Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cameron Who? (Tuesday)

 Dave's Take: 

This blog is about 4-5 months early. Cameron Mathison will be joining the show in the fall. GH has been very coy about what character Cameron will play. Is it coy or do they just now know yet? Either way, the fun has begun and we get to start speculating who he will portray. Will it be a recast? Someone new? Casey the alien? Here are a few of my thoughts, followed by who I really think that he will portray. 

Drew Cain - so far, this has been an overwhelmed guess. I'm going to pass. When Billy Miller was introduced, the storyline was convoluted and constantly changing. The writers didn't have this spelled out from the beginning. (Do they ever?) I'm afraid it would be confusing and require too much brain power to get through it.

Steven Lars - I like this idea. But one condition. They have to find a reason to let Heather out of D'Archam Asylum. Steven is boring as hell without Heather. Hell, the show is too. Heather always made a great showing when she was on screen and Steven just really had no role without her.

Miguel Mores - I'm sure Cameron still looks great without a shirt on and that is pretty much the only requirement for this part. Well, that and speaking Spanish.

Peter August - Everyone hates this guy. I'm talking the fans here. What if the fans were given a reason to like him? Get rid of the actor. Have the character crash his car, then experience an explosion, and give him a new face and suddenly Peter has a new look and new actor. Would the world like him then? Would you root for the character with a new actor? What kind of storylines can he be given?

Jackie Templeton - Hear me out on this one. I thought Kim Delaney was a spectacular recast. She was very believable and natural in the role. Unfortunately, she was only on screen for 5 minutes. Maybe they would give the character more screen time if Cameron played it. 

So... what would I do if I was a member of TPTB and could do something with this character? I would bring him in as a psychiatrist. Full time at GH so he can interact with the staff on a constant basis. I would also have him be bisexual. I can see him flirting shamelessly with both Liz AND Lucas. And pretty much everyone else for that matter. 

The one storyline I would like him to be a part of is Michael. Michael will have "issues" in the romance department if you catch my drift. He goes to see Cameron and Michael realizes he has unsolved PTSD issues from his incident in jail. There will be scenes between the two, in the office, which rarely happens on this show. Michael can have some breakthroughs about his rape and confront it with some really good acting scenes in the psychiatrist's office.

Karen's Take: 

What a fun idea. And I struggle with this one. First of all, do we NEED another male character who's this bland and at this age? Nope. We have Tad Martin/Martin Gray. Get that going--and we have Roger coming back as well. So-- who could he be? 

New Character: I'll name him Tristin McConnor. He's the new anchor for WPCX the local channel. Sort of like our Tiffany did back in the day. Media outlet run by Sam from Aurora. 

Steven Lars- Obvious choice. Liz' brother. Right age, doctor at the hospital. I still have the nagging Hayden thing. If BB comes back, they'd want to pair them. If they are siblings that's a no.

Number One: RYAN LAVERY: Um.. well, it writes itself doesn't it? He's already a known character from AMC and probably could be related to Duke. Comes in as a Five Family figure? Or, just a guy looking for his Uncle's fortune he buried somewhere in PC? We'll think of something!  

It's Tuesday. You know what to do. If you can, comment on what character
you might see Cameron as in the fall.


  1. I like the idea of steven lars.

  2. Um, very humorous but don't really care. Would love to see more Scorpio, Martin and Ned. We already have a psychiatrist we hardly see -Kevin.

    1. i so agree with you but they refuse to use the vets. its sad how they put them out to pasture. what if they did a half hour or even 15 minute web show on disney+ with nothing but the vets we love and want to see? believe me, i yearn for lucy, felicia and mac,

  3. the scoop last night was RIC Lansing!!!
    The fALL - he won't be there until the FALL??????????? weird...

    1. i read he is committed on another show until late august / early september. So, he wont be available until then.

      Ric? Thats interesting.

    2. OMG, Rick Hearst is finally getting out of that elevator? Where did you see that? I love him!

    3. I would love, love, love Ric Lansing back. Preferable with Rick Hearst, but Cameron could work! :)

    4. NO NO NO! I don't want anybody to play Ric Lansing except for Rick Hearst!!!

  4. I am looking forward to Sean Donnelly special Friday. They don't mention Tristan Rogers. He better be there. I wonder who surprise guest will be. Hope its Frisco. Don't want Luke.

    1. Im still holding out for sharon wyatt. I know she has a missing jaw, but they could still film her from angles, etc. I'm thinking frisco too. they didnt mention tristan and on yesterdays show, when anna listed the people she would tell, she didnt mention robert. strange.

    2. I thought the surprise guest was his daughter BUT BUT BUT I REALLY want it to be Tony Geary!!!!!!!!! even if ZOOM!

    3. I would love it to be Sharon Wyatt

  5. Don't want a newbie either. Steven Lars is best choice though

  6. It's hard to even think about who he'll be in the fall when the show is such a mess right now. I am more curious about RH and who he will be. Don't expect him to save the day but I hope someone does soon.

  7. I'll play! Let's make him a Webber, but how about Mike Webber? He could have followed in his mom's (Ginny) footsteps and became a reporter.

  8. Not a huge fan of the actor other than with Greenlee of course. Would rather see a really great story for someone we already have on. Something new for Jason other than the Mob. Maurice did great with the Mike (Sr) story. There's Ned, Robert, Finn, Valentine, Mac. All have ties to the main families. Speaking of Valentin, he looked yummy today!

    Is it just me or does Maurice have a half mustache?

    1. It looked that way to me too. lol

    2. "Linda says Is it just me or does Maurice have a half mustache?"

      YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed that too!!! I was thinking it was just me and it was just the lighting. I'm glad you noticed it too!!!

    3. I almost think Maurice looks better clean shaven. I LOVE the unshaven look but his makes me itchy

  9. Steven Lars. The show is heading up to its 60th anniversary in about 22 months. What better way to build up to that than to bring Steve Hardy’s grandson back to the show and a character, despite opportunities wasted with the last two recasts, was the center of the show in the late 70s. He should be at the center again. Robin Mattson’s Heather has been played too cartoonish. It would be great to see them truly dive into their relationship and Heather’s mental illness. Remember when everyone was excited when Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans reunited on GH? Thud. You can’t always make lightning strike twice. lf Rebecca Budig comes back, why do she and Cameron Mathison have to be paired together again?
    RE Jackie Templeton…after a very promising start, what a shame the character hasn’t been scene at all through all of Chase’s medical crisis. Makes no sense.

  10. I have no idea who Cameron Mattheson is going to be!

    Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river Corinth: Nina and Mike have made it. They noticed how the town is.. Not really good. Used to be so precious and pretty, but not anymore thanks to jerk Elijah! Nina and Mike talk to this lady Barb. Mike's mustache looks like it's half shaved. Or maybe it's just the lighting. Mike sees someone who looks familiar. Nina's eyes get nervous. Oh it's that guy who tried to rob the LanTANO mountain bar!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Robert and Anna:

    Anna: Sean passed away. Our friend is gone.

    GAH! That made me cry!!! The look on Robert's face is so heartbreaking! Wait Anna! You are not going to the funeral what!?!?!! I'm glad Finchy showed up! Anna realized she doesn't need to be there for Chase! Yes let V.C. be there for the antidote!! Geez!

    Finchy and Chase: Chase is acting like a little child. Man this whole storyline is getting old. Anna is still around! I can't wait until Chase is cured, because 1. I want Chase better, 2. Anna doesn't have to keep hanging around near Finchy, and 3. Willow can stop pining over Michael! UGH!

    The Q home:

    Willow and Michael: UGH Willow is so worried about Chase and pining over Michael! MAKE IT STOP!

    V.C., Olivia, Brooky, and Ned: Oh my! V.C. accidentally walked in on Olivia! HAHAHAHAHHAA. She screams! Olivia wins the line of the day. About V.C.

    Olivia: He just strolled into my bedroom wearing nothing but a towel and a look of astonishment.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Look of astonishment! You must have a great body Olivia! :) V.C. was looking so gooooooooooooood in that towel! :)

    Brooky: Lucky you.


    Brooky: Too bad I really liked the towel look on you.

    V.C.: Likewise I'm sure.

    Wait wait wait. What the hell is going on? Why is Brooky and V.C. flirting?!!?! Olivia has been sleeping in the guest room because she can't sleep in her and Ned's bedroom since he isn't there. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Nedlia: Awwww come on mom and dad get back together!!!

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Diane: Carly had to tell Diane that Sasha is preggers with Brando's baby!

    Carly: Cyrus is into Sasha.

    No he isn't Carly!!! I don't know what the hell kind of drugs you are on! I'm in the twilight zone!!!


    Canadian lighthouse: HEY!!! That's the lighthouse that Sam was kidnapped and was taken there by Shiloh aka King Mufasa! :)

    Britson: Jason wants Britch to go to the hospital for her hand. She is scared!!! Well duh it's so obvious. Jason will go with her at the hospital awwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    1. Seriously all the scenes at the Q's were excellent. I was laughing at Valentin and Oliva! It was all good!

      The Britch and The Borg were also excellent. Jason cracked 2, count 'em, 2 jokes. HAHAHAHA! And YES! The lighthouse looked very familiar. Thanks for that!

      I have to agree with some previous comments about the very pale, almost white lipstick used by Maxie and Diane. Blech!

      I'm going to be like Mufasa repeating "where's Heather Webber" and say where's Murder on the PC Express? EVERY DAY! Lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Seriously all the scenes at the Q's were excellent. I was laughing at Valentin and Oliva! It was all good!"

      Yes it was!!!!! I also loved Olivia yelling hahahhahaha.

      "The Britch and The Borg were also excellent. Jason cracked 2, count 'em, 2 jokes. HAHAHAHA!"

      The Britch and the Borg hahahahaha. I don't think he has been called that in a long time. And yes he can crack jokes!!! WOW! ROFL!

      "And YES! The lighthouse looked very familiar. Thanks for that!"

      You're welcome! :)

      "I have to agree with some previous comments about the very pale, almost white lipstick used by Maxie and Diane. Blech!"

      Yeah what's up with that?

      "I'm going to be like Mufasa repeating "where's Heather Webber" and say where's Murder on the PC Express? EVERY DAY! Lol!"

      ROFL! Go for it! :)

    3. I first wrote Britch and Anger Boy, but nah.....I like the Britch and the Borg. All those B's, lol!

    4. "Julie H says, I first wrote Britch and Anger Boy,"

      He hasn't been called that in a long time too!

      "but nah.....I like the Britch and the Borg. All those B's, lol!"


  11. I am so bummed. We had a power outage just as GH was starting. I missed shirtless Valentin! UGH! Thank goodness for YouTube. LOL

    1. "Gary says, I missed shirtless Valentin! UGH!"

      Shirtless and in just a towel!! :) *Drool*

    2. LOL Gary! Valentin looked pretty good! :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Although I think it would be best if Cameron Mathison was brought in as Ryan Lavery, has anyone thought he may be a recast Dr. Tom Hardy? Given that characters deep ties to Steve and Audrey, it would make sense to bring Tom back.

  14. I can't even watch Nina and "Mike" - so ridiculous. They are a total mismatch, too. Loved Valentin, especially when he checked himself out in the mirror. Looks like Maxie has her smarts back again.

    1. I agree I could watch him all day! And I agree about Nina and Mike its very awkward.


A Little News

  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...