Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Dumpster Wars


Ok, I'm here!! I watched part of GH from yesterday-- and...meh. Olivia was the only good part. SO OVER Nixon Falls. 
Outlet Mall? Um, who cares? 

Chase and Finn STILL talking about him staying in the hospital. Michael finally says Chase could come home with him and he'll be surrounded by people that can help care for him. Chase is going to move in. 

Carly and Gladys. Gladys got her hair dyed. Carly tells her she'll set her up in Bridgeport with her own coffee shop or whatever she wants. Gladys says no. Carly tell her that Brando works for Cyrus because she told him about Dev. 

MikeSon gonna beat up some guy by the dumpster. Nina stops him. He tells the guy if he needs cash to call and he'll help him out. (weird). Guy leaves. He and Nina hold hands accidentally. Jeepers. 

Jason and Britt in Canada. She's asking him if he'd find out if he had the gene marker. Jason said yes now that he has children. The talk about it more. 

Cyrus goes to see Laura. He was hurt people were mean to him at the family dinner. Tells her to stop Nikolas from buying Pentonville OR ELSE!!! 

Sasha and Brando. Brando is happy she's having his baby. 

I left early. Needed to go! Sorry!


  1. I can't fathom why the writers would think the fans would care about the Elijah story. Hopefully it will lead to something about Mike's identity, but right now it seems like a waste of time and May sweeps.

    1. Agreed jenny. If there is a tie to someone in Port Chuck, fine. If not, move along now please!

      I thought Brando was adorable, but I am not at all invested in him or their romance.

      Interested in seeing Maxie & Brooklynn some how ditch the nurse. How they will say the baby is dead without Britt, lets just hope Bobbie actually comes in.

    2. Linda, I'm interested in seeing how Maxie and BLQ work this too. But I would have worked with Liesl instead of Bobbie. She hates Peter and would be very willing to help.

  2. I know the Q mansion is supposed to big HUGE bit this is ridiculous that everyone is moving in.

    1. Hahaha. I want to move in! Want to join? :) Then we can see how Chase is doing, tell Willow to stop the crap, and tell Michael to just find Francesco and date her.. OH and watch V.C. in a towel. :)

    2. Yes please. I'd love to join you at the Q mansion Sonya. Let's go!!

    3. "lindie says, Yes please. I'd love to join you at the Q mansion Sonya. Let's go!!"

      Yes yes let's go! :) I just hope Chase doesn't walk in on Olivia getting dressed! Like V.C. did! HAHAHAHA. I hope someone tells Olivia about Chase moving in. :)

    4. I think it could be fun with everyone living there - IF they do it right. I LOVED the Brownstone back in the day when everyone was there. And the Q mansion used to be so full of people and fun - and it could be again!

    5. I agree. Everyone move into the Q mansion. Join Sonya and I for the fun. lol

    6. "lindie says, I agree. Everyone move into the Q mansion. Join Sonya and I for the fun. lol"

      Hahaha. Yes yes! Everyone move to the Q mansion!!!! :) Join us! It will be a blast! :)

    7. I want to move in too. I want to see Valentin and Chase in their towels. Very small towels. 😇

    8. "Gary says, I want to move in too. I want to see Valentin and Chase in their towels. Very small towels. 😇"

      Hahahahahahahahahaha! Pack your bags!!! :)

    9. Count me in on moving to the Q's. And we don't need no stinkin' towels! :)

  3. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river Corinth:

    Mike, Nina, and the bad guy: What's his name? Walter? Mike turns into Sonny for a minute there hahahaha. His yelling scared me! Awwww Mike is doing a nice thing for the guy. Nina is smitten with Mike.

    Mike and Nina: They are holding hands!!!!! Is Mike finally making his move? Nah not yet. Rats. Mike really needs to shave. One side of his lip is shaven hahaha.

    Canada hospital:

    Britson: Britch is so skeered!!! She is finally going to find out if she has huntington's YAY! Oh come on you two! Hug already!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital/Chase's room:

    I think it's a GREAT idea that Chase move into the Q mansion! Yes Monica is a doctor and can make sure he is okay!!!! :) Michael talks about people knocking on Chase's door to see if he is okay, well that's what I want to do! Move into the Q mansion to make sure Chase is okay! :) Then tell Willow to STOP IT!!!!!

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Gladys: Oh Carly I am getting sick of her! She is so annoying. Punch her in the face! I hope Cyrus kills her!

    Kevlar's home:

    Laura and Cyrus: Cyrus is yelling! YAY! And it really scares Laura. :) Well, they are enemies now. Oh oh.

    Auora offices:

    Brasha: WOW! I'm really surprised Sasha told Brando she got the preggers. I thought she was going to listen to Carly! Awwwww I love them. :) Brando wants to quit working for Cyrus? Oh oh! And look Cyrus showed up. DOUBLE OH OH!

    Sidenote: On soap central website, someone named Terri237 made a fantastic theory! I just had to share. This person said, and I quote,

    "My favorite ending for the baby scam is that Valentin finds out and, after working through all the emotions, decides to see how far Brook Lynn will take it. Then, right before he signs over the shares he tells her he knows about the scam. Then he signs over the shares anyway and says "all you had to do was ask; go be a hero."

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that idea!!!!! That should happen!!!

    1. Brasha were so cute today. I love them. I hope she tells Cyrus she went out drinking and had a one night stand. That way she can protect Brando.

      And I love the idea of Valentin finding out about the baby scam and playing BLQ.

    2. "Gary says, Brasha were so cute today. I love them."

      Me too!!! :)

      "I hope she tells Cyrus she went out drinking and had a one night stand. That way she can protect Brando."

      Great idea! :)

      "And I love the idea of Valentin finding out about the baby scam and playing BLQ."

      Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    3. I just love the idea about Valentin and BLQ. That would be fantastic!

      Seriously, this vanity project for MB and Tano-land is beyond boring and stupid. I fast forwarded a good chunk of that mess.

      Britta was great yesterday, I totally understood where she was coming from (Huntington's runs in my family) and Jason was most considerate. And I can't believe no one commented on the hot doc! I thought he was quite purty! :)

    4. I forgot to add...where is my Murder on the PC Express?!

  4. I repeat again - this is May SWEEPS and it is the worst May EVER! Peter still alive even though WSB agents cannot get rid of him - BLACKMAIL him - I will take anything!! Sonny/Mike is stupid - no one CARES about Elijah - bring him home - Nina's character is another one RUINED.....I just think the writers aren't even TRYING! For goodness sake, have a contest and let viewers write scripts for a month ----------even if a dream sequence...……...ridiculous...….

    1. I couldn't even tell it's sweeps. Totally forgot and the story lines are not showing anything interesting.

  5. I loved the brownstone. I think it could be fun everyone living in the mansion.

    1. I wish they would bring the brownstone back. It was a good way to have characters hang out in the same place that otherwise might not happen or be believable.

  6. and here is a thought - have Carly 'pretend' to have Brando killed - blame Cyrus and Gladys would tell the truth about Jason.....just a little hurt but it would look bad...

    1. Ohh I like that idea.For that reason alone I assume it will never happen.

      I'm hoping Sasha tells Cyrus that she just told brando that it's none of his business who her baby's father is, and that he can stay out of it too. That way she's protecting Brando. Either that or tell him it's Peter's baby...muyhaha

    2. I like the idea that she tells him it is Peter's baby. Let him try to convince him she is lying.

    3. It says a lot about the current "GH" writing team when fans are coming up with better ideas than what's actually appearing on our TV screens. #Sad

  7. I really don’t want to see any family relationship with Cyrus~he is a cold blooded killer.


A Little News

  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...