Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Slán Abhaile.


So, Friday's show erased the boredom I had all week and...*sigh* GH was all GH again! Let's dive in, shall we?? 

Irish bangers for breakfast. If you don't know what they are, google! Also: BIG OL' Guinness. My fave of late. 

I UNDERSTAND WHY PETER WAS ON THE SHOW FRIDAY!! I GOT IT!! Lightbulb moment: He represented Faison!! That was it. Every person on that show knew Sean--but Peter. He is the threat now. Which is weirdly brilliant.  I Stand Corrected. 

Yes, I'm starting with Friday's show. Sue me. And yes I really enjoyed it. So old-school GH. Camp, fun memories and vets. I really thought Jack Wagner was going to be the surprise guest. Frisco was such a part of the story when Sean was on, and I'm surprised he didn't make it. Then again, the character of Frisco brings it's own problems because he's an absent Dad and head of WSB. I wish they would have had him send a telegram (very much the thing to do in the UK and Ireland) and they would have read it. BUT... the SUPRISE GUEST Sharon Wyatt!! 

Sharon has suffered from jaw problems since taking a drug for osteoparosis. She had surgery and part of her jaw removed. For her to talk on the phone for as long as she did was amazing and so appreciated. The flashbacks were great too. 

CAN WE KEEP HER OF THE WEEK:  Welp. Caitlin Reilly, John's real life daughter was perfect on the show. Just perfect. I know her from Tik Tok and had no idea who she was! LOL But she just stepped into the role and it fit like a glove. 

PHOTO OF THE WEEK:  Thank you to @AuntRuth_18 for this stellar cappie. Oh my gosh. Tristan. *sniff* 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  Aw, Annie got Sean's old badge number!! How wonderful and a great tribute. Sort of like the football jersey number! 


Brando finds out he's going to be a Daddy-O

Cyrus is still weirdly hung up on Sasha

Carly threatens Gladys and tells her to leave town 

Some stuff happened in Nixon Falls-- Outlet Mall, computer files... MikeSon and Nina held hands

Jail: Private or naw? 

TJ Visits Sean. 

Nikolas gets nervous because he's the one that shot Hayden

Bobbie agrees to help Maxie 

Cyrus tells Laura she's a mean big sister 

Olivia can't believe Valentin is living at the Q mansion

Britt found a leather jacket and went to see a gene specialist in Canada. 

Michael invites chase to move into the Q Mansion

Sam and Dante... more chem testing

WUBSY'S FAVE MOMENTS OF THE WEEK: Anything Sean tribute, Olivia and the Valentin Q clan. I am excited to have Chase move in there as well. I love characters in a central house. It makes sense and can really be fun. Maxie and Bobbie--BJ talk. *sniff*

WUBSY'S THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK: Oh it was bored bored Monday-Thursday. Truth be told, it was choppy for me because I was 'out' Tues/Thursday for the live shows. That said, I'm just done with: Chase poison, Nixon Falls, Sam, Brando/Sasha, and jail is getting a bit thin. Feels like a country club lately. Anyway, not having Jackie and Greg around when their kid is in 'dire' straights has been very puzzling. You know I think Michael and Willow are snooze worthy so--?? The Sasha baby? Ok, the actress is pregnant in real life. Use some big purses. Have her go model in Italy at the end. I don't know. BUT WHY? Gladys is basically Harmony in different clothes. Sonny needs to start remembering and get back to Port Charles or just create some sort of spin off only shown on Thursdays so we'll know. Maurice got his shot at "new Sonny" and either take that character to PC or....?  IF WE LEARNED ANYTHING FROM FRIDAY'S SHOW IT'S: we ALL LOVE old-school GH!!!! It was so familiar and fun. I'm old tho. The kids have to get some drama so we have ANY chance of growing. OR, bring back all us oldies. There's a lot of us! 

THANK YOU to Sharon Wyatts for doing the voice-over. Thank you to the writers for a great tribute show. Thank you to the vets for bringing it. 


  1. Yes, more of the Friday type stuff. AND, it was the SHORTEST best story segment EVER on GH. No carrying the story line for 5 YEARS. It was over in one episode. So.......that shows that they don't need to drag stuff out forever. Especially when it is snoozy. Or stupid and horrible like Peter. Folks we are never getting rid of Peter. Just BS.

    The episode was excellent Friday. ALL vets and stupid Peter. Think you are right Karen that he represented Faison. But Faison was a good bad guy though. Peter just sucks.

    PLEASE CAN WE KEEP HER. Caitlin Reilly I mean. She is so much better than most of the actors currently on our show.

    I did like the scene very much at the Q mansion with Valentin in his towel, walking in on Olivia. So Quartermaine. Olivia fits right in with the Qs. Valentin is a nice touch there. I didn't think I'd like it.

    They needed to at least have a Frisco name mention. Like Frisco agreed you should have Sean's badge and Frisco is on a mission or SOMETHING. Jack Wagner was part of that "crew" back then. He worked so closely with Sean, Robert and Anna (and Felicia in the mix too).

    Kudos to Sharon Wyatt for her call. It was so nice. Wish she could have been there. Tiff and Laura were so close at one point. It was fitting that they were talking on the phone. She must have really dialed into the set or something. Not sure how that works.

    Yes, Karen we ALL love and miss old school GH. If they can do a good job for these "special" episodes, why not for the every day shows. Do they use different writers for the specials?

    Thank you as always Karen for all the hard work you put into this blog. I am hoping to get a manager job soon and might not be on here much if I do. So..... I am driving you all crazy now with all my posts. Love this blog.

    1. Had to look up Slan Abhaile. Irish phrase used to bid goodbye to someone who is traveling home. "homeward" "safe home". Learn something new every day !!

    2. Something weird I noticed. I was looking at a picture of Cailin Reilley next to a picture of Sharon Wyatt and she looks like Sharon Wyatt too. So weird since that's not really her mother. lol

  2. Sharon Wyatt allowing us to hear Tiffany call Laura "darling" was everything.

    I hope she somehow gets to see and hear the response her "appearance" is receiving.

    1. There is a Twitter account, Sharon Wyatt 411, which while it isn't Sharon herself is someone who posts for her. She posted about the episode which is how I found it.

  3. Excellent SS! I mentioned before about no Frisco but Tiffany was a nice surprise. I get your take on Peter being there but as evil as Faison was he was very charismatic and interesting and could act-big difference. Happy to see Bobbie, who really looked great, with Maxie. I guess that was the high point of the year and now back to boring Nixon Falls.

    1. I really liked Bobbie being there to help Maxie too. It's like helping BJ.

  4. I agree, having Bobbie on is great! Bring some Spencer attitude against Peter. Hard to believe that all these master spies can't get rid of Peter. When you have a day like Friday where everyone was excellent, it is so painful to watch scenes in Nixon Falls, and with Sam, Willow, Michael, Brando, and Sasha.

  5. Thanks for another great SS!
    Yes, Friday's tribute was so well done, as was Alexis' tribute. Which brings me to the question of why can't the show just be better. It is clear that they can do it. This is a mystery to me.
    What Carly did to Nina doesn't come close to what Nina is doing now. It is despicable.
    GH is full of bad guys...Elijah, Cyrus, Hiney....too many. Enough already.
    Have a great Sunday! First hot day of summer in CT.

  6. you know what is amazing is that FRANK and his people WROTE that episode, so CLEARLY they CAN do better!!! This is the worst May sweeps since 1970 when I started watching...…….why is Peter still here and why isn't Mike back in Port Charles and Nina been caught and kept from Wiley?
    I DID DID like Brook Lynn saying 'I like that' when Olivia said 'he was just in a towel' and THEN Valentin said, "back at ya'.....SPARKS!

  7. Friday's tribute to John was GH at it's best. I squealed like a preteen girl when I heard Sharon's voice on the phone with Laura. You could tell at the end of the show that it was Tristan, Fiona, Kimberly, and crew were toasting John.

  8. It IS funny that willow is the only woman in town who carries a purse. Sasha maybe. But no other woman!wonder why willow carries one?

    1. So she'll have something to fiddle with f there's no blocks around?

    2. "Di says, So she'll have something to fiddle with f there's no blocks around?"

      ROFL! Or no stuffed animals around. :)

  9. "CAN WE KEEP HER OF THE WEEK: Welp. Caitlin Reilly, John's real life daughter was perfect on the show. Just perfect."

    YES!! I want to keep her!!!! :) I like her!

    "PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Thank you to @AuntRuth_18 for this stellar cappie. Oh my gosh. Tristan. *sniff*"

    Awwwwwwww!!! Great picture! :)

    "PROP OF THE WEEK: Aw, Annie got Sean's old badge number!! How wonderful and a great tribute. Sort of like the football jersey number!"


    "Cyrus is still weirdly hung up on Sasha"

    Either she is his daughter or niece.

    "Michael invites chase to move into the Q Mansion"

    I hope someone has told Olivia!!! :)

    "THANK YOU to Sharon Wyatts for doing the voice-over."


  10. About Smike's weird half moustache. MB has a weekly FB show about depression. In promos today I noticed he still has the crazy 'stache. Looks like the hair just doesn't grow there. I think I saw in the preview he's all clean and shiny.

  11. Friday's episode was everything! I was thrilled to hear Tiffany and I so much admire Sharon for participating. I loved Sean and was so sad to hear of John's passing. GH did very well by him, thank you!

    As for the rest of the week...sigh. The only things I have like lately are Britt/Jason and BLQ/Maxie/Valentin. They have got to start moving these stories along. I'm one of those that can't stand Tano-land.

    This was a great SS and thanks so much for doing this every week.

  12. So, sometime in the next five days (May 24-28), the producers are supposed to introduce Roger Howarth in his new "GH" role. I am interested in seeing what happens.

    BTW, would it be too mean to ask if we can nuke Nixon Falls?

  13. I think he's going to be some kind of medical person related to curing Chase......just a thought - if he is 1/2 nude when first seen - sounds like a shower scene at a hospital...….

    1. "Mufasa says if he is 1/2 nude when first seen - sounds like a shower scene at a hospital...…."

      ROFL! I wouldn't be surprised if he is half naked. :)

  14. It was Brando at bottom of the steps.


A Little News

  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...