Monday, May 3, 2021

"I won't set his pony tail on fire"

 I DID NOT GET  A BREAK TODAY!! PHEW!! It was a wild show!! 



Carly and Spin are watching as Jason escapes. Spinelli looped the security footage so they can't see the garage now, but they see what's happening 2 days ago. Brick is waiting for him. OH NO! Jordan comes up! Spinelli and Carly freak out LOL...Brick tells her he's waiting for his sister. She seems suspicious but she leaves. THEN She goes into Jason's room where they are taking him "For tests".... (really to escape)! Won't let him leave!! LOL!! 

Cam is also skulking in the hallways of GH. Booooo. 

Nina calls Sonny and tells him to stay in his room DON'T LEAVE!! Then she runs into the Tan-O where Phyllis gave Trina some pasta. Nina's like YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW, Trina! Oh man, when Sonny finally comes out, Trina is gone! Damn it!!! 

Jax has to wait for his antibiotics to come and asks Joss about her leg.  yada yada, they talk about Volleyball..he makes her call Carly. 

Ava and Nikolas get ready for Cyrus to come to dinner. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! Fantastic stuff. Laura's faces; Kevin is there. It's really good. THEN Cyrus gets a call from his man in GH. Britt had seen him and thought he was the crew that was part of the break out for Jason!! She totally gave it away. Cyrus is like: KEEP an eye on Morgan and get rid of Westborne, make it look like an OD!! They get Done with dinner. Cyrus tells Nikloas he's been keeping an eye on Spencer. Nikolas loses it. Laura tells him he's NOT FAMILY!! 

Finn asks Britt for some overtime to be signed off for the lab. She's like: OK...he thinks she's being too nice. LOL He says "you usually leave around's only 8...  what's up"? She flashes back to Jason asking her to leave.  Britt goes to leave and 2 guys come in and try to put a syringe into her !! 

THEN JASON IS RUNNING OUT but realizes that something is wrong and Brick didn't see Britt leave...he RUNS BACK IN!! gah!! he saves BRITT! They run!! Carly's having a FIT...and wants to go to GH to find Jason. Spinelli is like: Um, no. Then Joss calls and Carly realizes she went to get Jax in Nixon Falls. 

Meanwhile, Jordan asks the nurse who ordered tests for Jason and figures out it was Britt. In Jason's room, Cam finds the guard knocked out. Then Jordan finds him (Cam isn't there). 


JASON AND Britt run down. Bad guy runs after them with a gun, fires. Then Brick fires back... Cam runs behind the dumpster. Brick shoots the bad guy...bad guy falls down in front of Cam. The gun falls to the floor next to Cam's foot. Jordan runs down the stairs and orders the hospital locked down. 
Spinelli can't see anything anymore. Then Jason and Britt run to the car but CAM PICKS up the gun and shoots. Jason is hit but they make it into the car. Then Jordan holds a gun on Cam! 

ALSO HAPPENING: Finn ends up telling Liz everything about Peter and Franco! 



  1. If the rest of sweeps May is like today, I don't know if I can take that much soapy goodness.

    I couldn't believe someone finally told Liz Peter killed Franco. About time someone clued the widow in on who really killed her husband. And poor Cam is going to go through hell about shooting Jason once he finds out the truth. I don't think Joss is going to forgive him for that for a while either.

    Ava's dinner party was so great. You put that many great actors together you are going to strike gold every time. Cyrus doesn't realize it but he just made a very bad enemy. Liesl will be out for blood when she finds out he ordered Britt's death.

    1. I hope Cam keeps his mouth shut about shooting Jason and seeing Britt and just says he heard shooting and came down the steps and the guy was laying there dead. He could hear voices so he panicked and picked up the gun. She didn't see him shoot anyone and there's no video footage.

    2. I thought once the 'access denied' thing popped on Spinelli's computer, the video started again. ?

    3. Spinelli said the system was rebooting. I think it will depend on how fast the system reboots.

    4. I thought he mentioned 2 minutes.

  2. this must be WL send off storyline. cam must be going to jail like Blackie years ago

    1. What do you mean? He said he isn't going anywhere.

    2. William Lipton leaving? No. I won't allow it

    3. College. But I think "Cam" may get off. Jason won't press charges and if the mayor and DA say no (because of "grief") they'll cover it up?

  3. Great show! I don't necessarily like that Cam was around yet another shooting but I'll take it over some of the other stuff we have been given.

  4. WOW! WHAT A SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Spin off - Nixon falls.

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANo mountain bar: Nina calling Mike to keep him in his bedroom hahahahahaha. I love it!

    Trina and Phyllis: Mmmmm. Phyllis's spaghetti with Mike's sauce. :) I want to try! :)

    Trina and Nina: Nina trying to get rid of Trina! Hysterical! I love that Nina is trying to get rid of everyone who is from Port Chuckles! :)

    Mike and Nina: I was telling Mike, KISS HER!!!! :) OH! He is getting close to her. He is about to kiss her!!!! DAMMIT PHYLLIS!!

    Pennsylvania side of the river hospital:

    Joss and Jax: Time to go home! Oh wait they can't! He needs his meds.

    Joss, Jax, and Trina: Oh Trina showed up. Time to go home. :) Oh wait Joss has to call Carly! More waiting. :)

    Port Chuckles:


    Nava and Kevlar: Laura wins the line of the day.

    Laura: Do don't set his ponytail on fire, and send him screaming out into the night.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That made me laugh so hard. :)

    Nava, KevLar, Marty, and Cyrus: OH! Laura couldn't take it anymore! I love the twitching Cyrus did. :) GO LAURA. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Finchy's office: Man his office is still so distracting! With all those books! :)

    Finchy and Liz: I love that Liz wouldn't give up and wanted to know the truth, and I love Finchy finally telling her the truth! :) Oh wow I love the warnings they both got on their phone that tells them a live gunman is at the hospital! :)

    Jason's room: WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! Oh I thought Britch was going to get kidnapped, cus the actress is leaving for awhile because of that Covid test she took that was positive/negative. I loved that Jason didn't go in the van, that he went looking for Britch and saved her. WOOT WOOT! :) I loved that Britch kicked the bad guy below the belt hahahahaha.

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Spinny: Carly! You can go to the five family meeting! You don't need Jason to go to it!!!! Geez.

    Parking garage: HOLY CRAP ON A STICK!!!! What a scene!!!! I thought at first that Cam was going to shoot Britch! Oh oh is Cam going to shoot Jordan?! Put the gun down Cam!!!! You already could get in serious trouble shooting Jason!!! When Jason went down the stairs, he was wincing and in pain hahahahaha. I loved that Jason went looking for Britch! Awwwww. :)

    1. Awesome show and so glad Liz knows the truth. Lawd, that took forever!

      I knew the burning of the ponytail would be the line of the day, and I was laughing all over the place! We need a dinner like that every week with that crew, kind of like the Reagan Sunday dinners on Blue Bloods! I loved it when Laura finally snapped and ripped into Cyrus, and Ava's facial expressions were classic!

      Try as I might, Tano-land is so not my cup of tea. Bored, bored, bored I am!

  5. Why do I get the feeling that the jar of pasta sauce is gonna lead someone to Sonny/Mike ?

    1. Yeh I kept expecting 'Mike' to walk out while Trina was there. But wait...I bet they make a pit stop before they go back to PC..

    2. Yeah I have a feeling of that too. Maybe Carly sees the jar of sauce.

    3. I so agree! Something is up with the sauce!

  6. What a ride today! Great show.
    I agree about the sauce being a link to Smike. Maybe someone tastes it and recognizes it.
    Down the road Cam will feel horrible about his actions. Hope his facial extortions disappear.

    1. I feel the writers are ruining cam. his facial expressions need to go

    2. Yeah - the talking through the teeth needs to go

    3. I agree about the teeth grinding. It looks awful Shouldn't the director be pointing this out to him. He's just young. He's obviously giving them what he thinks they want.

    4. Yes, while I agree that he's a wonderful actor the talking thru the teeth has to go. It's getting old. Now that Liz FINALLY has confirmation that Peter shot Franco she needs to tell Cam!! Like yesterday!!

    5. Maybe Carly tastes the sauce realizes it's Sonny's sauce and goes to Nixon Falls to see who made the sauce

    6. William Lipton didn't do the teeth thing before. Wonder why he does that now?

    7. "Smike" -- I love that name! LOL

  7. I feel like the sauce is a commercial for Ragu. stupid

    1. I THINK it's so someone can taste it and say: WOW this is Sonny's sauce LOL

    2. Trinia is absolutely gonna give to Joss and Carly and then they will say it tastes just like Sonny's - of course that is the purpose of the sauce.

    3. "kdmask says, I THINK it's so someone can taste it and say: WOW this is Sonny's sauce LOL"

      Hahahahahaha. Yup. I bet it will be Carly!!! :)

  8. We never saw Cam pull the trigger. I say Jordan did it,

  9. RIP Billie Hayes who played Agent O’Reilly on GH back in the day (shot by a Cassadine of course!) She had a great rapport with Tristian.

    1. Awww yeah. I heard about that on twitter. :(


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