Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day

Although this post could be called "Veteran's Day" as well...we thought it fitting to list the service people that have come and gone on GH.  How many do you remember and can you match the names to the faces??  I think two or three went out with Maxie. 

No new show today. Whether you go to parades or honor those in different ways, be safe and we'll see you tomorrow. I'll be back blogging on the regular Wed with a "live" recap. 

Cooper Barrett

Drew Cain

Logan  Hayes

Cody Paul

Chet Driscoll

Hank Archer

Shawn Butler

David Langton


  1. Happy Memorial Day. Be safe.

  2. Only quibble is with Hank Archer(the infamous Shiloh) I believe was a contractor, not actually in any of the services. Hopefully Chet will still be seen again from time to time.

    1. Yes. Shiloh was not a vet. In the GH background material he's listed as... Military Contractor
      Life Coach
      Con Artist

      And I keep hoping we see Chet again too.

    2. I agree. Shiloh doesn't count. My great uncle was a soldier killed in action during WWI. There's a school named after him across the street from where I grew up. Wish I knew more about him. I know a couple men who passed that were POW from WWII.

      There was an actual vet on All My Children who was burnt on his face somehow. From Afghanistan war I believe.

  3. "lindie says, My great uncle was a soldier killed in action during WWI. There's a school named after him across the street from where I grew up. Wish I knew more about him. I know a couple men who passed that were POW from WWII."

    God bless them for being there!

    "There was an actual vet on All My Children who was burnt on his face somehow. From Afghanistan war I believe."

    Yup! J. R. Martinez!


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...