in for her briefly).

  2. SURELY this is the beginning of the end of Cyrus - going back to prison - hopefully Pentonville………...although hearing that if Gladys dies, there is no case made me wonder - PLUS that makes NO sense ---- Brando and Spinelli can testify, etc.
    I guess Elizabeth pushes Peter (even though I truly thought Chloe) but maybe FELIX finds him? It's scrubs - maybe not a female????

    1. I gathered from the previews that Gladys is alive. I think. But you're right. Makes so sense. I thought a lot of the show today was ridiculous.

  3. Elizabeth pushes Peter? Not in character for her

    1. I agree. I think she just finds him.

    2. The shoes and the way the two fingers checked for a pulse made me think its Liz.
      Bending over the victim neither makes you the 'pusher' or the 'shooter.' If she gets accused its nice irony after she accused Jason when she saw him in a similar pose.

    3. I could see Liz coming across Peter in the stairwell, them getting into an fight and her snapping and pushing him. But, afterward she would probably get him medical help.

  4. Already don't like RoHo new character. Only watched 1 minute and NO

    1. Not sure he can pull off a Doctor but other than that I was pretty happy!

    2. Why? Is it RoHo? Because he was Franco? What? LOL!

  5. Is Maxie going to remember that Dr. Austin is knocked out cold in the woods and send someone out there to rescue him? He did deliver baby Lu after all.

  6. Port Chuckles stairwell: 3 hours earlier - Looks like Liz's arm!!! Did she push him? Hmmm nahhhh. Someone else must have pushed him, and Liz just finds him.

    Beechers Corners hotel room: Brooky reading off the list of supplies for Maxie when she shows up.

    Brooky: Duct tape. Duct tape? Maxie's really gotta explain that one!

    HAHAHAHAHAH. Yeah I want to know what duct tape is for too. Brooky would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    The great outdoors:

    Austin and Maxie: Louise is alive!!!

    *Nurse Rachet hits Austin with a crowbar*


    Maxie and Nurse Rachet: Nurse Rachet wins the line of the day.

    Nurse Rachet: MAXIE! HAHAHAHA. OH AH!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nurse Rachet cracks me up! :)

    Nurse Rachet and Maxie: Maxie you smart cookie you!!! :) You used your Jones family instincts YAY! Nurse Rachet fell in the well. Oh I rhymed! Now where is Lassie when you need her! :) Maxie just RUN! Don't call Brooky where you are! JUST RUN!!!

    The Savoy:

    Portia and Curtis: Carona kiss alert!!! :) Oh ouch! Curtis!!!! :( Rejection!!! :(

    Curtis: Maybe it's because I just signed divorce papers.


    Q mansion:

    Chase, Michael, and Willow: GAH! Chase!!!! :( My poor Chase!!! Since I am living there now,

    Me: Millow you suck!!!

    *Turns to Chase*

    Me: Honey I will take you to the hospital. Let's go!

    Pizza: Hey! What about me?!!?!?!!

    Me: Oh someone on wub tub who moved in with me at the Q mansion can eat you. :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Finchy: Dammit Anna! Go away and don't interrupt Fiz!!

    Anna, Liz, and Finchy: I'm glad Finchy wanted Liz to stay while Anna was there. :)

    The hospital:

    Finchy, Michael, Willow, and Chase: I'm glad Willow is suspicious of Finchy and Anna. I'm glad Willow confronted Finchy! :)

    Jordan, Dante, Brasha: Oh Dante is sexy being all cop serious! :)

    Brasha: OH! Eye sex! :)

    Brasha and Jordan:

    Jordan: Unfortunately if your mother dies..

    Yeah at first I thought she said your mother died.. Dammit.

    Pier 55: Cyrus looked shocked when he got shot. I'm surprised Nik and Spinny didn't get shot!! Carly hides?!!?! No no mob queen Carly should NOT hide!!!!! Jason used my time machine to go back to Port Chuckles and that specific time and day! I'm charging him 100 dollars! Where is Ava? Oh there she is! Oh oh! The bad guy isn't dead!!! I thought he was going to shoot Queen Ava! DANTE KILLING THE BAD GUY! HAWT HAWT HAWT!

    Portia's home:


    Flashback Friday: *Goes to my time machine to go to 1989* Frisco's return! Tony can see!!

    1. Ya, Dante is looking SO GOOD lately. His acting even seems better without hair and beard. lol Forgot just how good looking the guy is

    2. Sorry, but I think Ponytail with his hair down is even yuckier than ever. Ewwwwwwww

    3. "lindie says, Ya, Dante is looking SO GOOD lately. His acting even seems better without hair and beard. lol Forgot just how good looking the guy is"

      Yeah he is lookin so gooooooooooooooood!!! :) Yum!

      "Sorry, but I think Ponytail with his hair down is even yuckier than ever. Ewwwwwwww"

      Hahaha. I think you think that because he is being so creepy! :)

    4. No Sonya, I just don't find that actor good looking. Not my type I guess

    5. "lindie says, No Sonya, I just don't find that actor good looking. Not my type I guess"

      Oh okay.. It's okay.. :)

  7. Sonya, Lassie would kick dirt into the well over crazy Nurse Rachet. Lassie is a good girl. LOL.

    1. "Gary says, Sonya, Lassie would kick dirt into the well over crazy Nurse Rachet. Lassie is a good girl. LOL."

      Hahahahaha. Good one! Yes Lassie is a good girl! ROFL!

    2. Well said Gary. She could lift her leg too. lol

    3. "Di says, Well said Gary. She could lift her leg too. lol"


  8. If Austin turns out to be Jimmy Lee’s son, who will be the mother? Will they ignore Austin’s resemblance to Franco or will they try to go the route that Jimmy Lee had an affair with Heather (both characters were on the show at the same time, I believe), which would explain the resemblance to Franco. However, Maxie didn’t say anything so perhaps Austin is the son of Jimmy Lee and Charity (ugh) or better, Celia!

    1. Maxie didn't recognize the resemblance or call him Franco or freak out. So they will ignore that he looks just like Franco

    2. I'm glad. That would have been stupid. LOL!

    3. Who cares about resemblance. It happens. Over at DAYS Josh Taylor plays Roman Brady but for yrs he played Chris Kositchek. We are supposed to suppusend believe. It happens. I'm just happy to have my favorite actor back after they took him off.

  9. they MUST ignore that he looks like Franco - they MUST! Also Maxie is WAY too young to have known Jimmy Lee Holt - or his son - especially cause she was SORAS!

    1. Hard to believe but Maxie is technically 30 this year. Jimmy Lee was gone before she was born but if he had a son in the mid to late 80s, he would only be a few years older than Maxie. Kirsten Storms is actually older than Maxie, she’s 37. Roger Howarth is 52.

    2. Oh my gosh you are right!!

    3. "Diana Taylor says, Hard to believe but Maxie is technically 30 this year."

      Actually, she will be 35! In 2009 she told Franco she was 23 when he asked how old she is. :) Or are you talking about before she was sarassed? :) Then yes 30. :)

    4. I’m going by when she was born on the show in 1991. I’ve never warmed to Kirsten Storms’ portrayal. Some of it is the writing for the character, some of it is they’ve never really found the right pairing for her. Spinelli is probably the best. And then her voice. For all that people complain about Kelly Monaco’s whispering, I find Kirsten Storms’ baby doll voice equally grating. I preferred the original actress who played her thru much of her childhood,

  10. I can't get over the number of people wanting them to say he looks like Franco. Don't they understand the concept of fiction and actors? Whe someone comes in as a replacement when someone is out temporarily does everyone he/she interracts with comment on the fact that they don't look like themselves? lol

    Let's hope they stop this merrygo round with RH and next time he wants a change , just say NO.

  11. Sasha looks VERY pregnant in the stairwell. Pregnant IRL right?

    1. She has a little bump but I wouldn't say very pregnant.

    2. Sofia her portrayer isn't pregnant so...

  12. Nurse Ratchet (Chloe) is so creepy. Doing a good job with creepville

  13. They created new characters for Tamara B. And Sarah B., but this is the third for RH. Bravo to whoever pushed Peter down those stairs. I just hope we will be rid of him.


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  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...