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Go read my post below on GH Fixin's! :) I have some ideas up my sleeve!!
Ok, here we go... I have some left-over Pizza to eat (cold naturally). Oh, and I'm lighting a candle but I'll keep it at the opposite side of the room.

I'm starting this off with the Val story. It's going to crystallize why I think GH is just recycling stuff over and over. Instead of making an intricate story about how Johnny or Lulu pull one over on Valerie and the PCPD, they have him kidnap her and tie her in a chair in an old cabin.
I mean, come the hell on. Not only that, they have her knock over a candle and start a fire! Did I just see this or not? Luke in Heather's cabin? Yep..Cam in Wyndemere? Yep.
Whatever. There was a million different ways to tell that story. I just wish that there were some fresh ideas. Valerie's downfall could have been spectacular and sneaky. Instead we get in your face "pie" farce.
Now, I DO enjoy Johnny Z...so much so that here we are again, him being used for this kind of thing instead of getting out of jail and on the canvas. Yes, there are too many people on there already but I can think of 5 that could easily go in his place. He's acting like his Daddy would but I don't think Johnny would do this to an innocent woman who just said in the car she wanted Lulu and Dante back together?

Ok, so on to "Rachel".. Heather calls Hayden Rachel on the phone. "I know who you really are, Rachel"... yada yada. I've put it in Friday's post that "Rachel" was only on GH once before, "Rachel Adair"... according to GH WIKI is at least an MD. Or was..she 'died' at the Metro.
So let me tell you what. If this is really "Rachel" from that long ago..honey ..???? Why? WHY? This seems like another "who's Nathan's Daddy-- what's Nina's past-- Rosalie secret" quagmire. :SIGH: Sarah Webber. Such a missed opportunity. But at least maybe make her some kind of Webber. Rick's kid or something. It would tie her to Liz, and they look a little alike anyway. But, never mind. I know I say that every week but I'm frustrated.

Demon-Robo Jake is doing all of this to get Daddy back. Did you see the face he gave Friday when the DNA doc mentioned Sam being a 'good wife"? Watch out girl, you might be getting a rock in your window soon! The thing with Jake and Liz going to the Metro was pretty funny because you know Cam and Aiden aren't invited. I keep waiting to see the excuse they come up with as to where those 2 are all the time.

FINALLY! A doctor I could get behind that wasn't taking Sonny's "I'm God in this town, treat me as such" crap. BUT, Sonny said NO, I'm firing you--and Lucas is calling his bud in to drop everything to treat King Corinthos. :throwsuphands: Welp. Whatever. I get we need a new Patrick but this guy was pretty interesting, imo. The new guy in town looks like a Patrick clone. I hear he's a good actor and maybe he'll drag some Supernatural Fans with him. We can only hope!

What has Ava done lately? Taken a gun shipment. Gotten tied to a bed during sex...and begged Kiki to love her. That's it. But I DO love Maura's hair right here.
That's all I got.

Anna found out that Sabrina is having Carlos' baby. Putting 2 and 2 together, she figures out Carlos is indeed alive and Sabrina is probably in contact.

At the same time, Sonny is basically telling Michael he's been a moron (to use The Goldberg's term) and to get back there to Sabrina...

And...after seeing Paul give Carlos some money Sabrina decides to leave with him, on a boat with absolutely no luggage. SO. Bye! Have a nice baby!

Nina got everyone reading Crimson, and that made Julian mad. He talked taxes with Alexis. By the way, Alexis would be way too smart than to marry a guy owning the IRS so much. Here's hoping she drafts a nice pre-nup.

Maxie cracks and tells Nate that Johnny was in PC but doesn't mention that Lulu saw him or kept him on the Haunted Star. No, that's saved for spineless Dillon who spills it all.

Lulu gets lectures from both her mother and mother-in-law. Olivia tells her it is a lot of Dante's fault and their marriage is in trouble anyway. Laura basically knows what Lulu is up to because, between she and Bobbie, they pulled the same stuff off in the 70's. Lulu feels guilty and tries to stop Johnny from doing anything more to Val. Which of course, can't happen because he's already done the deed. You know Lulu is going to save her, right? Don't you?

Dr. DNA was the guy that helped Carly identify Jason. She comped him all the Metro Rooms he wanted. Seems he was carrying on an affair with "Veronica". Anyway, they saw the fight and Sam begged them to tell the cops what happened. Really begged. They agree to go the police in the morning.

SCENE OF THE WEEK: You knew it was going to be this, no? I mean, Robert and Mac, talking about being Dads..some saving the world, others being heroes at home. *sigh* It was so good. PLUS, Robert is going to help Anna in her investigation. whoot!
PROP OF THE WEEK: I couldn't find it but Andre Maddox gave Jordan a South American knick-knack for being a strong woman. Think new Dragon-Phoenix.

FACE OF THE WEEK: Another Mama-Advice for Lulu face. "Ooooooh, I think I know what you're up to, Missy"!!
I guess this week was about Sabrina leaving, the Hayden-Rachel "reveal" and Lulu not stopping Johnny in time. So, there you have it. We have a new doctor coming to town, a guy that looks a lot like ex-Patrick. I don't know where Curtis went. Or Ric, or Brad ... or Scotty or Lucy-- or TJ or Joss... Ok I'll stop!
Tomorrow is MLK day and I'm off-- one of the lucky few!
So Dr. DNA is having and affair and can't go to the police for fear of loosing his precious Veronica but can walk through the dining room of the metro court hand in hand? Makes no sense. And why? Why? Couldn't Rachel have been Serena Baldwin?
ReplyDelete"I'm starting this off with the Val story. It's going to crystallize why I think GH is just recycling stuff over and over. Instead of making an intricate story about how Johnny or Lulu pull one over on Valerie and the PCPD, they have him kidnap her and tie her in a chair in an old cabin."
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget Val's bangs!!! It signed a contract!!! It's the star of the show!!!! :)
"FINALLY! A doctor I could get behind that wasn't taking Sonny's "I'm God in this town, treat me as such" crap."
I KNOW!!!! I love him!!!! Come back!! Don't go!!! Crap! :(
"And...after seeing Paul give Carlos some money Sabrina decides to leave with him, on a boat with absolutely no luggage."
Oh hell! I would go with Caaaaaaaarlos without any luggage! Wherever we go I would just buy clothes! :)
Who Is Rachel Adair? I've been watching GH since Luke & Laura's wedding and don't remember that character.
ReplyDeleteI hate what they did to Johnny at the end, making him crazy AND stupid. He was a good match for Luke's daughter. Lulu & Dante are boring.
*sigh**I was soooo hoping Johnny was back for awhile and running around PC stirring up s#*t. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI no longer care (MaybeI never did) about Hayden or Rachel or whoever she is.
I'll give the new Patrick-to-be a chance. I mean, we seriously need some new hunks. Yeah, I still use "hunks," I'm old.
Thanks for your Sunday Surgery!
Thanks for another good read, kd.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the Valerie story line. I was actually getting excited about the prospect of them making her look like a dirty cop. It could have been so well done. Her reputation would have been in tatters and she would have had to leave town. I actually groaned when I saw the old cabin Luke was tied up in. Definitely lazy writing. Don't they have enough writers to brainstorm a better ending than that?!!
sonya said....Oh hell! I would go with Caaaaaaaarlos without any luggage! Wherever we go I would just buy clothes! :)
PMSL Oh I know you'd go with Carlos without any clothes...errr...luggage. ROFL I think it's # 1 on your bucket list.
I bet the jaguar from Andre is really a bug to spy on Jordan since there aren't already enough bad guys on the show.
ReplyDelete"Di says PMSL Oh I know you'd go with Carlos without any clothes...errr...luggage. ROFL"
ReplyDeleteHahahahahaha! Wanna come with us? :)
"I think it's # 1 on your bucket list."
ROFL! Yup! :)
There are 2 Rachel-Rachael Adair and Rachel Locke-see attached:http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2016/general-hospital-spoilers-who-is-rachel-hayden-barnes-true-identity-revealed-tied-to-nikolas-past.
ReplyDeleteScreamingeagle I remember Rachel Locke!! :)
ReplyDeleteRachel Locke was the mother of Livvie Locke, played by Kelly Monaco on PC. I know soaps play fast and loose with ages, but this would be silly. Then again probably not too many people saw PC and remember Rachel Locke. But I don't think too many people remember Rachel Adair either. I've been watching GH for decades and I don't remember. The article says Rachel Adair was on the show for 7 months. If this is Rachel Adair, it is going to make little impact on the story and just be met with a collective shrug. The way Tracy was building up the secret made me think it was Rebecca, Emily's twin, or something else that was fairly recent and a longer-term story than something from a long time ago that only lasted a few months.
ReplyDeleteI can't see how she could be either of them. I hope they're playing with us by dropping the name and it's someone else altogether.
ReplyDeleteAnd i remember Rachel Locke too, sonya.
"Di said...I can't see how she could be either of them. I hope they're playing with us by dropping the name and it's someone else altogether."
ReplyDeleteYeah I am so confused. I hope we find out really soon and they don't drag this on.
"And i remember Rachel Locke too, sonya."
Awesome! :)