Monday, May 17, 2021

I'm a Month Along....


Let's leave the world behind for an hour, ok? I just can't even LOOK anymore!! The sun is gorgeous and we are supposed to have a fabulous week! 

OMG! Valentin says he's moving into the Q's and asks about the BIDET situation!! AHAHAHHAAHHAAHA. Monica thinks it's a good idea! LOL! Thank you!! I can't wait.  She says tho, it's up to Brook... Then she says that the nursery is bare. Valentin is are you sure  you're pregnant?? Brook Lynn agrees. 

Anna calls Tiffany to see if he has something she needs. She sees Liz talking to Finn in his office. She goes in, Liz leaves. She says Sean might know someone that could have made the toxin for Peter. 

Dr. tells Maxie she can be induced. She's like NO! Peter's like NO! They want to wait. Both have plans. Peter leaves. Anna comes in to talk to Maxie. She says Maxie she'll get her out of PC to have her baby and take care of Peter herself. Maxie says it won't work. Says no. Anna gets a call from Tiffany and says "oh" and cries. Tells Maxie her godfather is dead. They hug and cry. 

Sasha says she'll tell Brando what's up later. Gladys tells Cyrus that Britt is pregnant. Cyrus says NO..she said Lucy said so. He says she's a gossip. 

Carly arrives at The Metro with Goons in tow. Cyrus sees her being all boss-like. Gladys walks up to annoy her. Then Carly talks to Sasha in the bathroom... she tells her she's carrying Brando's baby. In the other room, Cyrus tells Brando that Sasha is pregnant. God that took forever. 

Carly tells Sasha to lie about the baby daddy. She thinks Cyrus will kill Brando since Cy still has a thing for her. 

Nina and Sonny look at Eli's papers. Eli figures out that Nina printed things out from his computer. Nina and Sonny are driving to Corinth to find out what Eli is up to. She makes him leave the gun. 


  1. IRL someone like Chase would be in the hospital for like 2 or 3 days even IF their Papa was a head doctor. They are called ACUTE care hospitals for a reason. Lol

  2. Who is Sasha going to say is the father? Can't be someone on the show. They'd know it wasn't them.

    1. One of the Tribbles? :)

    2. I'm thinking that Sasha and/or Brando will ask either Chase or Michael to pretend that they are the father.

  3. I cannot believe Brando is the father - WHY is she so nervous about that----unless what Carly said about Cyrus being jealous is true? STUPID!
    ready for Gladys to go away forever...…..
    May sweeps----------------and Peter is STILL alive and Sonny/Mike is STILL in Nixon Falls with no memory...……..we haven't gotten anywhere since January people!

    1. You are right mufasa, it feels like no time has passed since January on this show.

    2. Cyrus has a crush on Sasha? Huh? Don't like the actor, so guess I missed that.

    3. "lindie says, Cyrus has a crush on Sasha? Huh?"

      Cyrus doesn't have a crush on Sasha!!! Carly is crazy and makes no sense! :)

    4. and Maxie is still pregnant...

  4. Get rid of Sam. I am really starting to like Britt and Jason. And, I don't even like Britt; didn't used to anyway. They are great together.

  5. Get Felicia back in and have her not leave Maxie's side. Not one scene with mac and maxie either in weeks!

  6. Thinking today that I'm sure these talented actors are glad to have jobs but I can't even imagine their reaction to some of the things they have to say and/or do.
    Looks like Maxie has on heavy foundation make up on face and chest. Could she be any whiter?
    The whole darn thing is just so boring.

    1. Exactly - SURELY Fiona goes home thinking "that is ridiculous what Anna did today'.....I DID think it interesting that SB said on Patreon weeks ago that he used to think/ponder (whatever the word was) about his character when he was younger, but now he just goes and does his line and does his thing------leaves and go home...…...that made me think 'maybe all veteran actors have to do that"

  7. "Karen says, The sun is gorgeous and we are supposed to have a fabulous week!"

    Yeah it sure is! I was outside today. I did not want to clean today. All I wanted was to be in the sun. I'll clean tomorrow. :)

    Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river Lantano commercial property:

    "Eli figures out that Nina printed things out from his computer."

    He did figure out that it was Nina? How would he have? Hmmm although after Nina left, Elijah face changed completely! :) I loved that hahahaha.

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike and Nina: Wow! I thought Mike was going to kiss her! :) Love the hug though and love his smile!! :) Just kiss her already Mike! Come on!!! OH! ROAD TRIP!!!! :) Yes yes go to Corinth! YAY for road trips!!! This could be fun. Then mayyyyybe Mike will kiss her. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt restaurant: Love the bodyguards behind Carly! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    Gladys and Cyrus: Holy crap Gladys SHUT UP!

    Brando and Cyrus: Oh flashing back to the Titanic sex! :) Yes Brando you ARE the father! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Carly and Gladys: Oh Carly just slap the smug out of her mouth! Please!!!


    Carly and Sasha: Okay this is weird. Carly you make no sense! Cyrus isn't interested in Sasha like that! Lie about who the father is? Sure why not? Tell Brando that The Tribbles are the father! Or maybe Sasha had sex with the Tribbles and they ARE the father! :0

    Q home:

    V.C., Monica, Michael, and Brooky: YAY! V.C. is moving in!!! :) Monica wants V.C. to move in! Love that!!!

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Liz: YAY! Another scene with them.. Glad she is there for him. Poor Finchy!! :( Hmm when is the new DNA test going to be done?

    Anna and Liz: Liz wins the line of the day.

    Liz: Give my regards to Peter.

    ROFL! Awwww isn't Liz sweet? :) Liz forgot to also give her regards to Broadway! :)

    Dr., Hiney, and Maxie: Induce?!!!?! Wait I'm confused. Is this doctor in on Maxie's plan? Or is this lady serious?!!?

    Maxie and Anna: Love that she called and left a message to Tiffany!!! :) Oh no! Sean died. :( Made me tear up! :( Anna has a great plan! Maxie bring Anna in on your plan!!! She can help too!!!!

    1. I want to know why Nina didn't just use her phone and take a photo of the computer screen instead of printing the pages. She wouldn't have gotten caught if she had done that.

    2. "Gary says, I want to know why Nina didn't just use her phone and take a photo of the computer screen instead of printing the pages. She wouldn't have gotten caught if she had done that"

      Oh I didn't even think of that! Yeah she could have done that!!!

    3. She had her phone in her hand so I thought that's what she was going to do. I couldn't believe it when she headed for the copier. lol

    4. Sorry, my line was Valentin and the bidet! I just loved it!

      Agree with Gary, Nina should have used her phone, sheesh! :)

      The whole Sasha is pregnant scenes were a convoluted mess. From Gladys's big mouth, to Carly telling Sasha to lie, and then Cyrus telling Brando to find out who the daddy is because "he was linked to Sasha on page 5" (what the what??). I thought it all was awful.

      Middle of May now, and I'm still waiting for Murder on the PC Express. Just saying!

    5. "Julie H says, Sorry, my line was Valentin and the bidet! I just loved it!"

      Hahaha yeah that was really good too. Wherever V.C. lived before I guess it had a Bidet! :) I didn't know he loves bidets! I am sure Wyndemere had a bidet when he used to live there.

      "Agree with Gary, Nina should have used her phone, sheesh! :)"

      ROFL! Yeah she should have!!!

      "The whole Sasha is pregnant scenes were a convoluted mess. From Gladys's big mouth, to Carly telling Sasha to lie, and then Cyrus telling Brando to find out who the daddy is because "he was linked to Sasha on page 5" (what the what??). I thought it all was awful."

      Yeah it was like high school! Very weird.

      "Middle of May now, and I'm still waiting for Murder on the PC Express. Just saying!"

      Yes me too!!!!!!!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

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