Thursday, May 13, 2021

Goodbye O'Reilly (Thursday)


I think most of the world knew her as Wichie-Poo from HR Puffnstuff. I know I did. I grew up in the 70s and she was an iconic character. Fast forward to 1981 and Billie Hayes created another great character -- Agent O'Reilly, who was Scorpio's mentor. One of the things I remember most is that she never once made me see Wichie-Poo come through in her performance. She thoroughly submersed into this character. I always thought throughout this storyline that she was Robert's mother. Did anyone else? I was waiting for the reveal at the end but it never came. She passed away on April 29 at the age of 96. 

Tristan had a few words to say about his costar. Do you remember this storyline? And Billie's portrayal of O'Reilly?

Tristan's comments:

This is Thursday's blog. You know what to do.


  1. I didn't know she was Witchie Poo on HR Puffenstuff. I loved her as O'Reilly. I was really young when that show was on. That show is why they say to Say No To Drugs. Lol

    1. I did just read that no drugs were used in the making of the show.

  2. I'm so glad you included this in today's blog! I loved HR Puffnstuff. The talking flute! Billie Hayes as Witchie Poo was always a hoot! Good memories.

  3. I adored O'Reilly and was really bummed when they killed the character off. She had a lot of potential especially if they had made her Robert's mother.

    1. They never did mention Robert and Mac parents did they

    2. I will always remember her death scene: In a phone booth, trying desperately to talk to Robert to warn him about something, only to get shot multiple times by the Cassidines.

  4. Loved Jax giving Snarly a hard time today and loved Jason turning Sam away from helping.

    1. Me too. And I loved the scenes with Britt and Jason. They keep me glued to the screen.

    2. Nice to see natural chemistry again

    3. Totally agree. Jax was spot on with Snarly. Brit and Jason are great together, and Sam just looked so pitiful and needy. Is that what we're supposed to think of her now? If so, it's working!

  5. I don't think Brando is the father of Sasha's baby - too soon.....
    and HOW do you buy a prison?????????????

    1. IDK, but there are prisons that are privately owned. That is the controversy about that.

  6. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike and Nina: Well they have a plan and are working together to get Elijah!! Nina has a date with Elijah! She looks really nice. Oh here is Elijah!

    Pennsylvania side of the river Lantano commercial property: OHHHHH! So Mike breaks in to this place while Nina is distracting Elijah! Oh oh. Alarm goes off! ROFL!

    Pennsylvania side of the river park:

    Elijah and Nina: Fake date and he has no idea. :) Oh he wants to do something that he has wanted to do since he met her! KISS!!!! Oh oh is she going to let him kiss her?

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Lucy and Sasha: HOLY CRAP SASHA IS PREGNANT! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 3 people preggers on this show. That NEVER happens. :) Lucy trying to figure out who the father is hahahahahahaha. Hysterical! And then when Brando and Gladys show up, and then leave, it doesn't dawn on Lucy that it could be Brando! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Brando and Gladys: Brando is warning his mother about Cyrus.. That once he is done with her, she is gone! Oh Brando your mother is wayyy to stupid to live! Stop warning her. :)

    Carly's home:

    Jax and Carly: Jax was nagging her to death the whole hour. Where were the Tribbles? Probably following Sam so that they can choke her to death.

    Hay Barn:

    Britson and Sam: Sam has got passports for him and her?!?!! WHAT GALL!!!! Tribbles where are you?!?!!! Jason rejected Sam! YAY! Sam tells Britch there is no time for hurt feelings. OH SHUT UP!

    Britson: Jason wants her to go too. Britch doesn't want to go back to Port Chuckles because Cyrus will kill her. Jason says not if he gets to him first. Jason wants Britch to go to Sonny's island! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Will Jason get her a dress? Will the Tribbles be there drinking a drink? Britch convinces him that they both can go to Canada together. YAY! :)

    Jail library:

    Nik and Alexis: Nik is close to buying Pentonville! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nik wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: What do do you know about running a prison?

    Nik: Not much.


    Alexis and Shaun: Alexis convinces Shaun to go to his parole hearing and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FOR HIS LIFE! YAY! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1995* Alan and Bobbie kiss. I am so glad they weren't ever a couple. They are so awkward together!!!

    1. "Will the Tribbles be there drinking a drink? " - too funny - picturing them wearing shades with an umbrella drink beside them - lol

    2. Johnny 265120 says "Will the Tribbles be there drinking a drink? " - too funny - picturing them wearing shades with an umbrella drink beside them - lol"

      Hahahahahaha. Now I'm picturing that! :)

    3. I'm still picturing the Tribbles choking Mumbles to death. HAHAHAHAH!

    4. I'm so glad you mentioned Nik and the whole prison conversation. I was giggling thru the entire thing, lol! I do really like this Nik!

      Lucy telling Brando and Crazy Gladys to move along was pretty funny, too!

    5. "Julie H says, I'm still picturing the Tribbles choking Mumbles to death. HAHAHAHAH!"


      "I'm so glad you mentioned Nik and the whole prison conversation. I was giggling thru the entire thing, lol!"

      I had to! It was hysterical! :)

      "I do really like this Nik!"

      Me too! :) I forgive him now. Just waiting to see Spencer!!! :) Hope he isn't a recast.

      "Lucy telling Brando and Crazy Gladys to move along was pretty funny, too!"

      Hahaha yeah and her trying to guess who the baby of Sasha's is! Lucy would have won the line of the day, but Nik said his line and I died! :)

  7. I think it's Cyrus's kid - I do - I think the writers just make up stuff and we will see flashbacks-------cause Sasha is WAY too nervous and not happy and if it was Brando's I don't think she would behave that way....Bet he pretends it is I do NOT want this to happen but speculating...…..

    1. Maybe she had sex with Cyrus wben she was drugged up?

    2. Yep. Only cause the writers gotta make up something.

    3. OMG, I thought the same thing and it made me queasy. Now that I see it in print I need a barf bag, lol!

  8. I agree she was nervous. Maybe Michael's?

    1. Hasn't it been a long time since her and Michael though?

    2. In soap time maybe. She is just not important enough of a character IMO to get PG and carry a storyline.

  9. It would be a good storyline for Cyrus to be the Dad

  10. It would be a good storyline for Cyrus to be the Dad

  11. For any kid who grew up in the '70s, Witchie Poo is permanently imprinted on our psyches and that is a good thing. Billie Hayes was awesome and brought a lot of smiles and joy to the world. RIP, Billie.

  12. Does no one on General hospital use birth control?

    1. LOL... completely agree. Way too many babies. We absolutely DO NOT need a Brando/Sasha baby.

    2. And we never see them anyway, at least not once they're past the in the carriage or arms stage. This is just plain lazy writing. Need drama....have a pregnancy or a triangle, or in one case a freaking rectangle.

    3. When you start to see all the different women that shared men its really disgusting. Carly, Liz, Sam, Alexis. Esp those last 2 being mother and daughter. Both slept with Sonny & Rick. Anyone doing anything sexual with Cyrus hopefully will play out OFF screen lol


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