Thursday, May 27, 2021

Friends Reunion Tonight


I know that there is a Thursday episode of GH today, but there is also this. How many of you will be watching? I don't have HBO Max, but I do have the internet so I will tune in at some point in the next week. Like most people, I have seen every episode. Some were really good (Thanksgiving episodes) and some were just awful. (Chandler watching Sharks) 

And guest stars. I think Bruce Willis was my favorite. With Brad Pitt a very close second.

And finally, my favorite episode. It's the one below and I have seen it a billion times, and every time I laughed out loud and probably always will. 

It's Thursday. Karen has the day off, so watch today's episode, comment in the comments, and if you get a chance, say a few words about your FRIENDS.

Karen here! I had to chime in with my fave episode.  OMG when they won the apartment, it was awesome and too funny!! "IS THAT EVEN A WORD"??? Thanks to Dave for blogging today!! 


  1. Haven't watched Friends since originally on. Loved it. My 21 year old daughter watched Friends reruns. I will watch reunion at some point. Hope it's good. Reboots often stink.Will and Grace, Murphy Brown. Loved the original but not reboot

    1. It’s not a reboot, it is an interview with the cast

    2. Oh. Thank you for letting me know

    3. lindie, i was excited about the murphy brown reboot. when i first heard about it, it was supposed to have her son avery be a conservative republican and go head to head with murphy. i loved this premise. It was like archie and meathead. however it changed and then there was no antagonist, and I think that was where it went wrong.

  2. Smelly Cat was pretty crazy and funny

  3. I love Friends still, it makes me laugh even though I have seen all of the episodes multiple times. I watched the reunion this morning and thought it was great

  4. Anyone watch today's episode yet? I am a HAPPY, literally!
    Another fast paced day.

    1. I did. It was definitely fast paced except for the baseball scenes. I won't say anything else till others catch up.

      I know why you were a HAPPY camper. lol If you think about it though it might not be cause for rejoicing. muyhaha

    2. Anytime he is on screen is time to rejoice...IMO.
      Yes, I agree...Dante and Sam are two characters that can be disposed of.

    3. It was beyond ridiculous. This is what she's come to now; and poor "Dante" if he wants a job.They were in teenage mode. Arguing and sniping... because that's a sign of WUV if you're a barely pubescent school kid who doesn't know any other way to get the attention of someone they're interested in. It was laughable. And they kept cutting away from the very mature conversations between Britt and Jason for that drivel.

    4. So agree with you Di about Mumbles and Dante. That wasn't flirting that was her just being a petulant little b!tch.

  5. Absolutely LOVED Friends. Never missed an ep when it originally aired and I always keep the TBS reruns on daily while I work. My fave was when the boys won the apartment and my worst was when they tried to pair Joey and Rachael. I'm still bummed they didn't pair Phoebe with David seeing as he was from the first season and would occasionally pop in and out. Looking forward to seeing the reunion, I'm sure it'll be great based on the sneak peaks I've already seen.

    GH - Oh and RoHo is back...playing the same old quirky banter typecast character he always plays. He's probably going to be Team Cyrus so he'll get to do his Todd Manning bad boy stuff too.

  6. OH HAPPY DAY!!!!! And he's a doctor!

    1. Who just happened to be walking through the woods in the middle of nowhere with a flashlight? I think he's a doctor Peter hired and he could be a bad guy.

    2. Oh no. I'm tired of Peter winning. Cyrus too

    3. I hope you're wrong. So good to see him though

    4. Di I hope you're wrong. I'm so tired of Peter and Ponytail winning.

  7. I hope they just pretend he doesn’t look like Franco. GH DOES need a doctor around if Lucas is never there nor Britt

    1. It might also bring more Sls back to the hospital and away from the gangsters.

  8. I really also thought Chloe would turn on Peter.

    1. I was hoping. Still think she might be the one pushing him if he lights into her after she says she lost Maxie. Maxie did warn her that she was expendable.

  9. Canada:

    Canadian lighthouse:

    Britson: They keep kissing!!! :) He wants to know her even in 6 months! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Stairwell - 4 hours earlier: Hiney on the ground with blood. OH SOMEONE RUNS DOWNSTAIRS!!! The person that pushed him maybe?

    Hiney's hotel room:

    Hiney and V.C.: V.C. wants the antidote. Hiney says he doesn't have it with him, that he will get it for him. V.C. notices Hiney's bag. V.C. leaves and calls Anna right away about the bag that Hiney has. He left a message for Anna.

    The park:

    Dante and Sam: They were playing baseball. They did a lot of banter. :) Cute. :) Then a little eye sex.

    The hospital:

    Carly and Nava: Ava wants to pretend to be Gladys to take Cyrus down!!!! Carly and Ava half of Charlie's Angels!!!! :) Nik don't like this plan! Well tough Nik! Ava is doing this! :) Carly is on the phone with Cyrus and she wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Gladys is a woman, not a library card.


    Cabin: Nurse Rachet and Maxie: I yelled at her to RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Glad Maxie did!!!

    The wilderness: Oh boy! Another baby of Maxie's being born out in the wilderness!!! They should really love camping when they get older! :)

    Maxie and Austin: ROHO!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! :) Love that he was shirtless. Hmmm she didn't say that he looks like someone or that he looks familiar. He said his name and I didn't hear it. I'm like what's his name? Then Maxie finally said his name Austin.. :) Hmmmm. so he is a doctor and he seems nice and has a sense of humor.. But then I had a thought that maybe he works for Hiney and that he is bad. I hope he isn't bad!!!

    The pier:

    Carly, her men, Cyrus, his men, Spinny, and Nik: Ava is waiting for her cue. Wow she isn't going to wear a disguise? NO NIK! STUPID NIK!!!!! What the hell are you doing there?! You just made things worse!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to December 1990* Felicia punishes Frisco and Sean.

    FRIENDS: I love Friends!!!! WE WERE ON A BREAK! That never gets old. Hahahaha. I love Ben Stiller on there.. I guess we are over! MAN! ROFL! JOEY DOESN'T WANT TO SHARE HIS FOOD! HAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Jason should have just shot him from a distance with a rifle. Why get close enough to be seen, or stopped.

      And sorry Sonya. I don't like ROHO without his shirt. Those 2 bony love handles sticking out of his sides are just gross.

    2. "Di says, Jason should have just shot him from a distance with a rifle. Why get close enough to be seen, or stopped."

      Yeah!!!! He could have! Not sure why he didn't. So then he didn't have to be beaten up. His poor wound!

      "And sorry Sonya. I don't like ROHO without his shirt. Those 2 bony love handles sticking out of his sides are just gross."

      Oh you don't like love handles on men? :)

    3. Not when they look like sharp pointed shark fins. lol

    4. "Di says, Not when they look like sharp pointed shark fins. lol"

      ROFL! Oh now Di stop that! :)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. So glad you didn't have any side effects, yay!

      Line of the day, 2 thumbs up!
      Gotta go with Di about Austin with no shirt on, sorry. Give me Jason any day!
      I won't comment on Nik (!!) and Jason got from Canada to the PC pier in under an hour? Bet he used your time machine. Charge him rent!

    7. "Julie H says, So glad you didn't have any side effects, yay!"

      Well nothing severe anyway. I didn't have any fever or chills. I have been sleeping really well. All I got was being really tired, feeling out of it, and lower back pain, but other than that, YAY! :)

      "Line of the day, 2 thumbs up!"

      Hahahaha. :)

      "Gotta go with Di about Austin with no shirt on, sorry. Give me Jason any day!"

      OH! Well if it's between Austin and Jason! Yeah Jason has got the body. :)

      "I won't comment on Nik (!!)"

      ROFL! I don't blame you. *Facepalm*

      "and Jason got from Canada to the PC pier in under an hour? Bet he used your time machine. Charge him rent!"

      Hahahaha. Yes good idea! I will!!!

  10. They cut off here just as the transfer was to take place with a commercial believe it or not and no preview. Did Jason actually get there from Canada in five minutes? And Maxie didn’t even think this doc looked familiar? What nonsensical crap. The only good part was Jason and Britt.

    1. Here's the preview for you, Linda.

    2. Thank you so much Di!

  11. So are they going to now have Maxie fall for new BobToddAustin who delivers her baby in the woods?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. "lindie says, "BobToddAustin"

      BobToddAustin!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was wondering what to call him. Thank you! :) I will have to see more of his personality and then I'll see. :)

    3. Please just call him Austin. The train length names just remind us how many times the favored one has been brought back...again and again and again.

    4. "Di says, Please just call him Austin."

      How about Austin Texas? ROFL!

      "The train length names just remind us how many times the favored one has been brought back...again and again and again."

      ROFL! Other people have been brought back with different names too! He isn't the only one. :)

    5. He's the only one whose done it so many times he's racking up air miles. lol And several of them were acting like the same person with a different name.

      Just call him Tex then. lol

    6. "Di says, He's the only one whose done it so many times he's racking up air miles. lol And several of them were acting like the same person with a different name."

      ROFL! That's not true! Michael Easton had played several characters! :) Don't forget him! :)

      "Just call him Tex then. lol"


    7. I haven't forgotten him either. Nor the period when they came in and the show became all about recycling the soap orphans at the expense of the GH characters. And Michael couldn't stay gone either. TPTB have them on a yoyo string.

    8. "Di says, Nor the period when they came in and the show became all about recycling the soap orphans at the expense of the GH characters."

      Oh you mean from OLTL! Well, they have to work somewhere!!! :)

  12. Jason is looking good with no shirt. RoHo new character not so much.

  13. FRIENDS! ❤ I want to watch but don't have HBO MAX! Why couldn't they air on NBC that's where they aired in the first stupid. Or even Netflix, still mad they took them off there but that's how I found Good Girls so....
    I have so many fave episodes! Dave thr sharks one was funny!! 😂🤣
    I loved when the girls switched the apts back and showed their boobs so they wouldn't have to switch back! 🤣 OK on to GH!
    So....Is Petey dead...blood from the head? Dare we hope? But Cyrus...he's still ticking. Why did Nik have to be so stupid!? Oh and Roger!! ❤❤❤❤
    I hope this is a good thing! I still miss Franco...#sorrynotsorry

    1. Totally agree about HBO Max, I don't have it either, and never missed an episode! My favorite was the Jeopardy game, hahahahah!

      And don't be sorry, I miss Franco too! :)

  14. Chloe pushed him. Same color in stairwell as Chloe. Unless she finds him!

  15. How could Chloe push him?
    She was with Maxie in the woods.
    She's on his side and said Peter was on the way. So it can't be her.

  16. The woods probably aren't that far from town as Peter has them booked to fly out after the baby is delivered. Since Maxie escaped Chloe probably went back to tell Peter. If he was mad and threatened her she looked more than capable of pushing him down the stairs especially after Maxie's little speech about him tying up loose ends.

    1. Ya that nurse Chloe is creepy

    2. I was thinking it was Liz who found him (not pushed him) she wears blue a lot and always has tennis shoes on. Didn't even think it was Chloe, or the person who pushed him. But it sure is fun seeing him like that every day, lol!

    3. lol yes. That boosted my spirits too. I wish my good computer hadn't died because a gif of him face planting over and over again would be very therapeutic. 😈

    4. "Di says I wish my good computer hadn't died"

      Time to get a new computer! :)

      "because a gif of him face planting over and over again would be very therapeutic. 😈 "

      Ohhhh I want to see THAT gif! :)

    5. LOL Sonya!! That's funny!! I need a good gif face plant!

    6. "Michelle L says, LOL Sonya!! That's funny!! I need a good gif face plant!"

      Haha me too!!!! :)


A Little News

  Eva LaRue posted this on her IG-- that's Blaze and her new "Son" ...the Marco guy we saw with Lucas in Miami. I KNEW IT!!! L...