Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Tuesday's Show


So I watched. was good! I'm writing it's own little post because I have a few questions for everyone. 

First off, Nixon Falls. WHY didn't they have Sonny and Nina just kiss? It would have been perfect. She could keep flashing back to his dimples and lips while in PC. Where does her heart lie? Also, Maurice Benard tweeted that he knew change was hard but he's played Sonny for 25 years and welcomes the change. Also loves working with Cynthia. So.... I kinda get it. It's not the best story but I get it. Plus, Trina got spaghetti sauce out of it so??!! 

Next up: DID Cam shoot Jason? I thought he did. LOOKS like he did but Cam sure isn't acting like he did. SO...was there someone else in there that shot Jason that was hidden? Like Peter? Or one of the goon-guys? Will they think Cam shot the bad guy and not Jason? Will they have the real footage of the parking garage after Spinelli messed with it?? Oh lordy. Much to unpack. 

The Blood Transfusion: I'm going to write about this in the blog!! You know I am!! "How many times have you two bled for each other" ? Britt asks. Loved the operation scene actually. Looked pretty real. Notice how her hand shook AFTER the whole thing? That's real life. Her adrenaline finally wore off. Also, I didn't mind Brick being there. Who AM I?? 

Finally, Carly was perfect in her Mobular Seat. ALL in white... sitting with the Five Families and leaving Cyrus gobsmacked. THIS is the Carly I want. Right there. 

See ya at 3 after GH today! 


  1. I’m still thinking Carly is gonna LiKE being mob boss and won’t give it up. Plus I think 5 Families will WANT her more than Sonny! But it’s time for Sonny to be found. The sauce is gonna mean something. Ruined Niba’s character by continually keeping Sonny away from Ajax and Joss and Trina

    1. In my opinion would have been better if Jax was in on it with Nina to get Carly back and to protect Joss from the Sonny's goons. She needs someone in on it as a co conspirator or its just more unbelievable thank it is anyway.

  2. Bad ASS Carly BABES! Hey! Loved it! Loved the operation Jason and Britt and I hated Britt so a character can really make another make likable. Case in point Franco and Nina...hated her til Franco. Ok back to the I think they're gonna go with him shooting thr bad guy?? Cause I don't think he shot Jason or did he??? Or did his wound just come open? That's what I was confused about.
    Definitely not Peter shooting anyone but Franco but hey if it gets him off the show faster....😂🤣
    Looking forward to today!

  3. I was thinking the same thing about Brick. I enjoyed him being in all of those scenes, lol! The operation DID look real which I also appreciated. Fingers crossed Cam did not shoot Jason. Personally I don't want to go down that road. And the hollering from Joss....wooooo wheeee!!

  4. I remember when Sonny donated blood to Rick. There was a tube from his arm to Rick's arm. Hilarious. It may have been the Black & White ball.

  5. I'm in the minority here cause I thought Carly's entrance was lame cause I kept thinking of Faith Rosco did it better. Even the white dress. Didn't Faith wear something similar? Same style?
    Speaking of the dress... black shoes with a white dress? Who chose that?
    Anyway loved the episode regardless. The operation scene was flawless with Britt and Brick (I liked him for once too) but Carly sitting at his bedside holding his hand was a bit over the top.
    Cam did shoot Jason. I think he blocked it out much like and like Jordan said he doesn't even realize he fired the gum. He'll have flashbacks for sure and when he realizes what he's done, it'll be a turning point. I kept thinking of Zander when he had the gun on Jordan. That won't be lost on him.
    Also loved Scott coming to his defense and couldn't help tearing when he said he never got to be a father to his kids (RIP Logan). Liesl was perfect. Cyrus won't know what hit him when she gets done with him.

    1. that is so funny - I meant to write it too - BLACK shoes with white dress? But I liked her entrance.

  6. I think if Nina and Mike kiss I will gag - they make me nauseous. I just don't find anything compatible for them as a couple. Still too much Carly for me - must she be involved in everything? Cyrus is a coldblooded killer and I hope he gets his demise soon. Laura is correct not to want a brotherly relationship with him. Think maybe Sasha is pregnant?

    1. It seems a little soon but maybe Sasha is pregnant

    2. If Maxie can be pregnant for a year then Sasha could get pregnant in 2 weeks, LOL

  7. Now we are getting a Guiding Light actress soon. Just use the GOOD actors you have!

  8. Yes. Faith Roscoe did wear white dresses.

  9. Maybe Carly can fall for big bad Cyrus. Lol

  10. I could've sworn I saw that goon shoot Jason, not Cam. I am tired of his stupid rants but I doubt he would have shot him. Im also kind of glad he got caught with that gun, he needs to take a bit of a nap and calm the hell down! ok end of my rant! So Miss Carly rolling into that meeting in her white dress OH LORD! that was majestic! I'd love to see her work with Teresa on Queen of the South! ha!

  11. Why don't we get Ava Jerome to join in????? oh boy!

  12. WHY OH WHY do we need yet ANOTHER new person? unless she is going to kill Peter?LOL

    1. Could she be Liz's sister?

    2. Same thing I saw. Same thing I say too. We don't need new people. Just use the good ones you have instead of back burner them like they do with Mac, or even Robert

  13. So Cam didn't shoot Jason -let's move on to Cam killing Peter but they arrest someone else...…...if we are going to have a whodunit....
    I guess Carly telling Brick to take care of it meant blowing up the shipment.


A Little News

  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...